The Efficacy of Rational Emotive Therapy
作者: Larry C. Lyons / 15172次阅读 时间: 2010年2月26日
来源: Paul J. Woods 标签: RET
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Appendix: Outcome Studies Reviewed


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N3rnC}+GrYp0Alden, Lynn; Safran, Jeremy; & Weideman, Rene.(1978). A comparison of cognitive and skills training strategies in the treatment of unassertive clients.Behavior Therapy, 9, 843-846.心理学空间 Pd ~zS5k-t

"x,?;CB6hj+G-ju0Baither, Richard C.; & Godsey, Robert.(1979). Rational emotive education and relaxation training in large group treatment of test anxiety.Psychological Reports, 45, 326.

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Barabasz, Marianne.(1979).Effects of rational-emotive psychotherapy on psychophysical arousal measures of test anxiety. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. State University of New York at Albany. Dissertation Abstracts International Vol 40 (3b), 1348-1349. Order number 7917833心理学空间|cq4}~9fHUx lR'O

(Y$F:|&^O-A0Baucom, Donald H. & Lester, Gregory W.(1986). The usefullness of cognitive restructuring as an adjunct to behavioral marital therapy.Behavior Therapy, 17, 385-403.


Beck, Karen Eileen.(1979).Differential response of speech-anxious repressors and sensitizers to systematic desensitization and rational emotive therapy. Unpublished doctoral Dissertation, North Texas State University Dissertation Abstracts International, 1980, vol 40(12b). Order Number 8012862.心理学空间/^T0Yb w2_R

rX b(^ cG)N:g4Fh0Bigney, Russel Everett.(1978).Intrapsychic and interpersonal personality and temperment changes in marital dyads resulting from a marriage enrichment program based on rational emotive therapy.Unpublished doctoral Dissertation, The College of William and Mary in Virginia. Dissertation Abstracts International,1979, vol. 39(8a), 4723-4724. Order number 7904274

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Biran, Mia & Wilson, G. Terence.(1981). Treatment of phobic disorders using cognitive and exposure methods: A self-efficacy analysis.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 49, 886-899.
C h}mq$J0Block, Joel.(1978) Effects of a rational emotive mental health program on poorly achieving, disrupting high school students.Journal of Counseling Psychology, 25, 61-65.心理学空间0M,y_;I:G3p$b

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Block, Joel.(1980). Effects of rational emotive therapy on overweight adults.Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 17, 277-280.心理学空间.E&h'\"x u \P

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Bowin, Robert B.(1983). An empirical study of rational emotive therapy in management of stress.Psychological Reports, 53,196-198.


Carmody, Timothy, P.(1978). Rational emotive, self instructional and behavioral assertion training: Facilitating maintenance.Cognitive Therapy and Research, 2,241-253.


Cohen, J. A.(1978).Effects of the client charactersitcs of open- and closed-mindedness in relation to rational emotive therapy and cognitive modification treatment of test anxious subjects.Dissertation Abstracts International, 37(12-b), 6138

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Conoley, Collie, W.; McConnell, Judith, A.; Conoley, Jane, C.: & Kimzey, Carol, Eugenia.(1983) The effect of the ABC's of rational emotive therapy and the empty-chair techniques of gestalt therapy on anger reduction.Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 20,112-117.

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Costello, Robert T. & Dougherty, Denis.(1977). Rational behavior training in the classroom.Rational Living, 12,13-15.

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D'Angelo, Dominic Carl.(1977).The effects of locus of control and a program of rational emotive therapy principles on fear of negative evaluation.Unpublished doctoral Dissertation, West Virginia University Dissertation Abstracts International 1978(8a), 4578 Order Number 7732074.


Cd7A7E9Ag0Dekker, Joost; Dronkers, Johan; & Staffeleu, Joel.(1985). Treatment of sexual dysfunctions in male only groups: Predicting outcome.Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 11, 80-90.
B#M s6R%Sif/w0Dye, Susan Owen.(1980)The influence of rational emotive education on the self concept of adolescents living in a residential group home.Unpublished doctoral Dissertation University of Virginia Dissertation Abstracts International, vol 41(9a), 3881 Order Number 8027960

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:S7nm1[@#_ R0Eades, John Milton.(1980)The effects of the cognitive components of rational emotive therapy and behavioral assertion training on assertiveness and irrational beliefs.Unpublished doctoral Dissertation University of Alabama Dissertation Abstracts International vol 41(8a), 3422 Order Number 8100566心理学空间\/G{7GrbvzGJ9J

