Carol O Eckerman
作者: Eckerman / 6283次阅读 时间: 2011年8月05日

Carol O Eckerman心理学空间"Z m C7u8["ST
Professor Emeritus心理学空间+JZ~i)W$w']
Psychology and Neuroscience
y0\!bU2o i[%H0214 Soc-Psych
I3}*[\Sl#v0Mailing Address: 214 Soc-Psych Durham, NC 27708
Research Summary心理学空间kCo#{1fu A{d0g
Premature Infants and Communication Skills
s'YJ)Uh Wvy$H\)w0Research Description心理学空间A!{ b+m.{M"V&n J4N
My research focuses upon delineating processes of developmental change, creating explanatory models of how biological, behavioral, and social-cultural factors act together in development, and detailing how developing organism's own modes of functioning shape their subsequent paths of development. I address these issues mainly through the study of how human newborns become transformed into three-year-olds who have mastered several of the basic forms of cooperative action valued within their culture (e.g., social games, verbal conversations, cooperative problem-solving). Four interrelated lines of inquiry are ongoing. The first relates differences among very-prematurely-born infants in early central nervous system development to their paths of social-communicative development over the first two years of life. The second uses classical eyeblink conditioning paradigms to better characterize the behavioral differences between preterm and full-term infants in terms of cognitive, attentional, and arousal processes. The third asks whether the pivotal roles of imitative behavior in the early communicative development of USA toddlers also occur for the Seltaman toddlers of Papua New Guinea. The fourth details children's communicative and memory skills and the social experiences that facilitate their transition from being effective communicators about present events to their becoming effective communicators about past events.心理学空间J IX1C*`0WV"Nn
Psychology,心理学空间i.g"~ l!t-u&zv
Columbia University,
gU-U5T)yPC/r |01968
1a Si'Ghm op.|0Psychology,
.]-e&OT,k(ux)pK7A0Columbia University,
irO w(]}.Sit01966心理学空间3QZ$zqZ\Z6l

*t`b l Wg0A.B. (with Honors),
s-Hs#R t;ck0Psychology,心理学空间vB`[*eO.[mJ
The College of Wooster,
S,NJ!m A0Recent Publications心理学空间6E],O$ay3e D1B6zYS

9I U5|Lxd-o3n2M0心理学空间UDd+b8Ja:y-L0A%w

Journal Articles
8YZ$B_ HS(asZ0心理学空间1@ Vq5_fL^6d
Peterman, K., & Eckerman, C.O..心理学空间 n.r_e!`D'WS L
(under review). 
.E([ow%U*M0Sharing is important: The function of self-disclosure in the peer conversations of five-year-olds.
D]*O*E+O f\I.w0.
*La0ic!Wh0心理学空间 ?*^9Tz-Ey`
Herbert, J., Eckerman, C. O., Goldstein, R.F., & Stanton, M.E..
s6u}t0i8P0Contrasts in infant classical eyeblink conditioning as a function of premature birth.
LRCkS9Y$H|+N&I3F D0Infancy心理学空间?m;c \f3D
,心理学空间] R ]i5^

c;bvD+G$O0(3) 心理学空间bw6Cc3JY5F
心理学空间'M&u rjdC4E V
Herbert, J., Eckerman, C.O., & Stanton.心理学空间 }S%C yb C Oik8wG+t
FQ mA8C5_:T u0The Ontogeny of Human Learning in Delay, Long-Delay, and Trace Eyeblink Conditioning.心理学空间*e&KOfy7t
Behavioral Neuroscience
$Hx I^7q q i0117 心理学空间W,`7{)ZV@'GIT
$u#\-SI e,PIU%C0心理学空间6k9t0AXgJ+t0T$kh
Claflin, D.I., Herbert, J., Greer, J., Eckerman, C.O., & Stanton, M.E..心理学空间"H5nu0f2j/f8H/Q/b#n
(2002). 心理学空间YA @%fpZ Y ^
A Delay-Interval Study of Classical Eyeblink Conditioning in 5-Month Human Infants.心理学空间a;C+?!Sw3`1G
Developmental Psychobiology心理学空间.rGA C N:f(C6Y.Z
心理学空间 p7J%HuI,~1y
q lx ^c0Didow, S.M. & Eckerman, C.O..心理学空间z8w!Zj9` i X ]
KP0e]sHA A5h0Toddler Peers: From Nonverbal Coordinated Action to Verbal Discourse.心理学空间8V%|+W KZ/k
Social Development
1NXV9K&nm0o3cG0心理学空间-ZT kf6E)^(f;x
10 心理学空间z0IOl UG'g0pc


