《悲剧的本质:索福克勒斯的安提戈涅之评论》一 安提贡尼的辉煌
作者: Jacques Lacan / 13787次阅读 时间: 2017年12月19日
来源: 雄伯译
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Tragedy - we are told in a definition that we can hardly avoid paying attentionto, since it appeared scarcely a century after the time of the birth oftragedy - has as its aim catharsis, the purgation of the τιαθ-ηματα, of theemotions of fear and pity.心理学空间&HiFbZ'GE8F5?

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悲剧—我们被告诉,用一个我们几乎无法避免要注意的定义,因为它出现在悲剧的诞生的一个世纪。这个定义以净化作为它的目标,清涤这个τιαθ-ηματα,清涤恐惧与同情的情感。心理学空间E2AZB tq

f#t8G _L7~v:D0How is one to understand that formula? We will approach the problemfrom the perspective imposed on us by what we have articulated on the subjectof the proper place of desire in the economy of the Freuthan Thing. Willthis allow us to take the additional step required by this historical revelation?If the Aristotelian formulation appears at first sight to be so closed, it isdue to the loss of a part of Aristotle's work as well as to a certain conditioningwithin the very possibilities of thought. Yet is it so closed to us after all as aconsequence of the progress made in our discussions of ethics here over thepast two years? What in particular has been said about desire enables us tobring a new element to the understanding of the meaning of tragedy, aboveall by means of the exemplary approach suggested by the function of catharsis- there are no doubt more direct approaches.心理学空间}.]*B%X*e4xM"z9j

[ U2Wr Z0我们应该如何来理解那个公式?我们将探究这个问题,从我们所表达的赋加在我们身上的观点,在弗洛依德的「物象」的经济活动,欲望的适当位置的这个主体。这将让我们能够採取根据这个历史的启示所要求的额外的步骤吗?假如亚里斯多德的说明,乍然一看,是如此的靠近,那是由于亚里斯多德的著作有部分丧失,以及由于在思想的可能性里某种制约的丧失。可是,它毕竟是跟我们如此地靠近,作为是进步的结果,这种进步是过去两年来,我们在此探讨伦理学所做的进步。特别是关于欲望,曾经被说过的事情,让我们能够带来新的因素,给悲剧意义的理解,尤其重要的是,凭借净化的功用建议的这个典范的方法—无可置疑地,还有更多的直接的方法。心理学空间wO*Y e7~


In effect, Antigone reveals to us the line of sight that defines desire.This line of sight focuses on an image that possesses a mystery which uptill now has never been articulated, since it forces you to close your eyes atthe very moment you look at it. Yet that image is at the center of tragedy,since it is the fascinating image of Antigone herself. We know very well thatover and beyond the dialogue, over and beyond the question of family andcountry, over and beyond the moralizing arguments, it is Antigone herselfwho fascinates us, Antigone in her unbearable splendor. She has a qualitythat both attracts us and startles us, in the sense of intimidates us; this terrible,self-willed victim disturbs us.



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It is in connection with this power of attraction that we should look for thetrue sense, the true mystery, the true significance of tragedy - in connectionwith the excitement involved, in connection with the emotions and, in particular,with the singular emotions that are fear and pity, since it is throughtheir intervention, δι' έλεου και φόβου, through the intervention of pity and fear, that we are purged, purified of everything of that order. And that order, we can now immethately recognize, is properly speaking the order of the imaginary. And we are purged of it through the intervention of one image among others.心理学空间\\ a8BJ#g2t F)i K


关于这个迷人的力量,我们应该寻找悲剧的真实的理解,真实的神秘,真实的意义。关于牵涉到的興奋,关于这些情感,特别是,关于独特的情感,那就是恐惧与同情。因为凭借它们的介入,δι' έλεου και φόβου,凭借同情与恐惧的介入,我们被清涤,被清涤那个秩序的一切。那个秩序,我们现在能够立即体认出来,适当来说,那就是想象界的秩序。我们被清涤它,凭借其他意象当中,一个意象的介入。

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8H,DTe2{-\Fc3A{a0And it is here that a question arises. How do we explain the dissipatorypower of this central image relative to all the others that suddenly seem todescend upon it and disappear? The articulation of the tragic action is illuminatingon the subject. It has to do with Antigone's beauty. And this is notsomething I invented; I will show you the passage in the song of the Choruswhere that beauty is evoked, and I will prove that it is the pivotal passage. Ithas to do with Antigone's beauty and with the place it occupies as intermediarybetween two fields that are symbolically differentiated. It is doubtlessfrom this place that her splendor derives, a splendor that all those who havespoken worthily of beauty have never omitted from its definition.心理学空间ef BO\Mc2@O-D


