作者: 恳谈李译 韩岩校 / 14740次阅读 时间: 2009年11月14日
标签: 共情 罗杰斯

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本论坛已有过极热烈的关于“移情, 反移情,共情”的讨论,对于专业心理咨询治疗人员来说,如果这些不是心理咨询治疗中最重要的概念,起码也是最基本的概念。对于非专业人员来说,如果只能选择心理咨询中的一个概念学会了带到日常生活中,我的推荐将是:“共情”。当然要想学会共情,就或多或少迂回地到了移情反移情那里。心理学空间1r+\IC&U]"d
几个帖子的讨论,主要还是集中与概念理论上的。当然这样的讨论还应该继续下去。但我觉得有必要结合具体的例子来领会它了。心理学空间 hF N;d lFQf1S


7?)b U;o#~t$KH0对有经验的咨询师来说,不难看出这是一个相当不容易应付的个案。因为来访者大多时间都不说话。明显的抑郁症候,且有自杀倾向。他一直大多时间沉默,看起来象是抗拒帮助,且不时说:“你帮不了我,我想死”。心理学空间q9w]k6f0_7g-r"Q s
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TUESDAY心理学空间-_ G%qX~h'ru
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Carl Rogers(C.R):I see there are some cigarettes here in the drawer,Hmm? Yeah, it is hot out.(Silence of 25 seconds)
V:\P RsQ0W8E3Ie1`0C.R: Do you look kind of angry this morning, or is that my imagination? (Jim shakes his head slightly.) Not angry, huh? (Silence of 1 minute, 26 seconds)
Q0in.j` m y0C.R: Feel like letting me in on whatever is going on? (Silence of 12 minutes, 52 seconds)
,j!Pz [$AB.nU0C.R: (softly) I kind of feel like saying that if it would be of any help at all I’d like to come in. On the other hand, if it’s something you’d rather-if you just feel more like being within yourself, feeling whatever you’re feeling within yourself, why that’s OK too- I guess another thing I’m saying, really, in saying that is, “I do care. I’m not just sitting here like a stick.”(Silence of 1 minute, 11 seconds)
7zm5gx-?V#k0C.R: And I guess your silence is saying to me that either you don’t want to or can’t come out right now and that’s OK. So I won’t pester you but I just want you to know, I’m here. (Silence of 17 minutes, 41seconds)
;M,U9FAXs0C.R:I see I’m going to have to stop in a few minutes. 1(Silence of 20 seconds)心理学空间C%m sS'L*X
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C.R:(温柔地)我有点想说只要有任何一点帮助,我都愿意进去。另一方面,如果你愿意的-如果你只是感觉你更愿意一个人独处,感受着你心中感受到的任何东西,那也好-我想我要说的另一件事,真的,要说的是,“我确实在意你。我可不只是像木头一样呆坐在这里。”(1分11秒沉默)心理学空间7]1O T*x!Bu:|v

s$\x l!SJ]5fb0C.R:我猜想你的沉默是要告诉我,你现在不想或不能走出来,那当然是可以的,我不会再打搅你,不过我只是想让你知道,我在这里。(17分41秒沉默)
C.R:我想,几分钟内我不得不停止了1(20秒沉默)心理学空间 un&f%G T!Z |j

"J&S M!vDI_0C.R: It’s hard for me to know how you’ve been feeling, but it looks as though part of the time maybe you’d rather I didn’t know how you were feeling. Anyway it looks as though part of the time it just feels very good to let down and-relax the tension. But as I say I don’t really know-how you feel. It’s just the way it looks to me. Have things been pretty bad lately? (Silence of 45 seconds)
I J7w!A(h7H:i,IC0C.R: Maybe this morning you just wish I’d shut up-and maybe I should, but I just keep feeling I’d like to-I don’t know, be in touch with you in some way. (Silence of 2 minutes, 21 seconds) (Jim yawns.)
-s5{%X1yO0D:@0C.R: Sounds discouraged or tired. (silence of 41 seconds)
1\Mhf0E&Y-{xX'd0Jim: No. Just lousy.心理学空间${tpq ? J
C.R: Everything’s lousy, huh? You feel lousy? (Silence of 39 seconds)心理学空间~ lF0h5I5l
C.R: Want to come in Friday at 12 at the usual time?
9Gz9AO+r6hKsEf0Jim: (Yawns and mutters something unintelligible.) (Silence of 48 seconds)心理学空间#x&nh9Mxj
C.R: Just kind of feel sunk way down deep in these lousy, lousy feelings, hmm? -Is that something like it?
O"aN:J*R0Jim: No.
(Z+\R$O%b3z.IC+Z0C.R: No? (Silence of 20 seconds)心理学空间}7t*m f["Z!pB
Jim: No. I just ain’t no good to nobody, never was, and never will be.
0E6u?5CSm0C.R: Feeling that now, hmm? That you’re just no good to yourself, no good to anybody. Never will be any good to anybody. Just that you’re completely worthless, huh? Those really are lousy feelings. Just feel that you’re no good at all, hmm?
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吉姆:不是,只是觉得很糟糕。心理学空间 FJP/ci/w@|
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A QV4Nm1w[X;B0C.R:只是觉得陷下去,深深陷到那些糟糕的情绪里,嗯?-有点象是这样的吗?心理学空间cTOvW

