作者: ladcwei / 32686次阅读 时间: 2009年11月20日
来源: http://hi.baidu.com/ladcwei/profile 标签: 荣格

Volume I: Psychiatric Studies

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On the psychology and pathology of so-called occult phenomena
KZ YQQ`g3M0On hysterical misreading.
:^y.AS G#e0Cryptomnesia.心理学空间$^*\0w!e&`m
s,KeFg0On manic mood disorder.心理学空间T\-e!cJ
《狂躁性情绪失调》心理学空间0vMcn e
A case of hysterical stupor in a prisoner in detention.心理学空间K/t/M.h1G+bJ
On simulated insanity.
4m T K8?z3J@#IU0《假性疯狂》
?Ljd4~ R ~+k0A medical opinion on a case of simulated insanity.心理学空间jwviX*P&I%WG
《假性疯狂的治疗意见》心理学空间 si:u0dm&Q
A third and final opinion on two contradictory psychiatric diagnoses.
0l [,W4dOB;Z0《第三和最后一份关于两种相矛盾的精神病学诊断的意见》#心理学空间hg _M!e:mDv*m)CI
On the psychological diagnosis of facts.心理学空间^[+m*Z.L1j5OL zJ

Volume II: Experimental Researches


The associations of normal subjects.心理学空间K |6c*W/}#\:j8l3e
An analysis of the associations of an epileptic.心理学空间!r"\ [.N,~I!l
《一例癫痫病患者的联想分析》心理学空间roNU&pYj8o2m l.Z
The reaction-time ratio in the association experiment.
OO-^ P]0《联想实验中的反应时间》
~ ?m&J+xd0Experimental observations on the faculty of memory.心理学空间-lZE)u_#y
yDMKRgz0Psychoanalysis and association experiments.心理学空间$B,I1qgC7k6t,d
?VO0Z't0The psychological diagnosis of evidence.心理学空间:B g4I7voz
_A RR]['Q"q wt7l0Association, dream, and hysterical symptom.心理学空间 M2j]{ Auy
《联想,梦,癔病症状》心理学空间_&F7G9zU0@Tx y7U K
The psychopathological significance of the association experiment.心理学空间9u"D:{.N5A S
W yW$ci$W0Disturbances of reproduction in the association experiment.心理学空间l;W`jRz5Q h
《联想实验中的再现障碍》#心理学空间K6R/_X Ve#B'Q
The association method.
#A tZeL:@0^/W-\7_0The family constellation.
On the psychophysical relations of the association experiment.
l \ vBS'^ S'v0《联想实验的心身关系》心理学空间kH,VLi@
Psychophysical investigations with the galvanometer and pneumograph in normal and insane individuals.
0h }1X P#? z0《用电流计和呼吸描记器对普通人和精神病患者进行的身心调查》#心理学空间9x,IIX)rc
Further investigations on the galvanic phenomenon and respiration in normal and insane individuals.
},A$wq [0《对普通人和精神病患者在电击现象和呼吸作用上的深入调查》#心理学空间mD6M }!Nz v,PA6Z
Statistical details of enlistment.
1U lqKHbW9kH n0《兵役期间的统计细节》#心理学空间#uDa.p)o%d~'R
New aspects of criminal psychology: contribution to the method used for psychological diagnosis of evidence.
t;\-l&F/W a&ga0zQ0《犯罪心理学的新特点:用于心理诊断证据之方法的贡献》#心理学空间bR!I+H7J%f
The psychological methods of investigation used in the psychiatric clinic of the University of Zurich.心理学空间%V3jBCr u N+?
'PJ(C3Zv4\#V.I0On the doctrine of complexes.
dh^@#d1J%if0《情结学说》#心理学空间,X*nk8~$D U'|
On the psychological diagnosis of evidence: the evidence-experiment in the Naf trial.心理学空间A_W(tx8Vl
《心理诊断的证据:在Naf审判中的证据实验》#心理学空间y P8F\qd)o%@^

