IPA区际精神分析辞典:Enactment 扮演/活现
作者: 心理空间 / 16982次阅读 时间: 2017年9月04日


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IV. A. Latin America: Developments and Clinical Relevance心理学空间I`C$b_ p

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4.1 拉美:发展和临床相关性心理学空间5gs;M S:s cw9`

Clinical situations like enactments, described in the literature, generally indicate some action or abrupt behavior that has made the analyst feel he has lost his analytical function. For example, he might be surprised to realize that he has behaved ironically, aggressively or seductively. Or he might notice that he is uninterested or that he ended a session before the scheduled time, or extended it. He may realize he has become overly fascinated by the patient’s interesting stories, or has been arguing with the patient. In these cases, he notices that his analytical capacity has been impaired and so he feels embarrassed and guilty. Later the analyst may realize he was identifying with aspects projected by the patient. Specifically, these phenomena should be referred to as acute enactments (Cassorla, 2001). Sometimes the analyst’s behavior is more apparent than that of the patient. The term countertransferential enactment is used to refer to the analyst’s behavior.

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A(T)Rl/?Hq IH0在文献中与扮演类似的临床情景描述,一般是指某种让分析师觉得他已经失去了分析功能的一些动作或突然的行为。例如,他可能会惊讶地发现他已经表现得颇具讽刺、攻击或诱惑。或者他可能会注意到,他是漠不关心的,或者他过早地结束了会谈以及让会谈延时了。他可能意识到自己过度的着迷于病人的有趣故事,或者一直在与病人争论。在这些情况下,他注意到,他的分析能力受损了,并且,他因此而感到尴尬和内疚。随后,分析师可能意识到他当时正在认同于病人的多方面投射。具体而言,这些现象应该被成为急性扮演(acute enactments )(cassorla,2001)。有时候,分析师的行为比病人的表现更为明显。我们用反移情扮演来指代分析师的这种行为。心理学空间sV7}Dsr:o;|r

Cassorla (2005, 2008, 2012, 2013) studying borderline configurations shows that, before acute enactment occurred, the analytical dyad had already set up long, drawn-out dual collusions where patient and analyst became indiscriminate from one another. Such symbiotized dyads exhibit behavior similar to theatrical performances or mimicking (Sapisochin, 2013), and this type of behavior is termed chronic enactment. Neither member of the dyad realizes what is taking place and, when they do, it is shortly after the occurrence and realization of an acute enactment.心理学空间!l9]j~$K3al:j b

V;W7Xo I-n:Y2cc0cassorla(2005, 2008, 2012,2013)对边界设置的研究表明,在急性扮演发生之前,分析二元体早已建立了长期的、持续很久的双元合谋, 在这样的合谋之中,患者和分析师彼此之间变得不分青红皂白(indiscriminate)。这种共生的二元体关系表现出了与戏剧表演或模仿的相似行为(sapisochin,2013),而且,这种行为被称为慢性扮演。二元体中的成员在他们这样做的时候,都没有意识到正在发生的是什么,在这件事发生之后一会儿意识到它是一种急性的扮演。心理学空间0Qa7L uy*R$e

The study of the sequence: chronic enactment (unperceived) -> acute enactment (perceived) -> realization of the chronic enactment that had occurred – provides a description of a type of natural history of the analytical process when one is working in areas where the process of symbolization is impaired. Clinical facts uncover defensive organizations that avoid the perception of triangular reality, experienced as traumatic. Clinical experience shows the following sequence:心理学空间'u lOt.mal

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Phase 1. The analyst knows that he is dealing with a patient who is difficult to access and who attacks the analytical process and subverts it. However, it is certain that, with patience and perseverance, the difficulties will be understood.心理学空间"@r9z`Aq




Moment M: At a given point the analyst surprises himself by making an intervention or committing an act, usually impulsive, which embarrasses him, makes him feel guilty and gives him the impression that he has lost his analytical capacity. He is afraid he has done some harm to his patient and imagines impending complications.心理学空间{+sq:z1N2P

Hk UC$Q)y%[0M时刻:在一个特定的时刻,分析师惊讶于自己作出的干预或采取的行动,通常,这些是冲动性的,让他很尴尬、感到内疚,并且让他觉得他失去了分析能力。他担心他多少有些伤害了他的病人,并且想着即将发生的后续症状。


