
A Classification of Empathic Failures for Psychotherapists and Supervisors

 Edna M. Mordecai, PhD

Boston Institute for Psychotheraipy,, Inc.

Empathic failure is a normal characteristic of all human relationships. In psychotherapy and the supervision of psychotherapy, empathic failures can have a negative effect; however, with appropriate management, these failures can represent an important opportunity for a therapeutic experience. Due to a variety of factors embedded in the transference/countertransference ambience of therapy, empathic failures are often obscured and neglected by therapists and supervisors. This article proposes a classification for six types of empathic failures according to their sources. It suggests the range of failures within each type, and specifies the obscuring factors, the common errors in response, and the possible interventions for each type of empathic failure. 
At best, our understanding of another person remains partial and imperfect. In psychotherapeutic encounters as well as in clinical supervision, empathic failures occur with regularity. When these failures go unnoticed, they can cause considerable disruption to therapy. An important task of therapy is to attend to injuries that are occasioned by empathic failures. This means that therapists and supervisors must enhance their skills in working through empathic failures in therapy.
A variety of factors operating in both therapy and its supervision can serve to obscure the presence of an empathic failure. Because therapeutic encounters occur in an environment of transference and countertransference phenomena, many of the obscuring factors remain unconscious and therefore invisible. This article presents a system for uncovering hidden empathic failures in order to begin their remediation and reduce their negative effects. The article presents the kinds of signs that indicate empathic failure has occurred and it proposes a classification of six types of empathic failures by sources. For each type, the article identifies: (a) the range of failures encompassed, (b) factors that obscure the perception of such failures, (c) therapeutic errors common to the type, and (d) guidance for creating appropriate empathic interventions.
 Attention to empathic failures is central to successful therapeutic encounters with our patients as well as with the therapists we supervise. They are not mere peripheral nuisances to be gotten out of the way of the "real" therapy.
Empathic failures are noted at different levels of awareness. Obvious failures are signaled, either verbally or affectively, by the patient to the therapist. These can be promptly attended. Hidden failures, however, have signals that occur at lower levels of awareness and therefore require higher levels of alertness on the part of therapist and supervisor. Such signals include the following: (a) any signs of physiological distress in the patient such as blushing or restless shifting of position, (b) avoiding contact by falling silent or averting eye contact, (c) hesitancy of speech or very rapid speech, (d) any of the aforementioned signs in the therapist, (e) a sudden or protracted opacity in the flow of associations, (f) excessive boredom or impatience on the part of the therapist, (g) threatened premature termination, (h) threatened or acted out contract violations, (i) feelings of inadequacy on the part of the therapist, and (j) a long stuck phase that does not yield to interventions. The preceding signals are often recognized by the therapist; they may or may not be reported in supervision. Supervisors should always be alert to the possible presence of these signals even when not reported. They must also recognize the significance of certain obscuring factors, as well as certain response errors, as signals that unreported empathic failures are present. 
The following is an outline of the classification by source. Type I and II failures are identified as inherent to the therapeutic situation. These two are not seen as failures on the part of the therapist, but are included because they are often felt by the patient to be empathic failures and must therefore be treated as such by the therapist. Because they are inherent, they are too often overlooked or underestimated in their potential to cause injury to a patient. Through neglect or mismanagement, they can become passively inflicted empathic failures. Types III through VI failures are actively, though often unwit- tingly, inflicted upon the patient by the therapist.
1. Type I (living): These failures inhere in the ordinary and extraordinary, but unavoidable, negative experiences of life.
2. Type II (contract): These failures inhere in the appropriate administration of the terms of the therapy contract.
2. 类型II(合同):这些失败源于治疗合同的适当执行。
3. Type III (therapist's situational distress): These failures occur when a usually empathic therapist is temporarily facing issues and circumstances that interfere with his or her relationship to the patient.
4. Type IV (therapist's chronic pathology): These failures arise in the pathology of the therapist.
5. Type V (distal): These failures are initiated in circumstances that impinge on the therapy though they are outside of the interpersonal sphere. 
6. Type VI (patient's pathology): These failures arise in the patient's pathology. Two kinds of Type VI failures are presented: (a) repetition, in the therapy, of early trauma; and (b) misunderstanding of the more primitive experiences and mental organizations of generally well-functioning patients.


