Symbol formation 象征形成
作者: mints 编译 / 3519次阅读 时间: 2022年6月15日
标签: 象征 象征方程 象征形成
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Symbol formation象征形成

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The term ‘symbol formation’ is used in psychoanalysis to denote a mode of indirect or figurative representation of a significant idea, conflict or wish.心理学空间-fAMg N m7Z

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术语“象征形成”在精神分析学中被用来表示对一个重要的想法、冲突或愿望的间接或形象化表达方式。 心理学空间xf8iTr){ gt]

` y$iR u0The ability to move on from relating concretely to archaic objects to relating symbolically to substitute objects (symbols) is both a developmental achievement and a move made because of the anxieties involved in relating to primal objects. 心理学空间m)S$L*^!LJ



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Klein extended the ideas of both Freud and Jones on symbols, showing in particular the symbolic significance of play and how sublimation depends on the capacity to symbolise. 

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克莱因扩展了弗洛伊德和琼斯关于象征的思想,特别展示了游戏的象征意义,以及升华如何依赖于象征的能力。心理学空间SMf e1lr:cMKH


Segal further developed Klein’s theory of symbols, distinguishing between the symbol proper formed in the depressive position and a more primitive version, the symbolic equation, belonging to paranoid-schizoid functioning. In the symbolic equation, the symbol is equated with the thing symbolised.

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kip,A!Xw0西格尔进一步发展了克莱因的象征理论,区分了抑郁状态下形成的符号和更原始的象征方程的版本,象征方程属于偏执-分裂的功能。在象征方程式中,象征等同于被象征的事物。心理学空间8e,w'\9} JYF x

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Reproduced from The New Dictionary of Kleinian Thought by Bott Spillius, E., Milton, J., Garvey, P., Couve, C. and Steiner, D. (Routledge, 2011)心理学空间 nPX'{.c{8L"xh|

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i:Zw!C X0Reading list: Symbol formation
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wiD*L| c6tpc Y,_,E0Key papers by Freud and Klein心理学空间8R1w4HJ D


For full references for Melanie Klein’s works see Melanie Klein’s publications.心理学空间b @N-V @$b,HB N$n|

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1895 Freud, S. and Breuer, J. Studies in Hysteria. Translated from the German and edited by J. Strachey and A. Strachey. New York: Basic Books (1957). Symptom formation through symbolisation.

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1900 Freud, S. The Interpretation of Dreams. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Vol. 4. Hogarth Press (1953). The importance of symbolism in dreams.

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1923a Klein, M. ‘The role of the school in the libidinal development of the child’. Learning is inhibited when words and numbers are imbued with frightening, concrete symbolic significance.

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u.L8Y!S\#eG^01923b Klein, M. ‘Early analysis’. Contrary to Jones, Klein concludes that symbolism is the foundation of all sublimation.1929a Klein, M. ‘Personification in the play of children’. Symbolisation in play.

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*G {wa$Q;Wh)b01929b Klein, M. ‘Infantile anxiety-situations in a work of art and in the creative impulse’. Symbolisation in play.


%JD X#M HL1[n?01930 Klein, M. The importance of symbol formation in the development of the ego’. Klein’s definitive statement on symbol formation.


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VuF?m"H5t01952 Segal, H. ‘A psychoanalytic approach to aesthetics’, International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 33: 196-207; republished in M. Klein, P. Heimann and R. Money-Kyrle (eds.) New Directions in Psychoanalysis. Tavistock (1955); and in The Work of Hanna Segal. New York: Jason Aronson (1981). The link between the aesthetics and the depressive position.心理学空间]w/BAP.p4@:D]

dAD)T4x0E1z2v.]01957 Segal, H. ‘Notes on symbol formation’, International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 38: 391-397; republished in The Work of Hanna Segal. New York: Jason Aronson (1981) and in E. Spillius (ed.) Melanie Klein Today, Vol. 1. Routledge (1988). Landmark paper on symbolisation.

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1974 Segal, H. ‘Delusion and artistic creativity’, International Review of Psychoanalysis. 1: 135-141; republished in The Work of Hanna Segal. New York: Jason Aronson (1981) and in E. Spillius (ed.) Melanie Klein Today, Vol. 2. Routledge (1988). Golding’s novel The Spire is used to explore some aspects of creativity.

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1979 Segal, H. Postscript to ‘Notes on symbol formation’. The Work of Hanna Segal. New York: Jason Aronson. Segal refines her 1957 symbol theory in terms of Bion’s container and contained.心理学空间3]*?D6A y]o

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Further exploration

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Bion, W. (1962a) ‘A theory of thinking’. International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 43: 306-310.

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Bion, W. (1962b) Learning from Experience. London: Heinemann.

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Britton, R. (1998) ‘Daydream, phantasy and fiction’, in Belief and Imagination. London: Routledge, pp. 109-119.心理学空间q W8q5ogy


Freud, S. (1895) ‘Project for a scientific psychology’. S. E. 1. London: Hogarth Press, pp. 283-397.心理学空间d&c e(d;Q4g2i@v

$C"V)e%B ^4JD ZO0Freud, S. (1916) ‘Introductory lectures on psychoanalysis’. S. E. 15. London: Hogarth Press, p. 153.

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Jones, E. (1916) ‘The theory of symbolism’. British Journal of Psychology. 9: 181-229.心理学空间 pzMU(F

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Jones, E. (1948) ‘The theory of symbolism’, in Papers on Psychoanalysis. London: Maresfield Reprints, pp. 87-144.

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Rickman, J. (1940) ‘On the nature of ugliness and the creative process’. International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 21: 294-313.心理学空间dI JB A0z

;y:@/Pe { `5W|7k0Sharpe, E. (1930) ‘Certain aspects of sublimation and delusion’. International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 11: 12-23.

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;U vF!zl0Sharpe, E. (1935) ‘Similar and divergent unconscious determinants underlying the sublimations of pure art and pure science’. International Journal of Psychoanalysis. 16: 186-202. 

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TAG: 象征 象征方程 象征形成
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