作者: BION / 7451次阅读 时间: 2010年3月07日
来源: bps 标签: Bion BION

S}5I[ P1~6}0W.R. BION BIBLIOGRAPHY JANUARY 2006心理学空间0c1Q'a8pU3G|

"ZQq&\!T E0Part 1 – List of volumes
.m}"[3O8xLo,i0   WRB 1 Experiences in Groups and Other Papers London: Tavistock Publications and New York: Routledge1961心理学空间M#K6kK vb$m m
      reprinted Hove: Brunner-Routledge 2001心理学空间6wF(L6m |b [#r$c s
   WRB 2 Learning from Experience London: William Heinemann Medical Books 1962
'|SuV;y%BP0      reprinted in Seven Servants with WRB3, WRB4 & WRB6 New York: Aronson 1977
t+_bE.gz9j v5R0      reprinted London: Karnac Books 1984心理学空间fBD-F6V%o]z
   WRB 3 Elements of Psycho-Analysis London: William Heinemann Medical Books 1963
N#vz:[;a&hy*TO J0      reprinted in Seven Servants with WRB2, WRB4 & WRB6 New York: Aronson 1977
1E6W&s9l9GF*y*j0      reprinted London: Karnac Books 1984
${,uYxwUW5F8@0   WRB 4 Transformations London: William Heinemann Medical Books 1965心理学空间,d kCW,R?%J U
      reprinted in Seven Servants with WRB2, WRB3 & WRB6 New York: Aronson 1977心理学空间0A"H5U#xb6hG)U'O
      reprinted London: Karnac Books 1984心理学空间QI+}z5E*mg8F
   WRB 5 Second Thoughts: Selected Papers on Psycho-Analysis London: William Heinemann心理学空间gU X;|"l%N [.te%H
      Medical Books 1967 reprinted London: Karnac Books 1984心理学空间(C5e3[%Tdi dd D*`
   WRB 6 Attention and Interpretation London: Tavistock Publications 1970
rr#AK,Q5gi6I L6O0      reprinted in Seven Servants with WRB2, WRB3 & WRB4 New York: Aronson 1977心理学空间ob[NP,m
      reprinted London: Karnac Books1984心理学空间Aea1[-V{,@U1k
   WRB 7 Bion’s Brazilian Lectures 1 – São Paulo Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora 1973心理学空间)k p;qxJoik'S
      reprinted in Brazilian Lectures (revised & corrected ed.) with WRB 8 in one volume London: Karnac Books 1990心理学空间[4API)P
   WRB 8 Bion’s Brazilian Lectures 2 – Rio de Janeiro/São Paulo Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora 1974心理学空间W&H.nk#f8Y(x
      reprinted in Brazilian Lectures (revised & corrected ed.) with WRB 7 in one volume London: Karnac Books 1990心理学空间^e;h+R$j%B
   WRB 9 A Memoir of the Future Book 1 – The Dream Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora 1975心理学空间~F TR!M'Sv
      reprinted in A Memoir of the Future (revised & corrected edition) with WRB 10,WRB 13 & WRB 15 in one volume London: Karnac Books 1991
DzC$T8r+o0[ p2~6Q'q0   WRB10 A Memoir of the Future Book 2 – The Past Presented Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora 1977心理学空间 Dg)n&v5pO0q;}
      reprinted in A Memoir of the Future (revised & corrected edition) with WRB 9,WRB 13 & WRB 15 in one volume London: Karnac Books 1991心理学空间U h2N.p5XE(}
   WRB11 Two Papers: The Grid and Cæsura Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora 1977心理学空间S!?0`:y-?K&~;Pd
      reprinted (revised and corrected edition) London: Karnac Books 1989心理学空间/qd3j#g E3}
   WRB12 Four Discussions with W.R. Bion Perthshire: Clunie Press 1978心理学空间[Y1qBVz
      reprinted in Clinical Seminars and other works with WRB 18 in one volume (edited by Francesca Bion) London: Karnac Books 2000心理学空间,@H~/i#t_
   WRB13 A Memoir of the Future Book 3 The Dawn of Oblivion Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora 1977心理学空间6j g#` f)d t0a*A:Py
      reprinted in A Memoir of the Future (revised & corrected edition) with WRB 9,WRB 10 & WRB 15 in one volume London: Karnac Books 1991心理学空间;`5s0iI*R]'sc
   WRB14 Bion in New York and São Paulo Perthshire: Clunie Press 1980心理学空间*nHR8nUf
   WRB15 A Key to A Memoir of the Future Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora 1977心理学空间+P,FJD hP