The concept of empathy has occupied a position of increasing importance in psychoanalytic theory in recent years. Empathy has been viewed from several angles; as one important tool that allows a therapist to know his or her patient, as an impediment to the therapist's neutrality, as an important quality of a caretaker, and as the source of therapeutic interactions. The Glossary of Psy- choanalytic Terms and Concepts of the American Psychoanalytic Association (Moore & Fine, 1971) describes empathy as follows:
 近年来,共情概念在精神分析理论中占有越来越重要的地位。共情可以从几个角度来看待:它是使治疗师了解他或她的患者的重要工具,是治疗师中立性的障碍,是照顾者的重要品质,也是治疗互动的源泉。美国精神分析协会的精神分析术语和概念词汇表(Moore & Fine,1971)描述共情如下:

A special mode of perceiving the psychological state of another person. It is an "emotional knowing" of another human being rather than intellectual understanding. To empathize means temporarily to share, to experience the feelings of the other person. One partakes of the quality but not the quantity, the kind but not the degree of the feelings, (p. 43)

The concept of empathy has not always been central in the developing theory of psychoanalysis. Freud (1921) considered empathy a major tool lead- ing to the accurate understanding of others, writing that "empathy . . . plays the largest part in our understanding of what is inherently foreign to our ego in other people" (p. 108). However, Freud considered empathy to be an archaic system of communication that had, to a great extent, been replaced by spoken language.
Indeed, later theorists (e.g., Hartmann, 1927/1964) expressed extreme cau- tion about the use of empathy. Hartmann saw it as entirely unreliable, unscien- tific, and untestable. Reliance on signs, data, and evidence had gained importance in the attempt to establish psychoanalysis as a scientific endeavor. The scientific approach led psychoanalysts to eschew any information gathered through more primary processes. And, reliance on empathy was not only unscientific, it could lead to a compromise of the rule of neutrality by directing undue attention to feelings.
Object relations theory, on the other hand, returned empathy to a more central place in the theory of human development. The recognition of the role of the human environment in infant development and the importance of an attuned primary caretaker was particularly emphasized by Winnicott (1956/ 1975) and more recently by Stern (1985). They attributed pathology to failures in the "facilitating environment," especially failures by the early caretakers to read and respond accurately to the infant's needs. The experience of neglect as well as the experience of impingement from an unattuned environment causes the development of pathology. Stern emphasized the importance of affective attunement between mother and infant. Without this attunement, the infant experiences uncontainable frustration and confusion. Psychotherapy, in this object relations context, seeks to provide an empathic environment in
which the patient's difficulties can be analyzed in safety. 
In more recent times, even the more classical drive theorists adopted a less suspicious stance toward the phenomenon of empathy. Kernberg (1984), for instance, maintained that empathy is actually one important key to sustaining the all important neutrality in the face of a patient's regressive aggression. Although, for Kernberg, empathy does not occupy the central place that it does in self psychology, empathy does serve as the handmaiden of the more essential neutrality.

It is the self psychology of Kohut and his followers that focused most intensely on the nature of empathy, the effects of empathic failures, and the role of empathy in therapy. Kohut's theories of the etiology and therapy of psychopathology most specifically centered around the uses, misuses, and abuses of empathy. According to Kohut (1984), it is in the context of parental empathic failures that psychopathology is born. And it is in the context of optimal frustration (bearable empathic failures by a therapist) that internal structure is built and the maturation of selfobjects occurs.
Bacal (1985) extended Kohut's concept of optimal frustration with his notion of optimal responsiveness. According to Bacal, it is not optimal frustra- tion that causes transmuting effects on internal structure but the effort on the part of the therapist to recognize and repair the failure in an act of optimal responsiveness. It is not in the failure but in the remediation that structure is built and that the capacities of the self are enhanced.

