焦虑障碍、接受、慈悲和智慧--Wisdom and Compassion in Psychotherapy17




Lizabeth Roemer

Susan M. Orsillo




















Rumis poem  The Guest House





















l         Before you begin this exercise, think of a difficulty youre experiencing right now. It doesnt have to be a significant difficulty, but choose something that you find unpleasant, something that is unresolved. It may be something you are worried about, an argument or misunderstanding youve had, or about which something you feel angry, resentful, guilty, or frustrated. If nothing is going on right now, think of some time in the recent past when you felt scared, worried,frustrated, resentful, angry, or guilty, and use that.

l         Notice the way you are sitting in the chair or on the floor. Notice where yourbody is touching the chair or floor. Bring your attention to your breath for a moment. Notice the in-breath . . . and the out-breath. . . . Now gently widen your awareness, take in the body as a whole. Notice any sensations that arise,breathing with your whole body.

l         When you are ready, bring to mind whatever situation has been stirring up difficult emotions for you. Bring your attention to the specific emotions that arise and any reactions you have to those emotions. And as you are focusing on this troubling situation and your emotional reaction, allow yourself to tune in to any physical sensations in the body that you notice are arising . . .becoming aware of those physical sensations . . . and then deliberately but gently directing your focus of attention to the region of the body where the sensations are the strongest in the gesture of an embrace, a welcoming . . . noticing that this is how it is right now . . . and breathing into that part of the body on the in-breath and breathing out from that region on the out-breath,exploring the sensations, watching their intensity shift up and down from one moment to the next.


l         Now, see if you can bring to this attention an even deeper attitude of compassion and openness to whatever sensations, thoughts, or emotions you are experiencing, however unpleasant, by saying to yourself from time to time, Its OK. Whatever it is, its already here. Let me open to it.


l         Stay with the awareness of these internal sensations, breathing with them,accepting them, letting them be, and allowing them to be just as they are. Say to yourself again, if you find it helpful, Its here right now. Whatever it is,its already here. Let me be open to it. Soften and open to the sensation you become aware of, letting go of any tensing and bracing. If you like, you can also experiment with holding in awareness both the sensations of the body and the feeling of the breath moving in and out as you breathe with the sensations moment by moment.


l         And when you notice that the bodily sensations are no longer pulling your attention to the same degree, simply return 100% to the breath and continue with that focus as the primary object of attention.


l         And then gently bring your awareness to the way you are sitting in the chair,your breath, and, when you are ready, open your eyes.






l         Please set aside 20 minutes during which you can privately and comfortably do this writing assignment. In your writing we want you to really let go and explore your very deepest emotions and thoughts about the topic. You may want to take several minutes to practice mindfulness before you start, so that you can approach this task with openhearted awareness.


l         As you write, try to allow yourself to experience your thoughts and feelings as completely as you can. Pushing these disturbing thoughts away can actually make them worse, so try to really let yourself go. Bring your mindfulness practice to the exercise so that you can accept and allow any reactions you have and continue to clarify what matters to you most. If you cannot think of what to write next, repeat the same thing over and over until something new comes to you. Be sure to write for the entire 20 minutes. Dont be concerned with spelling, punctuation, or grammar; just write whatever comes to mind.


l         You may notice that you often have thoughts about why you cannot be the way you would like to be in your relationships. This is natural and we will explore these obstacles at other times. So, for this particular exercise, see if you can notice these thoughts as they arise and gently turn your attention back to how you would like to be, if you were not experiencing the obstacle, so that you can really explore what matters to you.


l         Choose two or three relationships that are important to you. You can either pick actual relationships (e.g., my relationship with my brother) or relationships you would like to have (e.g., I would like to be part of a couple, I would like to make more friends). Briefly write about how you would like to be in those relationships. Think about how you would like to communicate with others (e.g., how open vs. private you would like to be, how direct vs. passive you would like to be in asking for what you need and in giving feedback to others). Think about what sort of support you would like from other people and what sort of support you can give without sacrificing your self-care. Write about anything else that matters to you in your relationships with others.

标签: 心理治疗  慈悲  正念  智慧 

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