基思·霍尔约克Keith J. Holyoak 翻译的中国古诗词
作者: 基思·霍尔约克 / 8457次阅读 时间: 2011年10月01日
来源: Keith J. Holyoak
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网基思·霍尔约克Keith J. Holyoak 翻译的中国古诗词

*u6\p5a'Yhv0心理学空间P-LkO D&n7L s5]\
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Going to Visit the Daoist Master on Daitian Mountain But Not Finding Him 心理学空间1qU6n5ET4~
!D(rh,Y1_:X0Li Bai (701-762 CE)心理学空间J:QBsr3\

wx]t;eT'ug2|w0A dog barks
;e k|-[MI(b D0amidst the sound of water;
p e.M"dZ;f)K~0peach blossoms
+H&F(J,B r)H0hang heavy with dewdrops.心理学空间5]OFA!\*pjx
犬吠水聲中, 桃花帶露濃。
9CB8QF8T$\1\-S0心理学空间*F A7[6G vc:c
In the deep forest心理学空间]]pL KOw
I glimpse a passing deer;
]'k \(M$?%T0AO2\x0the rushing brook
8M+Y2nX6a#r:Fw0muffles the noonday bells.
+N&k_6z@ J}}0樹深時見鹿, 溪午不聞鐘。心理学空间 ye9\t[4j0n!u

E9xz ^V\/W X0Wild bamboos
v+}+n$a*M$} N3KS0slice through the green mist;
)o*e6M%w j0streams in flight心理学空间&KN7?.B(E9o
hang between emerald peaks.
S1f@b'R`0野竹分青靄, 飛泉掛碧峰。心理学空间KXb U*ym~

aN,q/f8JH2\.f0Nobody knows心理学空间w'~ _,m)UQNE"@
where the master has gone—
:Q(F!DY)aG3dK0left to wonder,
t!f!T7i S5u(@&w0I rest among some pines.
*N1I;aoZR5s0無人知所去, 愁倚兩三松。心理学空间8L:G~)IF l;s'^


Farewell at a Jinling Tavern 金陵酒肆留別 心理学空间 c5c*NDs m&xu
Li Bai (701-762 CE)心理学空间6B d+B `!M
The wind blows catkins off the willows;
q)ZR8F4_^0their fragrance fills the tavern.心理学空间0xPs R&ufh l m
Our hostess brings the guests new wine心理学空间(dC;vi8M8O
she urges us to savor.
$D0Ge(qzR0風吹柳花滿店香,吳姬壓酒喚客嘗。心理学空间}.]-vU%s L

:ws}2iicn0Young friends from Jinling came today心理学空间p S}3G Q(D z%g
to drink and see me off.
cD/@4hp0I must leave, and they must stay—心理学空间eh(sCA)Z
we let our last cups linger.
rsdy C0Y2` kN K0金陵子弟來相送,欲行不行各盡觴。心理学空间:uKjA(E4e
心理学空间 pCYes+x
Friends, let’s ask the water flowing心理学空间me9Fa1^;t
far away to the east:
I2mF,D&wx0The river, or sadness of farewell—
(d&c nr4g] ~"X |0which of the two is longer?心理学空间2hmH2T`?(t9ki [#{
KCSO7F{0心理学空间 u dQJ0N o aaW

}I@.I Q F*}F8E0Overnight in the Pavilion by the River
Doz9M%sN&O0宿江邊閣心理学空间 xV1a N8L;e HD"i-`(r
Du Fu (712-770 CE)心理学空间;u*z)`3iN\-}{7N#?
As evening approaches心理学空间,uT!HJU!r o-J)`
along the mountain paths心理学空间A%m'YU_"e7wr
I come to my chamber
T;?.~AXxn9a0above the Water Gate.心理学空间5j5`6R-sJf#| AiK
[e?3q r i8G ]C1y0心理学空间~X?V dNz
Wisps of cloud
A_u Q:X0rest on the edges of cliffs;心理学空间!f&s'x6f8~K4] @
a lonely moon
.@%Ii&E)@/O7J9E0slowly turns in the waves.

8f}V}Ei9w H0A line of cranes心理学空间"u/G2|8sac,A8h$JM@
flies past on its silent hunt;心理学空间)];tX2zCQ)Z PWMC
a pack of wolves
/?u0p*`3c8Hp4g^ Z _0howls around its prey.
iuy:dN Y%O0I cannot sleep,心理学空间(eW SX*Yc9j7]!J
plagued by thoughts of war,心理学空间GD:cIt:r
and powerless
(nr;Oq5nA5L0to spare the world its fate.
,G4Zfa#v'S$}:`!m `m0不眠憂戰伐,無力正乾坤。


"?ZV} [#?0S0Missing My Little Son 心理学空间'wy$mf^ y \1u9z
(Pony Boy) 心理学空间;iq-Uz,b1U
Du Fu (712-770 CE)心理学空间h`:|:t0rAkEO@Y
0[ |AyTJ0杜甫心理学空间Sh tN X#p/@

5y]vzxP0It’s spring, and still心理学空间jJ&d%|w^o~j'W:m{
you're away, my Pony Boy,心理学空间+mBelvx X T
while the days grow warm
E:D e uY0and birdsong swells to crescendo.
W r1]o5wx l Vu0驥子春猶隔,鶯歌暖正繁。心理学空间'Pp3@a5B0k0uG

6Rr:G;{G.F R0This change of season
X4^*hX&n'a0cuts like a new farewell—
Qkp7WQ0now who do I have心理学空间1E7b yn,G1HY{
to share my bits of wisdom?心理学空间6k-`N8k,wD WeO ^
The stream runs free心理学空间Zt&\"J"{4ZY_ {&K
alongside the empty path,心理学空间T5wy)AiuT y
from village gate
_SZ:H7]#n0down into distant shadow;心理学空间#~g w f C a2q H