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Moreover, as you know, this is the place that I am attempting to define. Ihave already come close to it in previous lectures, and I attempted to grasp itthe first time by means of the second death imagined by Sade's heroes - deathinsofar as it is regarded as the point at which the very cycles of the transformationsof nature are annihilated. This is the point where the false metaphorsof being (I'etant) can be distinguished from the position of Being (I'etre) itself,and we find its place articulated as such, as a limit, throughout the text ofAntigone, in the mouths of all the characters and of Tiresias. But how can onealso not fail to see this position in the action itself? Given that the middle ofthe play is constituted of a time of lamentation, commentary, discussions,and appeals relative to an Antigone condemned to a cruel punishment. Whichpunishment? That of being buried alive in a tomb.

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The central third of the text is composed of a detailed series of vowel gradations,which informs us about the meaning of the situation or fate of a lifethat is about to turn into certain death, a death lived by anticipation, a deaththat crosses over into the sphere of life, a life that moves into the realm ofdeath.心理学空间 UR(m3?7N

3L[{&OI*l Z0这个文本的中心的第三部分,由渐层的声音的详细系列组成。它告诉我有关这个情境的意义,或是即将转变成为某种死亡的生命的命运,一种预期要生活的死亡,一种跨越进入生命领域的死亡,一种移动进入死亡的领域的生命。

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It is surprising that dialecticians or indeed aestheticians as eminent as Hegeland Goethe haven't felt obliged to take account of this whole field in theirevaluation of the effect of the play.

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K:}? Z/X6|J hD0The dimension involved here is not unique to Antigone. I could suggestthat you look in a number of places and you will find something analogouswithout having to search too hard. The zone defined in that way has a strangefunction in tragedy.心理学空间_w*a h {

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Xn-qD6xx Q0It is when passing through that zone that the beam of desire is both reflectedand refracted till it ends up giving us that most strange and most profoundof effects, which is the effect of beauty on desire.心理学空间a1L;W,L%RH.PzG

Fe'D^V F j0\0当经过那个地区时,欲望的光芒被反射,也被折射,直到它结果给予我们那个最奇特最深奥的影响。那就是对于欲望的美丽的影响。心理学空间oRV.}5MQ}-b`

p,R`2eG s8B0It seems to split desire strangely as it continues on its way, for one cannot say that it is completely extinguished by the apprehension of beauty. It continueson its way, but now more than elsewhere, it has a sense of being takenin and this is manifested by the splendor and magnificence of the zone thatdraws it on. On the other hand, since its excitement is not refracted butreflected, rejected, it knows it to be most real. But there is no longer any object.心理学空间,bO!ga*R kNa-I\]i

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Hence these two sides of the issue. The extinction or the tempering ofdesire through the effect of beauty that some thinkers, including Saint Thomas,whom I quoted last time, insist on. On the other hand, the disruption of anyobject, on which Kant insists in The Critique of Judgment.

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因此,这个议题的这边。欲望的消灭或减缓,凭借美丽的这个影响。某些思想家,包括圣汤姆斯,我上次引用的,他们都坚持美丽的这个影响。在另一方面,任何客体的中断,康德在「判断的批判」坚持它。心理学空间,Y-d&Q)a"| J3tb

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I was talking to you just now of excitement. And I will take a moment tohave you reflect on the inappropriate use that is made of this word in theusual translation into French of Triebregung, namely, "έπιοί pulsionnel,""instinctual excitement."1 Why was this word so badly chosen? "Emoi"(excitement) has nothing to do with emotion nor with being moved. "Emoi"is a French word that is linked to a very old verb, namely, "émoyer" or"esmayer," which, to be precise, means "faire perdre a quelqu'un ses moyens,"as I almost said, although it is a play on words in French, "to makesomeone lose" not "his head," but something closer to the middle of thebody, "his means." In any case a question of power is involved. "Esmayer"is related to the old gothic word "magnan" or "mogen" in modern German.As everybody knows, a state of excitement is something that is involved inthe sphere of your power relations; it is notably something that makes youlose them.心理学空间Lx}4H&O J


