Relationship Inventory: Forms MO and OS 关系量表(BLRI 调整版)
作者: David Murphy / 8720次阅读 时间: 2013年10月20日
标签: 共情 BLRI

r? i2Gj[,Dw0Relationship Inventory: Forms MO and OS心理学空间h-`0V~(g2S"ep


P wa]|0RELATIONSHIP INVENTORY (Adapted from B-L R I)心理学空间0\1y`He uh


Client Ref: Date: 心理学空间Y&\w*N$V*|

1J!da|$T5f0Gender: M / F 心理学空间Otg0u a0Id

心理学空间I)@#K HXI@p&z&Y

Therapist ID心理学空间*f`A$O0P2I z

心理学空间%Q#u ?-bL,L

Session No. 心理学空间9t7})iz*m2a#zs~

心理学空间A:o JxEbKb'E y

Below are listed a variety of ways that one person may feel or behave in relation to another person. Please consider each statement with reference to your counselling/therapy relationship. Circle a score for each question according to how strongly you feel it is true or not true in this relationship. 

`-a%l`&[@ N0

V6J/z;w$sN4p0Please give a mark for every statement. Circle either, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 to stand for the following answers: 

2~ wuvQ?0心理学空间 ^;n|v*l ^ Q

1 = No, I strongly feel that it is not true  心理学空间C:E }%x;R2Jg(O

`"bf _"JO[?02 = No I feel it is not true 

jK.g#W(F0心理学空间 \9R+|[ @s

3 = No, I feel that it is probably untrue, or more untrue than true 


R/E5i&H:|$P04 =Yes, I feel it is probably true, or more true than untrue 

6@u p EG.E0

3p[7JL)e#F7]05 =Yes I feel it is true 

3yv F"lUyfr0心理学空间;o#Q boS

6 =Yes I strongly feel that it is true 心理学空间{k'f-d ox7S

心理学空间"k;Dm K:?/^


W2? W+k)Y)g`6[ k4@0

(D9B-I)R&d,|01 I respect them as a person.我尊敬其人心理学空间1VK9l*Cu~!R)o5r S

心理学空间G e%Ofd Z0k

2 I want to understand how they see things.我想要理解他们如何看待事情心理学空间!t;aMglSo!z {

心理学空间9|$YQK ~v

3 My interest in them depends on what they say or do.我对他们的兴趣来自他们所说所为


T,G^h"NQ04 I am comfortable and at ease in our relationship.在我们的关系中我觉得舒服和放松心理学空间zJ)f&]:h G


5 I understand their words but I do not understand the way they feel.我理解他们话语中的意思但是我法了解他们的感觉心理学空间#ol@Xj4C5~Fl

+J(Rl3n/W$X#U06 Whether they feel happy or unhappy with themselves makes no real difference to the way I feel about them.无论他们自己觉的开心或悲伤,我对待他们的方式横竖一样心理学空间i N4_U;S#H*~

心理学空间#[F7~Lm'm(CI/Gf f

7 I feel that I put on a role or a front with them.我觉得我在做戏/打肿脸充胖子心理学空间{4D `-u] D B a'ET

心理学空间A {M+qg)c e

8 I am impatient with them.我对他们很有耐心心理学空间)j`^Wj$v-t

!m9DNx%H0Ju*J09 I feel appreciation toward them.我对他们心存感激

,e |g5Ud4`cJ3i0心理学空间^,vHp*g~VmV

10 I usually sense or realise what they are feeling.心理学空间s@|qD h!c

心理学空间H|'u M2Vd)y:e

11 I want them to be a particular kind of person.


!K,@_ P c wa*w"Cc012 I nearly always feel that what I say expresses exactly what I am feeling and thinking as I say it.

