
This is another reference to attempts being made to construct a psycho-analytical nosology. It follows to some extent the effort of Edward Glover. but has a more specific reference to the psycho-analytical process, with psycho-genetic implications. The point of view involves no radical change but is more firmly connected with psychic structure and the relations of infantile structures to internal objects.
这涉及到另一个试图建构精神分析分类学的尝试。这里遵循了一些Edward Glover的努力,另一方面更多的涉及到心智起源含义的精神分析历程,其观点是,不卷入激烈的改变,而是稳固的与精神结构、婴儿式的内在客体结构关系建立连结。

Thus the overcoming of the use of massive projective identification as the principal mode of relations is viewed as the crucial step from mental illness to mental health, or the overcoming of psychosis.

However, the concept of the establishment of the internal breast as the basis of stability in mental structure is implicit in Melanie Klein's work from early on and stands in connection with the emphasis she placed on masturbation phantasy as the instrument of regression.

The passing of the genital oedipus complex as the crucial step toward psycho-sexual maturity would not now be viewed as a task of which the small child could be capable, in line with the view that the latency period is primarily a holding position, relying more on obsessional mechanisms than repression itself for its stability.

A fuller discussion of the differentiation between adult and infantile sexuality will be published in which it will be shown how polymorphism in adult and infantile sexuality is based on identification and emulation, respectively, in regard to the polymorphous aspects of the coital relations of the internal parents.

A clear distinction will be drawn between polymorphism and perversity, showing how the latter is related to inadequate splitting-and-idealisation, thus bringing together metapsychologically the perversions, addictions and psychopathies, somewhat in contrast to Freud's suggestion that perversions stand in close relation to the neuroses, as their converse.


[1]"The Introjective Basis of Polymorphism in Adult Sexuality" read to the British Psycho-Analytical Society, 19th October, 1966. ​

作者:Donald Meltzer
陈明 译自《精神分析历程》

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