A fundamental assumption of this article is that the task of the psychotherapist is to develop an understanding of the patient's "psychic reality" (Schwaber, 1983). Over the course of therapy, the therapist constructs a constantly changing model of the inner reality of the patient (Greenson, 1960). Mfarguiijs (1984) stated that "therapeutic truth [is] a dialectic, a creation of the relationship itself, a continuous corning into being . . ." (p. 1029). In this dynamic vision of psychic reality, "empathy is not merely resonating with the other, but an act of will and creativity" (p. 1032). This requires that the therapist be perpetually open to a dialectic between what is known at any given moment in therapy and what is not yet known. Closure must be avoided regarding our knowledge of each unique patient. An accurate grasp of the patient's realtiy is what makes it possible to create interventions leading to changes in internal structure for that patient.
Transmuting opportunities occur in therapy and in supervision when empathy is given a central place as both a means of attending and a source of creative intervention. In order to bring about a truly therapeutic effect, it is essential that the therapist steadfastly witness the patient's reality and carefully and courageously share this understanding in an act of "withness." One potent way this is done is by addressing the reality of empathic failures that occur within the therapeutic encounter.

The following classification is intended to help therapists and supervisors recognize empathic failures and fashion responses that will further the process of therapy.

Type I Failures (Living)
These inherent empathic failures reside in the circumstances of our lives. Our patients (and, indeed, we ourselves) often feel angry and abused when the bee stings, when the dog bites, when the car will not start or there is no parking place. Certainly the more serious events of our lives such as poor health, the death of a loved one, the numerous losses of living, often leave us feeling injured and unsupported. In the more regressed states of therapy, patients often blame their misfortunes on the therapist. This can precipitate considerable discomfort in the dyad.
One obscuring factor in a Type I failure is that it goes unnoticed because the patient is ashamed (consciously or unconsciously) to let the therapist know his or her infantile feelings or magical wishes. To compound the matter, the therapist may fail to recognize this shame and ignore the potential for such feelings. Indeed, partial but inadequate awareness of infantile feelings in the patient may actually stimulate the therapist to respond defensively to being blamed for life's inherent difficulties.
One response error will take the form of a correction of the patient's "distortion." This can only increase the shame and drive away the opportunity to examine a shifting piece of transference. In these circumstances, it is impor- tant to acknowledge the patient's feelings and at the same time resist the pull to reassure, sympathize, or take an inadequate gratifying action. "Pseudo kindnesses" with a parallel "pseudo gratitude" can turn the Type I error into a further obscurant of the patient's feelings of injury. The response to a Type I failure requires that the therapist accept the limits of life within himself or herself. To be internally acquainted with and accepting of our own primitive, magical, and often denied convictions that we should be protected from harm because of our virtues is sometimes all that is required to guard against compounding a Type I failure. Grandiose defensiveness leads us to believe that logical explanations or inadequate substitute gratifications can be therapeutic. If intervention is actually required, it rarely goes beyond an interested acknowledgement of whatever feelings have been aroused, and a conveying of the message that all feelings—however unreasonable they may seem—are valued in therapy.

Type II Failures (Contract)
These are the failures that arise in the contractual limits of therapy. Specifically, they do not include the empathic failures due to the mismanagement of the frame but only those inherent in the appropriate administration of the contract. Ending the hour precisely on time, charging for missed appointments, limiting phone contacts, and abstaining from sharing personal informa- tion are often felt by the patient to be empathic failures. The very act of charging money for time and relationship is often seen as the crassest kind of insult, revealing the therapist's uncaring nature.
The obscuring factor in the Type II failure is the guilt and/or grandiosity of the therapist caused by his or her adherence to a contract in which he or she does not completely believe. An unresolved or unconscious need to be a perfectly giving therapist can wreak havoc with an otherwise reasonable therapy contract. Furthermore, therapists often adopt the contract style of a revered supervisor or colleague. At other times they are constrained by the policies of an agency. Whatever the reason for contract discomfort, it can cause important response errors. A tendency to act out a rescue fantasy by fracturing the terms of the contract can lead to disarray, a breach of safety, or a guilty grandiosity in the patient who may feel that he or she has unfairly compromised the therapist. On the other hand, if a therapist clings rigidly to a poorly executed therapy agreement, the patient may experience despair and hopelessness about ever being treated with consideration for his or her needs. 

