Cognitive Foundations of Musical Pitch 音调的认知基础
作者: Krumhansl / 6852次阅读 时间: 2012年11月12日
来源: Oxford University Press 标签: Krumhansl 音乐心理学
Cognitive Foundations of Musical Pitch 音调的认知基础 作 者:Carol L. Krumhansl
出 版:Oxford University Press
书 号:9780195148367
原 价:¥436.10元

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S:CK7b-?%a)h"R3U4z0This book addresses the central problem of music cognition: how listeners' responses move beyond mere registration of auditory events to include the organization, interpretation, and remembrance of these events in terms of their function in a musical context of pitch and rhythm. Equally important, the work offers an analysis of the relationship between the psychological organization of music and its internal structure. Combining over a decade of original research on music cognition with an overview of the available literature, the work will be of interest to cognitive and physiological psychologists, psychobiologists, musicians, music researchers, and music educators. The author provides the necessary background in experimental methodology and music theory so that no specialized knowledge is required for following her major arguments.


Carol L. Krumhansl (作者)

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"oy9hx0Z6p:y*Dd0出版社: Oxford University Press Inc (2001年10月25日)

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丛书名: Oxford Psychology Series心理学空间D4} P4I;V6J+q%C

'f%|*I._x9R0精装: 307页

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语种: 英语心理学空间!i;_v5G)G)wz


ISBN: 0195148363

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条形码: 9780195148367

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U0I X|4t:x0商品尺寸: 15.6 x 3 x 23.4 cm心理学空间;pabV z!bvqU,cB0x @

RI4y$`u0商品重量: 422 g

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3ta9a_2m ]TyM,F0We have before us a summary of some 12 years of assiduous and intelligent work by one of the very best minds in cognitive science. I have followed Carol Krumhansl's research for years with enthusiasm; it is a joy to see it reported so well ... Go read this excellent book! American Scientist




/G[}WV01. Objectives and Methods; 2. Quantifying Tonal Hierarchies and Key Distances; 3. Musical Correlates of Perceived Tonal Hierarchies; 4. A Key-Finding Algorithm Based on Tonal Hierarchies; 5. Perceived Relations Between Musical Tones; 6. Perceptual Organization and Pitch Memory; 7. Quantifying Harmonic Hierarchies and Key Distances; 8. Perceived Harmonic Relations; 9. Perceiving Multiple Keys: Modulation and Polytonality; 10. Tonal Hierarchies in Atonal and Non-Western Tonal Music; 11. Music Cognition: Theoretical and Empirical Generalizations

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TAG: Krumhansl 音乐心理学
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