作者: 《依恋创伤与修复》 / 4049次阅读 时间: 2021年10月17日
标签: 回避型依恋
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Caregiver Core Sensitivities with a Child Who Has an Avoidant Attachment

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Cl2w^|t e I s.m0The caregiver of an insecure avoidant child encourages independence at the cost of close physical and emotional contact. In the AAI these caregivers are considered “dismissing” of attachment needs on the bottom of the Circle, as stated earlier. They tend to be uncomfortable with direct emotional communication and appear uneasy with the expression of need. Over time, the child of such a parent learns to inhibit direct expression of wants or needs for the caregiver.


)rUY;X\s ]0不安全回避型儿童的养育者以身体及情感的亲密交流为代价,鼓励孩子的独立性。如前所述,在AAI中,这些养育者被认为“无视”了圆环底部的依恋需要。他们往往不喜欢直接的情感交流,而且对于需要的表达会表现出不安。时间一长,这类家长的孩子就学会了抑制自己直接表达对养育者的渴望或需要。心理学空间O\&|3\ ~ \8id


Hence it is not surprising that typically in the Strange Situation such a child shows little distress when the parent is absent, tends to turn away from the parent upon reunion, and has a relationship strategy intended to not rock the emotional boat. As attachment theorists explain, such a child expects his  attachment needs to be dismissed. To avoid the pain of rejection associated with cuing needs on the bottom of the Circle, this child begins to build a pattern of creating distance and prioritizing exploration and/or achievement, which, not coincidentally, is what the child’s parent emphasizes. Parents who emphasize achievement and exploration are often esteem sensitive and are usually comfortable on the top half while being dismissing of bottom-half opportunities.

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+H cqqzN V#x9T0强调成就和探索的家长常常是具有自尊敏感性的,通常在圆环顶部感到舒适而忽略圆环底部的机会。心理学空间P m$B%G#n;O


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Safety-sensitive parents are also dismissing of closeness and promote self-sufficiency in their child. They do this not because their self-esteem depends on achievement, but rather because they choose to have a certain emotional distance in the relationship as a way to protect the self from being engulfed or controlled. Because closeness to another person was not experienced as safe, a working model of relationship was established that systematically sacrificed intimacy to maintain distance. In its place, this person learned to prioritize self-sufficiency. As caregivers, even though they are genuinely interested in relationship, these adults tend to be very careful about showing it and remain vigilant concerning the intensity of the child’s need for direct connection. An underlying fear of being emotionally smothered and a sense of being imprisoned by the child’s needs remain salient themes in the caregiving relationship.心理学空间g2pk/vM k1J `



Rx8L Ro-h0因为与他人亲密的体验是不安全的,所以一种为了保持距离而有系统地牺牲亲密关系的工作模型便建立了起来。



'Br\4_\8s-x-A0Sometimes we see a separation-sensitive parent foster an avoidant attachment with her child. In this case the parent promotes clinging behavior on the top of the Circle—for example, micromanaging the child’s exploration—not to boost the child’s achievement but so the child won’t go too far away. This parent is not trying to support the child’s exploration but is focused on the top of the Circle for the purpose of closeness. This parent also rejects or avoids the child’s needs on the bottom of the Circle because they trigger painful memories and feelings. The autonomous selfregulation required to manage and ultimately put aside her own feelings so she can soothe her child is filled with shark music, so this mother distracts her child with toys. The separation-sensitive parent’s need to be needed can be intrusive enough that the child learns to be avoidant to cope. This behavior can be particularly difficult for the separation-sensitive parent as it creates a relationship in which the parent feels abandoned, now having created her own worst nightmare.



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对于分离敏感的家长来说,这种行为可能特别困难,因为它创造了一种家长感到被抛弃的关系,现在创造了她自己最糟糕的噩梦。心理学空间 ]a#h#_\c/x%p

TAG: 回避型依恋
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