Relationship Inventory: Forms MO and OS 关系量表(BLRI 调整版)
作者: David Murphy / 8694次阅读 时间: 2013年10月20日
标签: 共情 BLRI

+bU!O&hK({#^GL S0Relationship Inventory: Forms MO and OS心理学空间E$\?$s&Y/~


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3a:H'[1A'~o0Client Ref: Date: 心理学空间$y)VL G o

`5x%OhU9X0Gender: M / F 心理学空间 E$]2l \+l,b8ez\7Z

心理学空间 qzR BDRD

Therapist ID心理学空间5q#c/t?i:G

y+A8IdI bG W0Session No. 心理学空间 a!\(Ba4l(\

J9mA?4}"BD0Below are listed a variety of ways that one person may feel or behave in relation to another person. Please consider each statement with reference to your counselling/therapy relationship. Circle a score for each question according to how strongly you feel it is true or not true in this relationship. 

K`(D?#K}(u{0心理学空间bmwK6H2w e

Please give a mark for every statement. Circle either, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 to stand for the following answers: 心理学空间/H l+?(y:~9X:`b

,si,Y? s*E%|tn2cJ01 = No, I strongly feel that it is not true  


jZZx DD02 = No I feel it is not true 心理学空间 bbw2d3E

%w U N G5^:vP/F03 = No, I feel that it is probably untrue, or more untrue than true 

1zd)G K.ggj0心理学空间*`,t H.S%L`)bK

4 =Yes, I feel it is probably true, or more true than untrue 


5 =Yes I feel it is true 心理学空间IN^b{ wj

{,Y$V ` g(r;B CP06 =Yes I strongly feel that it is true 心理学空间K;C?1b8AH @

9I$G&g4K D0=================================

5lA aD `-_OZJ0S E0

B%}M?D1AjI3c01 I respect them as a person.我尊敬其人

!us;E`M-HP0心理学空间*` L@b m#R#nF

2 I want to understand how they see things.我想要理解他们如何看待事情心理学空间{T;ZNA Q2x

心理学空间RYhk |$k"v{]5p^I

3 My interest in them depends on what they say or do.我对他们的兴趣来自他们所说所为

zsOW)lY!a0心理学空间@}O A8R

4 I am comfortable and at ease in our relationship.在我们的关系中我觉得舒服和放松


5 I understand their words but I do not understand the way they feel.我理解他们话语中的意思但是我法了解他们的感觉心理学空间]'wB,RHM-E@

心理学空间~h4K5F6q` Tu&X*g

6 Whether they feel happy or unhappy with themselves makes no real difference to the way I feel about them.无论他们自己觉的开心或悲伤,我对待他们的方式横竖一样心理学空间+_!AV H]"s

j!~S^7vZ,x07 I feel that I put on a role or a front with them.我觉得我在做戏/打肿脸充胖子

3WV nn[%y_3My0

O(v2\d3E(i0v(u+G(D08 I am impatient with them.我对他们很有耐心心理学空间Z \2p P`/~


9 I feel appreciation toward them.我对他们心存感激心理学空间_X[&N(yVN

T KP y-c `tp C n010 I usually sense or realise what they are feeling.

/xW o*p1u D!S0

}PNP@ Gd$k011 I want them to be a particular kind of person.

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12 I nearly always feel that what I say expresses exactly what I am feeling and thinking as I say it.心理学空间@L0p,[ C%J

z z1W(} n}[013 I find them rather dull and uninteresting.心理学空间u!i&PO;s$}0g o,ZS

心理学空间*x8|JL&xG hN+P

14 My own attitudes towards some of the things they do or say prevents me from understanding them.


}T,Q3Hj6c015 They can (or could) be openly critical or appreciative of me without really making me feel any differently about them.

h WYtKs7\a5T0

q T |Gk"t8V016 I want them to think that I like them or understand them more than I really do.

4v#r5Mv |2T(mm0

*y`U9f9b0d WI%[017 I just tolerate them.

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18 I usually understand the whole of what they mean.


VbK*lp:WY)f019 If they show that they are angry with me, I become angry with them, too.心理学空间'o%p_M$g;S

&D1^'b6l-q2} ^ ~020 I express my true impressions and feelings with them.

$L4A F$K)J;_4V.JW~0心理学空间U$BFkT&R

21 I am friendly and warm with them.

_y/d} D v$jt0

r.i.g(T"h4V/z022 I just take no notice of some things that they think or feel.心理学空间!w"Lf'j,O0RpB

;Qh6R,M a6?QI023 How much I like or dislike them is not altered by anything that they tell me about their self.

+K7~2b2xkF$O%]B0心理学空间,aP$I e:YF y Y

24 At times they sense that I am not aware of what I am really feeling with them. 心理学空间8^4m/~-@(vxvd&e

心理学空间E?"ouY._ ~

25 I am openly myself in our relationship.


9Gl8uu8V f&Si026 They seem to irritate and bother me.心理学空间y:A$l(k*{5\6J

`5@:l};g~6H027 I do not realise how sensitive they are about some of the things we discuss.心理学空间9O lL-_3c8A[

7DoB8Hi028 Whether the ideas and feelings they express are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ seems to make no difference to my feeling toward them.心理学空间 ?mI+T n4G

3@?XsS:uNE029 I understand them.心理学空间K}^F4J,a%l V ]A

F)S&`$\Mc.U"u030 Sometimes they are more worthwhile in my eyes than they are at other times.心理学空间f/k)xU:mV5A


31 I am truly interested in them.


|:XIIFg8AU032 What I say to them often gives a wrong impression of my whole thought or feeling at the time.

