作者: 陈明 译 / 16710次阅读 时间: 2015年3月28日
标签: Zajonc ZAJONC


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罗伯特·扎荣茨1923年出生于波兰罗兹,是家中独子。16岁纳粹侵占波兰,父母在战火中双亡,自己重伤。加入华沙地下大学被派遣到德国参与工人运动,逃脱,又被抓回,送到法国政治监狱,又逃脱,加入法国抵抗组织,在巴黎索邦神学院(巴黎大学的前身)学习,1944年21岁到达英格兰,是联军中的美军翻译。战后,在巴黎为联合国救济总署工作。1948年移居美国之前在德国蒂宾根大学学习学习心理学。1948年直接来到了美国密歇根州的安阿伯,并在密歇根州大学团体动力学研究中心(RCGD)完成了本科和研究生工作。扎荣茨博士在RCDG的导师是 Dorwin (Doc) Cartwright。在他获得的博士学位之后的40年里,扎荣茨博士在密歇根州大学任教,同时作为董事隶属于RCGD和社会研究所。

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N QMn{!g01948年直接来到了美国密歇根州的安阿伯,并在密歇根州大学团体动力学研究中心(RCGD)完成了本科和研究生工作。扎荣茨博士在RCDG的导师是 Dorwin (Doc) Cartwright。在他获得的博士学位之后的40年里,扎荣茨博士在密歇根州大学任教,同时作为董事隶属于RCGD和社会研究所。1994年扎荣茨博士来到了斯坦福大学做心理学教授。心理学空间hP;W(~-OnA

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$~~h~!F0扎荣茨博士的职业生涯获得了许多著名奖项,包括1978年美国心理学协会(APA)的科学贡献奖,实验社会心理学会杰出科学家奖。华沙鲁汶大学荣誉心理学博士学位,1975由于对出生顺序的和智力开发的研究,获得美国科学促进协会研究奖(与G. Markus共享)。他的履历中还包括许多服务于专业领域的贡献,他做了8年的异常和社会心理杂志的副主编;曾是APA普通心理学会的主席,实验社会心理学会前任主席;他曾服务于APA科学事务委员会;作为美国国家科学院成员,他是1976前苏联的驻外代表。还帮助成立了华沙大学研究社会研究所。(陈明译)

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1975年,Robert B. Zajonc与G. B. Markus在《Psychological Review》发表了一个理论,解释为何长子女比在家庭中排序较后的子女的智力较高[1]。这个理论,到今时今日仍是一个备受关注的理论,称之为群集理论(confluence model)。根据这个理论的论点,一般而言出生排序愈前,智力水平相对较高;相反地出生排序愈后,智力水平相对较低。这是因为在家庭内,长子女在他们早年的成长时期只有成年人与他们相伴,因此他们的日常生活都经常与智力水平较高的人相处。而另一方面,出生排序较后的子女有其他兄弟姊妹共享资源,所以家庭的资源被稀释,所以其在学业成就的表现不如长子女或独生子女[2]。而这个现象不独在西方社会出现,即使在东亚地区亦一样[3]。


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不过,这个理论仍有一个弱点,就是有些出生排序较低的子女,研究发现他们所得到的资源不比长子女差。通常这些子女对上的兄弟姊妹都比他们年长至少五年。因此,一方面他们的兄弟姊妹对家庭的倚赖相对较少,使他们可以得到成人更多的照顾;另一方面,较年长的兄弟姊妹亦能够领导这些弟妹。技术上,这一类出现与长子女相近智力水平的弟妹,被称为「功能长子女」(functional firstborns)。



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[1]Zajonc, R. B., & Markus, G. B .(1975年). Birth Order and Intellectual Development. Psychological Review, 82, 74-88.心理学空间1G]GP"@7Gc



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[3]謝穎慧、莊英章,(2005年),出生序、社經地位、婚姻與生育:日治時期竹山、峨眉,和竹北等四個閩客社區的例子,《人口學刊》, 第31期,2005年12月,頁41-68。心理学空间+fX%Q(k0R%c2R c

The Publications of Robert B. Zajonc



"q!`SKb0CQV0Zajonc, R. B. (1952). Aggressive attitudes of the stranger as a function of conformitypressures. Human Relations, 5, 205-216.