Phase 2. The analyst, bearing his negative feelings, notes the consequences of his behavior. To his surprise, the analytical process becomes more productive and the symbolic network of thought expands. The understanding of Moment M strengthens the analytical bond and the patient associates it with previous traumatic situations that are being worked through.心理学空间VUBO,W

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阶段二。分析师承担着他的负面情绪,注意到他行为的后果。令他吃惊的是,分析过程变得更有成效,思维的象征性网络也扩大了。对M时刻的理解加强了分析性联结,同时,病人将它与先前的、正在修通的创伤情景相联系。心理学空间 A#T8f9O+o#J Rv

Further investigation into the facts described lead the analyst to realize that, in Phase 1, he had been involved in a prolonged collusion with his patient (chronic enactment) in certain areas of functioning of the analytical dyad, which he had not perceived. The collusions, now identified, alternate between sadomasochistic scripts and scripts of mutual idealization. Analyst and patient control each other mutually and become extensions of one another.心理学空间2q qM;KL{


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Reviewing Moment M the analyst realizes that, in fact, he lost his analytical capacity not at this time, but earlier, during Phase 1. Moment M indicated, in fact, that this ability was being recovered. For example, the supposed aggression of the analyst had undone a masochistic collusion, or a relationship of mutual idealization that was blocking the analytical process (Phase 1). Moment M revealed an acute enactment that had undone the earlier chronic enactment at the same time that it made it perceptible. The acute enactment therefore manifested the trauma of having come in contact with triangular reality. Sometimes, before the clear perception of the acute enactment, such momentary contact with triangularity may be marked by almost imperceptible acute ‘micro-enactments’, when the defensive organization immediately circles back to chronic enactments (Cassorla, 2008). During the unperceived chronic enactments the analyst continues to work persistently even though he may feel he is not being sufficiently productive. Even so, in parallel areas his work implicitly continues to give meaning to the traumatic holes in the symbolic network. The defensive organization is gradually undone even though this may not be apparent in the analytical field. Acute enactment, that is, the sudden perception of triangular reality, emerges when there has been sufficient restoration of the symbolic network. The analytical dyad senses that the separation between self and object will be bearable. This separation, therefore, can be considered a mitigated trauma. Acute enactment is thus a mixture that involves both traumatic affective discharges and the symbolization of traumas in the here and now of the analytical process. When the analyst perceives the enactment and, in a Nachträglichkeit fashion, resignifies it, the symbolic network is broadened further. This broadening enables the emergence of new associations that are related to traumatic effects being worked through, thus stimulating constructions by the analyst (Phase 2).

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When the patient brings mainly symbolic aspects into the analytical field by means of communicative projective identifications, an instantaneous dual collusion is formed between patient and analyst. It is then undone by transferential interpretations by the analyst. By analogy, these instantaneous collusions can be called normal enactments.心理学空间3CpLmS],m

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当病人通过语言沟通的投射性认同将主要的象征性面向引入分析领域时,病人与分析者之间形成了瞬时的二元合谋。并且通过分析师随后的移情诠释消解。通过类似的推理方法,这些共谋可以称为正常的扮演。心理学空间_ta4P ea!]ED

Cassorla (2008, 2013) discussed these clinical aspects using Bion’s theory of thought and proposed that chronic enactments constitute a situation where both members of the analytical dyad cannot dream the emotional experiences that occur in the analytical field. He described chronic enactment as non-dreams-for-two. On the other hand, acute enactments, that undo chronic enactments, constitute a mix of discharges and non-dreams that are dreaming here-and-now in the analytical field. The capacity to symbolize is a product of the implicit alpha-function that the analyst uses during chronic enactment.心理学空间 M ~$KG,{t/u

F;v(sl1r G0cassorla(2008, 2013)运用比昂的思想理论讨论了临床的这些面向,他提出,慢性扮演构成了一种情景,在这个情景中,分析双元体的每个成员都无法梦见发生在分析性领域中的情绪体验。他把慢性扮演描述为彼此的无梦。另一方面,那个松解了慢性扮演的急性扮演,构成了卸载和无梦的混合体,这个混合体在分析领域之中梦想着此时此地。象征化的是分析师在慢性扮演中运用阿尔法功能之时的一个不言而喻的产物。心理学空间K(U6m d2Zo~@Q#m