Remediation of Type II failures lies in the careful construction of a contract that feels comfortable to the therapist. It requires that the terms of the contract be routinely brought to awareness as potential sources of empathic failure; Although it is important to make sure the contract is clear, it is equally important that the therapist examine his or her own comfort with the contract. It has to be clear to the therapist that his or her needs for privacy, for protection from impingement, and for safety are legitimate. Remediation includes a vigil on the therapist's own need for the contract to preserve his or her therapeutic vitality as well as on the patient's need for stability and safety. 
Type III Failures (Therapist's Situational Distress)
Type III failures are those inflicted when a usually empathic therapist is unable to maintain empathy in a particular situation or at a particular time because of stress in his or her own life. These failures may range from (a) lapses of attention in the therapy hour, (b) being late for an appointment, to (c) forget- ting a piece of essential information about a patient. In the usually attentive and empathic therapist, such lapses cause considerable discomfort and are therefore quite likely to find their way into supervision as explicit issues. In more serious and less discernible cases of Type III failures, the therapist's stress is linked to parallel issues in the patient's material and may therefore be denied or avoided.
Obscuring factors that hide Type III failures can come from the therapist,the patient, or even the supervisor. The therapist's unwillingness or inability to face the issue in his or her own life may be paralleled by the supervisor's reluctance to become therapist to the supervisee. In addition, the therapist may be uncomfortable about a dimly perceived identification with the patient. Even with these powerful obscuring factors in operation, patients are often acutely aware of the therapist's distress and may try to protect the therapist by not acknowledging awareness. At worst, they may blame themselves in a kind of repetition of taking responsibility for parental pathology.  At such points, Type III failures can become Type VI failures. 
Response errors usually grow out of the therapist's and the supervisor's well-intended attempts at "business as usual." They often take the form of repeated erroneous or slightly off interventions that come from the therapist's, not the patient's, distress. In the worst cases the therapist and supervisor join in pathologizing the patient as unworkable or untreatable. This can cause the therapist to fail to take responsibility for a blatant empathic failure.

Remediation can only occur when the therapist and supervisor understand the empathic failure as arising from an aberrant state in the therapist. Failure in the form of distraction, preoccupation, or actual acting out must be owned by the therapist. Whether this owning is to be done explicitly with the patient must be carefully considered. It is important in these instances to keep in mind that for patients who grew up believing that they were responsible for the mistreatment they received, failure to own Type III failure may compound an injury. There can be no corrective action at all until the therapist is able to see his or her part in the failure. If owning, or even apologizing for a failure turns out to be an error, the error will at least then be a visible one.

Type IV Failures (Therapist's Chronic Pathology)

Type IV failures are inflicted by the therapist due to unresolved and ego syntonic countertransference feelings. Syntonicity makes these failures less visible and therefore less available for correction. The intrusion of chronically unacknowledged and acted out needs of the therapist causes failures that include: (a) persistent misunderstandings of the verbal messages of the patient; (b) misinterpretations of the affects surrounding the patient's communications; (c) flagrantly careless management of the frame; (d) financial or social exploitation of the patient; and (e) at the extreme, sexual abuse of the patient.

The signals that Type IV errors are occurring must almost always be noticed by the supervisor; they will rarely be reported. Therefore, it is impor- tant to know that beyond the ordinary signals for the other types of failures, additional signals operate in Type IV failures. An immutable quality to the therapy, the sameness of the pathology of the different patients presented, the paucity of actual data of the therapy, and a tendency to talk about theory rather than therapy should all serve as signals. When a supervisor is persistently feeling devalued, ignored, or overvalued, this should also serve as a signal that a Type IV empathic failure may be at work. signal that a Type IV empathic failure may be at work.

Type IV failures are often deliberately obscured by therapists who know that what they are doing with patients will not receive approval. They are also deliberately obscured by pathologically narcissistic therapists who consider themselves able to break the rules with impunity. It is essential that such problems be caught and dealt with as early in a therapist's career as possible, for such therapists will rarely seek honest consultation once they are independent practitioners. Blindness to these kinds of failures in our colleagues and reluctance to deal with them when they are obvious is a real obscuring factor. This is a matter that must be addressed by the supervisor, but that always needs to be referred to the therapist's own therapy. Due to the nature of these failures, and the shame and/or grandiosity that may accompany them, it is often difficult to be sure that a referral of the matter to the therapist's therapy is successful. Close monitoring of the fate of the difficulty must continue. Severe or intractable cases of Type IV failures require more drastic methods of remediation. The recent rash of reports of abusing therapists has led to recognition that the abuses of these therapists were often known or at least suspected by members of the therapeutic community. It is likely that these therapists may have been suspected of misconduct in their training. Supervisors must be willing to confront such difficulties. It is essential that remediation be addressed first by the supervisor and then, if necessary, by the professional community in the form of appropriate disciplinary action by professional boards.
Type V Failures (Distal)
Type V empathic failures have their source outside of the patient-therapist dyad. These failures are actually inflicted first on the therapist and are then passed along to the patient. Careless supervision, which does not guard the self-esteem of the therapist, is a common source of empathic failures. Low staif morale and poorly administered agency policies are also possible causes of supervisor and therapist failures.

