作者: Michelle Roberts / 22613次阅读 时间: 2010年12月25日
来源: BBC News health reporter in Copenhagen
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网A simple brain scan can spot whether a woman is faking an orgasm or not, a major fertility conference has heard. 心理学空间l4x){-Q H8w w

Researchers found that when a woman is faking, a part of the brain under conscious control lights up, while real orgasms occur subconsciously.心理学空间 BCV|f

:eLY,H.um3GE0The University of Groningen scans also showed important differences between the male and female orgasm. 


KV FK-L#O6a u0In women, turning off fear and anxiety is key, while men need to know they will be physically stimulated.心理学空间b,NP#[;g#e |

!V's1y\(\}`0Professor Gert Holstege and colleagues asked 13 heterosexual couples aged 19-49 to take part in an experiment. 心理学空间 emR;p v$n2IQ



Women can imitate orgasm quite well
Professor Gert Holstege
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One half of the couple was asked to lie down, with their head inside a scanner, while their partner stimulated them manually to achieve orgasm. 心理学空间:b0~Dx'NE


To aid the mood, the room lighting was dimmed and all noise distractions shut out. 

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The couples then switched positions and the experiment was repeated.


Cold feet

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.[R;x]o/YS0sy0One thing that they found was putting the couples off the task was literally cold feet.心理学空间'OE3B*w({{|


Genuine orgasm: less brain actvity
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bt}F^:fU3}0When they gave the couples socks to wear, about 80% of the couples were able to achieve orgasm compared with 50% previously in this staged environment. 心理学空间^z Kc6gp

w O*sN/V6T1j0The women were also asked to fake an orgasm so that these scan results could be compared with those taken during genuine orgasms. There were obvious differences. 

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Professor Holstege said: "Women can imitate orgasm quite well." 心理学空间~R-@$v+C b

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But with genuine orgasm, he said: "What we see is an extreme deactivation of large portions of the brain and especially the emotional parts involved with fear.心理学空间 c2h})F7G:a

a!N;I'hU+B4v.S0"If you look at the women who faked orgasm intentionally you see the motor cortex - the conscious part of the brain - is activated.心理学空间 cq~[;AoA%n

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"This means the movements that we make in [real] orgasm are not conscious.


"And if you are fearful, it is very hard to have sex. It's very hard to let go."

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He said this was useful for men to know.


"When you want to make love to a woman, you must give her the feeling of being protected."心理学空间jn"Xd jO(?X

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In comparison, the scan results suggested that for men knowing that they would be physically stimulated was important because areas of the brain involved in interpreting touch were highly activated during the experiment. 心理学空间'q$F2TRw

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