Eo,A'NE|0心理学空间1oJ,U,Gn HCT

13 I find them rather dull and uninteresting.

"}H*e&mFGB X @1R0心理学空间E2UL4Q3g,x\3p

14 My own attitudes towards some of the things they do or say prevents me from understanding them.

cn?+J QtTU'jH0

R7p A)R9fx)I!C015 They can (or could) be openly critical or appreciative of me without really making me feel any differently about them.心理学空间8A(x]xb Iw

:IEOS6scf+a016 I want them to think that I like them or understand them more than I really do.心理学空间gA)t$T7D;p6jS

6fU+~_,Y _*~\)z017 I just tolerate them.


%P-W9Z_4dJ018 I usually understand the whole of what they mean.心理学空间U?2K*C8f;d}B5e/_

aa }z%V _ FM1N&B9O019 If they show that they are angry with me, I become angry with them, too.

r's$^1B6\ r%Fd.H ]0

IoI tr v$E020 I express my true impressions and feelings with them.

I|%m;\.BC%WE&l%D B0

&]i'p1B&S,AnE y a9D021 I am friendly and warm with them.

l U.g)Mu9B1e9C4h0

lu*wZ GN*uN022 I just take no notice of some things that they think or feel.心理学空间2y;W'H ]"OR ^

心理学空间@Cx!XM1J X;B@I

23 How much I like or dislike them is not altered by anything that they tell me about their self.

"r C Y d:@NHHt0

kA W6\:N024 At times they sense that I am not aware of what I am really feeling with them. 

z i LQx0

jh8lsGA025 I am openly myself in our relationship.

kS*k4r9`b2k0心理学空间7jfa*B ^

26 They seem to irritate and bother me.


\i@8g \ e9H027 I do not realise how sensitive they are about some of the things we discuss.

j8a H2S }&j2wMr }0

xvjD$m8r/X~028 Whether the ideas and feelings they express are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ seems to make no difference to my feeling toward them.心理学空间j2PZ0hR;^7Bn3yTw


29 I understand them.

i i k$C?0

7\ vP^'E0S&o030 Sometimes they are more worthwhile in my eyes than they are at other times.心理学空间;p%Jj f%NK


31 I am truly interested in them.心理学空间(jp,F:?u

2Rt sx9k"b3V#`,b032 What I say to them often gives a wrong impression of my whole thought or feeling at the time.

O`b(~3buT0心理学空间&Ei @`]n&^w(Ti


4S3_:[6F @C b0===================================心理学空间"c {Lyb2H&}



9p@Z K+K'Zp0Client Ref: Date: 

&df T(i&n FR0

k:nXmM/z0Gender: M / F 

D(h;D NN,V7sQE#@[\0心理学空间oke AM.W;KvE

Therapist ID心理学空间&t!F7{,]1l Ol

2[i2P3L&M|)C$v0Session No. 心理学空间$d/m)^0F6x:r%y}


Below are listed a variety of ways that one person may feel or behave in relation to another person. Please consider each statement with reference to your counselling/therapy relationship. Circle a score for each question according to how strongly you feel it is true or not true in this relationship. Please give a mark for every statement. Circle either, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 to stand for the following answers: 


^1No A8t3Ie9Hp01 = No, I strongly feel that it is not true心理学空间:I U8ej9Q0bs


2 = No I feel it is not true 心理学空间c s)} MArWx'_

心理学空间 G&}/~+o r a

3 = No, I feel that it is probably untrue, or more untrue than true心理学空间9jP K AEaD&y

p(\;u'r mu s6b6`04 =Yes, I feel it is probably true, or more true than untrue

/WOHZ p0N*[!eK?Q0]f_kbD|05 =Yes I feel it is true 心理学空间A3}K[6OB ]

K5\X?)j8q!AJT@h i06 =Yes I strongly feel that it is true 心理学空间$m`T"u[!m

5j2QgLoYrX0===================================心理学空间e W.Mr%Gp3}

:J#E X [;`H,Q^9c uD.[01 They respect me as a person.心理学空间#k.w3ah1[_]n1l

@8vGuH0v3e/o02 They want to understand how I see things.