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1P+f o"z(G8S,r0 RELATIONSHIP INVENTORY (Adapted from B-L R I)

)m(u_'j*uO0vE0心理学空间o~e7CiD#m k

Client Ref: Date: 心理学空间&y0Os!Mm B!ZN|

心理学空间 hK!^H6Q(D z#C,Kd

Gender: M / F 


Therapist ID

D+b*G6g0Mz v0心理学空间4B$]B#GNmI!L+o)L

Session No. 心理学空间FB(mZ \*Z]

心理学空间S)z f1{!d\5T,B }

Below are listed a variety of ways that one person may feel or behave in relation to another person. Please consider each statement with reference to your counselling/therapy relationship. Circle a score for each question according to how strongly you feel it is true or not true in this relationship. Please give a mark for every statement. Circle either, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 to stand for the following answers: 心理学空间0|.s&MKjW B%e$TG

心理学空间(Y"Fqjw}Bjv B

1 = No, I strongly feel that it is not true心理学空间,TD:k7GU8_8fG

心理学空间?%kT^D RGY

2 = No I feel it is not true 

"ow&^ M7Q4H6A w{U0心理学空间2kBc"RO x

3 = No, I feel that it is probably untrue, or more untrue than true心理学空间X$`8f2G ^O;GbI

3|w8V h)OJ.G K+m04 =Yes, I feel it is probably true, or more true than untrue心理学空间"q/p9w6B&c3M%Q m|


5 =Yes I feel it is true 心理学空间.I+ne6Rl5d8A9j#s$k

心理学空间'^#evp L,T

6 =Yes I strongly feel that it is true 

X^%l q-R3Z\8~N&@0


hS:z t3X V0

6O{6U$P AfC/a$[*l(o01 They respect me as a person.

,j Y&M%z7UWF*JR0

V-h"D},R6Z'UZ02 They want to understand how I see things.心理学空间}r@ lr1rM

心理学空间5['P y[y6_/CPh

3 Their interest in me depends on what I say or do.


3pHk6r z04 They are comfortable and at ease in our relationship.心理学空间 s7E&g`&i3{

心理学空间8l \.I[Y Q

5 They understand my words but do not understand the way I feel.心理学空间u Tu)f @.^Z{(Ej(}

心理学空间 _7v6kT+rR4_.]fg

6 Whether I am feeling happy or unhappy with myself makes no real difference to the way they feel about me.

8q:B.H%[,|6P O0

U/B6n8eyb ^N07 I feel that they put on a role or a front with me.

Z {#@8IZ:b!N)v*]0心理学空间e,A,VmzC` _p

8 They are impatient with me.心理学空间y j0o TKl


9 They feel appreciation toward me.

$fJ~kkS c xM2k#jf0心理学空间1e EI]Dqh/~E

10 They usually sense or realise what I am feeling.


11 They want me to be a particular kind of person.

}a,s8O6`S0m&G]&D0心理学空间J"C x-s(c

12 I nearly always feel that what they say expresses exactly what they are feeling and thinking as they say it.

VN Sf6@ |;R0心理学空间]7C_:X9u?%LT

13 They find me rather dull and uninteresting.心理学空间+P:{jF"?Z I

ld\JR w4S |014 Their own attitude towards some of the things I do or say prevents them from understanding me.


GAi(H+t4b k015 I can (or could) be openly critical or appreciative of them without really making them feel any differently about me.

&w'X3@Mxh/q5] U0

Q'pW,KeY$\-],]016 They want me to think that they like me or understand me more than they really do.

@;QM~2{ r+\Xb%W(i0

Z7|9J9V2k8M:c&K017 They just tolerate me.

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18 They usually understand the whole of what I mean.心理学空间:hVyI Y H

心理学空间Hj4atj hu vO8e

19 If I show that I am angry with them they become angry with me, too.

-t@!`t o0

"u.Q3MO+Q2A_020 They express their true impressions and feelings with me.心理学空间Z)X(|DN

'\i;]yh#Ox\NH021 They are friendly and warm with me.


;j,C&M@2S022 They just take no notice of some things that I think or feel.心理学空间2r&M0b/io5@V

$F:T ~b)T p%Udf p023 How much they like or dislike me is not altered by anything that I tell them about myself.

?f4y(~YC[rC-V0心理学空间w L$Ari | |

24 At times I sense that they are not aware of what they are really feeling with me. 心理学空间&P ~6lf I8DN#P

i:}5ntzN2R025 They are openly their self in our relationship.心理学空间` |*\G*K U!?

L1a/y7Y2C7i]8D-f2U026 I seem to irritate and bother them.心理学空间:tfA0b2c0UO%L:r

心理学空间mD}tY}K F

27 They do not realise how sensitive I am about some of the things we discuss.


l/J?B Y}028 Whether the ideas and feelings I express are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ seems to make no difference to their feeling toward me.心理学空间1j$U8E"_2[?q pjurlQz

心理学空间 W`@fR_r$c

29 They understand me.心理学空间{ kW2e0e!_|

F,t1Sqv't-M}030 Sometimes I am more worthwhile in their eyes than I am at other times.


31 They are truly interested in me.

LkMl.Ih+^0心理学空间:HG)uur Vsu!{"d

32 What they say to me often gives a wrong impression of their whole thought or feeling at the time.

k3V-wE6`n*D,y0心理学空间mK Pz'r:P8N3g;qB



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Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory (BLRI)巴雷莱纳关系问卷简介»
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