Ti,{zrH4hM0C.R:不是?(沉默20秒)心理学空间u V B4L7S

*a1s&P g&P@ gO0吉姆:不是,我这人只是很不好,对任何人来说,以前是这样,以后也永远这样的。
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Jim:Yeah. (Muttering in low, discouraged voice) That’s what this guy I went to town with just the other day told me.
R4izqz_F0C.R: This guy that you went to town with really told you that you were no good? Is that what you’re saying? Did I get that right?心理学空间;A'Z*Y5lE1e9qBB
Jim: M-hm.
5[;sK2aiE0C.R: I guess the meaning of that if I get it right is that here’s somebody that-meant something to you and what does he think of you? Why, he’s told you that he thinks you’re no good at all. And that just really knocks the props out from under you. (Jim weeps quietly.) It just brings the tears. (Silence of 20 seconds)心理学空间,K2pc/V$sDK6Zz?t
Jim:(Rather defiantly) I don’t care though.
Jh^y+iPj*M0C.R: You tell yourself you don’t care at all, but somehow I guess some part of you cares because some part of you weeps over it.(Silence of 19 seconds)
0x!iTw^0C.R: I guess some part of you just feels, “Here I am hit with another blow, as if I hadn’t like me. Here’s someone I’ve begun to feel attached to and now he doesn’t like me. And I’ll say I don’t care. I won’t let it make any difference to me-But just the same the tears run down my cheeks.”
f U3PE J4M0Jim: (Muttering) I guess I always knew it.
p&Ru ~P!J"tX,Z$Q0C.R: Hmm?
EPrD8g[}j A'C9S!~0Jim: I guess I always knew it.心理学空间]'G^;E1jd(K:b
C.R: If I’m getting that right, it is that what makes it hurt worst of all is that when he tells you you’re no good, well shucks, that’s what you’ve always felt about yourself. Is that-the meaning of that you’re saying? (Jim nods slightly, indicating agreement.) M-hm. So you feel as though he’s just confirming what-you’ve already known. He’s confirming what you’ve already felt in some way. (Silence of 23 seconds)心理学空间2rw7T%z4r]X)e"A5\fd
C.R: So that between his saying so and your perhaps feeling it underneath, you just feel about as no good as anybody could feel. (Silence of 2 minutes, 1 second)
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Q'@'|4O L0C.R:和你一起进城的那个人真的告诉你你不好吗?这是你所说的意思吗?我的理解正确吗?心理学空间IA"K{[
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o%DE,o&c LD!rp0C.R:因此在他这样说的和你心中所感受到的之间,你感到自己和他人感到的一样不好。(2分1秒沉默)
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C.R: (thoughtfully) As I sort of let it soak in and try to feel what you must be feeling-it comes up sorta this way in me and I don’t know-but, as though here was someone you’d made a contact with, someone you’d really done things for and done things with. Somebody that had some meaning to you. Now, wow! He slaps you in the face by telling you you’re just no good. And this really cuts so deep, you can hardly stand it. (Silence of 30 seconds)心理学空间!Dkp&\E'u!Mw+D
C.R: I’ve got to call it quits for today, Jim. (Silence of 1 minute, 18 seconds)
0J![yS*H0C.R: It really hurts, doesn’t it? (This is in response to his quiet tears.) (Silence of 26 seconds)心理学空间Sn PR1u/`C
C.R: I guess if the feelings came out you’d just weep and weep and weep. (Silence of 1 minute, 3 seconds)心理学空间lv(hczY
C.R: Help yourself to some Kleenex if you’d like-Can you go now? (Silence of 23 seconds)心理学空间9T7`d0n/Mj `*H
C.R: I guess you really hate to, but I’ve got to see somebody else. (Silence of 20 seconds)
%gH&u&G!_0C.R: It’s really bad, isn’t it? (Silence of 22 seconds)
8},[S n5}]0C.R: Let me ask you one question and say one thing. Do you still have that piece of paper with my phone numbers on it and instructions, and so on? (Jim nods.) OK. And if things get bad, so that you feel real down, you have them call me. ‘Cause that’s what I’m here for, to try to be of some help when you need it. If you need it, you have them call me.2心理学空间]&c4L/l/[O
Jim: I think I’m beyond help.心理学空间*Y2r[{C"q
C.R: Huh? Feel as though you’re beyond help. I know. You feel just completely hopeless about yourself. I can understand that. I don’t feel hopeless, but I can realize that you do. Just feel as though nobody can help you and you’re really beyond help.3 (Silence of 2 minutes, 1 second)心理学空间 z*J{jF
C.R: I guess you just feel so, so down that-it’s awful. (Silence of 2 minutes)心理学空间%W-i io+B0I_C

