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#I'vA@4Q+R8h9F%^0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I. & J. L. FRAMO (red.), Intensive Family Therapy. Theoretical and Practical Aspects, New York, 1965 ( I. BOSZORMENYINAGY & J. L.FRAMO (red.), Psychothérapies familiales. Aspects théoriques et pratiques, Parijs, 1980].

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BOSZORMENYI NAGY, I. & A. S. FRIEDMAN et al. (red.), Psychotherapy for the Whole Family: Case Histories, Techniques and Concepts of Family Therapy of Schizophrenia in the Home and Clinic,New York, 1965.

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BOSZORMENYI NAGY, I. & H. G. ZUK (red.), Family Therapy and Disturbed Families (Science and Behavior Books), Palo Alto, 1967.

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BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I. et al. (red.), A Survey of the Field of Family Therapy, NewYork, 1969. 心理学空间q7`6SKs`:C1J3[

F j{y`1b'j)qC d2d/F0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I & A. S. FRIEDMAN et al. (red.), Therapy with Families of Sexually Acting-Out Girls, New York, 1971.

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%^}!qe/K7i$?'buC0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I. & G. M. SPARK, Invisible Loyalties. Reciprocity in Intergenerational Family Therapy, New York, 1973 [in 1973 uitgegeven bij Harper & Row, New York; in 1984 heruitgegeven bij Brunner/Mazel, New York] [= I.

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6X'z X;Bd3n*| C0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY & G. M. SPARK, Unsichtbare Bindungen: die Lynamik Familiärer Systeme (uit het Engels vertaald door S. A. GANGLOFF), Stuttgart, 1981]. 心理学空间~w ~X l-` w I{

A@ ~4[?^U0bw+Uv!u0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I. & B. R. KRASNER, Between Give and Take. A Clinical Guide to Contextual Therapy, New York, 1986 [= BOSZORMENYI NAGY, I. & B. R. KRASNER, Tussen geven en nemen. Over contextuele therapie (uit het Engels vertaald door N. BAKHUIZEN), Haarlem,1994 ]


Y A9hU ]1h!Y9a0BOSZORMENYI NAGY, I., Foundations of Contextual Therapy. Collected Papers of lvan BOSZORMENYI-Nagy New York, 1987. ARTIKELEN IN TIJDSCHRIFTEN ET CETERA

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e+m&wx)W/nb0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I. & F. J GERTY, Diagnostic Aspects of a Study of Intracellular Phosporylations in Schizophrenia, in American Journal of Psychiatry 112 (1955) nr. 1, 11-17. 心理学空间:sLV3Q:? U

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BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I. & F. J. GERTY, Difference between the Phosphorus Metabolism of Eruythrocytes of Normals and of Patients Suffering From Schizophrenia, in Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 121 (1955) nr. 1, 53-59.BOSZORMENYI NAGY, I. & J. KUEBER, Effects of Insulin on the Metabolism of Phosphorous in Human Erythrocytes, in Biochemistry an Biophysical Acta 18 (1955), 302-303. 心理学空间&f[]D K8Fb^

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BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I., Formation of Phoshopyruvate flrom Phosglycerate in Hemolyzed Human Ethrocytes, in Journal of Biological Chemistry 212 (1955) nr. 1,495-499. 心理学空间P e$xY"W e5g Cj7[

n h~ho7n6[0BOSZORMENYI NAGY, I., F. J. GERTY, J. KUEBER, Correlation Between an Anomaly of the Intercellular Metabolism of Adenosine Nucleotides and Schizophrenia, in Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 124 (1956) nr. 4, 413-416. 心理学空间4`iGJ_:j-@{]4v7m

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BOSZORMENYI NAGY, I. & D. BLACKFORD, Effect of Methylene Blue on the Metabolism of Adenine Nucleotides in Human Erythocytes, in Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 65 (1956) nr. 2, 580-582.


Q9C2H7~e)l,C0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I., Influence of a Magnetic Field Upon the Leucocytes of theMouse, in Nature 177 (1956), 577-578. BOSZORIYENYI-NAGY, I. & F. J. GERTY, Anomaly of the Metabolism of Adenine Nucleotides in the Erythrocytes of Schizophrenia Patients, in Confinia Neurologica 18 (1958), 92-96.