Volume III: The Psychogenesis of Mental Disease

心理学空间.V*F1Vn5{xW(K#G K-J

The psychology of dementia praecox
om:`)f:y:[]i y;`0《早发性痴呆心理学》#心理学空间2L0Om v q%SK(^-l
The content of the psychoses心理学空间BA(K+T$KU~NG8|W
《心理学的内容》#心理学空间 m6PQb r%w8h
On psychological understanding心理学空间"u4\uU$T |5o
c4v)LbJ0A criticism of Bleuler's theory of schizophrenic negativism.
Ud}r2H ilG0《对布罗伊尔精神分裂症理论的批评》
3jK.rF,l T'k0On the importance of the unconscious in psychopathology.
k*L"|Q/t N/[+Yv*[o0On the problem of psychogenesis in mental disease.心理学空间9Q [m[(DC+T5e_
2S w ]p6Gu_`6k;B0Mental disease and the psyche.
?g"Im_:{ M0《精神疾病与心灵》#心理学空间t#g+wP8R^3bD
On the psychogenesis of schizophrenia.
q%sPc.};v4rH0Recent thoughts on schizophrenia.
!k } Q*t3y{zy0《精神分裂症的新想法》#心理学空间 O8Bo"K#^Q$]P9l|a
b&]0zK7[ `Gq]f0《精神分裂症》#
1_K$n-Uf|:P0Letter to the chairman, symposium on chemical concepts of psychosis.心理学空间!M } U)}*P.q#TW'~f

8J:N#u"N WI3X~0

Volume 4: Freud and Psychoanalysis


Freud's Theory of Hysteria: A Reply to Aschaffenburg心理学空间8b c6ttY:H
!N1v'lLM"nma4`Q0The Freudian theory of hysteria.心理学空间 `-@?:D4D5{Z_
The analysis of dreams.心理学空间}3S-u+fLPyR3x
7OR*VOvp k0A contribution to the psychology of rumour.心理学空间B6AcTcy|~)E9v&s
`(y2j pO"Mx3e5[0On the significance of number dreams.
A(x Q S5M'`[`8m$H0《数字在梦中的意义》心理学空间H/P*}6Pa:] y]&S ag
Morton Prince' s "The mechanism and interpretation of dreams": a critical review.
y$]/B(u@0i;VHD(@b0On the criticism of psychoanalysis.心理学空间b&F9` OFh_4R
R-qAJ i'S8r0Concerning psychoanalysis.心理学空间Uaq9X|O
/IE-F(X^QowR(f*U0The theory of psychoanalysis.
7R:\rJ I+{'b#g0《精神分析理论》
&[4Ef$s/q@^ GC0General aspects of psychoanalysis.心理学空间0M3G-~8J7i$zcQ
《精神分析学的基本层面》心理学空间-XT$Z.U G
Psychoanalysis and neurosis.心理学空间O\6X0F(}(Tq J
Dh"f!L-c,z5k]h0Some crucial points in psychoanalysis: A correspondence between Dr. Jung and Dr. Loy.心理学空间B+t6DA#Ur
《精神分析中的一些关键:荣格和洛伊的通信》心理学空间-UV0L'z eKh
Prefaces to "Collected papers on analytical psychology."心理学空间IJ9GmMa"[Q
《分析心理学论文集序言》心理学空间;X;T4S#N"u E
The significance of the father in the destiny of the individual.心理学空间-` x b6z;Q4t4K~ [
《父亲对一个人命运的影响》心理学空间,[j-F J.L9`\"C
Introduction to Kranefeldt's "secret ways of the mind."
G^,ax za3j6Ee.X0《序克兰费尔德的“精神的秘密方法”》 #
K/fL5L+| S)I_:t0Freud and Jung: Contrasts.心理学空间1W0Yjab H


Volume V: Symbols of Transformation


Symbols of transformation. Part I. introduction心理学空间iXL:g$K^
0?m.z+B7a7[0ff&g0Two kinds of thinking心理学空间aBcE+HM&\y~
[2~&C d/S0d0N&S0The Miller fantasies: anamnesis.
@2K4~5O[zX0The hymn of creation心理学空间R3y,R7Xp8q3]Os
《创造的赞美诗》心理学空间 vj O;R8C'y o#Jg$Xt
The song of the moth.
WKkg(r0T @0《蛾之曲》#
'|;sOJ-V~X+u0Symbols of transformation. Part II. Introduction.心理学空间k3OK0C.Zs9I_C
《变形的象征》第二部心理学空间?"\;Q X_'~ gK
The concept of libido.
wSnSUx0The transformation of libido
:j ^w]fWe0《力比多的转化》#
W)^fdj1t7PT E0The origin of the hero.心理学空间6^OpH:n-nD
Symbols of the mother and of rebirth.
D#_ @p {D b CCr0《母亲和重生的象征》#
;XU`?s si rp/?kR0The battle for deliverance from the mother.心理学空间fd.WnL'W|i)d0x
&D&t'D anE`0The dual mother.
e#qG? V_?*| I0The sacrifice.
C4].F#K W3NX/b^0《献祭》#
kVI Q,{\0Symbols of transformation. Epilogue.
:WB)q-Lj8uUnS!Y0《变形的象征》结语心理学空间#Q R5\Rn
Symbols of transformation. Appendix: the Miller fantasies.心理学空间i)D"g T6~reE4m8[