]&^!G'M*dX!h0C.R:(思虑地)当我让自己沉浸进去感受你正感受到的东西时 - 在我这里有几分感觉了, 我不知道 - 不过, 好像有一个人, 你曾经联系过、一个和你一起做事的,一个你为他做事的, 对你有意义的一个人。现在, 哦! 他扇了你一巴掌,——他告诉你你真是不好。这真是伤你至深,使你几乎无法承受。(30秒沉默)
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C.R:今天我必须结束了, 吉姆(1分18秒沉默)心理学空间V^Gu&^:d u
C.R:这真很伤痛, 不是吗?(这是对他默默流泪的回应)(26秒沉默)心理学空间m(d"G QKu"D*F9A

`#B @WnsSrIx0C.R:我想如果这样的情绪涌现,你就只有一直哭啊哭啊哭。(1分3秒沉默)心理学空间vN[Ms g+[Y&TF

u2XsOOmj6k j0C.R:如果你愿意,用一些面巾纸自己擦擦泪吧-现在你能离开吗?( 23秒沉默)
)? J#Fp^0
g A-~)sRV0C.R:我想你真的不愿离开,但我必须得去见另外的人.( 20秒沉默)心理学空间/L"^Qr@t kZd

^AEdd0v9n,O0C.R:这真的很糟糕,是吗?( 22秒沉默)
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C.R:让我问你一个问题,再说一件事情。你还保存着那张写着我的电话号码、指南等的纸片吗?(吉姆点头)好, 如果事情变得糟糕,以致你感到非常沮丧,你可以打电话给我。这就是我之所以在这里的原因,在你需要的时候,尽量给予你一些帮助。如果你需要,你可以打电话给我。2心理学空间 RB ^%qSwE4u)r

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C.R: I guess there’s one other thing too. I, I’m going to be busy here this afternoon’til 4 o’clock and maybe a little after. But if you should want to see me again this afternoon, you can drop in around about 4 o’clock, OK?-Otherwise, I’ll see you Friday noon. Unless I get a call from you. If you-if you’re kind of concerned for fear anybody would see that you’ve been weeping a little, you can go out and sit for a while where you waited for me. Do just as you wish on that. Or go down and sit in the waiting room there and read magazines-I guess you’ll really have to go.心理学空间Af [1c2qY&j!i.yM#AL
Jim: Don’t want to go back to work.
:Fb%Oa M0C.R: You don’t want to go back to work, hmm?心理学空间$PfJs1^
心理学空间9L D_ Y,`wF
This is the end of the interview. Later in the心理学空间ixP8m5{s.ZR,y0v W
day the therapist saw Jim Brown on the hospital grounds. He seemed much more cheerful and said that he thought he could get a ride into town that afternoon.
[H,B4KJuHW'l0The next time the therapist saw Jim Brown心理学空间Kv6V0?:~&A[O
was 3 days later, on Friday. This interview follows.心理学空间w*is6~5u9UY)m+\m'i