      reprinted in A Memoir of the Future (revised & corrected edition) with WRB 9,WRB 10 & WRB 13 in one volume London: Karnac Books 1991
7qI0G-Hx*LIy0   WRB16 The Long Weekend: 1897-1919 (Part of a Life) (edited by Francesca Bion) Abingdon: Fleetwood Press 1982 Reprinted London: Free Association Books 1986
L7T8W9m H)L0      reprinted London: Karnac Books 1991
'x:Urbi F0   WRB17 All My Sins Remembered: Another part of a Life and The Other Side of Genius: Family Letters (edited by Francesca Bion) Abingdon: Fleetwood Press 1985
4n6JpH!c;it n0      reprinted London: Karnac Books 1991
;^.m(C'R8|\0   WRB18 Clinical Seminars and Four Papers Abingdon: Fleetwood Press 1987心理学空间6PXLC4f:q p
      reprinted in Clinical Seminars and other works with WRB 12 in one volume(edited by Francesca Bion) London: Karnac Books 2000心理学空间6y)gGd;o
   WRB19 Cogitations (edited by Francesca Bion) London: Karnac Books 1992new extended edition London: Karnac Books 1994心理学空间!zko2mhav
   WRB20 Taming Wild Thoughts (edited by Francesca Bion) London: Karnac Books 1997
Z%OO pu(p2Sj-F!a R0   WRB21 War Memoirs 1917-1919 (edited by Francesca Bion) London: Karnac Books 1997
ms$e4o DEX0   WRB22 Clinical Seminars and other works (edited by Francesca Bion) London: Karnac Books 2000[single volume edition containing Four Discussions with W.R.Bion (WRB 12) and Clinical Seminars and Four Papers (WRB 18)]心理学空间 E(f$o3G4b3L*n#W'n/q
   WRB23 The Italian Seminars (edited by Francesca Bion and transl. from the Italian by Philip Slotkin)
-e@"o `G,f0      London: Karnac Books 2005 [earlier edition Seminari Italiani: Testo Completo dei
q:?0Mb;{&kz t0      Seminari tenuti da W.R.Bion a Roma. Edizioni Borla 1985]心理学空间J Pr3N8X%]"o$y I2YN
   WRB24 The Tavistock Seminars (edited by Francesca Bion) London: Karnac Books 2005心理学空间-hb k5M/a:k,h/?
心理学空间 Q7\&g7z1RM%CGGezr
Part 2 - Chronological
7f@)T7\9S'@01940 War of Nerves, The in The Neuroses in War ed. Miller & Crichton-Miller (pp 180-200)
$Z~"{{joKD D8Jm0    London, Macmillan 1940心理学空间$Ha8WZ"TWGr;^
1943 Intra-group tensions in therapy (with Rickman, J.)心理学空间*@)S:xbX;J
   Lancet 2: 678/781 – Nov.27 ’43 WRB 1 pp 11-26心理学空间Y} D1kS
1946 Northfield Experiment [The] (with Bridger, H. and Main, T.)
wFOO7xx0   Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 10: 71-76心理学空间||-S#Os6E_yP
1946b Leaderless Group Project心理学空间^ v8[2V7s`#m
   Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 10: 77-81
c(@"Z;s/}&kU01948a Psychiatry in a time of crisis心理学空间0xYtEKLR'w~
   Br.Jnl. Med.Psy. XXI: 81-89心理学空间WQ+a~,kO
1948b Experiences in Groups I
W5a1b4C8@ |"B0   Human Relations I: 314-320 WRB 1 pp 29-40心理学空间].g4VY0w:pl
1948c Experiences in Groups II心理学空间 lh9?8n~jo
   Human Relations I: 487-496 WRB 1 pp-41-58心理学空间sfqZ,@GK/l @F
1948d Untitled paper read at the Int. Cong. on Mental Health London 1948. pubd. in
"_ym2}$oD m.m&` R+b0   Vol.III Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical
8e6e*Q'{6P-RlEf)z)fv0   Psychotherapy 106-109 London, H.K.Lewis & N.Y., Columbia U.P. 1948心理学空间nuX4X j[&OQ
1949a Experiences in Groups III
Pd aRz A vBm0   Human Relations 2: 13-22 WRB 1 pp 59-75心理学空间J!eQ si7Xwx u
1949b Experiences in Groups IV心理学空间M B1eG6h&L
   Human Relations 2: 295-303 WRB 1 pp 77-91
7K+P2Ek8vn"fyI|)KV01950a Experiences in Groups V心理学空间T[D|jK$j,|
   Human Relations 3: 3-14 WRB 1 pp 93-114
/`i#Cm3y01950b Experiences in Groups VI心理学空间N3\$Y~mE
   Human Relations 3: 395-402 WRB 1 pp 115-126
f/m/VbRF:is01950c Imaginary Twin, The
3qU A.r3[px)xV@0   read to Br.PsA Soc Nov 1 ’50 . WRB 5 pp 3-22心理学空间a"H8V(H$DFt9b
1951 Experiences in Groups VII
h+d8}s/sQ0   Human Relations 4: 221-227 WRB 1 pp 127-137
H[#o$Hx+Yq a+mg01952 Group Dynamics: a review.