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H&H:fXa B:s;Y0_0Zajonc, R. B. (1954). Some effects of "space" serials. Public Opinion Quarterly, 18,367-374.心理学空间-{ @c!_y Jo

fI5AtjfM7z%Y/rQ0Zajonc, R. B. (1956). Method in social science. Contemporary Psychology, 5,137-139.French,]. R. P. Jr., &: Zajonc, R. B. (1957). An experimental study of cross-culturalnorm conflict. Journal of Abnormal Social Psychology, 54, 218-224.心理学空间7K|BP$aE w

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Zajonc, R. B. (1957). Psychology in Poland. American Psychologist, 12, 730-733.

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Zajonc, R. B. (1959). Myriads of memory experiments. Contemporary Psychology,4, 150-152.


Zajonc, R. B., & Burnstein, E. (1959). Apparatus for recording orienting responses.American Journal of Psychology, 72, 271-274.心理学空间I].O/z_*t w

t,A fe R V.Q;|Z0Zajonc, R. B., & Smoke, W. (1959). Redundancy in task assignments and groupperformance. Psychometrika, 24, 361-370.


N8[5z[U@3^HXn5Z0Zajonc, R. B. (1960). The concepts of balance, congruity, and dissonance. PublicOpinion Quarterly, 24, 380-396.

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Zajonc, R. B. (1960). The process of cognitive tuning in communication. Journal ofAbnormal Social Psychology, 61, 159-168.

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Zajonc, R. B., &: Morrissette, ]. (1960). Cognitive behavior under uncertainty andambiguity. Psychological Reports, 6, 31-36.心理学空间)@-wb6d3`3h8t!jf

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Zajonc, R. B., & Morrissette,]' (1960). The role of uncertainty in cognitive change.Journal of Abnormal Social Psychology, 61, 168-176.心理学空间Ih-E3rF5{"yzO

&W{_L'|0Zajonc, R. B., &: Burnstein, E. (1961). The resolution of cognitive conflict underuncertainty. Human Relations, 14, 113-119.心理学空间C[&vSN5f u


Zajonc, R. B., &: Wahi, K. (1961). Conformity and need achievement under crossculturalnorm conflict. Human Relations, 14, 241-250.


Smoke, W., &: Zajonc, R. B. (1962). On the reliability of group judgments anddecisions. In]. Criswell, H. Solomon, &: P. Suppes (Eds.), Mathematic methodsin small group processes (pp. 322-333). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.心理学空间k p9x'CDy7]b"etx,n

!Rk(EL%n8c/j6k%|w,j0Zajonc, R. B. (1962). The effects of feedback and probability of group success onindividual performance. Human Relations, 15, 149-163.心理学空间,z9dgT"U,~


Zajonc, R. B. (1962). Methods in small group processes (pp. 322-333). Stanford, CA:Stanford University Press.

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Zajonc, R. B. (1962). A note on group judgments and group size. Human Relations,15,177-180.

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Zajonc, R. B. (1962). A note on Mooney's "Perception as related to military problems."In F. A. Geldard (Ed.), Defense psychology (Vol. 1, pp. 272-274). New York:Pergamon Press.


N0vV3N#g.u0Zajonc, R. B. (1962). Response suppression in perceptual defense. Journal of ExperimentalPsychology, 64, 206-214.心理学空间7iw;D @ d4X*K2d

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Zajonc, R. B., &: Burnstein, E. (1962). A reply to Dr. jordan's comments. HumanRelations, 15, 280.

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.z"a+^Z6a:fFzY0Zajonc, R. B., &:Smoke, W. (1962). Optimal task assignments for group performance.In N. F. Washburne (Ed.), Decisions, values, and groups (pp. 279-290). NewYork: Macmillan.心理学空间+s$Evp[ r$C


Zajonc, R. B., &: Dorfman, D. D. (1963). Some effects of sound, background,brightness, and economic status on the perceived size of coins and discs. Journalof Abnormal Social Psychology, 66, 87-90.心理学空间F};Q;l#};vC-x/zxW

8k&i.[ h!u0Zajonc, R. B., &: Taylor, J. (1963). The effects two methods of varying group taskdifficulty on individual and group performance. Human Relations, 16,359-368.

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Zajonc, R. B., &: Dorfman, D. D. (1964). Perception, drive, and behavior theory.Psychological Review, 71, 273-290.