The obscuring factors for Type V failures often occur in supervision that does not provide the therapist with appropriate nurturance and safety. Super- visors must remember the vulnerable and exposed position of the conscientious therapist/supervisee. Ridicule, gossip, and poorly communicated messages have no place in supervision. Questionable agency policies and low staff morale need to be openly acknowledged as burdens to the therapist.

Response errors include a kind of defensive attitude on the part of supervisors in interpreting the agency or the senior staff to the supervisees. Failure to acknowledge the difficulties in these areas and the concomitant tendency by the supervisor to pathologize the trainee who is chafing under these factors works against the therapist and the patient. At worst, supervisors who are careless with the frame of supervision will convey their disdain for frame issues, despite any lofty words to the contrary.

Remediation of distal failures lies in the supervisor's ability to create a holding and facilitating environment for the supervisee, thereby clearly demonstrating the kind of environment he or she expects the supervisee to provide for the patient. The frame must be kept, confidentiality must be explicitly defined, respect must be shown. Honest appraisals of morale and policy difficulties are also important to the self-esteem and confidence of the therapist. The Type V failure on these parameters bears close resemblance to Type III and Type IV remediations.

Type VI Failures (Patient's Pathology)

Type VI failures are those inflicted on the patient due to a misunderstanding of the patient's pathology. Failures emanating from the patient's pathology may take many forms. We look at just two of them: (a) those that occur when an early trauma is reenacted in the therapy, and (b) those that occur because of misjudging the primitive nature of the patient's experience. Identifying the patient's pathology as the source of such failures is in no way meant to place the blame for the failure upon the patient. It is meant, rather respectfully to acknowledge the power of the repetition compulsion in therapeutic interac- tions. It can further help us to discover the presence of pieces of primitive pathology in patients who are generally functioning well.

Miller (1984) reminded us that the need to repeat early trauma in a therapeutic relationship is a necessary step in remembering and working through that trauma. It is through therapy that the repetition cycle can be broken through empathic interpretation of the reenactment. The patient can experi- ence a new ending to an old story. However, sometimes the patient's compul- sion to repeat is so powerful that no matter how strong the wish to have that different ending, the patient must first induce the therapist to reenact with him or her the affect of the earlier trauma in order to bring it to remembrance. These are the times when usually empathic therapists find themselves acting in a sadistic manner toward the patient, being unnecessarily withholding, scolding the patient for the very behaviors that brought him or her to therapy, or committing small acts of abandonment that can have far-reaching consequences. This kind of response to the force of a repetition compulsion is so common that it may even be wise for therapists of abused or abandoned patients to ask themselves early in the process, "How is this patient likely lo involve me in an act of abuse or abandonment?"

The obscuring factors for a Type VI failure are embedded in the patient's inability to remember early trauma in a way that would convey it verbally to the therapist. Caught up in an unconscious exchange, under the sway of powerful forces of projective identification, the usually empathic therapist will need to become exquisitely aware of impulses to harm, insult, abandon, or otherwise humiliate the patient, and to be equally aware of impulses to protect, flatter, or indulge.

Response errors are most commonly made when a therapist uses the therapy to express feelings of annoyance at the patient, who seems endlessly to repeat what had seemed to be worked through. Intractable repetition should alert the therapist and supervisor to the meaning of repetition itself in the present situation. The message from the patient is that, despite "correct inter- pretations" and "empathically intended responses," the patient has not felt understood. On the other hand, in defense of his or her self-esteem, the therapist might reverse negative feelings to pseudo empathy. Such responses become repetitions of the times when abusing caretakers expressed unacknowledged regret through meaningless overindulgences. Pseudo empathy may be accepted as a substitute for a real empathic response and thereby destroy any empathic response and thereby destroy any opportunity to get to know the patient's true suffering. 

