Folkbiology 族属生物学
作者: Douglas L. Medin and / 7615次阅读 时间: 2011年3月23日
标签: Folkbiology Medin 族属生物学

Douglas L. Medin and Scott Atran
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Pf2RN4?;\w0Jun 1999心理学空间#\ [ e!V]4R2|(~z
ISBN 0262133490心理学空间W-ND#H-k%b
470 pp.
^!Ig rh)e|037 illus.
B/Xm:lAS6bD0"Folk Biology is an excellent collection of original articles that will be a great aid to scholars and students interested in anthropological and psychological aspects of ethnobiology."
(F7xqu[3`)`/X:mCN0-- Ronald W. Casson, Department of Anthropology, Oberlin College
The term "folkbiology" refers to people's everyday understanding of the biological world--how they perceive, categorize, and reason about living kinds. The study of folkbiology not only sheds light on human nature, it may ultimately help us make the transition to a global economy without irreparably damaging the environment or destroying local cultures.
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This book takes an interdisciplinary approach, bringing together the work of researchers in anthropology, cognitive and developmental psychology, biology, and philosophy of science. The issues covered include: Are folk taxonomies a first-order approximation to classical scientific taxonomies, or are they driven more directly by utilitarian concerns? How are these category schemes linked to reasoning about natural kinds? Is there any nontrivial sense in which folk-taxonomic structures are universal? What impact does science have on folk taxonomy? Together, the chapters present the current foundations of folkbiology and indicate new directions in research.
Table of Contents心理学空间e g:J1{%b B])A
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-M!I"~z.O g9{01 Introduction
'D*c y#@(C:g1X A0by Douglas L. Medin and Scott Atran心理学空间'TW\(vz6? V|
2 Ethno-ornithology of the Ketengban People, Indonesian New Guinea心理学空间6xO~5F:a3qz|
by Jared Diamond and K. David Bishop
+a7]fzMh%A/}.zI03 Size as Limiting the Recognition of Biodiversity in Folkbiological Classifications: One of Four Factors Governing the Cultural Recognition of Biological Taxa
OL%dl\s~? U0by Eugene Hunn心理学空间[&O-p ?1KGV/C gH Y4M~
4 How a Folkbotanical System Can Be Both Natural and Comprehensive: One Maya Indian's View of the Plant World
1[~k`RXo E0by Brent Berlin
C%|Zf?05 Models of Subsistence and Ethnobiological Knowledge: Between Extraction and Cultivation in Southeast Asia
;zkaiDD)|W0by Roy Ellen
b;qJ CY6y:Y'f@*C06 Itzaj Maya Folkbiological Taxonomy: Cognitive Universals and Cultural Particulars心理学空间\uO*gQO5aT p
by Scott Atran
4b1|mz7U _]/Y07 Inductive Reasoning in Folkbiological Thought
6T x~2o5~!_:OR7J%E0by John D. Coley, Douglas L. Medin, Julia Beth Proffitt, Elizabeth Lynch and Scott Atran
&If:R q_:|8`6}08 The Dubbing Ceremony Revisited: Object Naming and Categorization in Infancy and Early Childhood
[Z.@u*d!r-KC.t)\3f0by Sandra R. Waxman心理学空间d-Z#v.k(p2E3x
9 Mechanism and Explanation in the Development of Biological Thought: The Case of Disease心理学空间6tmV dXkw
by Frank C. Keil, Daniel T. Levin, Bethany A. Richman and Grant Gutheil
1K8@%P4jX(Ss%r$B010 A Developmental Perspective on Informal Biology
$d8bvo,X-UA3E0by Giyoo Hatano and Kayoko Inagaki
o([ojn011 Mechanical Causality in Children's "Folkbiology"
*D Y RbC0by Terry Kit-fong Au and Laura F. Romo心理学空间 P"{b/A3JY(Y
12 How Biological Is Essentialism?心理学空间G*s0Bu(O%Tg/G
by Susan A. Gelman and Lawrence A. Hirschfeld心理学空间8sCcRjY'JYZ
13 Natural Kinds and Supraorganismal Individuals心理学空间j-il:k6I4MW-?j
by Michael T. Ghiselin
R(k bR6K8j_"C6i(?X014 Are Whales Fish?
q)[1rt;z0by John Dupré
A8m/g]6Yg,qz {015 Interdisciplinary Dissonance心理学空间\-FfX jT#pk
by David L. Hull

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TAG: Folkbiology Medin 族属生物学
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