The downside of a good idea一个好主意的缺点
作者: Robert Goldstone / 5192次阅读 时间: 2012年2月01日
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网The downside of a good idea心理学空间G i xL5Y\c k(G3l(SU6R
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vt:MVK Gg0Good ideas can have drawbacks. When information is freely shared, good  ideas can stunt innovation by distracting others from pursuing even  better ideas, according to Indiana University cognitive scientist Robert  Goldstone.心理学空间"{H'i3V{B#rV
好的想法可以有缺点。信息自由共享时,好主意会分散了他人追求更好的想法,从而阻碍了创新。根据印第安纳大学的认知科学家罗伯特·戈德斯通。心理学空间]Y @!~L`1l

Zdn6M"_la$_0The findings speak to innovation and the bandwagon effect as it  influences decision-making within groups. The Internet and new  technologies are increasingly offering opportunities for  interconnectedness, for cutting-edge scientists to the "average Joe"  posting or reading book reviews on or entries in Wikipedia.心理学空间%aj_|/M.e)l
调查结果提到创新和从众效应,因为它影响组内决策。互联网和新技术为前沿科学家和普通人提供了越来越多相互联系的机会, 在亚马逊和维基百科的条目上张贴、阅读评论。心理学空间V#J@ V E|8C
"How do you structure your community so you get the best solution out of  the group?" Goldstone said. "It turns out not to be effective if  different inventors and labs see exactly what everyone else is doing  because of the human tendency to glom onto the current 'best' solution."心理学空间/Rh\BP6Zl p!n
“你如何组织你的社区,以便您能在小组中得到最佳的解决方案?”戈德斯通说。  “如果不同的发明者和实验室看到其他人正在做什么,就会变的不是很有效,因为,人性倾向于将当前‘最好的’解决方案据为己有。心理学空间N"MX8c t

X%xn8g gK2o8S0Goldstone's findings appear in the January/February issue of the journal  Current Directions in Psychological Science. Michael E. Roberts, a  doctoral student in the Cognitive Science Program, and Todd M. Gureckis,  assistant professor of psychology at New York University, are co-authors  of the article "Emergent Processes in Group Behavior."
e0e5eCfo.ev0Todd M. Gureckis纽约大学心理学助理教授合著了《在突发群体行为过程》。心理学空间 }#w&{$N [A

1ff1HL.YP\+T'QcH0The study was supported by the U.S. Department of Education and the  National Science Foundation.
GaRux#LH Y1?*M0这项研究是由美国教育署和国家科学基金会支持。心理学空间pJ;OEao.D!e
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Goldstone's research examines and charts group behavior and the patterns  in which people unknowingly participate -- much like ants creating  colony structures about which they are clueless.心理学空间hL z3zsF l7@o
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This study used a virtual environment in which study participants worked  in specifically designed groups to solve a problem. Participants guessed  numbers between 1 and 100, with each number having a hidden value. The  goal was for individuals to accumulate the highest score through several  rounds of guessing. Across different conditions, the relationship  between guesses and scores could either be simple or complex. The  participants saw the results of their own guesses and some or all of the  guesses of the others in their group.
qRVL f#?6q-AF0为个人累积得分最高的分数。猜测者和评分者的关系在不同的条件下会有简单或复杂的不同,参与者看到自己的猜测的结果,以及小组中其他猜测者部分或全部的结论。心理学空间!M3n I3vNp;`y

!me7?p,_Fq5u0In the "fully connected" group, everyone's work was completely  accessible to everyone else -- much like a tight-knit family or small  town. In the "locally connected" group, participants primarily were  aware of what their neighbors, or the people on either side, were doing.  In the "small world" group, participants also were primarily aware of  what their neighbors were doing, but they also had a few distant  connections that let them send or retrieve good ideas from outside of  their neighborhood.心理学空间t1rX q(rlby'J
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SVQ$XLdI$`3Dk pX0Goldstone found that the fully connected groups performed the best when  solving simple problems. Small world groups, however, performed better  on more difficult problems. For these problems, the truism "The more  information, the better" is not valid.心理学空间To"Vvp])s

"The small world network preserves diversity," Goldstone said. "One  clique could be coming up with one answer, another clique could be  coming up with another. As a result, the group as a whole is searching  the problem space more effectively. For hard problems, connecting people  by small world networks offers a good compromise between having members  explore a variety of innovations, while still quickly disseminating  promising innovations throughout the group." 
!O+Vf"[;b-[gV(p0“小世界网络保留的多样性,”斯通说。  “一个集团可以有一个答案,另一个集团可以来自于另一个。因此,作为寻找问题空间的整体的团队更有效。对于棘手的问题,由小团体连接的人们,提供了一个很好的让步,以便成员探索多种创新,在团体中促进创新中迅速传播。www.psychspace.com心理学空间网
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