Remediation of this kind of empathic failure begins when the therapist sets aside judgment in a true empathic advocacy of the patient as he or she tries again, and yet again, to convey in language the early pain that has so far remained unexpressed. This is done through an empathic act of identification.As Miller (1984) wrote, "I distance myself. . . from an unconscious identification with the parent or pedagogue and consciously identify with the parent or pedagogue and consciously identify with the mute child in the patient" (p. 56)

Type VI failures of the second kind are due to the inability of therapists to be attuned to primitive pathology in generally high functioning patients. When we are working with patients who are frankly psychotic or obviously primitive in other ways, we are more likely to be aware that the experience of the patient is either foreign to us, or will require extraordinary empathic abilities to understand. There is less danger of a hidden empathic failure in those cases because the therapist is, from the start, aware that he or she is not easily able to be in empathy with the patient. In those cases where a primitive experience is at work in a patient who functions competently in most phases of his or her life, it is more difficult to see the pitfalls.
Ogden (1989) proposed that experience is organized in three internal modes. Klein (1948/1975) proposed earlier that experience was organized from either the paranoid/schizoid position or the more oedipal, depressive position. To these, Ogden added the autistic-contiguous position, a mental organization more primitive than either of the others. He proposed that experi- ence is organized in a dialectic between the three modes and that every person, at some times, uses even the most primitive mode. A Type VI failure is most likely to occur when the therapist misunderstands a communication from the autistic-contiguous mode in any patient. The notion that everyone knows this mode at some times promises that this kind of experience is available to the empathic search of therapists who can tolerate it, but can be easily obscured by the terror that such experiences can engender in the therapist. As Ogden (1989) stated:
The autistic-contiguous mode is conceptualized as a sensory-dominated, pre- symbolic mode of generating experience. . . . Anxiety in this mode consists of an unspeakable terror of the dissolution of boundedness resulting in feelings of leaking, falling or dissolving into endless, shapeless space, (p. 81)

If the therapist is in empathy with the patient, he or she will experience these terrors. When we sense that we have misunderstood, and that our verbal attempts at contact have fallen on deaf ears, our own reluctance to share such a terrifying experience can prevent us from imagining ourselves into the experience of the patient. Obscuring factors arise in unconscious countertransference reactions of fear, revulsion, or disbelief at the signs of primitive pathology

Any of the following can signal that we are out of empathy in Type VIb failures: (a) idiosyncratic use of common words, (b) persistent description of feelings in terms of bodily sensations, (c) puzzling hints of thought disorder, and (d) long silences with protestations of emptiness and "nothing to say." It is frightening to glimpse the possibility of malignant regression in an apparently well-compensated patient. We often prefer to formulate these signs as resistance. We too infrequently entertain the possibility that no secondary process translation can convey the patient's experience. We speak, for instance, of well-articulated feelings to people who are experiencing bodily sensations. We interpret silence as resistance, and indeed find many ways to ignore or avoid the "primitive edge of experience" (Ogden, 1989).

Type VI failures are often brought to supervision with frustration and exasperation. Careful recognition of signs of primitive pathology is the first step in making useful interventions. At these times it is essential to focus on the creation and maintenance of a holding environment. When a patient is in an autistic-contiguous mode of experience, it is the rhythm and regularity, the sameness of the situation, and the sound of the therapist's voice that make the empathic connection. Efforts to create a holding environment and a ready recognition of the failure of our efforts to do so require a putting aside of theory, an openness to the unknown, and a tolerance for not knowing that is often disorienting, and therefore fearsome, to the therapist, but is at the graving edge of creative empathy.

This classification can help therapists and supervisors identify and attend to the effects of empathic failures that stall and even destroy so many therapies. The system will certainly benefit from further refinement, but even in its present form can lead to a more useful recognition of our failures. The classification should go into operation at the earliest hint of an empathic failure. A quick mental review of the common sources of empathic failures will stimulate questions to ourselves and our supervisees about what might have occurred. When we develop an hypothesis about the injury, we will be able to avoid a response error and more deftly move toward a useful intervention. Too many therapies founder unnecessarily on unattended empathic failures. A systematic way to recognize, classify, and begin the work of repair for a variety of empathic failures with a variety of sources and severity of effect should be useful to both therapists and supervisors. 


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