作者: 王曼 陶嵘 / 31098次阅读 时间: 2013年1月14日
来源: 心理科学进展 2010

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The Symptoms of Personality Disorder From the New Perspectiveof Fragile High Self-esteem

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WANG Man; TAO Rong; HU Shu-Jing; ZHU Xu心理学空间3c q&YY8Ua-R9S)r$fGL

uIH{9n#B0(School of Psychology, Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan 430079, china)心理学空间 n"SsQf$?9k7Ec

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Abstract: It is a growing concern for researchers to understand the symptoms of personality disorder fromthe perspective of fragile high self-esteem (fragile HSE). Excessive defensiveness is a typical characteristicof fragile HSE caused by unstable self-construal and insecure attachment. And fragile HSE is closely relatedto the occurrence, maintenance and level of paranoia, narcissism, borderline symptoms. Future researchshould pay more attention to the relationship and balance of various types of fragile HSE, the heterogeneityof concepts and so on in the field of symptoms of personality disorder.Key words: fragile high self-esteem; personality disorder; symptom心理学空间-[g{ Cu+N

[ l%s2x8\T*C9F0收稿日期:2010-05-07


* 教育部人文社会科学研究基金(09YJCXLX009), 人的发展与心理健康湖北省重点实验室(华中师范大学)开放课题基金(200704)心理学空间4}!D&mE#`A?7M

5@!r x4O$Qg:b0通讯作者:陶嵘, E-mail: 163tr@163.com


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