IV. B. North American Developments and Clinical Relevance心理学空间r!]&F4X n+h

\'VF/E A!b04.2 北美的发展以及临床相关性心理学空间9ShC\R#u M

Just as Latin American authors emphasize the importance of the concept to better understand the analytical technique with children and adolescents (Sanchez Grillo, 2004; Rocha, 2009; Borensztejn, 2009), in North America, too, the child and adolescent analysts evolve and use the concept in clinical work and theory.心理学空间&eI8[_8G$e


正如拉丁美洲作者们强调这个能够更好地理解儿童和青少年分析技术概念的重要性(Sanchez Grillo, 2004; Rocha, 2009; Borensztejn, 2009),在北美,在儿童和青少年的临床工作和理论发展之中也使用了这个概念。心理学空间YE3?_Z&^

Judith Chused, taken by Theodore Jacobs’s 1986 work with adults on the expansion of countertransference to include ‘enactment’, wrote of a productive use of the self in tracking the analyst’s own reactions in work with the young. Chused (1991, 1992) offered detailed clinical examples in her work with latency age children, adolescents and young adults. In 2003, Chused defined ‘enactment’ widely:心理学空间P g!LK j,vt0v:|2r

8Q-Z2T7pp{K0Theodore Jacobs’s 采纳了Judith Chused的观点,他在1996年与成人的工作中对反移情的扩展囊括了“扮演”的概念,他在追踪分析师在与年轻人工作时的分析师自己的反应时记述富有成效的自我运用。Chused (1991, 1992),提供了他与潜伏期儿童、青春期以及成年人们工作时的详细临床案例。Chused 更广泛的定义了“扮演”:

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“When a patient's behavior or words stimulate an unconscious conflict in the analyst, leading to an interaction that has unconscious meaning to both, that is enactment. Conversely, an enactment occurs when an analyst's behavior or words stimulate an unconscious conflict in a patient, productive of an interaction with unconscious meaning to both. Enactments occur all the time in analysis and outside our offices ... . Some of the most significant … occur…when an analyst's behavior has deviated from her conscious intent by unconscious motivators, and it ‘feels wrong’ when scrutinized…” (Chused, 2003, p. 678).

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$O a*TU^CM0“当一个病人的行为或话语刺激了分析师的无意识冲突,导致了双方无意识意义的互动,那就是扮演。反之亦然,当一个分析师的行为或话语刺激了病人的无意识冲突,致使双方产生一种无意识意义的互动时,扮演就发生了。扮演在所有的时间都会发生,在分析之中以及在我们的办公室之外…一些最重要…出现在…当无意识的动机致使分析师的行为偏离了她意识上的意图之时,而且当审视之时,这“感觉不对头”之时…”心理学空间xKR)i,oq*P

In 1995, Judith Mitrani coined the term ‘unmentalized experience’ to refer to situations in earliest infancy that later find expression in analysis through the process of enactment, where they can be interpreted in the transference and may give significant form to our imaginative constructions. Later (Mitrani, 2001), she came to the realization that the word ‘experience’ is a misnomer in this context, as there must be psychic awareness and therefore some level of mentalization to experience something. She therefore underlined the distinction between something that has happened to an individual vs. something that has been suffered, and that has subsequently entered the realm of awareness with the aid of a containing object; in other words, some ‘thing’ that has attained a level of significance in the mind.

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b }_"F)e8Z1}G3t0Judith Mitrani在1995年创造了术语“未感应的体验(unmentalized experience)”,以此指代婴儿最早期的一些情景,这些情景后来在分析中通过扮演的过程获得(find)了表达。在那里,他们可以在移情中被诠释,并且为我们的想象结构提供了重要的形式。后来 (Mitrani, 2001),她逐渐意识到,在这种脉络中,“体验”这个词是不确切的,因为在这里一定有身体上的察觉,因而,一定有某种层级的心智化来体验一些东西。因此,她强调了发生在某个人身上的事情与遭遇到苦难的事情之间的区别。随后,这些借助于一个涵容中的客体进入了觉知的领域,也就是说,有些“东西”在心智中触及到了一定层次的意义。心理学空间h\+WG(g

