作者: Jiah Yoo APS / 6460次阅读 时间: 2017年9月17日
来源: 陈明 译 标签: 积极情绪 跨文化
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Link Between Positive Emotions and Health Depends on Culture
by Jiah Yoo APS
陈明 翻译

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Positive emotions are often seen as critical aspects of healthy living, but new research suggests that the link between emotion and health outcomes may vary by cultural context. The findings, published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, show that experiencing positive emotions is linked with better cardiovascular health in the US but not in Japan.

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E4_e I(f)j5c'\N0积极情绪通常被视为健康生活的关键方面,但新的研究表明情感和健康结果之间的联系可能因文化背景而有所不同。这项发表在APS期刊《心理科学》杂志上的研究结果表明,在美国,积极的情绪与心血管健康的改善有关,而在日本则不然。心理学空间shpPK*r

/u_9Q|QE1d0“Our key finding is that positive emotions predict blood-lipid profiles differently across cultures,” says psychological scientist Jiah Yoo of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. “American adults who experience high levels of positive emotions, such as feeling ‘cheerful’ and ‘extremely happy’, are more likely to have healthy blood-lipid profiles, even after accounting for other factors such as age, gender, socioeconomic status, and chronic conditions. However, this was not true for Japanese adults.”心理学空间1aoY"H-y#u

.`vqUNwn z0威斯康星-麦迪逊大学的心理学家Jiah Yoo说:“我们的关键发现是,在跨文化研究中,以积极情绪预测血脂的高低,其结果是不同的。”,“即使是在考虑到年龄、性别、社会经济地位和慢性病等因素后,那些体验了诸如了“快乐”和“极度幸福”的这些较高积极情绪的美国人,更有可能拥有健康的血脂。然而,这对日本成年人来说,并非如此。”


5^"H%u*q#|$C:pBq"{0“Our findings underscore the importance of cultural context for understanding links between emotion and health, something that has been largely ignored in the literature,” Yoo adds. “Although some studies have examined cultural differences in links between positive emotions and healthy functioning, this work is novel in that it includes biological measures of health and large representative samples from both countries.”

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_$x/?7RcR0The fact that positive emotions are conceived of and valued differently across cultures led Yoo and colleagues to wonder whether the health benefits observed in tandem with positive emotions might be specific to Western populations.
3o^ `My0事实上,LED Yoo和同事们设想并验证了积极情绪在跨文化中是不同的,他们想知道,同积极情绪相关联的、观察到的健康益处是否可能只对西方人群有效。心理学空间#yzl/|k:J)s B

*i8ZAkuRQcw0“In American cultures, experiencing positive emotions is seen as desirable and is even encouraged via socialization. But in East Asian cultures, people commonly view positive emotions as having dark sides – they are fleeting, may attract unnecessary attention from others, and can be a distraction from focusing on important tasks,” says Yoo.心理学空间BDk!IP ex

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The researchers designed a cross-cultural comparison, examining data from two large representative studies of adults: Midlife in the United States and Midlife in Japan, both funded by the National Institute on Aging. Data included participants’ ratings of how frequently they felt 10 different positive emotions in the previous 30 days and measures of blood lipids, which provided objective data on participants’ heart health.

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“Because of the global prevalence of coronary artery disease, blood lipids are considered important indices of biological health in many Western and East Asian countries,” Yoo explains.

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Q}Y.~|8[ef#E_6GAp0As expected, the data indicated that experiencing frequent positive emotions was associated with healthy lipid profiles for American participants. But there was no evidence of such a link for Japanese participants.心理学空间ZHN0o4w k*j]



P.F-Q2I.T H X0The differences may be due, in part, to the relationships between positive emotions and BMI in each culture. Higher positive emotions were linked with lower BMI and, in turn, healthier lipid profiles among American participants, but not among Japanese participants.

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6W3_ A*E9w0“By demonstrating that the cultural variation in the connection between emotional well-being and physical well-being, our research has wide-ranging relevance among those who seek to promote well-being in the communities and the workplace, including clinicians, executives, and policy makers,” Yoo concludes.


V{EfrCL,[ k0“通过对情绪健康和身体健康之间文化差异关系的论证,我们的研究在寻求增进社区和工作场所,包括临床医生、高管和决策者之福祉的人之间具有广泛的相关性。”Yoo的结论。


p;pF3rCgX0In future work, the researchers will examine longitudinal data to determine whether the evidence suggests a direct causal link between emotions and health. They also hope to identify emotional profiles that may be more relevant or important to health outcomes in East Asian cultures.

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:y o'L)|2H'aH/g5s0研究人员将在未来的工作中研究纵向数据,以确定证据是否表明情绪和健康之间有直接的因果联系。他们还希望能够确定东亚文化中与健康结果更相关或更重要的情感特征。心理学空间;EWl-`$E


Co-authors on the research include Yuri Miyamoto and Carol D. Ryff of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Attilio Rigotti of Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.心理学空间)]MTF)I]
这项研究的共同作者包括威斯康星大学的Yuri Miyamoto和 Carol D. Ryff ,以及智利天主教大学的Attilio Rigotti 。心理学空间t8Y OWv0hz

:}R5}io$O%v0This research was supported by a grant from the National Institute on Aging to conduct the Midlife in Japan study  for comparative analysis with the Midlife in the United States study (P01-AG020166).

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All data and materials have been made publicly available via the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) website. The complete Open Practices Disclosure for this article is available online. This article has received the badges for Open Data and Open Materials.心理学空间A{-c!B9cAQ


所有的数据和材料已经通过美国政治与社会研究校际联合数据库(ICPSR)网站向社会公开。本文完整的开放实践披露可在线获取。 本文已获得开放数据和开放材料授权。心理学空间2`;s/oM)T|^

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TAG: 积极情绪 跨文化
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