X3hl^(kK0Haden, C.A., Ornstein, P.A., Eckerman, C.O., & Didow, S.M..
F/P:C$K"^']N,~!w0(2001). 心理学空间};Y5~X Le.P~
Mother-Child Conversational Interactions as Events Unfold: Linkages to Subsequent Remembering.心理学空间0l)_-C` g6D:Y
Child Development
"IVL)b A0
^"n Qaz%v0t\n072 
} y&}.[A s,bem2Q0心理学空间Y;Rd,Wud.pI9A
1016-1031.心理学空间X `9v\0o:I

H5T @"Da%Mr&Q8d0Ivkovitch, D., Collins, K.L., Eckerman, C.O., Krasnegor, N.A., & Stanton, M.E..心理学空间"pSeT^"Sp0St}
g s.IJ(JW;Cw0Classical Delay Eyeblink Conditioning in 4- and 5-Month-Old Infants.心理学空间 Z"m0i1Lr$N%@n8D
Psychological Science
m ]7S-C5|.nx/mPg010 
${#i^? J uE0
3d'kt i!c4W0C.O. Eckerman & Whitehead, H..心理学空间8Jo u fh/Z
(1999). 心理学空间N$^a#W] {p
How Toddler Peers Generate Coordinated Action: A Cross-Cultural Exploration.
}#O'Q(O7f%@0N;dfp0Early Childhood Education
cO nu2m)w9Q0.
5B4u2R |:O6[F J0心理学空间,c+JB Q$hV7D
C.O. Eckerman, Hsu, H-C., Molitor, A., & Leung, E.H.L..
5e2N?(n y {;N5i;\0(1999). 
}$\G4wh l5to0Infant Arousal in an En-Face Exchange with a New Partner: Effects of Prematurity and Preinatal Biological Risk.心理学空间B2U@r$D!oW1St
Developmental Psychology心理学空间^#Z Q-[}$Bd6T

0brr%T&YCG F |J035 
l7s:^XZ6c"e u8I1c9{0
LI{z6MB-Y c5vU0282-293.
@/h+pu${Y.s0心理学空间 ]I*zl;Ph w
Eckerman, C.O., & Didow, S.M..心理学空间M"O x%tA
(1996). 心理学空间j2n:rWF!E
Nonverbal imitation and toddlers' mastery of verbal means of achieving coordinated action.
p5[ a2A"A(~@0Developmental Psychology
9g;MdL e@-r5p0
C U8zc,QU032 

LX3x'U,l%VS7u;R9t Y0Eckerman, C.O., Oehler, J.M., Hannan, T.E., & Molitor, A..
'C!AS fp!i8TeR }0(1995). 
,?o8OY}G0The development prior to term age of very-prematurely-born newborns' responsiveness in En Face exchanges.心理学空间 Z)Skny
Infant Behavior and Development
Pi w&Wdc5x9M0
$qFC F(njx E/z018 
T(b X,Y0q#t ^1W0J0283-297.心理学空间r;}0u1T |4Za/V*@

:U"}N"BV:Q&RV0Eckerman, C.O., Oehler, J.M., Medvin, M.B., & Hannan, T.E..
NYSQp+LkP4^P0(1994). 心理学空间 Q6]{$l4N.k @LB-_0r
Premature newborns' behavior as social partners before term age.
,VAlXR$y u0Infant Behavior and Development心理学空间Y|*g8N1imX

