美國精神醫學學會的普菲斯特奧斯卡獎 Oskar Pfister Award
作者: 美国精神医学学会 / 9600次阅读 时间: 2011年4月11日
标签: 精神医学
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美國精神醫學學會的普菲斯特奧斯卡獎 Oskar Pfister Award
The Oskar Pfister Award was established by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), with the Association of Mental Health Clergy, in 1983 to honor those who have made significant contributions to the field of religion and psychiatry. The recipient delivers a lecture at an APA conference during the year of award although the 2002 lecture was delivered by Susan Larson on behalf of her late husband. The award is named in honor of Oskar Pfister, a chaplain who discussed the religious aspects of psychology with Sigmund Freud.
0c/WCBS7mbS r0普菲斯特奧斯卡獎 Oskar Pfister Award由美国精神医学学会和神职心理健康学会于1983年创立,纪念那些在宗教和精神病学领域的突出贡献者。心理学空间Maw+JT$J)i

6b.~Fg8C lj0Award winners Lecture Title
`g${TGL[{ pOe(F0心理学空间7Q'G p9d"K8X Vo
1983 - Jerome D. Frank 杰罗姆·弗兰克
o)\fU |,O3s S0    The Threat of Nuclear Annihilation: An Unprecedented Challenge to Psychiatry and Religion
9J0T(i _;K`01984 - Wayne Oates心理学空间py Ce&lw7~$kPx}
    Some Functions of Belief in Illness and Health心理学空间#Dz O3cZ
1985 - Viktor Frankl心理学空间$B?O8t)w+M#T
    Man in Search of Ultimate Meaning
1nTt2Ur~01986 - Hans Küng心理学空间*B|8|qj
    Religion-The Last Taboo: Repression of Religiousness心理学空间w+[6YD|
1987 - Robert Jay Lifton心理学空间+YGz[-x'up$I
    The Psychology of Genocide
)@Ie7``a2F01988 - Oliver Sacks心理学空间_CVbF-C*S9}
    The Unique Case心理学空间S(B9`+J+g4j c
1989 - William W. Meissner心理学空间%opRd!D!]Uv
    The Pathology of Belief Systems心理学空间F\8Kb7s5P,G n2|
1990 - Peter Gay心理学空间S_ z:wO:lo]
    A Godless Jew Revisited
kgwgT|c3o1{X01991 - Robert Coles心理学空间%V^u$p&y6p+u4p
    The Moral and Spiritual Life of Children
X4[ K-X)u|$r2kI*P;g01992 - Paulos Mar Gregorios心理学空间6stwOQ9GO?
    Religious Masters as Psychiaters: The Threefold Role of Religion in the Healing of the Mind, Body, and Soul in Society心理学空间 }*ep,MO1O!msY}
1993 - Paul R. Fleischmann
_,P%] wp%v0    The Healing Spirit心理学空间wi1W [:m9z3t
1994 - James W. Fowler III心理学空间#IWU7i9SxS
    Healing Spirit: Psychiatry and the Dynamics of Faith心理学空间%ZU|a5Y
1995 - Prakash Desai
:s`*R7n2? HE0    Taking the Psyche out of Psychiatry: The Case of Hindu Medicine心理学空间i v;o"^2YziHzm
1996 - Ann Belford Ulanov心理学空间(D|/rBa9Si
    Ritual, Repetition, and Psychic Reality
ik5`_7I01997 - Ana-Maria Rizzuto心理学空间Q+Sq6Y:I+n0L\V
    Belief in Psychic Life
&h,[,h4TJ!gm01998 - Allen Bergin心理学空间gC1~6cp
    Spiritual and Religious Issues in Psychopathology and Psychotherapy
(`&SFD-\-|y01999 - Don S. Browning心理学空间S8O3J&n0z3jU0mx
   Internist of the Mind or Doctors of the Soul?
"A"[)SIBL02000 - Paul Ricoeur
S IS _1t.F*U s0    The Difference Between the Normal & the Pathological as a Source of Respect: Therapeutic & Ethical Implications心理学空间lGS SZ(Jc&`;A)G-L?
2001 - Irvin D. Yalom 欧文·亚隆心理学空间0R~GH5[1i'C"] Ah
    Existential Psychotherapy and Religious Consolation: Convergence and Divergence心理学空间1W.}S.[6v2Bcf ?_$j
2002 - David Larson心理学空间B-krs3V?4t
    The Nearly Forgotten Century: What a Difference a Decade Makes心理学空间E)y#RXto4ag8o
2003 - Abraham Twerski心理学空间vG#M Q-r4E%?X5HA
    Is There a Place for Spirituality in Therapy?
M_W] I4s}02004 - Elizabeth Bowman
4aym/F]3~(K4gk&W0    Dialogues from the Rims of the Grand Canyon: On Bridging the Post-Freudian Chasm Between Religion and Psychiatry
)jN$ro8? a9U02005 - Armand Nicholi
OZ+Fz`M9r0    The Conflicting World Views of Sigmund Freud and Oskar Pfister: Keys to Understanding Patients
)v2cU;T9M#o k)Q02006 - Ned Cassem心理学空间#x#f O%D yNw
    Psychiatry and Spirituality at the End of Life
`/| cZH(XAc C F02007 - William R. Miller, Ph.D.心理学空间 O$QUO2I1Y)tz$Nn R[t
    Spiritus Contra Spiritum: The Strange Case Of Spirituality And Addiction心理学空间 D@,F#|+IElU1K3g
2008 - Dan G. Blazer, MD, PhD
5I6^)_ SAKw;ew0    Prozac and the Spiritual Self心理学空间8h;Jp!m&B"SY;] TS
2009 - Kenneth I. Pargament, Ph.D.心理学空间t.rd^Sj
    Wrestling With Angels: Spiritual Struggles in the Context of Mental Illness
:k)DD!F}e NC R'{02010 - George E. Vaillant, MD
/p#FQ5vVM3Oi@DQ;r:x0    Toward a New Psychiatry: Valuing The Positive Emotions
:j)v8e$TJ-_q/_02011 - Clark S. Aist, PhD, MDiv
4r#mll$L'e,AoA0    The Oscar Pfister Dialogues: A Search for Meanings
/hv#W3Z*C4R+z)X3ZB[02012 - Harold Koenig 哈罗德·科尼格心理学空间?&E/Rr.?_ G
    How Is Religion Relevant to Psychiatry?: Research and Applications

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