作者: Sian Prior/卫报 / 8254次阅读 时间: 2017年10月09日
来源: 陈明 翻译 标签: 害羞 焦虑 社交恐惧

That sweating, trembling feeling: 10 strategies to cope with your shyness心理学空间 xj5c_ Xd_:E7d


Sian Prior/卫报
陈明 翻译


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Social anxiety can manifest itself mentally and physically. Here are ways you can learn to manage it心理学空间7FRG#`/LH)P OTpwZ

c)rp3\9W#R2w0社交焦虑可以在精神和身体上表现出来。您可以学习以下的方法管理你的社交焦虑心理学空间&qT pZ:B(Q+ZG$a

A woman looks through a gap in the curtains.Shy people often feel anxious about social encounters. Photograph: Alamy

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According to British singer-songwriter Morrissey, “shyness is nice”. When it leaves you feeling breathless, voiceless and even friendless, though, it can be anything but nice.心理学空间5Ha0V"Q^%j

f&K:J9E |+e0英国歌手莫里西(Morrissey)说,“害羞是美好的”。然而,害会让你感到喘不过气来,默不出声,甚至没朋友,害羞绝对不美好。心理学空间J7XG/H"YT:]h:h!|

Shyness often manifests as social anxiety, and as Morrissey sings in his song Ask Me, it can stop you from doing the things you want to do in your life.心理学空间;LsP#xL*J6}R

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害羞常常表现为社交焦虑,正如莫里西在他的那首“Ask Me”中唱的那样,害羞能阻止你做你想做的事情。心理学空间)A)dw2LY2j+h

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After spending more than four decades wrangling with my own shyness, I wrote a book called Shy: A Memoir in which I investigated the causes and symptoms of this inherited personality trait.心理学空间 ha$Z.Q+X$K;\*@ {'Z


I discovered that shy people often felt anxious about social encounters because they feared other people’s judgment – specifically, their negative evaluation. We torment ourselves with self-critical thoughts such as “I look out of place”, “I sound stupid” and “I’m making a fool of myself”.



Our fear can manifest as a bunch of distressing physical symptoms, including sweating, trembling, hyperventilating and blushing. Shy folk feel self-conscious in the company of people they don’t know well and will cross the street to avoid having to speak to acquaintances. In the long term, social anxiety can also mess with the digestive system. All that churning sometimes causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

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:m7@6R?$A1j V@0我们的恐惧可以表现为一堆痛苦的身体症状,包括出汗,颤抖,呼吸急促,脸红。害羞的人在不熟悉的人的陪伴下会感到不自在,过马路时,他们会避免与熟人交谈。从长远来看,社交焦虑也会影响消化系统。所有这些搅动有时会引起肠易激综合征(IBS)。心理学空间K$V Od{7b"X

The good news is that shy people are often those with the most empathy. We spend a lot of time considering what other people are thinking. Many shy people go into the caring professions, like nursing, teaching and counselling.心理学空间|6bB(d8e!n*K

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So how can we best deal with the downsides of shyness and take advantage of the upsides?

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那么,我们怎么才能更好地应对害羞的缺点、利用其好的一面呢?心理学空间xa.PSGi(S [I g

We used to think shyness was refined. That was before social media
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Qi N2MZV vq0我们过去常认为害羞是优雅的。但那是在社交媒体出现之前。心理学空间5]4eGl Jo Sx?


——伊恩·杰克心理学空间x0D l vx{R

Based on the research I did for my book, I’ve come up with a list of 10 practical strategies for coping with shyness:心理学空间 ]6R FK8r N ysg

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1) Use self-talk to reduce your discomfort. Remind yourself that 50% of the people around you are probably also feeling shy. You are not alone in dealing with these feelings. Try to separate your mind from your body’s symptoms, eg tell yourself “oh, there go those butterflies in my stomach again, they’ll disappear soon”.

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2) Plan ahead. Prepare for social events that you feel nervous about. Spend some time trying to remember the names of the people who might be there. Perhaps find “safe” friends who are also going to the event. Use self-talk to remind yourself that you won’t be able to control all aspects of this social interaction. Be prepared to deal with a level of uncertainty.

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2)提前计划。为那些你感到紧张的社交活动体验做准备。尝试着花一些时间记住可能出现在那里的人的名字。也许能这些人之中找到“安全”的朋友。和自我交谈来提醒自己,你无法控制社交互动的说有方面。准备好应对一定程度的不确定性。心理学空间 {9Y|$Av!u O

3) Help others at social events. Try to spot some other shy people and help them out by approaching them. This takes the focus off your own discomfort and gives you a focus to help you take the attention off yourself. Assume the burden of initiating the conversation by asking others questions about themselves.

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4) Try exposure therapy. Give yourself regular small challenges in dealing with your shyness, to give yourself confidence (but keep them small to begin with because if you have bad experiences they might reinforce your fears). Then reward yourself for being brave in the face of your anxiety.

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5) Organise or join social activities in ways that suit you. It can help to arrange or go along to events that are regular or semi-regular (eg book clubs, clothes swaps, meet-ups, classes, tree-planting) where you know who’ll be there, and there is an activity as the main focus of the event. This gives you something to talk about that you all have in common, as opposed to free-form socialising.心理学空间*y;]cQGGL;l"X

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6) Confide your shyness to others rather than hide it. This can have a cathartic effect and reduce your sense of aloneness and/or shame.心理学空间8_E2P3prB&Es


7) Adopt a “persona”. In your professional capacity or your parenting capacity, for example, you can tell yourself that you are not being judged, because you represent something bigger and more important than you (your place of employment, your useful work role, or your role as a carer).




8) Keep a diary of your journey to manage your shyness/social anxiety. Note your progress and your challenges. Reflect on what you are going through.心理学空间+i"o ?)o9X2e

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9) Use social media to reach out, but be wary of the downsides. Monitor its effect on you and take breaks when you need to. Assess the positives and negatives (eg FOMO).心理学空间 Z5]v2t:xPO6h

:h@ ]Mi09)利用社会媒体来实现目标,但要警惕自己走下坡路。监控对你的影响,并且在你需要的时候休息一下。评估积极的和消极的方面(例如,错失恐惧症FOMO)。心理学空间O'Nxx.d%?/rMB

10) Try other anxiety management strategies. Consider meditation, yoga, physical exercise, deep breathing and other forms of relaxation therapy. You can also seek professional counselling. Psychologists are trained to help people with social anxiety and can offer cognitive behaviour therapy and reassurance.  You could also consider joining an anxiety support group.

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TAG: 害羞 焦虑 社交恐惧
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