Heinz Kohut科胡特最后的岁月
作者: 科胡特 / 9024次阅读 时间: 2010年12月30日
标签: Kohut kohut 科胡特
心理学空间,n&E'y7o W$fpJ6K#u
Heinz Kohut科胡特最后的岁月
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there is another reason why I wan't to empathy,meanly,that i have sence of responsibility about the abuse of this concept.

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the fact again, the poeple have act that as i was abuse it,make me group no high, or senced it is, it that's don't agree what i was right.
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heinz kohut was the man who created the self psychology school in american psychoanalysis.
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but again i should list, if they made understand, undoubtly they are also irrathional motivations.probably not.....

TAG: Kohut kohut 科胡特
«海因兹·柯胡特 自体心理学 & 自恋 科胡特 | Heinz Kohut
《科胡特 | Heinz Kohut》
KOHUT, HEINZ (1913–1981)»