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Zajonc, R. B., &: Nieuwenhuyse, B. (1964). Relationship between word frequencyand recognition: Perceptual process or response bias? Journal of ExperimentalPsychology, 67, 276-285.心理学空间W?:XLi,W

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Burnstein, E., &: Zajonc, R. B. (1965). The effect of group success on the reductionof status incongruence in task-oriented groups. Sociometry, 28, 349-362.

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Burnstein, E., &: Zajonc, R. B. (1965). Individual task performance in a changingsocial structure. Sociometry, 28, 16-29.

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French,]. R. P.Jr., &: Zajonc, R. B. (1965). Eine experimentelle Studie des interkulturellenNormkonflikts. In H. Thomae (Ed.), Die Motivation menschlichen Handelns.Cologne: Kiepenheuer &: Witsch.心理学空间1x+w)]"|z_q


Zajonc, R. B. (1965). The requirements and design of a standard group task. Journalof Experimental Social Psychology, 1, 71-88.

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xwa [m{0Zajonc, R. B. (1965). Social facilitation. Science, 149, 269-274.心理学空间;NgVZ$k(UK%`wYx

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Zajonc, R. B., &: Burnstein, E. (1965). The learning of balanced and unbalancedsocial structures. Journal of Personality, 33, 153-163.心理学空间WQV@Lw)Yy"P$q7kv

;H5n l'C8i,jyZ0Zajonc, R. B., &: Burnstein, E. (1965). Structural balance, reciprocity, and positivityas sources of cognitive bias. Journal of Personality, 33, 570-583.心理学空间 }9WYy5uA b`FvN

H&y/`n5Ho$c0Zajonc, R. B., &: Cross, D. v. (1965). Stimulus generalization as a function of driveshift. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69, 363-368.

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Zajonc, R. B. (1966). Social psychology: An experimental approach. Belmont, CA:Wadsworth. Translated into French by Y. Noizet as Psychologie sociale experimentale,and published by Dunod, Paris, 1967. Translated into Spanish by I. Acarretaas La psicologia social: Estudios experimentales, and published by Marfil, S. A.,心理学空间;b@uL:X u!H4K/]T

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Alcoy (Spain), 1967. Translated into Swedish by Monica Aberg-Johansson asExperimentell SOcialpsykologi, and published by Wahlstrom Widstrant, Stockholm,1968.

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Zajonc, R. B., &: Sales, S. (1966). Social facilitation of dominant and subordinateresponses. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2, 160-168.

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Zajonc, R. B., &: Wolfe, D. M. (1966). Cognitive consequences of a person's positionin a formal organization. Human Relations, 19, 139-150.

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van Kreveld, D., &: Zajonc, R. B. (1966). The learning of influence structures. Journalof Personality, 34, 205-223.心理学空间4v;Q4@%M;Po"N

[J6m_syr;g0Siegel, S., &: Zajonc, R. B. (1967). Group risk-taking in profeSSional decisions.SOciometry, 30, 339-349.

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Zajonc, R. B., &: Marin, I. C. (1967). Cooperation, competition, and interpersonalattitudes in small groups. Psychonomic Science, 7, 271-272.


Zajonc, R. B., &: Sherman, S. ]. (1967). Structural balance and the induction ofrelations. Journal of Personality, 35, 635-650.


i+m9^ N;J.b9_:K2q$U1t0Zajonc, R. B. (1968). Attitudinal effects of mere exposure. Journal oj Personality andSocial Psychology, Monograph Supplement, 9, 1-27.心理学空间"f&jn1z:m*])`7WJd

oF,Ll6U1s(T.J0Zajonc, R. B. (1968). Cognitive theories in social psychology. In G. Lindzey &. E.Aronson (Eds.), Handbook oj social psychology (319-411). New York: RandomHouse.心理学空间,@.N;Wo1IU'^/O|P

S1s)IQ F0[I9j6B0Zajonc, R. B. (1968). Conformity. In International encyclopedia oj the social sciences(pp. 253-260). New York: Crowell-Collier.

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Zajonc, R. B. (1968). Social facilitation in the cockroach. In E. C. Simmel, R. A.Hoppe, &. G. A. Milton (Eds.), Social Jacilitation and imitative behavior (pp.73-87). Boston: Allyn &: Bacon.

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Zajonc, R. B. (1968). Thinking: II. Cognitive organization and process. In Internationalencyclopedia oj the social sciences (pp. 615-622). New York: Crowell-Collier.