&Hn"p Q-JS0

Volume VI: Psychological Types

X8q$zx'LV:D6i$w0Psychological types. Introduction.心理学空间z _(OrN9c-a)|9j L
$a:T pJ(f7R z0The problem of types in the history of classical and medieval thought.心理学空间wg+{/S0Gj,UN_\!M
《历史上的类型问题》#心理学空间#C~3L G N] tk:d
Schiller's ideas on type problem.
h1l0c EE&`q2DDb)k0《席勒关于类型问题的见解》#
SjvHhANCnU0The Apollonian and the Dionysian.心理学空间JyZ+n:~;R\
uyl9`*L4@0The type problem in human character.心理学空间5O5W e8_s+EBy8@
The type problem in poetry.
C3W\u8r u0《诗歌中的类型问题》#
-X-w0db&Q6])Z3Z%X.e0The type problem in psychopathology.心理学空间(q)W-jdu/I1V
《精神病理学中的类型问题》#心理学空间 sQTI3@
The type problem in aesthetics.
+M?4Wegm.^4Z7T3Bm0《美学中的类型问题》#心理学空间$_;Ng3ho#a:S B
The type problem in modern philosophy.心理学空间L H%a?X!sv
General description of the types.心理学空间 hZ\B*[ Jh@
《心理类型的基本描述》#心理学空间-M%r rX#q)[Ao._'@
Psychological types. Definitions.
Psychological types. Epilogue.
_o8LNIX y0《心理类型》结语#


Volume VII: Two Essays on Analytical Psychology


On the psychology of the unconscious.心理学空间J8yT%SX+D
《无意识心理学》心理学空间c+| b b0C P,x
The relations between the ego and the unconscious.
CC Ze&L/ANf0自我与无意识的关系》
-Z|.Rb%Rk0Appendices心理学空间 |[q4J r#l/V6eS
附录心理学空间k+mv cgT

Volume VIII: The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche

心理学空间I1k+b mol

On psychic energy.
On the nature of the psyche.
General aspects of dream psychology.心理学空间HOP\,a,u
z4^'`1S~2w4`U*C0On the nature of dreams.
}&g/Tn.a#T0The psychological foundation of belief in spirits.
? ])V6TH_UC0《神灵信仰的心理基础》
*?&[^LX}j{d0Spirit and life.心理学空间3Uy C4|9BtHi
《精神与生命》心理学空间 pZ/ow i!uz
Basic postulates of analytical psychology.
"zZ @?'y/N!sHD0《分析心理学的基本假设》
pAG2G {.D0Analytic psychology and Weltanschauung.心理学空间w0Oj hgHw:Y,|.|
GtH pts$^L r@0The real and the surreal.心理学空间%a5Zu__rcmy
2z(Oh4V `0The stages of life.心理学空间/c#jW*Z }+O l
9KU'D*N a DA0The soul and death.心理学空间5A|t$qW
《灵魂与死亡》心理学空间4f ]I X}/f
Synchronicity: an acausal connecting principle.
^+u D` S/R%F"?0The structure of the psyche.
(z{ p!l+L|&b9P0Instinct and the unconscious.
Jpnw%Ij0Psychological factors determining human behavior.
2f5p.@m~|o5x0The significance of constitution and heredity in psychology.
)Xlu ~b0A review of the complex theory.心理学空间Pvc u i-y|_!Gq
zTd3qoV3H*\0The transcendent function.心理学空间1~#[&RV @+TeqB
Appendix心理学空间~,uil p'Y t
附录心理学空间w)U Br:o.b2Z%\-A6O N

Volume IX.