6_*[ jK T _f0

l,CFiW'^3Q:}0My torrent of sadness
p*R*RB{M.L}0will drain away in my dreams心理学空间q ~Q+a.iXQeP5h
while my back is warmed心理学空间\*e0xp|-I^
by spring sun through my window.心理学空间%la+\ WoK w2PC%g5e
&WP$@E$b@&o/[6}5Tc0 心理学空间$r)U mso8uLE)j&vr

0@5]Bq+~ivo0Moonlit Night 心理学空间5?wX$BEIt
Du Fu (712-770 CE)心理学空间`1Sw#r G)t H7x/S
Tonight the moon
1^~}f*R&uL3j0is also full in Fuzhou,
z+vcB j Mq0where my wife can only心理学空间0LS4~8Vf BH
wait and watch alone.
}Njp%ESg0今夜鄜(fū)州月, 閨中只獨看。心理学空间?)r'\9H"l@;T8B vgm c

-H3h#YIM3e$f"J-\{0I’m sad to think心理学空间}OzJ1a
of my little sons and daughters,
(lAA#kf&r~P3K-I0too young to know心理学空间C-Z/I m$cR&u
why I’m far away in Changan.
$jS#xYz!v9p0  遙憐小兒女, 未解憶長安。心理学空间2Zg7l/EV,V
Her cloud of hair心理学空间B:k4JfB
must be damp from the scented mist,
Mov:xVP K0her jade-white arms
*X&T)Ji%\:xA7Z0chilled as the light pours down.
Hy6K e zy0  香霧雲鬟濕, 清輝玉臂寒。
0_'}3uzn{*h0心理学空间 t \%\.ovI
When will we both心理学空间g|Y/wuj+n
lean at the open window,心理学空间%}@6ysXc
drying our tears
%JLP}*eHM/c0in the glow of an autumn moon?
?1oY;[?bV?p0  何時倚虛幌(huǎng), 雙照淚痕幹。心理学空间x5sJ+f3{Qm:W1zY4y
心理学空间9c$m4o&k(~m R-dw]

心理学空间R{3{n|G E

On the Heights心理学空间,q/S*^Q(rU8`
Du Fu (712-770 CE)
D&nW[T*m's5ra0登高心理学空间o Z1d0BX^
心理学空间.tq|?#A k!~\O w
The wind is keen and the sky wide,
D Fl5l#n]j!J0apes howl mournfully;心理学空间8]u#b:Vd(tX6P
the islet is clear and its sand white,心理学空间Do(y h,PBp/_
birds wheel round and round.
g1`x4_ `|X.?s0風急天高猿嘯哀,渚清沙白鳥飛回。心理学空间 [*KG'{!]%@ `

3|-@h1B9_\2[ J0In the boundless forest swirling leaves
]HC!M e T'I[0go rustling, rustling by;
d-s6tg.O'jBJ@8P0down the endless river surging waves
s`,ADkohI0come rolling, rolling, on.
@6n#z!k+Zg0  無邊落木蕭蕭下,不盡長江滾滾來。心理学空间8l,`6_pi/j2Y"E

Un LB:|p-W0I am a constant traveler心理学空间B3XtG.aFf
this melancholy autumn—
(pZ9eK,t.n `7s0an old man now, racked by sickness,
i.S*GR$S/V8{0I scale these heights alone.心理学空间|!f'Q&y.y7T~3qj&^
  萬里悲秋常作客,百年多病獨登臺。心理学空间3bm,l4W:cT C*P
This life, so hard, full of bitter pain,
C8}2X.W|C0has turned my hair to frost,
f#m#C:Q"sn0left me so poor that my last cup心理学空间lX7qr1}
of cloudy wine is gone.
*jwT-Mj\}MLX0  艱難苦恨繁霜鬢,潦倒新停濁酒杯。心理学空间"nO2A-V)I@9q,Ii

心理学空间}&E N1z]!H{ij

Thoughts Written While Traveling By Night 心理学空间7[Q[*v%E g)X
Du Fu (712-770 CE)心理学空间X W|AzXPv
旅夜書懷  杜甫
i{2T D })fh0心理学空间C_}j#v
The fine grass心理学空间*esyr6C9]y2d"O
by the riverbank stirs in the breeze;
Dc0v[0j:o.Xy0the tall mast
Y~7lxIL0in the night is a lonely sliver.
N;H!F n r!v$V2F5T,P0  細草微風岸,危檣獨夜舟。
gz.sZe y1hT0心理学空间J@y:V#L~ q\
Stars hang
&Xl*yx em0all across the vast plain;心理学空间$P"{#[ v u!JN eG
the moon bobs心理学空间n^'m1j A/V%HS:D
in the flow of the great river.心理学空间BqoK'H1nceJ/|
  星垂平野闊,月湧大江流。心理学空间]R+_!U.}!G V+M8jT
My poetry
0ap/bE`Yu0has not made a name for me;
Ljd,hM0now age and sickness心理学空间-B4q Lp oy
have cost me the post I was given.
W dhz!X k R._0t0  名豈文章著,官應老病休。
&a Uz$Q8q3@0
r1e$D0h@~0Drifting, drifting,
"`&E({$nj:?wZ0q0what do I resemble?心理学空间 [}:z%F~V
A lone gull心理学空间&uE1R'VoRZcO.Ny
lost between earth and heaven.
l7Y nw"z#v0  飄飄何所似?天地一沙鷗。心理学空间{F/K Kg1F

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