阿莫斯·特沃斯基 | Amos Tversky 

Amos Tversky


Amos Tversky (1937-1996) was a cognitive and mathematical psychologist who was passionately committed to advancing knowledge of human judgment and decision making, and the similarities between them. Tversky's contributions to these subjects, put forward with a research style that combined rigorous mathematical analysis with elegant empirical demonstrations and simple examples of irresistible force and clarity, had a profound influence on scholars in numerous disciplines. Indeed, one measure of Tversky's impact is how much his ideas have generated excitement and altered curricula in such varied fields as psychology, economics, law, medicine, political science, philosophy, and statistics.

Although his best known work was contained in his papers on the heuristics of judgment and on sources of suboptimal decision making, Tversky also made major contributions to many other areas of psychology, from the foundations of measurement to the nature of similarity assessment and the misperception of randomness or chance. Counterintuitive experimental results were

his hallmark.




認知心理學家,Daniel Kahneman和 Amos Tversky訪問一群受試者,看他喜歡哪一種選擇:穩定拿到手的八十美元,或者百分之八十五的機會拿一百美元,當然,這表示有百分之十五的可能是什麼也拿不到,大部分人願意拿八十美元。Daniel Kahneman和 Amos Tversky做出結論,人們一般『不願冒風險』:他們情願拿到確定的東西,即使另一個風險值得孤注一擲。Daniel Kahneman和 Amos Tversky問另一群人說,他們喜歡肯定賠出八時美元,或是喜歡百分之八十五的可能賠一百美元,這當然表示有百分之十五的可能是一分錢也不賠。這次,大部分人寧願賭一賭,而不願照賠,儘管一般而言,這場賭局的代價更大。Daniel Kahneman和 Amos Tversky做以下的結論:當在獲取中進行選擇時,人們不願意冒險;當在受損中進行選擇時,人們會找機會嘗試冒一下險—在這兩種情況下,他們都有可能做出錯誤判斷。
 受試者對這兩個版本的問題反應差別極大:百分之七十二的人選擇方案A而不是方案B,但百分之七十八的人(另一小組)選擇方案D而不是方案C。Daniel Kahneman和 Amos Tversky的解釋:在第一版本中,結果是以獲取(拯救的生命)來描述的,在第二版中是以損失(損失的生命)來描述的。這與上述的金錢實驗是同樣的偏見,受試者的判斷受到扭曲,在處於生命關頭和處於賭桌上的金錢是一樣的。