心理咨询理论 » 防御机制

Oral phase口欲期 (0 to 3 years)

  1. Projection投射 投射 by 缪绍疆
  2. Introjection内 摄、内投射
  3. Hallucination幻觉化

Anal Phase肛欲期 (1.5 to 5 years)

  1. Projective Identification投射性 认同
  2. Projective Blaming投射性责备
  3. Denial否认 初识否认 by 李孟潮
  4. Dedifferentiation (Self-Object Fusion)失分化(自体-客体混淆)
  5. Splitting分裂
  6. Animism泛灵论
  7. Deanimation 去生灵
  8. Reaction-Formation反向形成
  9. Undoing and Rituals取消和仪式 抵消 by 李孟潮
  10. Isolation (of Affect)(情绪)隔离
  11. Externalization外化
  12. Turning on the self转向自身
  13. Negativism否定化
  14. Compartmentalization间隔化
  15. Hostile aggression敌意性攻击

First Genital Phase 性蕾期(2 to 6 years)

  1. Displacement置换 置换足矣 by 李孟潮
  2. Symbolically(符号化)
  3. Condensation凝缩、压缩
  4. Illusion formation or daydreaming白日梦
  5. Prevarication支吾搪塞
  6. Confabulation虚构
  7. Repressed压抑(或名潜抑),
  8. Negative hallucination 负性幻觉(视而不见)
  9. Libidinal regression[ Psychosexual regression ]利比多退行(心理性欲退行)
  10. Ego regression自我退行
  11. Temporal regression暂时性退行
  12. Topographic regression区域性退行
  13. Suppressed克制
  14. Identification with a fantasy和幻想认同
  15. Identification with parents' Unconscious or conscious wishes/fantasies认同父母无意识的愿望/幻想
  16. identification with the ideal image or object认同理想化的意象或客体
  17. identification with the aggressor与攻击者认同
  18. identification with the victim与受害者认同
  19. Identification with the lost object和丧失客体的认同
  20. Identification with the interject与内摄物认同
  21. Seduction of the aggressor引诱攻击者

Latency Phase 潜伏期(6 to 11 years)

  1. Sublimation升华(作用)
  2. Provocation挑逗(衅)
  3. Rationalization合理化 合理化及其它 by 李孟潮
  4. Rumination(过度)沉思
  5. Counterphobic Behavior反恐惧行为
  6. Intellectualization理智化
  7. socialization and Distancing社会化和距离化
  8. instinctuliation of an Ego Function 自我功能本能化
  9. Inhibition of an Ego Function自我功能的禁止
  10. Idealization理想化
  11. Devaluation贬低

Adolescence and Later—Second Genital Phase 青春期及成人期( 13 to 20 years plus)

  1. Humor幽默
  2. Concretization(使抽象概念)具体化
  3. Disidentification不认同
  4. Group formation团体形成
  5. Asceticism禁欲
  6. Ipsisexual Object Choise手淫式客体选择


  1. One affect versus Another一种情绪对抗另外一种
  2. Hyperabstraction过度抽象
  3. Reticence沉默寡言
  4. Garrulousness多嘴多舌
  5. Avoidance回避
  6. Passive被动
  7. Grandiosity/Omnipotence夸大/全能化
  8. Passive to Active被动转主动
  9. Somatization躯体化
  10. Normalization正常化
  11. Dramatization戏剧化
  12. Impulsivity冲动
  13. Substance abuse as a defense物质滥用
  14. Clinging粘附
  15. Whining发牢骚
  16. Pseudoindependence假性独立
  17. pathological altruism病理性利他
  18. Gaslighting装神弄鬼
  19. minimization轻视
  20. exaggeration夸大
  21. generalization 泛化
  22. reconstruction of reality重构现实
  23. Transference传会(移情)
  24. dissociation解离
  25. photophobia恐光症
  26. apathy 情感淡漠
  27. intimidation of others –bullying恐吓他人——威吓
  28. compensation for deficiencies对缺陷进行补偿
  29. psychogenic tic心理源性抽动
  30. introspection内省
  31. qualified agreement有限制的同意
  32. instinctualization of an ego weakness对自我弱点的本能化
  33. Inauthenticity伪装
  34. hyper-rationality高度合理化
  35. vagueness含糊
  36. hyper-aestheticism高度唯美主义
  37.  glibness快嘴快舌
  38. physical violence躯体暴力
  39. identification with the injured object 与受伤客体的认同
  40. formal regression 形式退行
  41. Hypervigilance高度警觉
  42. temporal displacement to the future暂时转换到未来
  43. fatigue疲劳
  44. Frankness坦率
  45. turning self-criticism onto the object自我批评转向客体