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9lU X:}j%z,hY:i,| y0Matlin, M., &. Zajonc, R. B. (1968). Social facilitation of word associations. Journaloj Personality and Social Psychology, 10, 455-460.心理学空间.Q9K`A5P,]r)i\)@0}

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Rubin, Z., &. Zajonc, R. B. (1969). Structural bias and generalization in the learningof social structures. Journal oj Personality, 37, 310-324.心理学空间k(Dj H yE:R(_

;p%LTxWC0Zajonc, R. B. (1969). Animal social psychology. New York: Wiley.

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Zajonc, R. B., &: Brickman, P. (1969). Expectancy and feedback as independentfactors in task performance. Journal oj Personality and Social Psychology, 11,l48-156.

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-|0d/a%p&U+`%f0Zajonc, R. B., Heingartner, A., &: Herman, E. M. (1969). Social enhancement andimpairment of performance in the cockroach. Journal oj Personality and SocialPsychology, 13, 83-92.心理学空间jpWd8U Iy Z

!xMYx3F0Zajonc, R. B., &. Raj ecki , D. W. (1969). Exposure and affect: A field experiment.Psychonomic Science, 17, 216-217.


+[p7oHw8al"`c'i7G$h+}']0Zajonc, R. B., Wolosin, R.]., &. Sherman, S.]. (1969). Group risk taking in a twochoicesituation: Replication, extension, and a model. Journal oj ExperimentalSocial Psychology, 5, 127-l40.心理学空间)V2Gy8{'mZA

.c@BV6bW Ua,g0Harrison, A. A., &: Zajonc, R. B. (1970). The effects of frequency and duration ofexposure on response competition and affective ratings. Journal oj Psychology,75, 163-169.

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"u9L$^-K@(F c3GO0Zajonc, R. B. (1970). Brainwash: Familiarity breeds comfort. Psychology Today, 3,32-35, 60-62.


4y2_{;dD.w`5P0Zajonc, R. B., Wolosin, M. R. ]., Wolosin, M. A., &: Loh, W. D. (1970). Socialfacilitation and imitation in group risk-taking. Journal oj Experimental SocialPsychology, 6, 26-46.


Zajonc, R B. (1971). Animal social behavior. Morristown, N]: General Learning Press.


PC6V1zg0Zajonc, R B. (1971). Attraction, affiliation, and attachment. In]. F. Eisenberg &:W. Dillon (Eds.), Man and beast: Comparative social behavior (pp. 142-179).Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.


Zajonc, R B., Swap, W. c., Harrison, A A, &: Roberts, P. (1971). Limiting conditionsof the exposure effect: Satiation and relativity. Journal of Personality and SocialPsychology, 18, 384-39l.


-mm!qJT7vD0Zajonc, R B. (1972). Some empirical and theoretical continuities in the socialbehavior of animals and men. In R Chauvin (Ed.), Modeles animaux du comportementhumain (Colloques internationaux du C.N.RS. 198, pp. 303-342). Paris:Editions Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.


]&~w~ } s/]0Zajonc, R B., Shaver, P., Tavris, c., &: van Kreveld, D. (1972). Exposure, satiation,and stimulus discriminability. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 21,270-280.


Zajonc, R B., Wolosin, R]., &: Wolosin, M. A (1972). Group risk-taking undervarious group decision schemes. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 8,16-30.


Saegert, S. c., Swap, W., &: Zajonc, R B. (1973). Exposure, context, and interpersonalattraction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 25, 234-242.心理学空间mHk6y{8M)cA

BD ~5dy0Zajonc, R B., Reimer, D.]., &: Hausser, D. (1973). Imprinting and the developmentof object preference in chicks by mere repeated exposure. Journal of ComparativePhysiological Psychology, 83, 434-440.心理学空间(c4q0`2ac,kQw

ZKR+^)oN#MP$c6l0Zajonc, R B., Crandall, R, Kail, R Y., Jr., &: Swap, W. (1974). Effect of extremeexposure frequencies on different affective ratings of stimulus. Perceptual andMotor Skills, 38, 667-678.心理学空间#U)eR4fo+e

J[oP#@+P0Zajonc, R B., Wilson, W. R, &: Markus, H. (1974). Exposure, object preference,and distress in the domestic chick. Journal of Comparative and PhysiologicalPsychology, 581-585.心理学空间,q;Fnz0H

i.^5Mw)U0Zajonc, R B., Markus, H., &: Wilson, W. R (1974). Exposure effects and associativelearning. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 10, 248-263.心理学空间G IK4Z9]HRy

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Zajonc, R B. (1975, January). Dumber by the dozen. Psychology Today, pp. 37-43.

