Asserting Yourself
作者: Gordon H. Bower / 7687次阅读 时间: 2013年4月01日
来源: Da Capo Press 2004 标签: GordonBower
Asserting Yourself 作 者:Gordon H. Bower
出 版:Da Capo Press 2004
书 号:9780738209715
原 价:¥116.00元

3URr t~%G6u0Asserting Yourself-Updated Edition: A Practical Guide For Positive Change

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作者: Sharon Anthony Bower, Gordon H. Bower

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出版: Da Capo Press; Updated (2004年10月27日)心理学空间Aj/y,i/ti

E8K'r:E$Ny v0平装: 256页心理学空间 MZ ]L$N c{kZ

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ISBN: 9780738209715

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Sharon Anthony Bower is President of Confidence Training, Inc. She has led communication workshops for Apple, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, and government agencies.心理学空间4d'a'N_8T&nF


Gordon H. Bower is Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, having received his Ph.D. from Yale. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences.心理学空间#of Xkigy*V{

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«简讯:Gordon H. Bower心理学者赢得国家科学奖章 42 鲍尔|Gordon H. Bower
《42 鲍尔|Gordon H. Bower》
记忆研究开创者戈登·鲍尔(Gordon Bower)辞世,享年87岁»