作者: 心理学 / 4976次阅读 时间: 2011年4月04日
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_w,BUe%JLP0究竟什么可以阻止人们冒险?是害怕风险还是害怕后悔?在现实生活中,各国都有无数流传至今的谚语、成语分别佐证上述两种看法。如,“前怕狼,后怕虎”,“The cat would eat fish and would not wet her feet.”常被用以描述人们怕冒风险而难于决断;而“一失足成千古恨,再回头已百年身”,“事后追悔不如事前稳妥”,“It is better to be safe than sorry”等,常常被人们用以自我规劝或规劝他人在决策前要三思,以免事后后悔。心理学空间4D_kjYt1h[CcO

fO sL,w0有趣的是,这也是风险决策领域中备受关注的课题之一。长期以来,研究者们对此也一直各持己见:有些学者认为,人们在决策时总是倾向于选择那些预期后悔量最小(regret-minimizing)的选项;而有些学者则认为,风险最小(risk-minimizing)的选项才是人们所青睐的。心理学空间i"Ky2iGF

W8kW6l#n1q X `h0针对这一争论,近期的一项研究提供了一个视角独特的解答。在中科院心理所李纾研究员的指导下,澳门科技大学博士研究生孙悦,及中科院心理所梁竹苑、郑蕊助理研究员,博士研究生周坤、饶俪琳,提出了一个新观点:并非所有风险对人而言都是生而相同的,决策者是规避风险还是规避后悔具有领域特异性(domain-specific)。他们以博彩这一高风险行为为例,检验了上述观点。心理学空间,[ O:{h0por Ko+n$w


该研究选了一个较为特殊的取样地点——世界知名“赌城”澳门,通过问卷调查了373名当地居民。研究者们精心选取了澳门博彩业中知名度最高的13种博彩方式,要求被试在问卷中分别评定自己对这13种博彩的参赌意愿,及风险知觉和预期后悔程度。心理学空间^RS.v.\ J"K9u



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该研究部分受中国科学院“百人计划”、中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目(KSCX2-YW-R-130)、国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC:70671099,70701036,70871110)项目资助。近期已在线发表于赌博研究领域最具影响力的期刊Journal of Gambling Studies。心理学空间N(M Le t0r

X/`"t| V'q0心理学之家 推荐原文原始出处:心理学空间1Z)u$e(J iHQ UL

!z!{vX'WT0Journal of Gambling Studies DOI:10.1007/s10899-009-9149-5

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Anticipated Regret, Risk Perception, or Both: Which is Most Likely Responsible for Our Intention to Gamble?心理学空间U M\qGy[$k i

g j(Qd3x ` U%j0Shu Li1, Kun Zhou2, Yue Sun3, Li-Lin Rao2, Rui Zheng1 and Zhu-Yuan Liang1

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(1) Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China心理学空间 E:`!S%d3|

7B'^l/qdM)Z{0(2) Institute of Psychology, Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China


!C8g[Z @0(3) Faculty of Management and Administration, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau, China

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The current study investigated whether risk aversion or regret aversion could be related to a lower intention to gamble, and whether the type of gambling was a moderator of this relationship. The study took place in Macau, often called “the Las Vegas of East Asia.” A total of 373 Macau residents completed a questionnaire survey dealing with thirteen types of gambling. The results showed that risk perception and anticipated regret had a significant negative effect on the intention to gamble. This negative effect was domain-specific, varying with the type of gambling. Our findings indicated that neither risk aversion nor regret aversion can uniquely explain an individual’s risk-taking tendency consistently. Instead, which factor plays a greater role in lowering the intention to gamble—regret aversion, risk aversion, or both—is itself dependent on the type of gambling involved. The finding that not all gambles are created equal could be useful in gambling prevention and advertising appeal by providing a basis for understanding the role that cognitive and emotional factors play in different types of gambling.心理学空间$c!hnC*cVnOh

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