y9p$N$N&j k017 
心理学空间Xz%G7O U4J\%^
Brazy, J.E., Eckerman, C.O., Oehler, J.M., Goldstein, R.F., & O'Rand, A.M..心理学空间%A T{C(x7k4H$S y'i
GtC8\%}2Y*N0Nursery neurobiologic risk score: Important factors in predicting outcome in very low birth weight infants.
t [)Gv ~;@0w0The Journal of Pediatrics心理学空间 fsm7y&fobWU
心理学空间g Am5H7t6VnN{!O Wy
6Vex6kp bM"[s7xI0心理学空间3SF(W.[X X/O
kqW3h)GG2|8W'o3F0Eckerman, C.O., & Stein, M.R..
-X:Uq~|Eb-K0How imitation begets imitation and toddlers' generation of games.
9~"wNW/L0Developmental Psychology
t,S"bC:sh&a*[026 心理学空间 KA"TPxG;}#OBV6Q |

2\_Ha#W y+pdk-r0370-378.心理学空间,pS*q2K PG4Cu

w3Ml2b {G9X(m:HP?1L0Eckerman, C.O., Davis, C.C., & Didow, S.M..心理学空间xpJ f1t4Q
L*T9?)Q2^M0Toddlers' emerging ways of achieving social coordinations with a peer.
Xb S.i,?"pqq8v)x0Child Development
K H[n3\$p{n0心理学空间@){9I sf$Fwoc
440-453.心理学空间X\T6v.N3YK F

$Y:i5l |F%t&o g$?0Eckerman, C.O., & Didow, S.M..
&_ }tW$hv[0(1989). 心理学空间 yQ~ n&R5l
Toddlers' social coordinations: Changing responses to another's invitation to play.
g*~vJ`1k0Developmental Psychology
.@mi N1V*@L0心理学空间6o/a@sYxB,R
25 心理学空间*y0{$B)u"p2l ?
心理学空间&d:`9u |~ O!Y
iR HX#i@0心理学空间_!S3m1Kj/q
Oehler, J.M, Eckerman, C.O., & Wilson, W.H..
A,xFD2o5O0(1988). 心理学空间Zw:M9hs6uy
Social stimulation and the regulation of premature infants' state prior to term age.心理学空间/N.o'A2~N9?pE`
Infant Behavior and Development心理学空间6U/{%jR1Tz+v
心理学空间$@:|}T ]
11 心理学空间2lI:S,aD;M)u:A.?&qN/F
333-351.心理学空间? W!P2F.^o fj
心理学空间9U6Z`N7R r
Eckerman, C.O., & Didow, S.M..心理学空间xf.z7rs+n
(1988). 心理学空间5z~ }kga
Lessons drawn from observing young peers together.心理学空间o5D$RYF
Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica心理学空间 g1C `aB[ G'Z
心理学空间W,LC&nS ^$cl.k
(P-_-e+``0Q3y;F1F0心理学空间H:MZT wB{ p5N
Eckerman, C.O., Sturm, L.A., & Gross, S.J..心理学空间%|4^6_B;t_*R&\,R6_
(1985). 心理学空间7rqz'S [(hmc
Differet developmental courses for very-low-birthweight infants differing in early head growth.心理学空间l9VXH@*k VYJ
Developmental Psychology心理学空间i'K W"S qb

z v$o&M0B*i](tfc021 心理学空间O^K\CvM4I Z,f
IP}Tv0Dorval, B., & Eckerman, C.O..
/K] A%h T$r0(1984). 心理学空间H aE)L5~0MkB
The development of conversation.心理学空间B*{QZQ~.fM%g
Mongraphs of the Society for Research in Child Development
X-RjRH7i0心理学空间(y \ }ynw
49 心理学空间U+i~*OJ$_?fLq#XZ
(2) 心理学空间#qp5xml6M