(}s c@D0C.R:我想还有另外一件事情。我,我这里今天下午会一直忙到4点,也可能还要晚一点。不过如果你想今天下午再见到我。你可以在大约4点钟左右顺便来看我,好吗?- 否则,我们星期五中午见。除非我得到你的电话。如果你-如果你有些担心害怕别人会看出你流过一些眼泪,你可以出去在等我的那个地方坐一会儿,在那里你就随意了。或者往下走坐在候诊室看杂志 - 我想你真的必须得走了。
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谈话到此结束。那天的后来,治疗师在医院空地上看到了吉姆。他看上去精神好了一些,他说在那天下午他可以乘车去城里。心理学空间P JE`0rP1R

a-WUE7_\1Rn0C.R: I brought a few magazines you can take with you if you want.4 (Silence of 47 seconds)
:U `4ik,N4Z!v0C.R: I didn’t hear from you since last time. Were you able to go to town that day?心理学空间~"}h Q\"j j!j
Jim: Yeah. I went in with a kid driving the truck.心理学空间do-t/JOzS(Z
C.R: M-hm. (Voices from next office are heard in background.) (Silence of 2 minutes)
+na W#Cq6[ i0C.R: Excuse me just a minute. (Goes to stop noise.) (Silence of 2 minutes, 20 seconds)心理学空间%]1E(k!t.~+o:]*Y
C.R: I don’t know why, but I realize that somehow it makes me feel good that today you don’t have your hand up to your face so that I can somehow kind of see you more. I was wondering why I felt as though you were a little more here than you are sometimes and then I realized well, it’s because-I don’t feel as though you’re hiding behind your hand, or something. (Silence of 50 seconds)
6KS)yMJ ag[ bC0C.R: And I think I sense, though I could be mistaken, I think I do sense that today, just like some other days when you come in here, it’s just as though you let yourself sink down into feelings that run very deep in you. Sometimes there’re very bad feelings like the last time and sometimes probably there’re not so bad, though they’re sort of – I think I understand that somehow when you come in here, it’s as though you do let yourself down into those feelings. And now-心理学空间)b|R2R2__2H
Jim: I’m gonna take off.
_+h0oWm`SM/@s-_0C.R: Huh?心理学空间+YM H x j [5u
Jim: I’m gonna take off.5心理学空间)c1?.?._Y W `/}b
C.R: You’re going to take off? Really run away from here? Is that what you mean? Must be some-what’s the –what’s the background of that? Can you tell me? Or I guess what I mean more accurately is I know you don’t like the place but it must be that something special came up or something?
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C.R:我带来了几本杂志,如果你愿意,你可以带走。4(47秒沉默)心理学空间3n+S;v8|eXY#e Ib