In this, Mitrani harkens back to Federn (1952), Bion (1962) and Winnicott (1974). Federn (1952) made an important distinction between suffering pain and feeling pain. For him, suffering is an active process by the ego, in which the pain-inducing event – e.g., frustration or loss of the object – is taken up and its full intensity is appreciated. Thus it undergoes transformation and so does the ego. In feeling pain, by contrast, the pain-inducing event cannot be endured and worked through by the ego. The pain is not contained but merely touches the border of the ego and is warded off. With every recurrence, the painful feeling affects the ego with the same intensity and traumatic effect. The distinction between “happenings” and “experiences” was addressed previously by Winnicott in “The Fear of Breakdown” (1974) -- a breakdown that happened in early infancy but had not been experienced. Indirectly relevant may be also Bion’s theory of thinking (Bion, 1962), whereby during the period of infancy when psyche and soma are as-yet indistinguishable from each other, raw sensory impressions/beta elements are recorded in the body and are contended with by bodily means until psychic representation is made possible with the help of the maternal containing alpha function.心理学空间X4K ~NQdD

`+@S&y8H2rN$n0在这里,Mitrani回溯了Federn (1952), Bion (1962) and Winnicott (1974)的概念。Federn (1952)对遭遇着的痛苦(suffering pain)与感受着的痛苦( feeling pain)做了重要区分。对他而言,遭遇着,是自我的活动过程,在这个过程中,痛苦——诱发着事件——例如,挫败或丧失了客体——已经被吸收,并且其强度已经被充分的意识到了。因为它已经经历了转化,并且,自我也是如此(地经历了转化)。在感受着的痛苦之中,与之相对,痛苦——诱发着的事件不能被自我所忍受和修通。痛苦是不被涵容的,而是仅仅触及了自我的边界,并且被回避开了。随着痛苦感受的每一次的重现复发,以同样的强度影响了自我,并且产生了创伤的效果。温尼科特之前在《崩溃的恐惧》(1974) 强调了“偶发之事”与“体验之事”之间的区别。崩溃发生在婴儿早期,但是没有被体验过。这也间接的相关于比昂 (Bion, 1962)的思考理论,这与婴儿期时心灵和肉体彼此无法区分之时相一致,原始的感官印象/贝塔元素被记录在体内,并且以身体的方式作斗争,直到借助于涵容心智的阿尔法功能,心智的呈现得以可能。心理学空间RZ)k&QY_4V1Sw|f

In Mitrani’s view, such an ‘unmentalized happening’ of felt but not suffered pain, registered on a sensual or bodily level, which has yet to be assigned any symbolic meaning, may be at the root of many enactments in analysis. When the analyst makes good use of enactments, the body gets a second chance to become symbolically represented as it enters into relationships of meaning with other psychic representations.心理学空间H9_TR b(Bz

qTU6TMl$u[0在Mitrani看来,感受如此的“未觉知的偶发事件(unmentalized happening)”是没有痛苦感的,它们登记在感官或身体的层级之上、尚未被指定任何象征意义、可能位于分析中许多扮演的根深之处。当分析师很好的利用了这些扮演之后,当它与其他的心理表征进入了意义的关系之时,身体有机会再次成为象征性的代表了。


The neurobiological perspective on the body’s role in enactment via somatic memories has been researched and reviewed, for example, by Van der Kolk and Van der Hart (1991). Their discussion ranges from the early, related neurobiological ideas of Janet and Freud up to the present hypotheses of somatic encoding in the brain of traumatic memories.

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"a"I8`V`.C0Van der Kolk和Van der Hart (1991)已经研究回顾了在扮演中通过躯体记忆表现的身体角色神经生物学的观点。他们讨论的范围包括了早期与Janet and Freud相关的神经生物学观点和当前的大脑中创伤记忆的躯体编码假说。心理学空间 _Y?nFH2HU'U7p

For the Relational School, enactment is a central concept in the theory of the psyche and in understanding therapeutic action in clinical analysis. Active in the US since the 1980s, relational theorists such as Anthony Bass describe their approach thus:心理学空间*u*VB.M'ny LtU:vP

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对于关系治疗学派来说,扮演是心灵(psyche)理论的核心概念,也是理解临床分析治疗作用的核心概念。自20世纪80年代以来,活跃在美国的关系理论家Anthony Bass描述了他们的方法:心理学空间l|H0GmK-cN+k3i

“Contemporary relational approaches have been in large measure defined … by their emphasis on the qualities of joint participation: interaction, intersubjectivity, and mutual impact derived from the complementary, mutually shaping interplay of transference and countertransference. These phenomena may be most stunningly manifest—with all the power of their grip on the unconscious—in negotiating the process of what can frequently seem like the minefields of enactment…” (Bass, 2003, p. 658).