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iBhml(Ivz0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I., Correlations Between Mental Illness and Intracellular Metabolism, in Confinia Neurologica 18 (1958), 88-91. 心理学空间a/OaXu2g.M @2C Y,@

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BOSZORMENYI NAGY, I. & M. HOLLENDER, Hallucination as an Ego Experience, in A.M.A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 80 (1958), 93-97.

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3ta+}9J9UT0BOSZORMENYI NAGY, I. & J. L. FRAMO, Hospital Organization and Family Oriented Psychotherapy of Schizophrenia, in Proceedings of the 3'd World Congress of Psychiatry, Montreal, 1961, p. 476-480.


BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I. & J. L. FRAMO et al., A Relationship Between Threat in the Manifest Content of Dreams and Active Passive Behavior in Psychotics, in Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 65 (1962) nr. 1, 41-47. 心理学空间 xYl%edbSg/R s


BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I. & J. L. FRAMO, Family Concept of Hospital Treatment of Schizophrenia, in J. H. MASSERMANN (red.), Current Psychiatric Therapy. Deel 2,New York, 1962, p. 159-166.


BOSZORMENYI- NAGY, I., Psychiatric Treatment for Families, in Lines of Communication (Newsletter of Mental Heath Association of Southeast Pennsylvania), Pennsylvania, 1962.


y6U+w'Pi0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I., The Concept of Schizophrenia from the Perspective of Family Treatment, in Family Process 1 (1962) nr. 1, 103-113. BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I. & J. L. FRAMO, Psychotherapy with the Family in Schizopheria, in Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia 52 (1963) nr. 8, 366-367. 心理学空间+l"f#G:D#O'ZY)w

FF0hmGJ8kv0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I. & G. H. ZUK et al., Some Dynamics of Laughter in Family Therapy, in Family Process 2 (1963) nr. 2, 302-314.

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w2C6^6D9P0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I., A Theory of Relationships. Experience and Transaction, in I. BOSZORMENYI-NAGY & J. L. FRAMO (red.), Intensive Family Therapy. Theoretical and Practical Aspects, New York, 1965, 1969(3), p. 33-86.

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BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I., Families of Schizophrenics Found Responsive to Therapy in Home Setting, in Psychiatric Progress, 1965, p. 6. 心理学空间/@b-gCC


BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I., Intensive Family Therapy as Process, in I. 心理学空间 sd8u1D8^V,Y.u

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BOSZORMENYI-NAGY & J. L. FRAMO (red.), Intensive Family Therapy New York, 1965, p. 87-142. 心理学空间$lK5e;FQuW

(U)C)\2Ps8?eQzN0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I. & B. S. VANDERHEIDEN, Preparation of 32P Labeled Nucleotides, in Analytical Biochemistry 13 (1965), 496-504.


GU5uK"q$w4[&}0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I. & G. WPIVAK, The Concept of Change in Conjoint Family Therapy, in A. S. FRIEDMAN et al. (red.), Psychotherapy for the Whole Family, New York, 1965, p. 305-317.


2~4y U:b W3cr^W0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I., From Family Therapy to a Psychology of Relationships: Fictions of the Individual and Fictions of the Family, in Comprehensive Psychiatry 7 (1966) nr. 5, 408-423. 心理学空间wgmZ#NQz

)k*jfO$~]0S*K0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I., Communication versus Internal Programming of Relational Attitudes, in N. ACKERMAN et al. (red.), Expanding Theory and Practice in Family Therapy New York, 1967, p. 89-92. 心理学空间r X DS9Ht^

Hs ISJK1a5k2t0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I., Relational Modes and Meaning, in H. G. ZUK & I.

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0h9B^8]@n jc'Y0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY (red.), Family Therapy and Disturbed Families (Science and Behavior Books), Palo Alto, 1967, p. 58-73. 心理学空间R;h/P#AF


BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I., Types of Pseudo Individuation, in N. ACKERMAN et al. (red.), Expanding Theory and Practice in Family Therapy, New York, 1967, p. 66-69. 心理学空间 sC5p/z9K8]y

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BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I., Introduction flor the "Conference on Systematic Researchon Family Interaction ", Philadelphia, 17-18 maart, 1968. 心理学空间W7bl~ d:g"S cw _)l l


BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I., Symposium on Family Research and Family Therapy. Assumptions of a Theory of Relationships, in Psychotherapy and Psycho-Somatics16 (1968) nr. 6, 296-297.

