作者: 心理空间 / 16433次阅读 时间: 2012年9月19日


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Patrick Davies

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"O(S$_gop;j&F(M.[0January 2012 心理学空间~m]?{2y D

0@(D*`H&K4q0Address: Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology

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FyP4dY`~)e0University of Rochester 心理学空间&` Bf ^C

a1fdH D$gj0Rochester, NY 14627

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(585) 273-4672 心理学空间&Tnlar


E-MAIL: 心理学空间 |,]*G\ A6L

.e8X jE!`0FAX: (585) 273-1100

1B)CV9f1n QE0

Pd @ky4Nl/V5Qy"yx0EDUCATION


q;Ox PL3~3k0B.A., Summa Cum Laude, Psychology, State University of New York (SUNY)

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College at Brockport, 1990

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M.A., Developmental Psychology, West Virginia University, 1993 心理学空间,{ [jV`RvX

5dWW.qK"F0Ph.D., Developmental Psychology, West Virginia University, 1995

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2005-Present Professor, Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology, University of Rochester 心理学空间(M9d.w1q*g4N-nZ*r

Lj^D6M3[7c02001-2005 Associate Professor, Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in心理学空间4~!F?1eVjJ1i


Psychology, University of Rochester 心理学空间6}@,Un J&?

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1997-2001 Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology, University of Rochester.


1995-1997 Assistant Research Scientist, Research Institute on Addictions, Buffalo, NY (Post Doctoral Advisor: Michael Windle, Ph.D.).

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1993-1995 Undergraduate Instructor, Department of Psychology, West Virginia


University. 心理学空间d-h cB?O4W4c

8vE eS0b0Xi.A.JPd01990 Mental Health Counselor, Attention Deficit Disorder Program, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pittsburgh: Full-time summer position. Patrick Davies Curriculum Vitae Page 2

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*?#ip9UojC0SELECTED HONORS AND AWARDS (1990 - Present) 心理学空间d r#k6H5W

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Departmental Scholar Award in Psychology, SUNY Brockport, 1990


5Sh![.c4h,s h7n0Sigma Xi Student Research Award for Psychology, SUNY Brockport, 1990

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AArlen and Louise Stone Swiger Fellow, West Virginia University, 1990-1993 心理学空间8z1oVux4IQs

K5GNj-VI0} `yvN0Don Hake Outstanding Graduate Student Career Award, West Virginia University, 1995 心理学空间h4Nn5srtWrD


University of Rochester Georgen Award for Distinguished Achievement and Artistry in Undergraduate Education (2002) 心理学空间"V [.~^M1S;Cn

Vo3R1Rya"p0Boyd McCandless Early Career Award for Significant Contributions to Developmental Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 7 (Developmental) Award (2002)

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Golden Key International Honour Society, Honorary Member for Commitment and Outstanding Contributions to Higher Education, University of Rochester Chapter (2006)


vep!G+X],l k*D0Reuben Hill Research and Theory Award (2007), National Council on Family Relations, Best Research Paper.

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Cattell, Sabbatical Award (2011-2012), James McKeen Cattell Fund Fellowships心理学空间 D}4o1B*T9SM Ik%|G

gcD+jOf#sK(y,|*qA02010 Ranked in the 11% Percentile in Funding for Principal Investigators with NIH grants /p>

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GRANT ACTIVITIES (1999 - Present)

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1999-2005 Family process, emotional security, and child adjustment. National Institute of

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(k9Y(p&w~y,d'F'n b0Mental Health, R01 MH57318. Principal Investigator. Funded: $1,878,816. (co PI: Mark Cummings)

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`~} v7a4xu"d9P022002-2005 Interparental conflict and parenting: The role of gender. National Institute of Mental Health, F32 MH 066596, Sponsor of an Individual National Research Service Award at the Post-Doctoral Level for Melissa Sturge-Apple. Funded: $121,124.