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Irwin Hoffman (1994) describes dialectical thinking as part of this approach and examines, for example, the technical implications for the analyst's authority, mutuality, and authenticity of the patient’s unique capacity for unconscious interactions. For Bromberg (1998, 2006), the mind is a landscape of multiple shifting self states. Enactment in the treatment situation is the way to access previously inaccessible content of sequestered self states. According to Bromberg (2006), Bass (2003), Hoffman (1994) and Mitchell (1997), it is in keeping with the relational tradition that the analysts consult their own shifting self states for clues about what is transpiring in their patients.心理学空间,C1p,A$B z7]-Xq5DL{

S|2ows#u R.s(S0y0Irwin Hoffman(1994)描述了作为这种方法和审查一部分的辩证性思维,例如,技术对分析师的权威、相互关系的影响,以及患者对无意识互动的独特能力真实性的影响。对于Bromberg (1998, 2006)而言,自我状态多重切换是心智的地标。治疗情景中的扮演是进入先前无法接触的隔离的自我状态的方法。根据Bromberg (2006), Bass (2003), Hoffman (1994) 和 Mitchell (1997)说发,分析家们和他们自己不断变化的自我状态商谈,以获得他们的病人正在泄露之事物的线索,扮演与这一传统关系是一致的。心理学空间DWA8A7u

Enactment is also central to the intersubjective systems approach. This approach was developed by Robert Stolorow et al. in the late 1980s and illuminates interpersonal aspects of the relational approach to treatment. In the intersubjective approach, enactments are seen as evolving from dissociated relational states, representing interpersonal communication from a patient’s early encoded neural experiences and traumata. The intersubjective school is inspired by neuroscientific research and research on the non-verbal communication of infants, young children, and their parents, for example, by Beatrice Beebe and Frank M. Lachmann (2002).

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5k [db h F0扮演位于主体间性系统方法的核心。这种方法通过Robert Stolorow等人得到发展。在1980年代阐明了人际关系治疗方法的诸多面向。在这种主体间性的方法之中,认为扮演是从分离的关系状态演变而来的,代表了病人早期经验和人际沟通神经体验与创伤的编码。主体间性的灵感来自于:神经科学的研究以及于婴幼儿和他们父母的非语言沟通的研究,例如, Beatrice Beebe 和Frank M. Lachmann (2002)的研究。心理学空间 I3p1X \.knQ w

Ilany Kogan (2002), an Israeli analyst who is a prominent member of the US based Yale Trauma Research Team, has explored enactment in the children of Holocaust survivors. She defines the term as “the compulsion to re-create their parents' experiences in their own lives through concrete acts.” (2002, p. 251). This is an important clinical demonstration that shows precisely how emotional narratives in inner life can be hidden from awareness. Involved are the intergenerational transmission of trauma, Freud’s theory of interpersonal unconscious communication, and – though she does not mention it – Hans Loewald’s (1975) idea that analysis is like the mimesis of dramatic art – in this case tragedy. Kogan differentiates her use of ‘enactment’ here from others by saying that, in contrast to Jacobs (1986) for example, she is not specifically focused on the interactive immediacy between patient and analyst. Her concept is more like an amalgam of Freud’s acting out and acting in, and Sandler’s (1978) and Eshel’s (1998) actualization. She employs the term in conjunction with “a black hole” (p. 255), a gap in conscious information at the center of the psyche that is nevertheless not empty (see Auerhahn and Laub’s (1998) holocaustal “empty circle” and others on severe trauma). Loewald (1975) speaks of a psychic absence as inherent in enactment, one that is discoverable in analysis, furthering patient differentiation, growth and autonomy. In this Kogan is akin to Loewald.

