基思·霍尔约克Keith J. Holyoak 翻译的中国古诗词
作者: 基思·霍尔约克 / 8463次阅读 时间: 2011年10月01日
来源: Keith J. Holyoak
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网基思·霍尔约克Keith J. Holyoak 翻译的中国古诗词

Hhn^ `{0Going to Visit the Daoist Master on Daitian Mountain But Not Finding Him 心理学空间Z]9GG"M/]
(v(P*Goe2p0Li Bai (701-762 CE)
w!]~rP6b_fiUU0A dog barks心理学空间#n)l5c?o
amidst the sound of water;心理学空间$Mm0r,@,S
peach blossoms心理学空间"`&Y7T9\"TfZP xs
hang heavy with dewdrops.心理学空间)b7y H1UV
犬吠水聲中, 桃花帶露濃。
t ACZr9\nb0
1Nk jHDT8X0In the deep forest心理学空间 _ZXk jOKu
I glimpse a passing deer;心理学空间1b0n8ru O9d W
the rushing brook心理学空间6h%l'h4p2v#{#U
muffles the noonday bells. 心理学空间5O Q?N7h.C
樹深時見鹿, 溪午不聞鐘。
0C nw6Y9\S.c0
:K0|d_8o-i9xv0Wild bamboos
x,k)u%f-x/p$V4{xu x0slice through the green mist;
#}lN!P4{,bw)U+@n0streams in flight心理学空间 ?5` Z:L Ic rd
hang between emerald peaks.
A+G$F5\eC3e|P0野竹分青靄, 飛泉掛碧峰。
GRF0p7Nx4H X4u-y0心理学空间p;u.J L$Bo~
Nobody knows心理学空间e+EOrPJ
where the master has gone—心理学空间;G l4ihbSi N
left to wonder,心理学空间}2D_&z,KX
I rest among some pines.心理学空间 C0TjY T o_Q
無人知所去, 愁倚兩三松。
$M9R Ej A0 


Farewell at a Jinling Tavern 金陵酒肆留別 心理学空间-nd\1` jnX;T(N)?
Li Bai (701-762 CE)
4J0E(S3u&s nM#o1[A0The wind blows catkins off the willows;心理学空间JFB+Ei'JY.A
their fragrance fills the tavern.
)wL-g/qq/Mw0Our hostess brings the guests new wine
\[B&?IP1yT0she urges us to savor.心理学空间:m\,HIFuk:p
?3ckei |[0心理学空间 yU c5`I%zx'o
Young friends from Jinling came today
aFBxK7B/Ggt{0to drink and see me off.心理学空间,o6~F~m@ Z
I must leave, and they must stay—
5_*EmW Hs#n0we let our last cups linger.
G C1e*R!W @0金陵子弟來相送,欲行不行各盡觴。心理学空间 a7un7|d!|/D*s

#dfncY)f8FC]0Friends, let’s ask the water flowing心理学空间e%nq,OoU] X
far away to the east:
oUZ4{a0The river, or sadness of farewell—
yq~N&Cz0which of the two is longer?心理学空间*W h4`.B0f8`|CP,y$M
hK!l5x*t3_+]0心理学空间-i*L/rNac M9H

eR"]db0Overnight in the Pavilion by the River 心理学空间j}'rhW ]h6j}0A'Q^
Du Fu (712-770 CE)心理学空间$ck0b|w#lb
As evening approaches心理学空间(g-A#`Cq
along the mountain paths
0{ tw P-Wez_%f'N0I come to my chamber心理学空间!Ez ~+F!gb4N!W
above the Water Gate.
GP&a5e*M'tU8|)F0暝色延山徑,高齋次水門。心理学空间z le5ok"Gq7n.d

#X d'^f5[5Tt0Wisps of cloud心理学空间)n^Mzpckq
rest on the edges of cliffs;
E g'c'}2L)jz7b0a lonely moon
:y'G"C$`$k7^0slowly turns in the waves.心理学空间o.\o z0v\\/\
薄雲岩際宿,孤月浪中翻。心理学空间(YU'Gg-V'b ]

1m+R,xKI'W3\0A line of cranes心理学空间}^)l U,~4S!Y,s8Y2c"|
flies past on its silent hunt;
D9AWN d Q0a pack of wolves心理学空间,Zee*_.V4H/mn'o,h
howls around its prey.心理学空间{:P2_`n,n

"aM'~Pv3}t0I cannot sleep,心理学空间E_z,N%p?i'\(u.I
plagued by thoughts of war,心理学空间6_/F;|ww`+@
and powerless
8C(R:?{g0to spare the world its fate.
3ca~qV0不眠憂戰伐,無力正乾坤。心理学空间t!{l6t ~0Q u:?

fb@ PY j&{*A2f k0Missing My Little Son 心理学空间6jC;Q%Y l+Z
(Pony Boy)
*{D]$a3t7d\ VpI'~b0Du Fu (712-770 CE)心理学空间%U-y oL `
憶幼子心理学空间7Bk ~2G1tz
#p6ez K$K{0
;p@ YI$l0It’s spring, and still
$C [ E~"a@@0you're away, my Pony Boy,
}`Iop:^0while the days grow warm
_ ZZ_Z0and birdsong swells to crescendo.心理学空间y-LK~(au8D6jG8gl
i VYm ]OUv H&q0This change of season心理学空间*hD W?$x uHnP
cuts like a new farewell—心理学空间&X.n"A.QI-f'V^E#\5@r
now who do I have心理学空间q/a4l%xy?&n
to share my bits of wisdom?心理学空间l+oL.f3kD T
The stream runs free心理学空间O(s%eY9G
alongside the empty path,心理学空间t[4cM s uX9|4@\ Z
from village gate 心理学空间"M4U5C R&RKU
down into distant shadow;心理学空间5O#MH sC} jyJP


Q@O sO$j `mc1[[0My torrent of sadness
8l.VT+S Oc8b)B#?"B\0will drain away in my dreams
5xX7EUl] E3M0while my back is warmed
Qv0Y|#E)XeA0by spring sun through my window.心理学空间CqHs/p ^)C%l.^j
憶渠愁只睡,炙背俯晴軒。心理学空间7T[ lH3y;j a+ei

心理学空间1X og&X7_o#?

