伯考维茨 | Leonard Berkowitz



里昂纳德·伯科威茨(Leonard Berkowitz)以大学生们为研究对象进行了一系列试验。在这些实验中,实验对象观看暴力节目或非暴力节目,被挑衅或未被挑衅。伯科威茨发现,观看暴力节目比观看非暴力节目的实验对象,在被挑衅时行为更具攻击性。此外,伯科威茨和他的助手还在公共机构里对少年犯进行了一系列实地实验。这些实验评估了那些被指定连续数周观看媒介暴力内容的男孩在身体上和语言上的攻击性,并与其他未观看暴力节目的男孩的攻击性程度作了比较。研究结果与实验室调查结果趋于一致:观看了媒介暴力内容的男孩更有可能实施攻击行为。


作 者:(美)伦纳德·伯克威茨(Leonard Berkowitz)著;张霁明译 
ISBN:9787206001017 / 7206001017

Leonard Berkowitz was born on August 11, 1926. He earned his Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of Michigan in 1951. After graduating, he went to the U.S. Air Force Human Resources Center in San Antonio, Texas, where he was involved in applying social psychology to real-life situations. However, after several years, Berkowitz decided he really wanted an academic career, and in 1955 he accepted a position at the University of Wisconsin. He continued there until his retirement in 1993.
Berkowitz is well known for his studies of human aggression. He also studied the other side of human nature, helping behavior. He served as editor for a series of books called Advances in Experimental Social Psychology from 1962 until 1987. Berkowitz's books include Aggression: A Social Psychological Analysis (1962) and Aggression: Its Causes, Consequences, and Control (1993).

Source www.dushkin.com/connectext/psy/ch15/bio15b.mhtml

Representative Publications
Berkowitz, L. (1990). On the formation and regulation of anger and aggression: A cognitive-neoassociationistic analysis. American Psychologist.
Berkowitz, L. (1989). The frustration-aggression hypothesis: Examination and reformulation. Psychological Bulletin, 106, 59-73.
Berkowitz, L. (1987). Mood, self-awareness, and the willingness to help. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52, 721-729.
Berkowitz, L. (1984). Some effects of thoughts on the anti- and prosocial influences of media events: A cognitive neoassociationistic analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 95, 410-427.