Autistic disturbances of affective contact
作者: Leo Kanner / 33350次阅读 时间: 2010年8月14日

^Q0lL8`bj`"U&i0Case 5
;m@ PL Tz1j0Barbara K. was referred in February, 1942, 1t 8 years, 3 months of age. Her father’s written note stated:
uF V1[b8J;[0First child, born normally October 30, 1933. She nursed very poorly and was put on bottle after about a week. She quit taking any kind of nourishment at 3 months. She was tube-fed five times daily up to 1 year of age.心理学空间[3as Or^3Fz4M4a9Nz
She began to eat then, though there was much difficulty until she was about 18 months old. Since then she has been a good eater, likes to experiment with food, tasting, and is now fond of cooking.
9xmKdD0Ordinary vocabulary at 2 years. but always slow at putting words into sentences. Phenomenal ability to spell, read, and a good writer, but still has difficulty with verbal expression. Written language has helped the verbal. Can’t get arithmetic except as a memory feat. Repetitious as a baby, and obsessive now: holds things in hands, takes things to bed with her, repeats phrases, gets stuck on an idea, game, etc., and rides it hard, then goes to something else. She used to talk using “you”for herself and “I “for her mother or me, as if were saying things as we would in talking to her.心理学空间4q.@\'Rb N^1]%nY
Very timid, fearful of various and changing things, wind, large animals, etc. Mostly passive, but passively stubborn at times. Inattentive to the point where one wondres if she hears. (She does!) No competitive spirit, no desire to please her teacher. If she knew more than any other memberin the class about something, she would give no hint of it, just keep quiet, maybe not even listen.
1~ }lTLZiI O0In camp last summer she was well liked, learned to swim, is graceful in water (had always appeared awkward in her motility before), overcame fear of ponies, played best with children of 5 years of age. at camp she slid into avitaminosis and malnutrition but offered almost no verbal complaints.心理学空间``7Xf D
Barbara’s father is a prominent psychiatrist. Her mother is a wll-educated, kindly woman. a younger brother, born in 1937, is healthy, alert, and well developed.
J?&Z.GZ}6x0Barbara “shook hands”upon request (offering the upon coming, the right upon leaving) by merely raising a limp hand in the approximate direction of the examiner’s proffered hand; the motion definitely lacked the implication of greeting. during the entire interview there was no indication of any kind of affective contact. a pin prick resulted in withdrawal of her arm, a fearful glance at the pin (not the examiner), and utterance of the word “Hurt!”not addressed to anyone in particular.心理学空间D]BK3YLn
She showed no interest in test performances. The concept of test, of sharing an experience or situation, seemed foreign to her. She protruded her tongue and played with her hand as one would with a toy. Attracted by a pen on the desk stand, she said: “Pen like yours at home.”Then, seeing a pencil, she inquired: “May I take this home?”
L+j,A:A/m0When told that she might, she made no move to take it. The pencil was given to her, but she shoved it away, saying, “It’s not my pencil.”
%s2Iy^hJ c0She did the same thing repeatedly in regard to other objects. several times she said, “Let’s see Mother”(who in the waiting room).
dANX.l9b&m V*C0She read excellently, finishing the 10-year Binet fire story in thirty-three seconds and with no errors, but was unable to reproduce from memory anything she had read. In the Binet pictures, she saw (or at least) reported no action or relatedness between the single items, which she had no difficulty enumerating. Her handwriting was legible. Her drawing (man, house, cat sitting on six legs, pumpkin, engine) was unimaginative and stereotyped. She used her right for writing, her left for everythin else; she was leftfooted and right-eyed.
-kQ%s1Tr\uH0She knew the days of the week. she began to name them: “Saturday, Sunday, Monday,”then said, “You go to school”( meaning, “on Monday”), then stopped as if the performance were completed.心理学空间'H-]F W+y0@
Throughout all these procedure, in which-often after several repetitions of the question or command-she complied almost automatically, she scribbled words spontaneously: “oranges”; “lemons”; “bananas”; “grapes”; “cherries”; “apples”; “apricots”; “tangerine”; “grapefruits”; “watermelon juice”; the wordssometimes ran into each other and were obviously not meant for others to read.心理学空间4c$H$bL*k4J`N
She frequtly interrupted whatever “conversation”there was with references to “motor transports”and “piggy-back,”both of which-according to her father- had preoccupied her for quite some time. She said, for instance, “I saw motor transports”; “I saw piggy-back when I went ro school.”
Q;v/w3Xew RH0Her mother remarked, “Appendages fascinate her, like a smoke stack or a pendulum.”Her father had previously stated: “Recent interest in sexual matters, hanging about when we take a bath, and obsessive interest in toilets.”
5tO0dz4uIew c0Barbara was placed at the Devereux Schools, where she is making some progress in learning to relate herself to people.


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