j!t9~V hLn-C0
hIz:oZI1yU4}J0Brazy, J., Eckerman, C.O., & Gross, S.J..
#a']!Yk y#d0Follow-up of infants.
Jd,r,U"ELAF0Journal of Pediatrics
f(| dP.{1eku0心理学空间-C@V(]V p
Gross, S.J., Oehler, J.M., & Eckerman, C.O..心理学空间*?6zyA m^Djt
L]-[M2b0Head growth and developmental outcome in very low-birth-weight infants.
*o,d'Z ~.Jzk-m0心理学空间4x t)GI8m/f1k oR"l
h`'R s(VG:d0
s N7c$NrVL+s&B"Nmq070-75.心理学空间2en6ZE#u d8rn8N
McGehee, L.J., & Eckerman, C.O..心理学空间#wsQ-k#BQ@
(1983). 心理学空间P \&zwW/g a
The preterm infant as a social partner: Responsive but unreadable.
7Jn!r.R%D'W0Infant Behavior and Development
q([ B4PV;_]0心理学空间 [7l~'y;dx6tJ
1s1Ro a/Mo0
K(fc3A}9i:W7miP0Gross, S.J., & Eckerman, C.O..
&h ]bA7eE T8EM0Normative early head growth in very-low-birthweight infants.
XX"Zt5X)A+|8p0Journal of Pediatrics心理学空间Jg0a-P(G9d8q"C&X
:h%O7fHn0心理学空间*H!@{*n K] Cu%A
9|` P a:tA0心理学空间@qHDk
Gross, S.J., Oehler, J.M., & Eckerman, C.O..
}I3w6m|\`/E*R(V0Head circumference at birth and growth at six weeks as predictors of developmental outcome in very low birthweight infants.心理学空间&{)sk$l2sYboi k
Pediatric Research心理学空间{/@,bpl j

"uh[9WL#i~(O9?:D014 心理学空间5x g]L@e
心理学空间XU2\)S dyp}]!I
Gp6H}1f6S sr0心理学空间?'?&KR7Q)R;CF2F3]
Eckerman, C.O., Whatley, J.L., & McGehee.
kq y#Zj%Y x-mtD0Approaching and contacting the object another manipulates.
3c3C$r@v,yf0Developmental Psychology心理学空间:L8K5Hf0mI
心理学空间j2N [-PmLi
15 心理学空间wu*c!V'F[Hu

i k-|I%[2wiyt}0585-593.
Eckerman, C.O., & Whatley, J.L..心理学空间 cP^Z R
b^"XR*|0Toys and social interaction between infant peers.心理学空间w\4KJ$N_^4_
Child Development心理学空间*K+PW,M9},Y

z8]BB q,P(q&J048 
:GB~S%mc4f,P0Eckerman, C.O., Whatley, J.L., & Kutz, S.L..心理学空间 ?R{[7KT$A
(1975). 心理学空间ST E&f~|!@n
Grwth of social play with peers during the second year of life.心理学空间zsE6JR
Developmental Psychology
11 心理学空间`$oeJbMA

i*XyC-?'\ GfRv0心理学空间X]Wu u h8C3{
Eckerman, C.O., & Whatley, J.L..心理学空间1H%SNm#r8iN
(1975). 心理学空间YO _!QW/h2~Lk(PG2|
Infants' reactions to unfamiliar adults varying in novelty.心理学空间cNs|0o'jGT)|
Developmental Psychology
4EE.r ^!Q0562-566.
V{M5G2JB(p]%c0Eckerman, C.O., & Rheingold, H.L..心理学空间a(k i-H.iE9c
yZ_Q'r0Infants exploratory responses to toys and people.心理学空间julz&[+K-o7Y
Developmental Psychology心理学空间;A5L&?B8N BS`?

v_0[E"C3e3c |j0心理学空间0E]Ch4f's7qak
255-259.心理学空间;R[ B9RUDj*\*ig+Fk
心理学空间v:K,Zc h
Corter, C.M., Rheingold, H.L., & Eckerman, C.O..
L Y|4w q0(1972). 
|;}u5n?HY+u0Toys delay the infants following of his mother.心理学空间2`5w5g3[ d
Developmental Psychology心理学空间-w;Y iYeru'r!G I

w-X+p1vt4k` @ty v ~0心理学空间 I1Len7{ D
npL#w"x@'e0| J0
.@7W0enR p8{9bO0Ross, H.S., Rheingold, H.L., & Eckerman, C.O..
\4XJNU0d#I0(1972). 心理学空间+E g e+R)c#l/}e
Approach and exploration of a novel alternative by 12-month old infants.
`-~Tu3t%eZ*X0Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
{ b0a!c6}"U/y$S0
mmtfUy n/GY_013 心理学空间+ndk.w4t2y,Bc @X
|on*f4K-X0心理学空间1DyD ee ]
Rheingold, H.L., & Eckerman, C.O..心理学空间(f&hoA#S
N{\K.X?0Familiar social and nonsocial stimuli and the kittens response to a strange environment.
XVtI8Vj`6o a)I2}0Developmental Psychobiology
BU6t-uL#qv:R zE3Z ?0
$c}|`#^[`;K6T:E0心理学空间 e5a!uy&qF;ijDy