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Ilany Kogan (2002), 这位以色列的分析师是耶鲁创伤研究团队的先锋成员,探索了大屠杀幸存者孩子们的扮演。她将扮演定义为“在他们自己的生活中通过具体的表演重新创造他们父母的那些体验的强迫(行为)”(2002, p. 251)。这是一个重要的临床实验,它精确地揭示了内在生活的情绪叙述是如何隐藏在觉知之外的。这项实验涉及了创伤的代际传递,佛洛伊德的人际无意识交流理论,以及——虽然她没有提到—— Hans Loewald’s (1975)认为的分析是戏剧艺术的模仿——在悲剧的情况下。 Kogan从别人(的扮演)中区分了她在这里使用的“扮演”,例如,和 Jacobs (1986) 相反,她没有特意聚焦于病人和分析师之间的互动性。她的概念更像是弗洛伊德的咨询室内付诸行动和咨询室外付诸行动、以及 Sandler’s (1978) 和Eshel’s (1998) actualization之现实化的混合体。她把这个术语和“一个黑洞”(p. 255)结合了起来,一个位于从未中空的心灵正中的意识信息之裂隙。(参见 Auerhahn 和 Laub’s (1998)关于大屠杀的“空环(empty circle)”以及其他的几种创伤)。Loewald (1975) 讲述了扮演中的一种心灵的天生缺失,人们在分析中可以发现,(这)促进着病人的分化、生长和自治。在这一点上Kogan的观点类似于Loewald 。

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Kogan illustrates her thinking with clinical examples, such as the following: A woman, anorexic in her youth (an enactment of parental starvation), whose father had concealed the existence of a first wife and child who were lost in the Shoah, married a man at age thirty-one who had abandoned his wife and child. Though she had no idea of this, her marrying this man was an enactment of her father’s situation. While in analysis, she unintentionally deserted a precious kitten for a day, which died, left in an overheated bathroom. Later she herself went to sleep in a bedroom with leaking gas. She had no conscious knowledge of her father’s experiences at the time. It took work with the transference to detect the various unconscious identifications with victim and victimizer and the different kinds of self-punishments at work in her. Eventually, the family narrative could be spoken.心理学空间t/?h4E3z%ED

R-a`&bDF~}6NL0Kogan 以如下的临床案例说明了他的想法,一个女性,在她年轻时得了神经性厌食症(对父母挨饿的扮演),她的父亲隐瞒了在浩劫中失去了第一任妻子和孩子的存在,这个女性在31岁和一个被妻子与孩子抛弃的男人结了婚。虽然她不知道这一点,即,她与这个男人结婚是他父亲情景的扮演。在分析中,她无意识地遗弃了一个珍贵的小猫整整一天,这支猫死在了过热的卧室。随后,他自己走进了一间泄漏了煤气的卧室睡觉。在那个时候,她没有意识到她父亲的经历。这些与移情一起着作用,以查明认同于受害者和加害者的各种无意识,以及不同种类的自我惩罚是如何对她起作用的。最终,家庭叙事可以说出来了。


IV C. European Developments and Clinical Relevance心理学空间JkC`-u ?

4L"R;\i-x5k/}04.3 拉美:发展和临床相关性


European analysts use the term enactment and related terms as countertransference and acting-out when they deal with the clinical phenomena implied in the concept. They generally confine themselves specifically to the analytic situation.心理学空间I;fc!B[#M:r

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欧洲的分析师将术语扮演及其相关术语当作他们在处理隐含在这个概念的临床现象时的付诸行动。他们通常将它们自己限制在特定的分析情景之中。心理学空间p&n!Bf ?0Q

In fact, many European analysts talk of acting-out or enactment to refer to the same clinical fact, using the two words as synonyms. However, for some analysts enactment can be considered as a development of acting-out, originating in Freud’s term Agieren (Paz, 2007). Nevertheless, there are other analysts who, although distinguishing between them, consider that they can coexist in the clinical field, provided they occur at different moments in the analytic process (Ponsi, 2013). According to Sapisochin, enactments of the analytic couple are the royal road to the insight of the unrepressed unconscious; this unconscious, although not representable verbally, is in the form of imaginary registers of emotional experience, which the author calls “psychic gestures”. (Sapisochin, 2007, 2013, 2014, 2015).心理学空间$u~z(H]

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事实上,许多欧洲的分析师谈及付诸行动或扮演时是用来指代相同的临床事实,他们把这两个词当成同义词来使用。然而,可以认为某些分析师的扮演是付诸行动的一个发展,这源自于弗洛伊德的术语举动(agieren)(Paz, 2007)。尽管如此,也有其他的分析师对他们进行了区分,这些分析师认为,它们可以在临床领域共存,只要它们发生在分析过程中的不同时刻 (Ponsi, 2013)。根据Sapisochin的说法,分析双方的扮演是通向未压抑的无意识洞见(insight)的王道,这种无意识,虽然未被言说,但是它是登记在情绪体验中的想象形式,作者称其为“心灵手语(“psychic gestures)”。


Most of the European authors think that the analyst’s enactment is a consequence of a patient’s acting-out or enactment. Therefore, enactment describes a fact not only linked to the analyst but also to the patient; and possibly among some European analysts there is a predominant use of the concept for both analyst and patient. Although when referring to the latter some authors speak of "pressure" or "acting out" of the patient to drag the analyst into enactment.