%j#f QbQ{`,h5~ g s%e0   IJP 33: 235-247心理学空间rpB4x1]4LHOF
   also in New Directions in Psychoanalysis ed. Klein, M. et al心理学空间 rC)^ mP
   pp. 440-477 Tavistock Publ. London 1955 WRB 1 pp 141-191心理学空间"PZ#MV`\3y([R
1954 Notes on the Theory of Schizophrenia
3K.P_y ^N0   IJP 35: 113-118 WRB 5 pp 23-35
Xd-c9t;Ew&JKz;z01955 Language and the Schizophrenic
9v6B.nl&{A3}0   in New Directions in Psychoanalysis ed. Klein, M. et al
,|7G;AK%N$e%G:gi:Nh{g0   pp. 200-239 Tavistock Publ. London 1955
!W"ae6t#s4s01956 Development of Schizophrenic Thought, The
,c7c*N&Q^^2Vi1T~;Q0   IJP 37: 344-346 WRB 5 pp 36-42
1c5nO5?0vbgQsr01957a Differentiation of the Psychotic from the non-Psychotic personalities, the
M KiFV1GBQZg0   IJP 38: 266-275 WRB 5 pp 43-64
|t1f-j ?$r01957b On Arrogance心理学空间9jw%vzb$mfJ
   IJP 39: 144-146 WRB 5 pp 86-92
Ll1H"jJH8]01958 On Hallucination心理学空间,V0w C1s9uB
   IJP 39: 341-349 WRB 5 pp 65-85心理学空间!s `0Q ` g
1959 Attacks on Linking心理学空间]v&Hr;v @1L1Eq
   IJP 40: 308-315 WRB 5 pp 93-109心理学空间6SxWO#BO7t*n_Xj
1961 Melanie Klein – Obituary (with Herbert Rosenfeld and Hanna Segal)心理学空间@k0R"k!o D"n
   IJP 42: 4-8心理学空间)k\*}(I7j6A&S#O6B \3b
1962 Psychoanalytic Study of Thinking, the心理学空间 hs0RXtaL4pJQ
   IJP 43: 306-310 (pub’d as A Theory of Thinking) WRB 5 pp 110-119
e4Hr6ZK)l0p01963 The Grid WRB 20 pp. 6-21
&}}%]XVVc01966(a) Catastrophic Change心理学空间W9|Hd an!e/l8m
   Bulletin of the Br. PsA Soc #5
;q6C4z;HEWju01966(b) Medical Orthodoxy and the Future of Psycho-analysis K.Eissler. New York, I.U.P. 1965 (review)
i4Ni5?"JgK$_zT0   IJP 47: 575-579心理学空间3FPo/O#IP!L V
1966(c) Sexual Behavior and the Law ed. R.Slovenko. Springfield, Thomas 1964 (review)
"[*Hu:FL TJ7V'y0   IJP 47: 579-581心理学空间4BDY6xYb
1967 Notes on Memory and Desire心理学空间a4P7E`&NF'M
   Psychoanalytic Forum 11/3: 271-280. Reprinted in Melanie Klein Today Vol.2 –心理学空间7cJI%wz)W
   Mainly Practice: 17-21 ed. E.Bott Spillius London Routledge 1988心理学空间2hvS `h2m8?'H,R
1976a Evidence
??O'Hb1v0   Bulletin of the Br.PsA Soc 1976 WRB 18 pp 313-320
R5d@rj1j+~`7f01976b Interview with A.G.Banet Jr. Los Angeles, 1976
|gM-bPz3Y"j$J ]0   Group and Organisation Studies vol.1 No.3: 268-285 WRB24 pp 97-114心理学空间_\6{!v&_t
1977a Quotation from Freud (on a)
:F)V)Q mj5]0   in Borderline Personality Disorders ed. P.Hartocollis. New York I.U.P. 1977 WRB 18 pp 306-311心理学空间K4l6|us