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N%A rBm@9p0Zajonc, R B., &: Markus, G. B. (1975). Birth order and intellectual development.PsycholOgical Review, 82, 74-88.

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]F {3b*v5Y0Zajonc, R. B., Wilson, W. R., &: Rajecki, D. W. (1975). Affiliation and social discriminationproduced by brief exposure in day-old chicks. Animal Behavior, 23,l31-l38.


Moreland, R. L., &: Zajonc, R. B. (1976). A strong text of exposure effects. Journalof Experimental Social Psychology, 12, 170-179.

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Q!_(Y!E1KUc,y#{0Zajonc, R. B. (1976). Falling SAT's and rising reading scores. Economic Outlook USA,3,62-63.


Zajonc, R. B. (1976). Family configuration and intelligence. Science, 192,227-236.

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Ghu}d.Jm0Markus, G. B., &: Zajonc, R. B. (1977). Family configuration and intellectual development:A simulation. Behavioral Science, 22, l37-l42.


pwx&C.D `%c8tg0Moreland, R. L., &: Zajonc, R. B. (1977). Is stimulus recognition a necessary conditionfor the occurrence of exposure effects? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,35, 191-199.心理学空间J&z,|4TQPuW


Moreland, R. L., &: Zajonc, R. B. (1979). Exposure effects may not depend onstimulus recognition. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 37, 1085-1089.心理学空间r}p$h5r B8L@,^


Zajonc, R. B., Markus, H., &: Markus, G. B. (1979). The birth order puzzle. Journalof Personality and Social Psychology, 37, l3 2 5-1341.


7G-lxa/WP+D?:U0Kunst-Wilson, W. R., &: Zajonc, R. B. (1980). Affective discrimination of stimulithat cannot be recognized. Science, 207, 557-558.心理学空间*DS'n;YF c;A(XU

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Zajonc, R. B. (1980). Cognition and social cognition: A historical perspective. In L.Festinger (Ed.), Four decades of social psychology (pp. 180-204). New York:Oxford University Press.

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Zajonc, R. B. (1980). Compresence. In P. P. Paulus (Ed.), Psychology of group influence(pp. 35-60). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

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)j ?^9hQ6?*b]$p0Zajonc, R. B. (1980). Feeling and thinking: Preferences need no inferences. AmericanPsycholOgist, 35, 151-175.

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ix `@Rrb,V+N"q2]0Zajonc, R. B., &: Bargh,]. (1980). Birth order, family size, and decline of SAT scores.American PsycholOgist, 35, 662-668.

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Zajonc, R. B., &: Bargh,]. (1980). The confluence model: Parameter estimation forsix different data sets on family factors and intelligence. Intelligence, 4, 349-361.心理学空间{ US5d"B#G'? W

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Zajonc, R. B., Berbaum, M., Hamill, R., Moreland, R. L., &: Akeju, S. A. (1980).Family factors and the intellectual performance of Nigerian eleven-year olds.The West African Journal of Educational and Vocational Measurement, 5, 19-26.心理学空间/`y$vt r@X.U


Zajonc, R. B. (1981). A one-factor mind about mind and emotion. American Psychologist,36, 102-103.


Zajonc, R. B. (1981). Soziale Aktivierung. In W. Stroebe (Ed.), Sozialpsychogie (Vol.2,227-246). Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchengesellschaft.

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3yu^6OQ/bZw z0Berbaum, M., Markus, G. B., &: Zajonc, R. B. (1982). A closer look at Galbraith'scloser look. Developmental Psychology, 18, 174-180.心理学空间+^w3V6u DR!Qat)o

0sP?/p]\!s6I8Nh0Moreland, R. L., &: Zajonc, R. B. (1982). Exposure effects in person perception:Familiarity, similarity, and attraction. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,18, 395-415.

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Monahan,J L., Murphy, S. T., &. Zajonc, R. B. (in press). Subliminal mere exposure:Specific, general and diffuse effects. Psychological Science.



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