*S&n2ck#d Ekd%x0吉姆:是的。我和一个驾驶卡车的年轻人一起去的。心理学空间L _G1I.h_,pN'x
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G2T6O:v Zl0C.R:我不知道为什么,但我意识到今天你没有把你的手放在脸上,这使我某种程度上看到你更多,这使我感觉较好。我不知道为什么我感觉好像你今天人更在这里, 然后——我意识到那是因为你好像不再把自己藏在你的手背后, 或者什么别的原因。(50秒沉默)心理学空间yKc$Q,F F%w2k
心理学空间 Ql&NZ Ww ?|&LM
C.R:并且我想我觉察到 - 尽管我可能是错误的,我想我觉察到,就好像其它时间你来这里的时候, 你让自己沉浸于你内心深处的情绪中。有时这些是些坏情绪,就像上次一样,有时候可能没有如此糟糕,尽管有几分 - 我想我以为当你来到这里的时候,好像你确实让自己沉浸于那些情绪中。现在-
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2qr$M%Y8@ ^L$]0C.R:你要走了?真的要离开这儿吗?你这是什么意思?一定有一些-是什么? 这样做的背景是什么?你能告诉我吗?或者我想,我的意思更准确地说是,我知道你不喜欢这个地方,但一定是有一些特殊的事情发生的,还是别的什么事?心理学空间C:C&y g"z3A
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Jim: I just want to run away and die.心理学空间4y UV Yd9JpJb)w
C.R: M-hm, m-hm, m-hm. It isn’t even that you want to get away from here to something. You just want to leave here and go away and die in a corner, m-hm. (Silence of 30 seconds)心理学空间\R Q:TxUG H
C.R: I guess as I let that soak in I really do sense how, how deep that feeling sounds, that you-I guess the image that comes to my mind is sort of a, a wounded animal that wants to crawl away and die. It sounds as though that’s kind of the way you feel that you just want to get away from here and, and vanish. Perish. Not exist. (Silence of 1 minute)心理学空间7V,t;Sym `\
Jim: (almost inaudibly) all day yesterday and all morning I wished I were dead. I even prayed last night that I could die.
{gC{mT \0C.R: I think I caught all of that, that-for a couple of days now you’ve just wished you could be dead and you’ve even prayed for that-I guess that- One way this strikes me is that to live is such an awful thing to you, you just wish you could die, and not live. (Silence of 1 minute, 12 seconds)
G.V\RJ4P*nP0C.R: So that you’ve been just wishing and wishing that you were not living. You wish that life would pass away from you. (Silence of 30 seconds)
p`"Vq9nRQ0Jim: I wish it more’n anything else I’ve ever wished around here.
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3wy$HYe]QS.}0C.R:我想当我让自己处于你的位置上时,我真的感受到那是多么深的情绪,我的脑子里可以想像这种画面:有几分像, 一只想要慢慢爬开而死去的受伤的动物。听来象是这样一种感觉: 你要从这里走开,消失,死亡,不再存在。(1分钟沉默)心理学空间2A|Oe5z5M3?#d
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吉姆:(几乎听不见)昨天一整天和今天早上我都希望我死了。昨天晚上我甚至祈祷我能死掉。心理学空间#Bk8L"Q U&I u+@
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C.R: 我想我理解你所说的一切,那-两天来, 你一直希望自己能死,你甚至为此而祈祷 - 我想 -我突然醒悟的一个方面是,是生活对你来说是如此可怕,你只希望你能死,而不是活.( 1分12秒沉默心理学空间"dS(Zd(W$B
)心理学空间U f^cn O{
C.R: 因此你一直只是希望着希望着你不要活,你希望生命从你身上消失。(沉默30秒)
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C.R: M-hm, m-hm, m-hm. I guess you’ve wished for lots of things but boy! It seems as though this wish to not live is deeper and stronger than anything you ever wished before. (Silence of 1 minute, 36 seconds)
o*I euZ;ef0C.R: Can’t help but wonder whether it’s still true that some things this friend said to you-are those still part of the thing that makes you feel so awful?
mo*^CW%^0Jim: In general, yes.
a'| U(Q4[G!T0C.R: M-hm. (Silence of 47 seconds)心理学空间|;aZG~`
C.R: The way I’m understanding that is that in a general way the fact that he felt you were no good has just set off a whole flood of feeling in you that makes you really wish, wish you weren’t alive. Is that-somewhere near it?心理学空间 G_?(AXcy D?:s
Jim: I ain’t no good to nobody, or I ain’t no good for nothin’, so what’s the use of living?
)iv`b:IX$V;{Y0C.R: M-hm. You feel, “I’m not any good to another living person, so-why should I go on living?”(Silence of 21 seconds)心理学空间{i+\;XSs2U*Hh?,|]
C.R: And I guess a part of that is that-here I’m kind of guessing and you can set me straight, I guess a part of that is that you felt, “I tried to be good for something as far as he was concerned. I really tried. And now-if I’m no good to him, if he feels I’m no good, then that proves I’m just no good to anybody.” Is that, uh-anywhere near it?
NjlW*z&t`IZ0Jim: Oh, well, other people have told me that too.心理学空间 NojCHl#o Y D
C.R: Yeah, M-hm. I see. So you feel if, if you go by what others-what several others have said, then, then you are no good. No good to anybody. (Silence of 3 minutes, 40 seconds)
%x2S5?Jgk0C.R: I don’t know whether this will help or not, but I would just like to say that-I think I can understand pretty well-what it’s like to feel that you’re just no damn good to anybody, because there was a time when-I felt that way about myself. And I know it can be really rough.6 (Silence of 13 minutes)心理学空间X:ld\ M@G
C.R: I see we’ve only got a few more minutes left. (Silence of 2 minutes, 51 seconds)心理学空间Z7~5s8C A;|d1r
C.R:恩,恩,恩,我想你已经祈求了的很多事物。但哥们啊, 看起来好像“不要活”这个愿望比你以前曾经期望的任何东西都更深,更强。(1分36秒沉默)
ll!E$yP-O0心理学空间+JuJ RL"W(H5j
心理学空间tJ3c7pOuX B
vB2mQG}5L` g0心理学空间9W1F4U`0rA*ZT!j{9v6V*x