+W#ijyT03 Their interest in me depends on what I say or do.心理学空间5X3u8C N`UB

^/a6xNx\&Y04 They are comfortable and at ease in our relationship.心理学空间c8g5s2L5c6G

z7`XyQ05 They understand my words but do not understand the way I feel.


;sqA_dCPJ:Xj06 Whether I am feeling happy or unhappy with myself makes no real difference to the way they feel about me.

&M:f fN3M nT"U x0心理学空间 UxZ'Z@ZY n

7 I feel that they put on a role or a front with me.心理学空间JZbB&d+Sc X8v.S


8 They are impatient with me.心理学空间9Y;V4P+x[X1?1uk

I4hb(h/|4w/c0f09 They feel appreciation toward me.心理学空间;{a.lE"`/I3e7kG.Z


10 They usually sense or realise what I am feeling.心理学空间4w,C&i)^kY2{

f4^'AXamYB011 They want me to be a particular kind of person.心理学空间.R}dHx(N5h VJ.b5I:x

L'["W%I9Sc%y012 I nearly always feel that what they say expresses exactly what they are feeling and thinking as they say it.

V dD^,d0dVZ ]0

~#t[/LEeV013 They find me rather dull and uninteresting.心理学空间oJpk+c ||

心理学空间 |uM8U@'q`B ^u

14 Their own attitude towards some of the things I do or say prevents them from understanding me.心理学空间,NF"AWjwF+E1F:bd

心理学空间5i,r!n-| Y$E/c

15 I can (or could) be openly critical or appreciative of them without really making them feel any differently about me.心理学空间 q~!O^[x

^:J;A x*Z[016 They want me to think that they like me or understand me more than they really do.

i;z6vkQ6K-h!e _0心理学空间 S9D,g8\!NO3S5]6N

17 They just tolerate me.

!do c&b3{V\(I si(h0

\(MJ P~D7sG[d018 They usually understand the whole of what I mean.心理学空间;]8?%zI#v%OX;hx$gj

O"j1cu!ejRy Jj019 If I show that I am angry with them they become angry with me, too.

3pNu;[qn0心理学空间O}kZ'C g/fCW

20 They express their true impressions and feelings with me.心理学空间RbI'iVT7m

心理学空间-_6lL1^9ykI C

21 They are friendly and warm with me.

"Z W |%TQOL0心理学空间~@'r-b"f(nR'Z1N

22 They just take no notice of some things that I think or feel.心理学空间v9X qSb[5M

L8`4F,Ws M)W5M023 How much they like or dislike me is not altered by anything that I tell them about myself.


#H'T2g4w1p'L _ E:@{024 At times I sense that they are not aware of what they are really feeling with me. 


}.kH4bO025 They are openly their self in our relationship.

.q;L Yhzo0心理学空间BDa.YX%?.{5R

26 I seem to irritate and bother them.心理学空间.OWq6u#KV

心理学空间;WM } iXQ(S`

27 They do not realise how sensitive I am about some of the things we discuss.心理学空间"S4g E4U_@


28 Whether the ideas and feelings I express are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ seems to make no difference to their feeling toward me.心理学空间#a;n-_#Ci N9jC/Yh ^

g&G-k,D D0c029 They understand me.


#A'aY9sQ030 Sometimes I am more worthwhile in their eyes than I am at other times.心理学空间9S'`)GxJ2f9x


31 They are truly interested in me.心理学空间Nt.XD~A/H

心理学空间#\xG|#d S c

32 What they say to me often gives a wrong impression of their whole thought or feeling at the time.心理学空间l1dWtOr$v

心理学空间z$r)t-u @Si'~

 心理学空间)QbV+r i$q+?"zE


bu#i/ixh0心理学空间 Iu^v {"j'nX

心理学空间p8r ~^+I],[v




«共情的神经生物基础 共情 Empathy
《共情 Empathy》
Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory (BLRI)巴雷莱纳关系问卷简介»
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