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qQ"L H {;p#Q02003-2005 Processes of child risk in family and community contexts. /font>National Institute of Mental Health, F31 MH068057, Sponsor of an Individual National Research Service Award at the Pre-Doctoral Level for Marcia Winter. Funded: $72,464. 心理学空间fh{d D.U'nJ

/f0E{ Dy/S }0S3[02004-2009 Domestic violence, child security, and child mental health. National Institute of Mental Health, R01 MH071256. Principal Investigator. Funded: $2,777,599.

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&p(k9[}'z02006-2012 Family process, emotional security, and child adjustment. National Institute of Mental Health,, 2R01 MH 57318. Principal Investigator. Funded: $3,164,171. (Co-PIs: Mark Cummings, Dante Cicchetti). Patrick Davies Curriculum Vitae Page 3 心理学空间D i;z3]ZP5Y

GFS#I:KA02009-2012 Marital conflict, the role of sibling relationships, and child adjustment, /font>National

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Institute of Child Health and Human Development,, F31 HD061348. Sponsor of an Individual National Research Service Award at the Predoctoral Level for Sonnette Bascoe. Funded: $89,564.

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2010-2015 An ethological analysis of children's emotional security, National Institute of Child Health and Development, R01 HD 065425. Principal Investigator. Funded: $3,109,653. 心理学空间+Wg)?!u-nYbO7G%V f


2010-2015 Emotional processes in families: New methods capturing multiple levels of 心理学空间0nH0b)K(kzw

1gUp+Ik(\D0analysis. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, R01 HD060709. Principal Investigator. Funded: $3,352,922. (PIs: Melissa Sturge-Apple, Wendi Heinzelman, Zeljko, Ignjatovic, Spencer Rosero, Mark Bocko). 心理学空间kO4mH| @a:?*_K

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"T~[B9} ??U0Qg0心理学空间S(v| t[QZ

American Psychological Association, 1989-present 心理学空间#i0bB9AH(n}8@7D

L XI h3kB[)m0American Psychological Association, Division 7 (Developmental Psychology) 1999-present

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Society for Research in Child Development, 1991-present 心理学空间"d2k,t:m;@Z p#s2L



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Associate Editor


!e!z0@'f`(nH t/Pp X0Development and Psychopathology (2003 - Present)


Developmental Psychology (2008-2010) 心理学空间iswIFq \v ~[Y

心理学空间$vm$?KA z[

Guest Editor 心理学空间L @;xa*R

心理学空间7}u] K$u7p6m/T*W'_

Development and Psychopathology, ffor special issue entitled 揊amily Systems and Developmental Psychopathology?(2004)

I+C a%Z'C0

c-K+`F X m v9F0Editorial Board Membership /p>心理学空间T~.` Or

:Mz? {-]nr8a0Child Development (1998 - 2007)


2oen(D0l:d.R0Development and Psychopathology (1999 - Present)

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Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology (2002- Present) 心理学空间2~[u4w w u9U Q

X ]N {W3o*{;\&F2Hq0Journal of Family Psychology (2001 ?2003; 2007)

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Partner Abuse (2008-present) 心理学空间r6_5n0r.UT9q z Z"w

心理学空间Sd!\ l0m.m W7m

Society for Research in Child Development Conference, Review Panel Member (2000, 2002, 2008, 2010) 心理学空间#`|:_rG"Rs

mx#Rn/m0Ad Hoc Reviewing 心理学空间 y"i'\%M!s

\"o(R/Dli*j0Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research Patrick Davies Curriculum Vitae Page 4 心理学空间,eo.W U{;n3^O


American Journal of Orthopsychiatry

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)_w8|%C+A0Applied Developmental Science 心理学空间lu*jfcpFs

&j"V0S I,lm0Child Development


}6@ `s4t.x-i0Development and Psychopathology 心理学空间,i N0~/?+\ l9vss


Developmental Psychology 心理学空间~+I8r0gv^'w

]Qi:]c\(uP0Developmental Review 心理学空间zCe%SY3R/T*{4x

o_;dM;_7f(Rn0Family Relations 心理学空间Sn1o$hi aX

心理学空间n vK4aZXj

Infant and Child Development 心理学空间 EtO#{6z9B.\9H


Infant Mental Health Journal 心理学空间7m/b$b(U)[K,@

FJ%m)X9o o#I0Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology

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\ AAW#}(O0Journal of Abnormal Psychology 心理学空间 fuBBjW"JYt