,N!DR7we [&[2JY!y0C.R:我对此的理解是:总的来说,他认为你不好的这事让你内心情感汹涌,以致于使你真地希望,希望你不要活着。是这样吗?大致是这样吗?
koP$b)J8q$[0心理学空间9K?Z s bVgF
C.R: 恩,你感受到,“我对其他活着的人来说一是无处,因此-为什么我应该继续活下去呢?”(21秒沉默)
1XT5|/I"g0心理学空间!d V3FO*{g#DG`N
C.R: 我想你这样想的一部分原因是-在这里我是一种猜测,你可以直接修正,我想一部分原因是你感觉:“我努力做到他希望的那样好。我真的努力。现在-如果我对他而言不好,如果他感觉我不好,那么就证明我对任何人都不好。”是这样吗,恩-大致是这样吗?
bB+AZ1\ W t5S0吉姆:哦,是的,其他人也告诉过我这些。
-sY{d @,B aX0
$y3y xy Bo0C.R: 是的,恩,我明白。因此你感觉如果,如果你听信别人说的-其他几个人曾经说的,那么,那么你不好。对任何人都不好。(3分40秒沉默)。心理学空间@Wpa$r\u
C.R:我不知道这是否有帮助,但我只想说-我想我几乎能够很好地理解 “你对任何人来说都很糟糕”这种感觉,因为有一次,我也有这样的感觉,我也似乎有这样的感受。我知道这种感觉是相当可怕的。6(13分钟沉默)
7? C kvvH SV0C.R:我想我们剩下的,已经只有不多几分钟了。(2分51秒沉默)心理学空间 }|!pi8y!I}6jJ
心理学空间 b\0EQIA
C.R: shall we make it next Tuesday at 11, the usual time? (Silence of 1 minute, 35 seconds)心理学空间C-h J(fHaGs8d
C.R: If you gave me any answer, I really didn’t get it. Do you want to see me nest Tuesday at 11?
[CV']]C0Jim: Don’t know.心理学空间"y*r+V7yKk2S,Q9Q
C.R: “I just don’t know.”(Silence of 34 seconds)
A#FR'N.R7x,?@0C.R: right at this point you just don’t know-whether you want to say”yes” to that or not, Hmm?-I guess you feel so down and so-awful that you just don’t know whether you can-can see that far ahead. Hmm? (Silence of 1 minute, 5 seconds)心理学空间x t8\0z&P ZX3r
C.R: I’m going to give you an appointment at that time because I’d sure like to see you then. (Writing out appointment slip.)(Silence of 50 seconds)心理学空间9bz5k$N!nC*D O(Y
C.R: And another thing I would say is that-if things continue to stay so rough for you, don’t hesitate to have them call me. And if you should decide to take off, I would very much appreciate it if you would have them call me and-so I could see you first. I wouldn’t try to dissuade you. I’d just want to see you.心理学空间(U,E9fCw
Jim: I might go today. Where, I don’t know, but I don’t care.心理学空间NZ,x q-RW`
C.R: Just feel that your mind is made up and that you’re going to leave, you’re not going to anywhere. You’re just-just going to leave, hmm? (Silence of 53 seconds)心理学空间IFs ?2p Y?
Jim: (Muttering in discouraged tone) That’s why I want to go, because I don’t care what happens.
/f1}-T.o?0C.R: Huh?
?VE'`)K5A0Jim: That’s why I want to go, because I don’t care what happens.心理学空间%Mf-\/B1N)r3c3OJPs

*YxiCw)Sh1c0C.R:我们可以在下个星期二11点约定的时间做吗?(35秒沉默1分)心理学空间d iC S-` i
n Cq'|f3^!k0@)`0
O RV6l(oV~0吉姆:不知道。
hZi\E&O cI @0心理学空间 M6nn+i kh A q
C.R: “我只是不知道”(34秒沉默)
W%S2PM ?N7Q0C.R: 好的,在此时你只是不知道-是否说“是的”或“不”,恩?- 我想你感觉如此沮丧如此可怕以致你不知道是否你能-能向前看那么远。恩?(1分5秒沉默)
1b2i|cE O\3@0C.R: 我给你这个约会时间, 因为我确信那时我想见你。(写出约定卡)(50秒沉默)心理学空间L~J|f;D(i

