‘Hearts on their sleeves’: the use of systemic biofeedback in school settings
作者: BrendaMcHugh,Neil Da / 7510次阅读 时间: 2011年2月12日
来源: Journal of Family Therapy
Journal of Family Therapy (2010) 32: 58–72
0163-4445 (print); 1467-6427 (online)

‘Hearts on their sleeves’: the use of systemic
biofeedback in school settings
BrendaMcHugh,Neil Dawson,Anthony Scrafton and Eia Asen
This article describes how a biofeedback device is used to ‘externalize’
internal physiological states. Heart rate monitors, emitting audible signals
when a specific threshold is reached, are fitted to children and members
of the family. This can help all those present to make connections between
problematic behaviours and internal states of emotional/physical arousal.
Devices may be worn for up to twenty-four hours and computer graph
printouts of fluctuating heart rates can assist in contextualizing problematic interactions, particularly if other family members are also fitted
with heart rate monitors. In this way biofeedback becomes ‘systemic’ as
people are alerted to the interconnectedness of each others’ states.
Participants are not only helped to identify stressors leading to heightened states of emotional arousal and resulting ‘out-of-control’ behaviours, but also to find ways of employing (self-)calming strategies. This
article outlines the application of systemic biofeedback in school settings
with children at risk of exclusion. With the help of these biofeedback
devices pupils begin to manage themselves in situations which would
previously have resulted in stressed, angry or violent behaviours.
Keywords: multi-family therapy school; systemic biofeedback.
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