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}o l l}Gp0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I. et al., Conceptual Framework, in The Field of Family Therapy 78 (1970) nr. 7, 562-571. BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I., Critical Incidents in the Context of Family Therapy, in N.ACKERMAN (red.), Family Therapy in Transition (International Psychiatry Clinics 7, nr. 14), Boston, 1970, p. 251-260. 心理学空间7`E-@9G%m

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BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I., Review of Helm Stierlin's Conflict and Reconciliation, inFamily Process 9 (1970) nr. 1, 105-108. 心理学空间[] ~^:x.gN;r;x B

9c+A sq$c [z Az&\0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, The Use of External Social Control in Family Therapy, in I.


B kP*Xv3h,|0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY & A. S. FRIEDMAN (red.), Therapy with Families of Sexually Acting-Out Girls, New York, 1971, p. 187-197. 心理学空间m ^D \-M9Q"p#X

)T+Vb%`1Y|VP:^*Kh0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I. et al., Being and Betoming a Family Therapist, in A. FERBER, M. MENDELSON, A. NAPIER (red.), The Book of Family Therapy, New York, 1972, p. 134-154. 心理学空间:W_w|BhZ4i


BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Voorwoord in J. L. FRAMO (red.), Family Interaction. A Dialogue Between Family Researchers and Family Therapists, New York, 1972.


Y H#MX'@ ]n Y'G0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I. et al., How I became a Family Therapist, in A. FERBER, M. MENDELSON, A. NAPIER (red.), The Book of Family Therapy, New York, 1972, p. 84-85.


BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Loyalty Implications of the Transference Model in Psychotherapy, in A.MA. Archives of General Psychiatry 27 (1972) nr. 3, 374-380.

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*`YhxlCI0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Trust, Shame and Social Class. Voordracht ter gelegenheid van de Annual Conference of the Family Institute of Philadelphia, 1972. 心理学空间4L#{I+wN

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BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Family Therapy, Prevention and Community Mental Health. Presentatie op uitnodiging voor het Symposium on Community Mental HealthlMental Retardation Services for Children and Adolescents. Gesponsord door Hahnemann Medical College, 15 mei 1972. 心理学空间4c&d5h`FT

3Q1p ECj-B t X rG0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Risks to the Personal Relationship of the Therapist doingFamily Therapy. Voordracht ter gelegenheid van de Annual Conference of the Family Institute of Philadelphia, 1973.


-a,q_ YYxZN0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Ethical and Practical Implications of Intergenerational Family Therapy, in Journal of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 24 (1974), 261-268. Eveneens in J. G. HOWELLS (red.), Advances in Family Psychiatry. Deel 1,New York, 1979, p. 446-454. 心理学空间7EB` w?V

ko,O,k0tS;a$p0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Prevention and Dynamics of Family Relationships. Voordracht ter gelegenheid van het International Congress of Child Psychiatry.Philadelphia, 29 juli-2 augustus 1974.

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BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Forbebyggelse of Dynamikk i Familierelasjoner, in Fokus pa Familien 2 (1974) nr. 3, 38. BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Dialectic view of Intergenerational Family Therapy. Voordracht op het 4e International Symposium on Family Therapy in Zürich van 30september tot 3 oktober1975. 心理学空间v6g2`oZ|&\'~1PT8I


BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Dialektische Betrachtung der IntergenerationenFamilientherapie, in Ehe. Zentralblatt fur Ehe-und Familtenkunde 12 (1975) nr. 3 & 4, 117-131.

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BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Family Therapy. Its Meaning for Mental Health, in ScienceNews Ouarterly 1 (1975) nr. 4, 1-3. 心理学空间H{S*cI%U4P

B.QE!Y:O0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Behavior Change Through Family Change, in A. BUIZTON (red.), What Makes Behavior Change Possible-, New York, 1976, p. 227-258.

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BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Comments on Helm Stierlin's "Hitler as the Bound Delegate of His Mother", in History of Childhood Quarterly. The Journal of Psychohistory 3 (1976) nr. 4, 500-505.