9PbL b,_0C.R:我要说的另一件事情是-如果事情对你来说一直都是如此糟糕,不要有任何犹豫,打电话给我。如果你决定离开,我会非常感激如果你打电话给我, 这样我就可以先见到你。我不会试图劝阻你。我只是想见你。心理学空间,T,S d~CA3~0Mu

`"SI4\xFpY0A `0吉姆:我可能今天就走,去哪里,我不知道,不过我不在乎。心理学空间M/?!J)oNz
C.R: 只是感觉你下定了决心并且就要离开了。你不打算去任何地方。你仅仅-仅仅打算离开,嗯?(53秒沉默)
NCKU ZPV[V0心理学空间|8VWCg~ ?t"r fo

s/i#w*t%a3}!s0C.R:恩?心理学空间,J-jc'X pR%^

_g Z/F'p-T0心理学空间 ROZ-qH8Sm]v
C.R: M-hm, m-hm. That’s why you want to go, because you really don’t care about yourself. You just don’t care what happens. And I guess I’d just like to say-I care about you. And I care what happens.7 (Silence of 30 seconds) (Jim bursts into tears and unintelligible sobs.)心理学空间N s4|]6YD:`E
C.R: (tenderly) somehow that just-makes all the feelings pour out. (Silence of 35 seconds)
/Gg:yo2Qn:Kk0C.R: And you just weep and weep and weep. And feel so badly. (Jim continues to sob, then blows nose and breathes in great gasps)心理学空间kC3D_$KPb#r
C.R: I do get some sense of how awful you feel inside-you just sob and sob. (Jim puts his head on desk, bursting out in great gulping, gasping sobs)
7j!AV |0V |[m0C.R: I guess all the pent-up feelings you’ve been feeling the last few days just-just come rolling out. (Silence of 32 seconds, while Jim continues to sob.)心理学空间G1zymE"R8A~
C.R: There’s some Kleenex there, if you’d like it--M-hm. (sympathetically) you just feel kind of torn to pieces inside. (Silence of 1 minute, 56 seconds)心理学空间h`!Hd`x3vl
Jim: I wish I could die. (Sobbing)心理学空间Auc}h/p[
C.R: You just wish you could die, don’t you? M-hm. You just feel so awful, you wish you could perish. (Therapist laid his hand gently on Jim’s arm during this period. Jim showed no definite response. However, the storm subsides somewhat. Very heavy breathing.) (Silence of 1 minute, 10 seconds)心理学空间$w:o&ATw;He1~._]4g
C.R: You just feel so awful and so torn apart inside that, that it just makes you wish could pass out. (Silence of 3 minutes, 29 seconds)心理学空间'Lw9_%C-aC W