_*x1C@H kp8D Z&\0Emmelkamp, Paul, M. G.; & Mersch, Peter, Paul.(1982). Cognition and Exposure in vivo in the treatment of agoraphobia: short-term and delayed effects.Cognitive Therapy and Research, 6,77-88.心理学空间\4D P:Rq

\M"t(Ti{.Z3BS0Emmelkamp, Paul, M. G.; Brilman, Els; Kuiper, Hermieke; Mersch, Peter-Paul.(1985). The treatment of agoraphobia: A comparison of self instructional training, rational emotive therapy and exposure in vivio.Behavior modification, 10,37-53.心理学空间5tTNo%h\


Emmelkamp, Paul, M. G.; Mersch, Peter-Paul; & Vissia, Ellen.(1985) The external validity of analogue outcome research: Evaluation of cognitive and behavioral interventions.Behavior Research and Therapy, 23,83-86.心理学空间g;wd$~$]c`L S7h

8guT ec0Emmelkamp, Paul, M. G.; Mersch, Peter-Paul; Vissia, Ellen; & van der Helm, Mieke.(1985). Social phobia: a comparative evaluation of cogntive and behavioral intervention.Behavior Research and Therapy, 23,365-369.心理学空间LR d!YB3Nm3{

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Emmelkamp, Paul, M. G.; Kuipers, Antionette, C. M.; & Eggeraat, Johan B.(1978). Cognitive modification versus prolonged exposure in vivo: A comparison with agoraphobics as subjects.Behavior Research and Therapy, 16,33-41.心理学空间U5}&f4i1[vvp4?E J

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Everaerd, Walter; & Dekker Joost.(1985). Treatment of motive therapy.Behavior Research and Therapy, 23, 13-25.

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4F(a|H-C3uM0Glogower, Frederic D.; Fremouw, William, J.; & McCroskey, James, C.(1978). A component analysis of cognitive restructuring.Cognitive Therapy and Research, 2,209-223.


Goldfried, Marvin R.; Linehan, Marsha M.; & Smith, Jean L.(1978). Reduction of test anxiety through cognitive restructuring.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 46, 32-39.心理学空间6p*z1Rf[w`"U

;N]2]'i A"D0Harris, Sandra Lou Robbins.(1976).Rational emotive education and the human development program: A comparative outcome study.Unpublished doctoral Dissertation University of Oregon Dissertation Abstracts International 1977, vol 37 (6a), 3419. Order Number 76-27,652心理学空间 la$o A7q o%wG:e+S

/W]Y#xfJ{1GK%h0Holroyd, Kenneth A.(1976) Cognition and desensitization in the group treatment of test anxiety.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 44,991-1001.心理学空间Z4E:lgQK A4\}


Hyman, Steven P.; & Warren, Ricks.(1978). An evaluation of rational emotive imagery as a component of rational emotive therapy in the treatment of test anxiety.Perceptual and Motor Skills, 46,847-853.

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Jacobs, Edward; & Croake, James W.(1976). Rational emotive therapy applied to groups.Journal of College Student Personnel, March, 1976, 127-129.心理学空间y vF Xqe`K#Y7U+r
note to me - check on volume number. might be in diguisseppi and miller, 1977.

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Kanter, Norman J. ; & Goldfried, Marvin R.(1979). Relative effectiveness of rational restructuring and self control desensitization in the reduction of interpersonal anxiety.Behavior Therapy, 10,472-490.心理学空间 F&YG(Qf
Karst, Thomas O.; & Trexler, Larry D.(1970). Initial study using fixed role and rational emotive therapy in treating public speaking anxiety.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 34,360-366.心理学空间W Gl1J@Z&[_2^\O

WL5x/p)hd6Cj,i-M0Kassinove, Howard; Miller, Norman; & Kalin, Milton.(1980). Effects of pretreatment with rational emotive bibliotherapy and rational emotive audiotherapy on clients waiting at community mental health center.Psychological Reports, 46,851-857.心理学空间Lj)s#Jc|5n


Katz, Bob.(1977).Treatment of test anxious students by rational emotive therapy, relaxation placeboo and no treatment.Unpublished doctoral Dissertation University of Utah Dissertation Abstracts International 1978, vol 38(7a), 4048-4049. Order Number 77-29,583心理学空间~?#X s A X%~


Keller, James F. & Croake, J. W.(1975). Effects of a program in rational thinking on anxietyies in older persons.Journal of Counseling Psychology, 22,54-57.