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-g] l;q8d|Y0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I., Loyalitát und Uberfragung', in Familiendynamik 1 (1976)nr. 2. [= Duitse vertaling van: I. BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, Loyality Implications and the Transference Model in Psychotherapy, in Archives of General Psychiatry 27 (1972), 374-380]. 心理学空间]%jg-F5a


BOSZORMENYI-NAGY I., N. GANSEROFF, J. MATRULLO, Clinical and Legal Issues in the Family Therapy Record, in Hospital and Community Psychiatry 28 (1977) nr. 12, 911-913.


BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I., Depth and Paradox in Marital Relationships, in G. P. SHOLEVAR, Changing Sexual Values and the Family, Springfield, 1977, p. 70-73.


/OayS,R~u0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Mann und Frau. Verdienstkonten in den Geschlechtsrollen, in Familiendynamik. Interdisziplintire Zeitschrift fur Systemorientierte Praxis und Forschung 2 (1977) nr. 1, 1-10. 心理学空间I@ ktxd _


BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Bespreking van H. STIERLIN, Psychoanalysis and Family Therapy: Selected Papers, New York, 1977, in American Journal of Psychiatry 135(1978), 10-11. 心理学空间9U&N%a x ac/PWK(m

BVP@5{ _0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Guidelines for the Contextual Evaluation and Management of Child Abuse Cases, in How to Handle a Child Abuse Case: A Manualflor Attorneys Representing Children, Uitgave van het Support Center for ChildAdvocates, Inc. en het Committee on Child Abuse, Young Lawyers Section of thePhiladelphia Bar Association, 1978. 心理学空间@J.[:wftxk!v

^q YE3b+p0X0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I. & B. R. KRASNER, Gruppenloyaliteit als Motiv fur politischen Terrorismus, in Familiendynamik. Interdisziplindre Zeitschrift furSystemorientierte Praxis und Forschung 3 (1978) nr. 3, 199-208. BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Vision dialectica de la terapia familiar intergenerational, in Therapia Familiar 2 (1978), 90-110.

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BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I., Contextual Therapy: Therapeutic Leverages in MobilizingTrust, in The American Family, Philadelphia, 1979, Rapport 2, Unit IV, p. 1-10.


P4I"{&V {;M;h0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Ethics of Human Relationships and the Treatment Contract, in H. L. LENNARD & S. C. LENNARD (red.), Ethics of Health Care, NewYork, 1979, p. 53-66. 心理学空间FPj1y&Z.H}2D%GrP\

B b3b$z r.x0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Entitlement and Accountability: The Ethical Balance in Relationships, in H.L. LENNARD & S. C. LENNARD (red.), Ethics of Health Care,New York, 1979, p. 90-100.

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BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Ethical and Practical Implications of Intergenerational Family Therapy, in J. G. HOWELLS (red.), Advances in Family Psychiatry. Deel 1,New York, 1979, p. 446-454.

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BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, `Il cambiamento individuale attraverso il cambiamento della famiglia' ( Italiaanse vertaling van I. BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, Behavior Change Through Family Change, in Therapia Familiar 12 (1979), 119-145].


BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Interview met de redactie over de stand van zaken in de gezinstherapie, in Therapia Familiar, Buenos Aires, 1979, p. 187-198.

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!g5? Z9}[#T/]$dM0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Principles of the Ethics of Intervention, in H. L. LENNARD& S. C. LENNARD (red.), Ethics of Health Care, New York, 1979, p. 120-136. 心理学空间b"a9L`"l B

)[O V4O6R)k*Y0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I. & B. R. KRASNER, Trust-Based Therapy: A Contextual Approach, in American Journal of Psychiatry 137 (1980) nr. 7, 767-775. 心理学空间 j)^} o#_F$D7Y'v


BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I. & D. ULRICH, Contextual Family Therapy, in A. GURMAN AND P. KNISKERN (red.), HandboOk of Family Therapy, New York, 1980, p. 159-186. 心理学空间1u2@i;A [[

+VaM\/Z*_;h7|:UA,F0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Psychotherapy. A Laboratory of Preventive Knowledge, in American Journal of Psychiatry 137 (1980) nr. 12, 1626-1627.


BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I. et al., Recommendations to the Courts. Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, in Divorced Child Custody and the Family, New York,1980. 心理学空间,NMT9}ge|7D/j

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BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Clinical and Legal issues in the Family Therapy Record, inD. ROSENTHAL (red.), Family Therapy Readings, Springfield, 1981. 心理学空间rwf${ f$_d

_p xD6{3Q0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Contextual Therapy: Therapeutic Leverages in Mobilizing Trust in R.F. GREEN & J. L. FRAMO (red.), Family Therapy: Major Contributions,New York, 1981. BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I. & B. R. KRASNER, The Contextual Approach to Psychotherapy, in G. BERENSON & H. WHITE (red.), Annual Review of Family Therapy, New York, 1981. Ivan BOSZORMENYI- Nagy geinterviewd door G. REICH, G. BAETHGA en K. DEISLER in Góttingen, 25 november 1980, in Context (1981). Interview door M. MARKHAM, Contextual Therapy: the Realm of the Indivual, in Psychiatric News 16 (1981) nr. 20, p. 17; nr. 21, p. 26.

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TI.|7Z/N ?`0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Commentary: Transgenerational Solidarity. Therapy 's Mandate and Ethics, in Family Process 24 (1985), 454-456. BOSZORMENMYI-NAGY, I, Contextual Therapy and the Unity of Therapies, in S. SUGERMAN (red.), The Interface of lndividual and Family Therapy, Aspen, 1986, p.65-72. 心理学空间 u0c t}7@a8?$M

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BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, M. COTRONEO, B. R. KRASNER, The Contextual Approach to Child Custody Decisions, in G. P. SHOLEVAR (red.), The Handbook ofMarriage and Marital Therapy, 0xford, 1986, p. 475-480. 心理学空间^;g5`9b2Za4|!A

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BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Transgenerational Solidarity: The Expanding Context of Therapy and Prevention, in The American Journal of Family Therapy 14 (1986) nr. 3, 195-212.

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BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, The Context of Consequences and the Limits of Therapeutic Responsability, in H. STIERLIN, F. B. SIMON, G. SCHMIDT (red.), Familiar Realities. The Heidelberg Conference, New York, 1987, p. 41-51. 心理学空间T z(a F4G@i;jA

D {2~-D!q!N Xe0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Transgenerationelle Solidaritát. Therapie und Preventionin einem erweiterten Kontext, in Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie 39 (1989) nr. 12, 433-444 [= ID., Transgenerational Solidarity: TheExpanding Context of Therapy and Prevention, in The American Journal of FamilyTherapy 14 (1986) nr. 3, 195-212]. 心理学空间U){L N7LtA?3\)E


BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I. & E.M. VAN DEN EERENBEEMT, Erven van toekomst. Interview met Ivan Nagy, uitgezonden op 30 mei 1986 door IKON-televisie (uit hetEngels vertaald door N. BAKHUIZEN), in D. SCHLÜTER (red.), In het voetspoor van Ivan Nagy. Opstellen over kenmerken en toepassingsgebieden van de intergenerationele familietherapie: de contextuele therapie, Amsterdam, 1990, p. 23-31. 心理学空间"Pr.G1s;`"oV:[ q


BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Kernthema's. Fragmenten uit een lezing van Ivan Nagy, gehouden voor de Hogeschool van Amsterdam, januari 1990, vertaling Nelly Bakhuizen, in D. SCHLUTER (red.), In het voetspoor van Ivan Nagy. Opstellen overkenmerken en toepassingsgebieden van de intergenerationele familietherapie: decontextuele therapie, Amsterdam, 1990, p. 17-22. BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Loyaliteit en recht. Toespraak op de studiedag Loyaliteiten recht', ll maart 1985, voor de Kinderbescherming, in D. SCHLÜTER (red.), In het voetspoor van Ivan Nagy. Opstellen over kenmerken en toepassingsgebieden van deintergenerationele familietherapie: de contextuele therapie, Amsterdam, 1990, p. 42-53. 心理学空间6|#s}7y u

DPqj.i?VBP0BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, The Field of Family Therapy. Review and Mandate, in AftaNewsletter (1995), 32-36. 心理学空间R2xJ `Qw:T"Kq

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BOSZORMENYI-NAGY, I, Response to "Are Trustworthiness and Fairness Enough- Contextual Family Therapy and the Good Family", in Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 23 (1997) nr. 2, 171-173.

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