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They also consider enactment as something, at least partially, inevitable before understanding what is going on between patient and analyst, (Pick, 1985; Carpy, 1989; O'Shaughnessy, 1989; Feldman, 1994; Steiner, 2000, 2006a).

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他们也认为充当了一些事物的扮演,至少部分的、必然早于对病人和咨询室之间到底发生了什么的理解。(Pick, 1985; Carpy, 1989; O'Shaughnessy, 1989; Feldman, 1994; Steiner, 2000, 2006a)。心理学空间7a]l kJUx

In French psychoanalysis the term 'acting out' (which is translated as 'passage à l'acte' - Mijolla, 2013) is fairly common, while the term 'enactment' is rarely used. However, analytic situations similar to what in other psychoanalytic communities is referred to as 'enactment' are taken into account: they are usually defined using expressions such as 'mise en scène' or 'mise en jeu'. Gibeault (2014) has used the neologism 'énaction' to describe a kind of acting in behavior and words endowed with a transformational capacity through a countertransferential 'enactive empathy' (empathie énactante). Italian De Marchi (2000) and Zanocco et al. (2006) as well view empathy, more precisely 'sensory empathy', belonging to the area of primary bond, as a basic instrument for communication close to enactment. Green considers “énaction” as an attack on the setting (Green, 2002) Also in the French language area, Belgian authors Godfrind-Haber and Haber (2002) write extensively about a concept related to enactment in ‘L'expérience agie partagée’ (‘shared acted experience’), which stresses the value of 'shared unconscious inter-psychic action'. It can be viewed as a pre-symbolic preparatory phase, during which the patient can make a 'symbolic leap' towards recovery of symbolization, so that later interpretations can be experienced as meaningful.心理学空间MM6n!eg%m

{{wV?i0术语“付诸行动”(翻译为'passage à l'acte' - Mijolla, 2013 )在法国精神分析中的运用是相当普遍的,却很少使用“扮演”。然而,与其他精神分析分析团体相类似,被称为“扮演”分析情景认为包括:他们通常使用诸如“设定的情景(mise en scène)”或“设定的游戏(mise en jeu)”所定义方式。Gibeault (2014) 使用新词“ énaction”以描述一种在行为和言语中的活动,这种活动通过反移情的“扮演的共情(enactive empathy)”(empathie énactante)被赋予了转化的能力。意大利的De Marchi(2000)和Zanocco等人(2006)也同样认为,共情,更精确的说,“感受性的共情”属于主价键(primary bond)的领域,充当了与扮演相近的一种基本的通讯工具。Green认为“扮演(énaction)”作为对设置的攻击(Green, 2002)也出现在了法语的领域内,比利时的作者 Godfrind-Haber 和 Haber (2002)在“‘L'expérience agie partagée”(共享的表演体验)中描写了与扮演有关的扩展概念,这此之中,强调了“共享的无意识内部心灵活动”的价值。它可以被看作是一个前象征性的预备阶段,在这个阶段,病人可以对象征化的恢复做出“象征性的飞跃”,以便将随后的诠释体验为有意义的。

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Developments of the concept of countertransference among European analysts imply descriptions of inadequate analyst’s reactions from the pressure of the patient’s transference. The concept of projective identification allows understanding of the dynamic of these processes. Sandler, with his contribution of role-responsiveness and B. Joseph, with the deepening in the patient-analyst relationship with the concept of “total transference situation”, are some of the authors describing phenomena close to enactment. Steiner clarifies the relationship between countertransference and enactment: “I think of the emotional and intellectual availability as countertransference and the transformation into action as enactment” (Steiner, 2006b, p.326).心理学空间*qj%ler kOK

E5j5U$C2y%n r0欧洲分析师反移情概念的发展暗示了分析师对来自于患者的移情压力反应不足。投射性认同的概念让这些过程的动力得以理解。Sandler对角色响应的贡献,以及B. Joseph说的,深入的医患关系中的“整体移情”概念,都是这些作者描述的一些和扮演相近的概念。Steiner澄清了反移情和扮演之间的关系:“我认为反移情是情绪和智力可用性,而扮演转化为了行动”(Steiner, 2006b, p.326)。心理学空间M'{ER DZ:[a(y*m