Q s0^(HA)w pg.Hu0Eckerman, C.O., Rheingold, H.L., & Helwig, R.A..
x4T7nwQ$i?0(1971). 心理学空间,C[ _!J` N
A laboratory for developmental psychologists.
$n9y i[,C@4u^!o0Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
o$t De]Gl011 心理学空间oR*S-[4Wp;@N

(T3J` F*k0Rheingold, H.L., & Eckerman, C.O..心理学空间t%l8Y7Sc.e4m
(1970). 心理学空间1zN9F9f H\ laStJ w
The infant separates himself from his mother.
"EMf:Q QPQ0Science
1~j8t0\_WG!g)N#C\0168 心理学空间*hT1s'F h&}
心理学空间| qRO Z%I8q&g2{'y `xN
78-83.心理学空间4EC"Yl [dKL'R

x'E j8MZ h#YH0Rheingold, H.L., & Eckerman, C.O..心理学空间.HN{5i2A
(1969). 心理学空间&n m/J.}#rK3Ew
The infant's free entry into a new environment.心理学空间?l8{.HmvZ9^[
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
9r uM%R'Jt"D!g p0心理学空间v n-K+t@F6L5Ued

nL&V?&Kh0Chapters in Books心理学空间,x$Gy#Y$V*| ~4j
C.O. Eckerman & Peterman, K..
2\Xkhi i"j;L3\OC0(2001). 
Lmdn-P;qn)S0Peers and Infant Social/Communicative Development.
V/K;ZQ"w0In G. Bremner & A. Fogel (Eds.), 心理学空间"n}+trVl
Blackwell Handbook of Infant Development心理学空间7MN#[u3] ~6Qh4u
Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
%{VIgC-N0Ivkovich, D., Eckerman, C.O., Krasnegor, N.A., & Stanton, M.E..
#c mu`X"E9N0(2000). 心理学空间m$k"BTA ^$\?~
Using Eyeblink Conditioning to Assess Neurocognitive Development.心理学空间9m'D:OK7i
In D.S. Woodruff-Pak & J.E. Steinmetz (Eds.), 心理学空间!MR:_@LaX$a
Eyeblink Classical Conditioning: Human
d-H{6|h.z-V.~0.心理学空间#mbHT:P b!Hc ix&G
Kluwer Academic Publishers.
\'Z L1`o G0Eckerman, C.O..心理学空间3s4h&Oy+d,C/vs
(1996). 心理学空间:v\]\z9u}
Early social-communicative development: Illustrative development analyses.心理学空间V0T0? J5r1X$|7V"m{
In R.B. Cairns, et al. (Eds.), 心理学空间lU4aE)c~w8^
Developmental science
,ei0A`Tx0.心理学空间&E*^9Sz o
New York: Cambridge University Press.
!o#Y1uHcM0Eckerman, C.O..心理学空间 jr;U%dR*{ ?
(1993). 心理学空间Q T5Iv B"re
Toddlers' achievement of coordinated action with conspecifics: A dynamic systems perspective.心理学空间;j$Y&MA"I+v GM2W:T
In L.B. Smith & E. Thelen (Eds.),
#lE+uYfx0Dynamical systems in development: Applications心理学空间%?j#^}Q
D+@,qG{X0Cambridge, MA: Bradford Books, MIT Press.心理学空间E"@H#S%t Re M5Q$f)[*O
Eckerman, C.O..
}sSW0^/h y` Z0(1993). 
j `!m+I-`0Imitation and toddlers' achievement of coordinated action with others.
U&hw!}8i o'm5x%V0In J. Nadel & L. Camaioni (Eds.), 心理学空间's-h KP r$T%s A9^
New perspectives in early comunicative development
5zq_.H x6i0.
%vN-~t)b/`l9VxK0London: Routledge.心理学空间AT Z6X'N k