T,M+R,Cbc@W0z0Journal of Adolescence 心理学空间xY(jA7L#N v2SI)y

&u ]J9S9Xe%nO'f&i&[0Journal of Adolescent Research 心理学空间q1u-I'Y%z$l"U

%@_Ga5Ck0Journal of Affective Disorders

"k2j/Y7n xa8ff0心理学空间 D2@)X'q0E%m"`,Oow

Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology


5DWR X [F_j)L0Journal of Child and Family Studies 心理学空间7rE8g&U/XI:kI C @3C

bCdoT&AN1fA$X0Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry

m`i hB3G+CN0

_x$DF} u0Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

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Journal of Experimental Child Psychology

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8Gv%r9]:Bu2e&SA^0Journal of Family Psychology 心理学空间_rpXx

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Journal of Marriage and the Family 心理学空间1H1P2bx-MPjH

G:t Hyw0Journal of Research on Adolescence 心理学空间L\2HQ"z(T~ _H

~Z H.}!m Q Zc0Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology

.z Tb'\;y [3p/\{0心理学空间 a[np$n X`

Journal of Undergraduate Research

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Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 心理学空间$XFuq8Z!e s l5wu

心理学空间Bd AN8V'| V

Mind, Brain, and Education 心理学空间)^2[m!D_ V`y

心理学空间s2u`eU%| U

Parenting: Science and Practice 心理学空间8@ v8Q"\9lD _


Partner Abuse 心理学空间l\pt%S XN

r.@ {x:U0Perceptual and Motor Skills 心理学空间,W:O9C}~#o!F$a;F#@

4QMox0Q3X%\O"n0Psychological Assessment

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Psychological Medicine

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Psychological Reports 心理学空间!cxw%cX!H aQT

C2Q dn:{T0Psychopharmacology


8@!Ik V3s/R0Social Development 心理学空间ExZ;zK/yn

I'vX i$@$aB I0Grant Reviewing Activities

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*Rqrms;R,E7PC0Australian Research Council, Large Grant Support Reviewer (95-96) 心理学空间/e&T%Ka+L

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National Institute of Health: Member of Risk, Prevention and Health Behavior 心理学空间0[9\rs[3h\I

q6F8J]V#b*qw0Integrated Review Group (ZRG1-RPHB) (2004) 心理学空间7QM-z t&q s

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Jacobs Foundation, Zurich Switzerland, Grant Reviewer

2D b!W#i,K4b(T"_H w0

cXaPR)e%m3U*]2o0National Institute of Health: Member of Social Psychology, Risk, and Psychosocial Development Review Group (ZRG1-F11) (2005-2006; 2008).

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B*qu/w/\0National Institute of Health: Member of Risk, Prevention, and Health Behavior Scientific Patrick Davies Curriculum Vitae Page 5


_V+c!ee{] ~e0Review Group Member (ZRG1 RPHB-A and ZRG1 RPHB-E) 心理学空间0Zez] ph+f

Dc`,_ ]+{S/Y0Standing Member, National Institute of Health: Member of the Psychosocial Development, Risk, 心理学空间`{#O3?k-gU7~


and Prevention (PDRP) Study Section (2010-2014)

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Chair, National Institute of Health: Member of the Psychosocial Development, Risk, and


:y%UX!w{#q%Lvo w w0Prevention (PDRP) Study Section (2011-2013)

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Q Rg`b1X0National Institute of Health: Member of the Psychosocial Development, Risk,

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NC Y+vt1f:qve0and Prevention (PDRP) Study Section (2010-2014) 心理学空间Q#lYe)A[Lo/h,F

心理学空间 w0Ae4sA4O9S

Public Policy Activities


National Family Violence Legislative Resource Center, Advisory Board (2008-present)

心理学空间 Z v5J.p2idEF:t


«婚姻冲突与儿童:情绪安全视角 Patrick Davies 帕特里克·戴维斯
《Patrick Davies 帕特里克·戴维斯》