心理学空间e$b%gT r wY"it8\

i: The Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious
-{ O"F7iC"n@ xJ}*Z0
*t|l8I+rf0Archetypes of the collective unconscious.心理学空间]6b/B og3WES
:@.O@M|:?(g3v0The concept of the collective unconscious.
&w*_wi2NYj8rT0《集体无意识的概念》心理学空间N,w }l"xKN*[N2c _6^
Concerning the archetypes, with special reference to the anima concept.心理学空间W7gS_s'c%A
E` WAr"[0Psychological aspects of the mother archetype.
G1S,J(at)L6Y0Concerning rebirth.
a+mr,zE }0《关于再生》
!k:`cX+u2eQ JLL?0The psychology of the child archetype.心理学空间8pe8c Q`vg
5?)w:PXrlb U^0The psychological aspects of the Kore.心理学空间Y{"G*Y+t(U M.m
DFN9dr'F0The phenomenology of the spirit in fairytales.心理学空间'V5vn v"e
CF%tp-@Nixa']0On the psychology of the trickster-figure.
6~ E7G2o ^ A[0《狡徒形象中的心理学》心理学空间#k[Q7qY
Conscious, unconscious, and individuation.心理学空间dJc!J7BgB(I8[:b%r
A study in the process of individuation.心理学空间7gnQ x5L%lt N
(WuG3\ r],M0Concerning mandala symbolism.
iWDu)\-F#u0《关于曼荼罗象征》心理学空间 ]%O[q:]mgFd n
$Wxt7kT {cFe5L0附录
6]OW+on2YO0心理学空间H \!md"m
ii: Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self心理学空间Dh8Ba|K"F-r5]

'SAtsL;dL7eO0The ego.心理学空间NI9U9o V.u6M-E
"I Ui5mL:Z WR%BY0The shadow.
2eekO\!B)J0《阴影》#心理学空间#eL ZK%i7E*S*L4x
The syzygy: anima and animus.
The self.心理学空间,w{+q6nhD
Christ, a symbol of the self.心理学空间BzY9u;pI-GqZ4K
a/Q(]\~0The sign of the fishes.
9u eSE4\@ ZwD0《双鱼的记号》#心理学空间'P5CNX'J*_
The prophecies of Nostradamus.
,H8pw$F~Vk u P0The historical significance of the fish.心理学空间#K n-p$QS Z#g t!p
}$yE9XIk0The ambivalence of the fish symbol.心理学空间b:wp9P `6T
《鱼象征的矛盾现象》#心理学空间s/t/yA `g+Yr6I ^
The fish in alchemy.心理学空间zp#n'jop;K:uJ.VT
&p%WyzPzIl.^Q p0The alchemical interpretation of the fish.心理学空间 q9q,_4?0T[{ f%}
《炼金术中鱼的解释》#心理学空间(XK(|*F"A)U x@1n
Background to the psychology of Christian alchemical symbolism.心理学空间.v"t%wv*{
|.a#JC&jar@~m pq0Gnostic symbols of the self.心理学空间+ow@iR!Y
0x"bp [.\BC7n5Ia1Q,p0The structure and dynamics of the self.
#g U&lX4W%g0《自性的结构和动力学》#心理学空间 U B'C|eEz

Volume X: Civilization in Transition

3_ jE/Yg QaQ1g0The role of the unconscious.心理学空间!EA EzrgJ.^
%F/\-Vgc0Mind and earth.心理学空间4?| I^"M%j(J1o
+J-y9Ox4[0~R0Archaic man.心理学空间~2]!P Ty'w1D
&{oHj2Z&J0The spiritual problem of modern man.心理学空间)?#}'BNuT
《现代人的精神问题》心理学空间h,\0c g uO
The love problem of a student.
%l4aXz ]/BG0《一个学生的恋爱问题》心理学空间7hK;qin5z
Woman in Europe.心理学空间a7yj E:S(f&B#^n
The meaning of psychology for modern man.心理学空间1hPQ+Uy dI
The state of psychotherapy today.心理学空间Yhp |yiX%w `
{{:L-]v IG0Preface to "Essays on contemporary events."
R7VM6^vL/A a0《<当代事件随笔>序言》
/\ havE%_(hV0Wotan.
After the catastrophe.心理学空间k!p_;]*P0O:g*Fa%h
w9K@/V1y \JN0The fight with the shadow.心理学空间E P] v p bB&Z
Epilogue to "Essays on contemporary events."
J U R'C$A0The undiscovered self (present and future).心理学空间lS!GW@w
|A1gB tL4f0Flying saucers: a modern myth of things seen in the skies.
u vL/Vx0《飞碟:现代神话》
FDny{kZ z0A psychological view of conscience.
F k'f)Vnbj4qC0《心理学的良心观》心理学空间 iS:`0QtP-? K
Good and evil in analytical psychology.
.vLw(Cb${I|I T0《分析心理学中的善与恶》心理学空间RU*M2@/K4[8R
Introduction to Toni Wolff's "Studies in Jungian Psychology."心理学空间$Q [![ h:sM*C^I#x4Q
8e{E+~-c0The Swiss line in the European spectrum.心理学空间1gb vU2?oIg
0W djGH$_2P0The rise of a new world.心理学空间zGd#C.H mLR._
A+Es{rYg~H0La revolution mondiale.心理学空间vO+vp3C,\
The complications of American psychology.心理学空间S*R'\CRB6F:z)r
The dreamlike world of India.
}#n s OCt0What India can teach us.心理学空间0G {!E]1Ke
《印度能教给我们什么》心理学空间Z7z D#Yb4Arxd