q*o~j0Ow-L0Eckerman, C.O., & Oehler, J.M..心理学空间Af5{o8UR1Ip+F
(1992). 心理学空间:H'?N3T&X2R2@^
Very-low-birthweight newborns and parents as early social partners.
9yf%j2P+sPDG m8|0In S.L. Friedman & M.D. Sigman (Eds.), 
t z;x;F])Y'V2wqX0The psychological development of low birthweight children心理学空间]mm*`;h1`$vxt(Q
Norwood, NJ: Ablex.心理学空间;rT#Q!j`2w)r(}J
心理学空间 [Pzwu:^:E
Eckerman, C.O., & Stein, M.R..
8HD(he_'o fM0(1982). 心理学空间{(y#U;fs6E
The toddlers emerging interactive skills.心理学空间 hTw$o#p{O4kD
In K.H. Rubin & H.S. Ross (Eds.), 心理学空间 q4S,n poY.[
Peer relationships and social skills in childhood
)]:x&f"f8[$RY0T-N(P0.心理学空间M_tK fiS.B
New York: Springer-Verlag.
*L_w/a8sd6M U0
O0AG$tz7n@Y0Eckerman, C.O..
&{GT F%f^0The human infant in social interaction.心理学空间*Te v-IS3{
In R.B. Cairns (Eds.), 心理学空间K.rka@3YGz
Social interactions: Methods, issues, and illustrations心理学空间!I?x;x~p.e7z `t'FO
Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
}^w N7^IV+sk0Rheingold, H.L., & Eckerman, C.O..
b#^&R/Q N*Q)r0(1975). 心理学空间/]e*C A7|fM e
Some proposals for unifying the study of social development.
%m\2o.cMC s [0In M. Lewis & L. Rosenblum (Eds.), 心理学空间%I`&Q a$Bc
Peer relations and friendship心理学空间'W4P7q6? r Q'B8A
New York: Wiley.
Rheingold, H.L., & Eckerman, C.O..心理学空间Zluh3Iu9N Cw
])K({ [$v q%b0Fear of a stranger: A critical examination.
aF3Iw w#L`5s4ZW0In H.W. Reese (Eds.), 心理学空间BXv,_4D L
Advances in child development and behavior
S7Uww#Rzu0New York: Academic Press.
+V!P {H t+Vv0心理学空间Hb-o)G:c I+U }/n
Rheingold, H.L., & Eckerman, C.O..
$Mh}@/o},B3`0(1971). 心理学空间4pL'hM3[/Gf)n.S
Departures from the mother.心理学空间#q`*[2I+y l0w
In H.R. Schaffer (Eds.), 
(Lz$G$sO'm0The orgins of human social relations
Ea*grs x;F'Qq0.
[0X4h$k@O;|'X0New York: Academic Press.
GA C~?*C'uWvmD0Commentaries/Book Reviews
TRc0w }*f0v5q0Eckerman, C.O..
^`d'?4U [.Z Tb0(1975). 
3b6`6D J3C Ry0Researching infants' reactions to strangers (Review of The infant's reaction to stangers by T.G. Decarie.心理学空间L |iB X P6q
Contemporary Psychology心理学空间V"R {+cb3Wc
/}Kj!?D$Eo0,心理学空间 WF4k+iZa#t(t+B,]kj
n @~TV[^m7P0Eckerman, C.O..
` gr3Twb0(August 1977). 心理学空间-v#Y)sow&H#d
Presentation of 1977 G. Stanley Hall Award to Harriet Lange.心理学空间,WfMw(q/|5FXo'{ p/?
American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, California.心理学空间ekQ!m-I@
(Reproduced in the Newsletter of the Division of Developmental Psychology, American Psychological Association)心理学空间;I m `\*Gr9`8}2_ d4H/L

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«没有了 卡罗·爱克尔曼 | Carol Eckerman
《卡罗·爱克尔曼 | Carol Eckerman》