In Europe, as in the Americas, most analysts have come to consider enactments inevitable, as was once the case with with transference and countertransference. However, contrary to wide range of opinions in the Americas as to the usefulness, desirability and manner of working with enactments, most European analysts, seeing enactments as essentially a failure of the analyst’s containing analytical function, consider their occurrence useful only if and when the analyst becomes aware of them, is able to interpret and work them through within the analytic process. ‘Enactive empathy’ of Gibeault (2014), De Marchi’s (2000) and Zanocco’s (2006) ‘sensory empathy’, and Godfrind-Haber’s and Haber’s (2002) ‘shared acted experience’ are examples of enactment-related concepts with emphasis on accessing, and working analytically with, pre-verbal, pre-represented and presymbolized data. While not a mainstream, they enrich the European and global dialogue on enactment and enactment-related phenomena.


_#rq:K/F/a0Gibeault (2014)的“扮演的共情(Enactive empathy)”,De Marchi’s (2000) 和 Zanocco’s (2006)的“感官共情(sensory empathy)”,以及Godfrind-Haber’s 和 Haber’s (2002) 的“共享的扮演体验”(shared acted experience)都是与扮演有关的概念,这些概念强调了可接近性、分析性的与之工作、前语言期、前表征和前象征的元素。虽然不是主流,但他们丰富了扮演以及和扮演相关现象在欧洲和全球的讨论。

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五、结语心理学空间a[%h'b2} TH

When the analytic dyad gets dramatically destabilized (acute enactment) this may indicate that a previously chronic enactment was undone and is now active within the analysis. The analyst needs to become aware of this state, attempt to understand and then interpret what has occurred. The analytic field can be destroyed if this is ignored or the chronic enactment return. Additionally, the analyst can identify further aspects of chronic and potential acute enactments by taking a ‘second look’ when he/she writes the material, rethinks it, or discusses it with other analysts.心理学空间&~$fQG`5D6`o)B*|"c

&k N hA-K0tAsm0当分析性二元体变得戏剧性的不稳定(急性扮演),这可能表明了之前的慢性扮演松解了,同时,正活跃在分析之中。分析师需要开始觉察到这种状态,试图去理解并随后诠释已经发生了什么。如果忽视了这些,或者慢性扮演死灰复燃,这就会破坏分析性领域。此外,当分析师在写材料、回顾它,或者与其他分析师讨论这些之时,他们可以通过“再看一次”来识别慢性扮演和潜在急性扮演的更多面向。心理学空间t&L1R9J Mb;z#kl

Enactments carry potentially significant developmental and dynamic meanings. Listening to, working with, understanding and interpreting enactments, can minimize the incidence of unsymbolized somatic expression and of acting-out by the patient in his or her every-day life. Doing so may lift the burdens that the unremembered and unforgotten events/happenings of infancy and childhood -- including those transmitted transgenerationally -- impose on the patients’ current relationships and involvements in their life pursuits. Analysts may also better apprehend, from a position of empathic understanding what a patient has lived through, thus deepening and widening the scope of transformative emotionally meaningful psychoanalytic experience for patients, and the analyst’s own multidimensional involvement in the psychoanalytic process.,

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扮演有着潜在的重大发展和动力学意义。倾听、与之工作,理解和诠释扮演,可以使得象征化的躯体表达以及患者在他/她日常生活中付诸行动的发生率最小化。这样做可以解除负担,这些负担是婴幼儿无法回忆的以及无法遗忘的事件/偶发事件——包括那些跨代传递的负担——这些负担给患者目前的关系带来了麻烦,并卷入了他们的人生追求。从共情的立场来看,分析师也可以更好的理解病人的生活经历,因此,需要深化和扩大病人具有情感变革意义的精神分析经验的范围,以及分析师自己在精神分析过程中的多维参与。心理学空间6g T2]&e-ZV[

While the prevailing view among all three continental psychoanalytic cultures is that enactments are to be understood and ultimately interpreted, it is very important to be mindful of the existence of the type of countertransferential enactment, where the analyst’s diminished analytical capacity for containment can be communicated not only nonverbally, but also verbally, and disguised even within an interpretation. 心理学空间}|b7[h%N+P


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