Volume 11: Psychology and Religion: West and East

M9my+Jx#M-y0Psychology and religion.
2| Bt7o(It0《心理学与宗教》
g0j3p4kH*`;k{6@0A psychological approach to the dogma of the Trinity.心理学空间n!}`7r+d\G"G7c
/d%qzy%rHic@YU8k0Transformation symbolism in the Mass.心理学空间[L&J k$ad'}
Foreword to White's "God and the unconscious."心理学空间!vZ BTH(JF ] _
f2Z)]0_@?\xw,M0Foreword to Werblowsky's "Lucifer and Prometheus."心理学空间lGi s6}!P-K o w
*yg(l yi? ~0Brother Klaus.
!Lpq(Q1V6R2clE2@p1C0《克劳斯兄弟》心理学空间mk$a nM s.o)OTQO
Psychotherapists or the clergy.
0MM:?*m+] X R/_u&h0心理治疗者和神职人员》
~I%ua!`KIt0Psychoanalysis and the cure of souls.
)E b&zq$ir&d0《精神分析与灵魂治疗》心理学空间3o'E#NpiB+l2n.y
Answer to Job.
#ZX7r)e8|u G0《答约伯》
^2vY:kA\0Psychological commentary on "The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation."心理学空间~yI4aFy
Psychological commentary on "The Tibetan Book of the Dead."
b F6D/|-jG2?I0《对西藏度亡经的心理学评论》#
U&d_b y3C J9LS0Yoga and the West.
*^+]&^X Z$ba0《瑜伽与西方》
6z2DTwX a+~0Foreword to Suzuki's "Introduction to Zen Buddhism."
The psychology of Eastern meditation.心理学空间O'L*^B2m,T d5e$?|
Iok b Q+`-`0The holy men of India.
FF3Jh.Z \0《印度圣人》
XDc:C {|"[0Foreword to the "I-Ching."
Pj MK2z0《序“易经”》心理学空间0ud#_zW&aVs$Z#kJ%a

Volume 12: Psychology and Alchemy

1hz\v3wgS&O/j"HE0Introduction to the religious and psychological problems of alchemy.心理学空间ETW-q `&W*nau
aClY'l3m!c!o0Individual dream symbolism in relation to the alchemy: a study of the unconscious processes at work in dreams.
~^0Zh'{0U5kN0《与炼金术相关的个体梦象征》心理学空间ewt#s Z1@
Religious ideas in alchemy: an historical survey of alchemical ideas.心理学空间5y7Uu*m m)r_H

J3S ~R eoX~z Z1LO0

Volume 13: Alchemical Studies

心理学空间 @*J]wu fc3@[0@

Commentary on "The secret of the golden flower."心理学空间3v;AS*Nr$C
t"ulv3UTF0The visions of Zosimos
#Ov\/J%j YO0《左西莫斯幻象》心理学空间:e:j2Hx-D^l7UDm
Paracelsus as a spiritual phenomenon.心理学空间D v9{@(?B-w Ma
0]Vi)Z cx&_0The spirit Mercurius.心理学空间I!S M{%OyT
《神灵墨丘利》心理学空间 w9aX0G$s/A&g7S7I
The philosophical tree.
8H6Yf5JM'h MFsKUF0《哲学谱系》#

