防御机制81 恐光症photophobia
作者: blackman / 7184次阅读 时间: 2016年7月30日
来源: 《心灵的面具》 标签: photophobia 防御机制 恐光症

:Z~9MBa cn Qb"@p081 恐光症photophobia心理学空间4gQiDCCJg j

cxxj8q8L&ao1G b0你回避对光,以逃避除了其他事情之外的,你紧张而又内疚的想要去看(窥视色情癖)的愿望,尤其是受到禁止的性场面。①心理学空间 YQXL*Y.HgX TM%`
You avoid the light to avoid, among other things, your intense, guilt-ridden wishes to look (scoptophilia), especially at forbidden, sexual situations.

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4~p8Tu @D0这种防御常常是广场恐怖症患者的一个特点。其他的人则是对光过度的“敏感”,并且甚至会在你的咨询室里要求你把灯关小(会是个引人注目的请求,因为绝大部分治疗师的办公室都不是极为光亮的)。
A4NQ+LA b0This defense is often a feature in agoraphobics. Others are overly “sensitive” to light, and may even ask you to turn down the light in your consulting room (a remarkable request considering that most therapists’ offices are not extremely bright).心理学空间7o4v,s%S-u1C.d

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_,p.jcv4\5^(D5gy$n0当人们要求你去把灯关小时,你也许可以借机向他们说明,这种行为是作为来自他们自己无意识愿望的,在咨询回合中“不要看见”太多的替代品。于是他们所不想要看见的东西,连同被避开的情感,一起都会变成意识化的了。心理学空间.M!d:A _+?#w F

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B)WS.K&w,n0When people ask you to turn down the light, you may be able to show them the displacement from their unconscious wish to “not see” too much in the session. What they don’t want to see may then become conscious,along with the warded-off affects.心理学空间ph&zxg3|Y

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B3T;NX ~*kn0  ①Abraham( 1913) 提出观点说太阳(和光)可以有多重象征含义。因此避开阳光也是有象征性的。经过几个案例的仔细而漫长的研究,他总结说光可以代表“...父亲的...仔细关照的眼睛”,而因此恐光症是“想要从(它)那里被移开的愿望”(第115 页)。心理学空间!bPP&Y&o\]4W
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Abraham (1913) makes the point that the sun (and light) can have a multiplicity of symbolic meanings, and therefore avoiding sunlight is also symbolic. Through the careful, lengthy study of several cases he concludes that the light can represent the “…observant eye of [the]…father” and photophobia, therefore, the “wish to be removed from [it]” (p. 175).


  关于一个男性病人,“在治疗的时候他依然因为害怕而避免看到任何他母亲身体没有遮盖的部分,除了她的脸和手之外,即使看到她穿着一件带有开领的组上衣也曾经造成他很大的苦恼”。进一步的联想导孩了引人注目的发现,即“禁止看着自己在号来的这种禁令是产生于更加特殊的禁止看到她裸露,尤其看到她的生殖器的禁令”。不被允许看着她的这种思组...(被置换到了)“不能够看着太阳的光”的畏惧上(第171 页)。心理学空间"W0Q$u B#vS }u

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Regarding a male patient,“…at the time of treatment he still shrank from seeing any portion of his mother’s body uncovered except her face and hands. Even seeing her in a blouse with an open-work neck used to cause him great distress.” Further associations led to the remarkable discovery that “…the prohibition of looking at his mother originated in the more particular prohibition of seeing her naked and in especial of seeing her genitals. The idea of not being allowed to look at her was…[displaced onto] the fear of “not being able to look at the light of the sun” (p. 177). 

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Abraham. K. (1913) ,Transformations of scoptophilia. In selected papers on psychoanalysis. IXTranslated by Bryan. D. , & Strachey. A London, The Hogarth Press,1948. pp. 169-234.

TAG: photophobia 防御机制 恐光症
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