作者: 转载 / 10035次阅读 时间: 2012年9月17日
标签: 家庭 吵架

b+U8g*a yB h0孩子看父母吵架
V[/gvG s:a0  Quarreling couples, relax. It may be OK to argue in front of your kids — as long as you fight fair。心理学空间 sN!x#R9nAL F(r

6A0C+g0@K0@$f,c9d0  Experts have long cautioned that children can experience serious psychological harm if they witness their parents fighting. But a new study, published in the Journal of Child Psychiatry and Psychology, suggests that children might actually benefit from watching their parents sort problems out。
8i(V$SH~.^3MQ4T Z0  “In some ways, kids benefit from seeing their parents disagreeing — and even being mildly angry,” says study co-author Patrick Davies, a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester. “It gives them a lesson on how you can come to a mutually acceptable solution through compromise。”心理学空间1~W'n-f#b2f

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7oT`1@8c#d9Y;_0  你敢试试么?!当父母意见不合的时候,孩子们可以通过观察父母争吵来学习如何解决问题。
  吵架的夫妻们,放轻松吧。米国的砖家们说了:当着孩子面儿吵架并不是什么坏事儿。关键是吵架要吵出水平,吵架是门学问和艺术,讲究的是说学逗唱。心理学空间7I Y(pico
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P,Fus8vg0  美国罗切斯特大学的心理学教授帕特里克戴维斯表示父母的争吵相当于给孩子上了一堂生动的课:通过互相妥协以达到解决问题的目的。
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  在80后又好又快的制造00后的年代,请各位本着对祖国花朵和未来主人翁负责的精神。俩口子吵架请尽量参考全国大专辩论会的模式,并遵照爱是妥协的原则,给孩子上好人生第一课。心理学空间 L4Gng _+y"Z u;P
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TAG: 家庭 吵架
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