0M N[X3vP;X-h0

Volume 14: Mysterium Coniunctionis

CXk"U(^PyY0j/uH0The components of the coniunctio.心理学空间#E&W,u | BHa OF
The paradoxa.心理学空间j7\TG m:B vA!V;C
RHoD/i]E:D.b0The personification of the opposites.心理学空间e+X*h-Ti:_
/rkF+O;n6H4T2y0Rex and regina.心理学空间jL;~"v] p6J$c%an1`6t[
Adam and Eve.
s6Q/x(? ?ON8i0《亚当和夏娃》#
8r}6B hk3g L/O0The conjunction.心理学空间e aFYit:_
Epilogue.心理学空间 f;i'}A^*LO@v

E,K \?-`lh%X!eZ"gI0

Volume 15: The Spirit in Man, Art, and Literature

心理学空间A,W/OO*XA T$Q3A

!QF6YX7V.hr0《帕拉塞尔苏斯》心理学空间@{*Xlm3Tl t?
Paracelsus the physician.
;ss+N*c-a5Yg0《帕拉塞尔苏斯医生》心理学空间xM T(| J \;K&Z
Sigmund Freud in his historical setting.
/g `&]7hA@J0In memory of Sigmund Freud.心理学空间 _q.MK Gd%rM
H7d~;~.Pk[pya0Richard Wilhelm: in memoriam.心理学空间@K:e4qS3F:J
On the relation of analytical psychology to poetry.心理学空间)c|,dx_!E/M
l)I~oN#}.X0Psychology and literature心理学空间G"T6e)BF4~(`U k
(YR9fT6t%xT0Ulysses: a monologue.
`G%sq+l%CPV8F0《尤利西斯:一段独白》心理学空间 Zyo,}(Vf+bU
1@-ubP?;i7W0《毕加索》心理学空间 sY_g4B3i

Volume 16: The Practice of Psychotherapy

^8xg+L0@X0~0心理学空间,w:b&QLu.P Z)B!AL
General problems of psychotherapy.
*}.`U-^.G@/ty-bxc0心理治疗的基本问题心理学空间j8R3v C e-@N;{
Principles of practical psychotherapy.心理学空间~f2]x ol
《实用心理治疗的原则》心理学空间1]uT$t @&}
What is psychotherapy.心理学空间,I"BB~ ]-A3z`
Some aspects of modern psychotherapy.
S/P;i.{ \Y|0《现代心理治疗的若干侧面》
9B~?mRhB m C*X0The aims of psychotherapy.
Problems of modern psychotherapy.
,_;| ~-twKfX0《现代心理治疗的问题》#心理学空间$j[2\5SB
Psychotherapy and a philosophy of life.心理学空间^)}u rGH v
Medicine and psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy today.
Rp9DGy#X![\0Fundamental questions of psychotherapy.心理学空间:|;Y/ucYF3R
.u!{oM l+W#kN0Specific problems of psychotherapy.心理学空间l9_\c8pGe2eh:@ m[
}6e|9v?nAE0The therapeutic value of abreaction.心理学空间] [&f2aR:[1ir&j%O{
《发泄的治疗意义》#心理学空间!N h:R1I3[^U
The practical use of dream-analysis.心理学空间!v$W5b;O)]h.j rnw
0CVk5ush0The psychology of the transference.
+F h OCP/B[w0移情心理学》心理学空间 B%q#[v#iZ


Volume 17: The Development of Personality

8\+M3M4f Z$O LQ0Psychic conflicts in a child.
y(J"G| z i#A0《一个孩子的心理冲突》心理学空间(G}HkS iP6f8x
Introduction to Wickes's "The Inner World of Childhood." Introduction to Wickes's "Analyse der Kinderseele."心理学空间 U8JNB"s2v3s'c
《序威克斯的“童年的精神世界”和“Analyse der Kinderseele”》 #心理学空间\t.P"f5l+Ev:q0s
Child development and education.心理学空间`|(?&dPIc|
r&H4|lX0Analytical psychology and education.
1~!ZR] a3Ln0The gifted child.心理学空间({b3z-\Yo Y#@m
"p%L1U l'o0The significance of the unconscious in individual education.心理学空间E._4y)D&g,qj
abCi,^(B9]p0The development of personality.
$G`G)Y%U3EW1dF0Marriage as a psychological relationship.


VF;m!g nI0中文翻译主要来自冯川苏克译的《荣格文集》,一小部分是我翻的(打#的就是我翻的),所以翻译上有偏差是难免的,请大家指正。  心理学空间n,ag9\n@-lA:]

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