刚才,我正在跟你们谈论到興奋。我将花些时刻让你们省思一下,关于对于这个字词的不适当使用,Triebregung, 这个字词通常被翻译成为法文,意思是"έπιοί pulsionnel," 「本能的興奋」。为什么这个字词选择得很不恰当?"Emoi" (興奋)跟情感或被感动,没有任何关系。"Emoi"是一个法文字,跟一个古老的动词有关,也就是"émoyer" 或是 "esmayer,” 。贴切地说,它的意思是"faire perdre a quelqu'un ses moyens," 。我几乎要说,虽然这是法文的文字遊戏,「让某个迷失」,不是迷失「他的头脑」,而是迷失某件靠近身体的中间,他的财富。无论如何,权力的问题被牵涉到。"Esmayer" 跟古老的的歌德语的字词有关。在现代德语,是 "magnan" or "mogen" 。如众所周知,興奋的状态是某件牵涉到你们权力的关系的领域。它特别是某件让你们丧失它的东西。心理学空间*R/d9[Rwo


We are now in a position to be able to discuss the text of Antigone with aview to finding something other than a lesson in morality.心理学空间:CXEr"~:h


我们现在处于这个立场,能够讨论安提贡尼的文本,为了找出某件并非是道德教训的东西。心理学空间;XE i-q+q;J

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A thoroughly irresponsible individual wrote a short time ago that I ampowerless to resist the seductions of the Hegelian dialectic. The reproachwas formulated at a time when I was beginning to articulate for you thedialectic of desire in terms that I have continued to employ since. And I don'tknow if the reproach was deserved at the time, but no one could claim thatthe individual involved is especially sensitive to these things. It is in anycase true that Hegel nowhere appears to me to be weaker than he is in thesphere of poetics, and this is especially true of what he has to say aboutAntigone.

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bidF:u0According to Hegel, there is a conflict of discourses, it being assumed thatthe discourses of the spoken dialogues embody the fundamental concerns ofthe play, and that they, moreover, move toward some form of reconciliation.I just wonder what the reconciliation of the end of Antigone might be. Further, it is not without some astonishment that one learns that, in addition,this reconciliation is said to be subjective.心理学空间Zq\MmA2s,k Z

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Let us not forget that in Sophocles's last play, Oedipus at Colonus, Oedipus'sfinal malediction is addressed to his sons; it is the malediction that givesrise to the catastrophic series of dramas to which Antigone belongs. Oedipusat Colonus ends with Oedipus's last curse, "Never to have been born werebest ..." How can one talk of reconciliation in connection with a tone likethat?

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o0g;z| m2W#s0让我们不要忘记,在索福克利图斯的最后戏剧,「伊狄浦斯在科伦纳斯」,伊狄浦斯发现诅咒朝向他的儿子们发出。就是这种诅咒产生这个灾难的戏剧系列,「安提贡尼」属于其中之一。「伊狄浦斯在科伦纳斯」的结局,有一个伊狄浦斯的最后诅咒:「但愿当时永远不要出生是最好、、、」。用这样的语调,我们如何能够谈论到调和?

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N'g8@YaB9`0I am not tempted to regard my own indignation as particularly worthy;others have had a similar reaction before me. Goethe notably seems to havebeen somewhat suspicious of such a view, and so was Erwin Rohde. When Iwent and looked up his Psyche recently, a work that I made use of to bringtogether classical antiquity's different conceptions of the immortality of thesoul, and that is an admirable work, which I strongly recommend, I waspleased to come across an expression of the author's astonishment at the traditionalinterpretation of Oedipus at Colonus.

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h9aE/Q!MyX uW U0我并没有情不自禁地将我们的愤怒,视为是特别有价值。在我之前,就有其他人曾经有过类似的反应。特别是歌德,他似乎对于这样的观点,心中甚为怀疑。欧文、罗德也是。当我最近前去查阅他的「心灵学」,我常使用的一本著作,用来聚拢古代的经典的不同的观念,对于灵魂的不朽。那是一部令人崇拜的著作,我强烈地推荐。我很高兴偶然遇见一个表达:作者对于传统的解释「伊狄浦斯在科伦纳斯」,大感惊讶。心理学空间+J#Fv{|4g$b p"B

g;dsYXEt0zR0Let us now attempt to wash our brains clean of all we have heard aboutAntigone and look in detail at what goes on there.心理学空间-ns!G i2cY0Ow



«《安提戈涅》与精神分析的伦理学 拉康 | Jacques Lacan
《拉康 | Jacques Lacan》
《悲剧的本质:索福克勒斯的安提戈涅之评论》三 安提贡尼处于两次死亡之间»