8l)v&M.H+a"L ^0|x0Krenitsky, David Lewis.(1978).The relationship of age and verbal intelligence to the efficacy of rational emotive education with older adultsUnpublished doctoral Dissertation Hofstra University Dissertation Abstracts International 1978, vol 39(5b), Order Number 78720692


1VcN2i9j-X_R9l0Kujoth, Richard K.; & Topetzes, Nick John.(1977a). A rational emotive approach to mental health for college students: Study 1.College Student Journal (Monograph), 11, 1-6.


Kujoth, Richard K.; & Topetzes, Nick John.(1977b). A rational emotive approach to mental health for college students: Study 2.College Student Journal (Monograph), 11,7-11.心理学空间d,Z"c+m2}x;H)H

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Lee-Gilmore, Carole A.(1981).A cognitive behavioral group approach to assertiveness training for nurses.Unpublished doctoral Dissertation The Fielding Institution. Dissertation Abstracts International 1982, vol 42(10b) 4197-4198. Order Number DA8129555

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Linehan, Marsha M.; Goldfried, Marvin M.; & Goldfried, Anita Powers.(1979). Asserttion therapy: Skill training or cognitive restructuring.Behavior Therapy, 10,372-388.心理学空间'r(fdq\y

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Lipsky, Marc J.; Kassinove, Howard; & Miller, Norman, J.(1980). Effects of rational emotive theapy, rational role reversal and rational emotive imagery on the emotional adjustment of community mental health center patients.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 48,366-374.

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Maultsby, Maxie C.; Knipping, Paul; & Carpenter, Linda.(1974). Teaching self help in the classroom with rational self counseling.The Journal of School Health, October 1974, volume XLIV,# 8, 445-448.


3gh? cO&P0Meichenbaum, Donald H.(1972). Cognitive modification of test anxious college students.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 39, 370-380.

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Meyer, Donna Jeanne.(1981).Effects of rational emotive group therapy upon anxiety and self esteem of learning disabled children.Unpublished doctoral Dissertation Andrews University Dissertation Abstracts International, 1982, 42(10b), 4201 Order Number DA8205578


S(Q(oe*dg+B0Miller, Norman Joseph.(1977).Effects of behavior rehersal, written homework and level of intelligence on the efficacy of rational emotive education in elementary school children.Unpublished doctoral Dissertation Hofstra University Dissertation Abstracts International, 1978, vol 38(8b) 3898 Order Number 7725894心理学空间6y'@gKOE


Miller, Norman; & Kassinove, Howard.(1978). Effects of lecture, rehersal, written homework and iq on the efficacy of a rational emotive school mental health program.Journal of Community Psychology, 6, 366-373.

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Moleski, Richard & Tosi, Donald J.(1976). Comparative psychotherapy: Rational emotive therapy versus systematic desensitization in the treatment of stuttering.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 44,309-311.心理学空间1|c2n-^Lu

9B `(o'@M n}0Morse, Roberta N.(1983) Test anxiety reduction workshops for black college students.Journal of College Student Personnel,November, 1983, 567-568.

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Munjack, Dennis J.; Schlaks, Alan; Sanchez, Victor C.; Usigli, Rodolfo; Zulueta, Anicia; & Leonard Michele.(1984). Rational emotive therapy in the treatment of erectile therapy: An initial study.Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 10,170-175.

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Patton, Patricia Lucey. (1977).The effects of rational behavior training on emotionally disturbed adolescents in an alternative school setting. Unpublished doctoral Dissertation North Texas State University. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1978, vol 38(7a), 4013-4014. Order Number 77-29,565心理学空间!y-B]1Cy%l


Plachetta, Linda Jean.(1978).The effects of rational behavioral training on dating skill level development with minimal daters.Unpublished doctoral Dissertation Northern Illinois University. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1979, vol 39(12a), 7166 Order Number 7912493.心理学空间kddb1zacw

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Ray, Joseph B.; Friedlander, Richard B; & Soloman, Gary S.(1984). Changes in rational beliefs among treated alcoholics.Psychological Reports, 55,883-886.心理学空间:D W,^%z6C4] a)U

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Rosenheim, Captain Harold D. ; & Dunn Robert W. Jr. SP/5.(1977). The effectiveness of rational behavior therapy in a military population.Military Medicine, 142,550-552.心理学空间o xzK0V(u;u)W\

%`O/Jv HbB0Shackett, Robert Wayne.(1979).The relative effectivess of rational emotive therapy and systematic desensitization in the treatment of anxiety.Unpublished doctoral Dissertation University of Missouri at Columbia. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1980, vol 40(9b) 508-509. Order Number 8007192??(last 2 numbers illegible).