Moonlit Night
+a v%x:_~0Du Fu (712-770 CE)心理学空间*M Qr$Y#hxX
/\,c2q6~KgH&v3R&@0Tonight the moon心理学空间\ C)ED4h-kDK(x!|
is also full in Fuzhou,心理学空间4H*LcJ@1DuI#@`
where my wife can only心理学空间3v_"^1@'l0s-a}
wait and watch alone.
'`m"l|0Cn \ G-K0今夜鄜(fū)州月, 閨中只獨看。心理学空间N;t7\SkR:Wk!lz4k

/G,Z9c,r `-Yq0I’m sad to think
](u"g0L q*_ et_(fJL0of my little sons and daughters,
Hr _ f i$z~ [+]@0too young to know心理学空间?:\5C,jQ
why I’m far away in Changan.
2rVj:|(v`4qpp0  遙憐小兒女, 未解憶長安。
uIz3Nu-rl^D0Her cloud of hair心理学空间C|R UQ%BH ~r.c%k
must be damp from the scented mist,
b%T0@ N3q:ZH^0her jade-white arms
g%a$D|_UL/V0chilled as the light pours down.心理学空间K7m9y%Q ]
  香霧雲鬟濕, 清輝玉臂寒。
}(];H~]P0心理学空间:f2Km+L7P P!W
When will we both心理学空间fT(mW*a9h:v{o
lean at the open window,心理学空间Z^&x#dB/N0n7r5Ikq
drying our tears心理学空间F VxGmq)[6O%t
in the glow of an autumn moon?
e1\UON)iEQ0  何時倚虛幌(huǎng), 雙照淚痕幹。
Fe;]"Bz0fs0心理学空间)A;rT t.?4bg)o6@S o


On the Heights心理学空间} pc[v@
Du Fu (712-770 CE)
M)?EQ pZ+T0登高心理学空间/S[CzXz4t
心理学空间8j:AI*Y%Rk EW
The wind is keen and the sky wide,
4w@^8}p:Rx0apes howl mournfully;
OQ2u!Bj k FU0o9h9y0the islet is clear and its sand white,心理学空间Q6K;YRW6j
birds wheel round and round.心理学空间BC jDoNW
In the boundless forest swirling leaves
'mkAh/|4C0go rustling, rustling by;
I#fxX k)e-o0down the endless river surging waves
6b%YaA5[2|q0come rolling, rolling, on.
'lx,o's/ii'd(G y/a3g0  無邊落木蕭蕭下,不盡長江滾滾來。
:P9bA1oB0心理学空间 _$j L3gJ4e%U
I am a constant traveler心理学空间9Z"~%a5V+sB E7W
this melancholy autumn—
G Kb P'b$vo0an old man now, racked by sickness,
0fYgT0Q&u8Nb0I scale these heights alone.心理学空间 U;]7f%~{ dP)etF
-G`(^kV+P'U0心理学空间 ]b3Zkk:f#f&k
This life, so hard, full of bitter pain,
[D-L*N7a0has turned my hair to frost,
*M| Z8r^VI D0left me so poor that my last cup心理学空间"I*y"Hd&Ay$V2q
of cloudy wine is gone.
YX8z_*c"~?0~0  艱難苦恨繁霜鬢,潦倒新停濁酒杯。

心理学空间5w g^ ^ ~ b1\

Thoughts Written While Traveling By Night 心理学空间,@ l7f'SW j1h
Du Fu (712-770 CE)
d3d1^ ?S*oUJ)yQM z0旅夜書懷  杜甫
v8GHy&~0心理学空间1rc R t ?&f0j
The fine grass
wN4|3Fna:Sw2d0by the riverbank stirs in the breeze;心理学空间O1R p~t'C;H
the tall mast心理学空间YhW|E9T7wj*ta
in the night is a lonely sliver.心理学空间%S;c4~ qZs
q y C k tb.B]0心理学空间w"L FQP G6I W%yF
Stars hang心理学空间H/x#{1nI%q/a2J
all across the vast plain;
"wn*N/jwtL3ZM0the moon bobs心理学空间| W8u y` n#G
in the flow of the great river.
Ct2G @ Q%J+eUS0  星垂平野闊,月湧大江流。心理学空间s!i(Uc1c k*tg.z
My poetry心理学空间Xye:al6NICu
has not made a name for me;心理学空间:s%^%j\'e(G
now age and sickness心理学空间G xR QA z R1i
have cost me the post I was given.心理学空间N6fAE#]3x,L
  名豈文章著,官應老病休。心理学空间bq{!m7^,|t ^{

&p4\S Tn0Drifting, drifting,心理学空间H&L)w x3_&H
what do I resemble?心理学空间%u G$nZ)QOI~8G
A lone gull心理学空间8}^d&ewVj/o
lost between earth and heaven.心理学空间BN4s}&_J-P
  飄飄何所似?天地一沙鷗。心理学空间 m h R@T{k-}l

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