0d#w%Q A)Dc&y|H)ml0C.R:恩,恩。这就是为什么你想走,因为你真的不在意你自己。你就是不在乎发生什么。我想我只想说-我在意你。我在意发生什么事情。7(30秒沉默)(吉姆突然大哭并呜咽起来。)
M%W)q;kVdQg0心理学空间T8O*` D2B7\
7T}Ys7|E c:z6v0心理学空间;WEX m5QSI)u9}3B
C.R:我想几天来你感受到的所有压抑的情绪刚才-刚才宣泄了出来。 (32秒沉默,期间吉姆一直抽泣。)心理学空间+n1M|!ZE
]9?f3r$` [@.y9O(w0吉姆:我希望我能死掉。(抽泣)
0g OpX[_Mg(W1Z%M0C.R:你只是希望你能死掉,是吗?恩,你只是感到如此糟糕,你希望你能死掉。(在此期间,治疗师把他的手轻轻地放在吉姆的胳膊上。吉姆没有明确的回应,然而,激动的情绪稍微有些衰退,很粗的呼吸。)(1分10秒沉默)心理学空间 huB-H@5bG6DT#f~
+_L E8O&C$lT.W RJ0C.R: I guess life is so tough, isn’t it? You just feel you could weep and sob your heart away and wish you could die.8 (Heavy breathing continues.) (Silence of 6 minutes, 14 seconds)心理学空间6~ Kt2k4Xy+fFB
C.R: I don’t want to rush you, and I’ll stay as long as you really need me, but I do have another appointment, that I’m really late for.心理学空间\lBr)Y
Jim: Yeah. (Silence of 17 minutes)
m(A;a7?IT1U2r/uoz0C.R: Certainly been through something, haven’t you? (Silence of 1 minute, 18 seconds)心理学空间HI^7{R~k
C.R: May I see you Tuesday?心理学空间mX-DX&G0TR&b K_
Jim: (Inaudible response)心理学空间E8T_Y;nUqh
C.R: Hmm?心理学空间+Fk;T]6nZ#i0X
Jim: Don’t know. (Almost unintelligible)心理学空间$dQ!q R5u*x+W
C.R: “I just don’t know.” M-hm. You know all the things I said before. I mean very much. I want to see you Tuesday, and I want to see you before then if you want to see me. So, if you need me, don’t hesitate to call me. (Silence of 1 minute)
f]%GC3K,XAw0C.R: It’s really rough, isn’t it? (Silence of 24 seconds)心理学空间jrf _[0@9F Eb
Jim: Yes.
2R%[(V&X4S2m\0C.R: Sure is. (Jim slowly gets up to go.) (Silence of 29 seconds)
%dm2R&S)Oq@2K0C.R: Want to take that too? (Jim takes appointment slip.) (Silence of 20 seconds)心理学空间S7ZFm$pt,z.F6W R
C.R: There’s a washroom right down the hall where you can wash your face. (Jim opens door; noise and voices are heard from corridor.) (Silence of 18 seconds) (Jim turns back into the room.)心理学空间 c;mm;Sa}Bn n
Jim: You don’t have a cigarette, do you? (Therapist finds one.)心理学空间e2t;I:K(F~^}2v
C.R: There’s just one. I looked in the package but-I don’t know. I haven’t any idea how old it is, but it looks sort of old.心理学空间!yzh&z$oX-mO
Jim: I’ll see you. (Hardly audible)
GIY)Z8A _ ERu0C.R: OK. I’ll be looking for you Tuesday, Jim.心理学空间+By:{$P9[{4n:`
心理学空间A-ad }+rEgp
C.R:我不愿意催促你。我想一直陪着你,只要你需要。 不过我确实有另外一个约会,我真的迟到了。
心理学空间&Ra1lx ]|s5g ^
C.R:我可以在星期二见你吗?心理学空间'MHl-ZKv4b b5f!a

/\|A6a+Es({0吉姆:(听不见的反应)心理学空间4_%kT7L/h pbi _c
心理学空间4vr)W9Eu F%c
心理学空间h @8ptJo
#t:Z+z!a-A Ce9PhJ9`w0
:w F1R\J{$jx)X0C.R:“我只是不知道。”恩。你知道我先前说的所有事情。我的意思着着实实是这样的。我想在星期二见你。在那之前如果你想见我的话,我也愿意见你。所以,如果你需要我,不要犹豫给我打电话。(1分钟沉默)
+UD:S^9p G/O0心理学空间M)R(B8Y$V2x
J.P5o {U!x0
DV7o(\|}6M A0C.R:是的。(吉姆慢慢地站起来要走。)(29秒沉默)心理学空间*c_Va auN#dQQJ

j+[!z2y'v$CKa0C.R:想把那个也带着吗?(吉姆拿走约定卡。)(20秒沉默)心理学空间!m%dC4e!` d-Xd!r
心理学空间;ln5o.V4x S7c#J
Pk } Xm0
&j _gy-XOj&h f0吉姆:你没带香烟,是吗?(治疗师找到了一支。)心理学空间5Bpg&m(r

:a4C:P Y:u/@AA0C.R:正好有一支,我在包里找了,而-我并不知道。只是,我不知道,我不知道它有多久了,不过看上去有几分久了。
!S!K!n'X1G0心理学空间 IkCc8dQ
吉姆:我会见你。(几乎听不见)心理学空间%K#XaV&k Z*\Mq0vj k
心理学空间5u1r;qc S]UD

2qI-J6V L ?A0补充说明:
.Th8g7hM7u%F}0案主28岁, 诊断为精神分裂症.他高中教育程度. 曾住院2次.第一次在他25岁的时候.心理学空间~U3Bs.}+y M!U#O%PJ
该次(第3次)住院19个月后, 罗杰斯开始见他. 前前后后罗杰斯见了他两年半.录在以上的这两次治疗是在治疗进行到11月后.心理学空间}*VHx0`l)sW8mF

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