2QtP!v#[8RV0Shaw, Brian F.(1977) Comparison of cognitive therapy and behavior therapy in the treatment of depression.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 45,543-551.心理学空间_z(w'O RH o


Smith, Gregory William.(1979).A rational emotive counseling approach to assist junior high school students with interpersonal anxiety.Unpublished doctoral Dissertation University of Oregon Dissertation Abstracts International, 1980, vol 40(12a), 6157. Order Number 8013448.

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Straatmeyer, Alvin J.; & Watkins, John T.(1974). Rational emotive therapy and the reduction of speech anxiety.Rational Living, 9,33-37.

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*A$C_?;hk4E#jDE(EEU?0Thorpe, Geoffrey L.; Amatu, Henry I.; Blakey, Richard S.; & Burns, Laurence E.(1976). Contributions of overt instructional rehearsal and "specific insight" to the effectiveness of self instructional training: a preliminary study.Behavior Therapy, 7,504-511.

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Thorpe, Geoffrey L.; Freedman, Eric G.; & McGalliard, David W.(1984). Components of rational emotive imagery: Two experiments with nonassertive students.Journal of Rational Emotive Therapy, 2,11-19.


Thurman, Christopher W.(1983). Effects of a rational emotive treatment program on type a behavior among college students.Journal of College Student Personnel, Sept 1983,417-423.心理学空间g `7v2DDJ5x6jE

z2z|o/tP0a}0Tiegerman, Soloman; & Kassinove, Howard.(1977). Effects of assertive training, and cognitive components of rational therapy on assertive behaviors and interpersonal anxiety.Psychological Reports, 40,535-542.
;[`%f"X;{y0Trexler, Larry D.; & Karst, Thomas O.(1972). Rational emotive therapy, placebo, and no treatment effects on public speaking anxiety.Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 79,60-67.心理学空间v(g*\&bjJ]y1F

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Trexler, Larry D.; & Karst, Thomas O.(1973). Further validation for a new measure of irrational cogntions.Journal of personality assessment, 37,150-155.

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Warren, Ricks; Deffenbacher, Jerry L.; & Brading, Paulie.(1975). Rational emotive therapy and the reduction of test anxiety in elementary school students.Rational Living,10, 26-29.心理学空间4l0u#J+T)g

Wi&G n l)F"~&ckM0Weissberg, Michael; & Lamb, Douglas.(1977) Comparative effects of cognitive modification, systematic desensitization, and speech preparation in the reduction of speech and general anxiety.Communication Monographs, 44,27-36.

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d9d%MvRb8]/m*l0Wolfe, Janet L. & Fodor, Iris G.(1977). Modifying assertive behavior in women: A comparison of three approaches.Behavior Therapy, 8,567-574.心理学空间 D&p {({`Qh0K

s p r%oY0Woods, Paul J.(1988). Reductions in type a behavior, anxiety, anger and physical illness as related to changes in irrational beliefs: Results of a demonstration project in industry.Journal of Rational Emotive Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Modification,in press.心理学空间y"`Y~1xB s:Q

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Woodward, Raie; & Jones, R. B.(1980). Cognitive restructuring treatment: A controlled trial with anxious patients.Behavior Research and Therapy, 18, 401-407.心理学空间1BsH c \4y v IR6ef2\{

ed z%j#J]$TB-o0Yu, Anne; & Schill, Thomas(1976). Rational emotive therapy as a treatment in reducing vunerability to criticism.Rational Living, 11,12-14.


W6YNk4p5q3Cu0Zelie, Karen; Stone, Christopher I.; Lehr, Ellen.(1980). Cognitive hehavioral intervention in school discipline: a preliminary study.Personnel & Guidance Journal, 59,80-83.心理学空间q] NA6v5z

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