作者: 竭婧 庄梦迪 / 13464次阅读 时间: 2017年11月01日
来源: 《心理科学新进展》 2017年, 第49卷, 第12期 
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Hot topics on the research in empathy from the perspective of neuroscience

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JIE Jing1,2; ZHUANG Mengdi1; LUO Pinchao1; ZHENG Xifu1

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(1 School of Psychology, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China)

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_"eo] Lg8N0(2 Center for Mental Health Education, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China) Abstract: Empathy refers to the ability to share and understand other people’s emotions and thoughts. Recently, the neural mechanisms underlying empathy have been attracting more and more attention in neuroscience research. However, most existing studies focus on affective empathy, cognitive empathy, and empathy for physical pain, leaving empathy for social experiences, positive empathy and counter-empathic responses relatively understudied. Moreover, because of differences in research paradigms and individual approaches, the results of these studies are controversial. Future research should focus on designing more ecologically valid research paradigms; further deepening and refining the study of the neural mechanisms of empathy; exploring the characteristics of people with different empathic abilities including underlying neural mechanisms; and exploring factors that moderate empathic responses. Key words: affective empathy; cognitive empathy; empathy for pain; positive empathy; counter-empathic

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