1977b Emotional Turbulence心理学空间`(Tx-RApO |&vP
   in Borderline Personality Disorders ed. P.Hartocollis. New York I.U.P. 1977 WRB 18 pp 295-305心理学空间Pc,j;b6wT@
1977c Seven Servants (with an introduction by W.R. Bion) containing Elements of Psycho-Analysis,心理学空间ix3? u:?0v;~ OH h
   Learning from Experience, Transformations, Attention and Interpretation
I-`'st%_7\.Dk#gs8l0   New York: Aronson心理学空间#IpZD`3zO
1978 Seminar held in Paris, July 10th 1978 (unpublished in English) published in French心理学空间 Q$`0^f-EI+X:K
   Revue Psychotherapie Psychanalytique de Groupe 1986
_g]Y&@L+w1E01979 Making the best of a Bad Job
m|7Y7D{ z,med qD!I0   Bulletin of the Br.PsA Soc 1979 WRB 18 pp 321-331
Part 3 - Alphabetical心理学空间BX x@7h \
1959 Attacks on Linking
w1J*S \Ax(IaSX0   IJP 40: 308-315 WRB 5 pp 93-109
0NyE3QCa01966 Catastrophic Change心理学空间"Nu DS5V VB yP
   Bulletin of the Br. PsA Soc #5心理学空间-_-s4h~0iA'E!A
1956 Development of Schizophrenic Thought, The心理学空间1O0G [M,M Q
   IJP 37: 344-346 WRB 5 pp 36-42心理学空间{ U6oDB7e2lR
1957a Differentiation of the Psychotic from the non-Psychotic personalities, the
*pJ$` n;Ve m^3S0   IJP 38: 266-275 WRB 5 pp 43-64心理学空间 Nqiuh
1977b Emotional Turbulence
+{&JLwV}gu0   in Borderline Personality Disorders ed. P.Hartocollis. New York I.U.P. 1977 WRB 18 pp 295-305心理学空间 `&N5v]dA,k$eb
1976a Evidence心理学空间7] w;toy8N
   Bulletin of the Br.PsA Soc 1976 WRB 18 pp 313-320心理学空间$Na s0B'A!DV
1948b Experiences in Groups I心理学空间D jx,Se Tj,k6nv
   Human Relations I: 314-320 WRB 1 pp 29-40心理学空间5O0Y+UcCT7x&g8QFb(F3m
1948c Experiences in Groups II
m*~!A9SI%^f U0   Human Relations I: 487-496 WRB 1 pp-41-58
:t,d#t]OP+L2l01949a Experiences in Groups III
\vv|0M1kG2\0   Human Relations 2: 13-22 WRB 1 pp 59-75
!p!x ~6c f#v01949b Experiences in Groups IV
??C3`RVjf0   Human Relations 2: 295-303 WRB 1 pp 77-91
|m%a u&I/A ^,@m01950a Experiences in Groups V心理学空间S%cd I1N3ZU3Au8g
   Human Relations 3: 3-14 WRB 1 pp 93-114心理学空间A_!xL wXE
1950b Experiences in Groups VI心理学空间6i1f7d a w F[a3N
   Human Relations 3: 395-402 WRB 1 pp 115-126心理学空间h%`zOT)m;}3W
1951 Experiences in Groups VII
(q0x2sg2] v0   Human Relations 4: 221-227 WRB 1 pp 127-137
4P6ABn/@i/|01963 Grid, The WRB 20 pp. 6-21心理学空间*~ n#^&L4^ L4V&Q
1952 Group Dynamics: a review.心理学空间Is1e+|h
   IJP 33: 235-247心理学空间-MB P"`%`+t
   also in New Directions in Psychoanalysis ed. Klein, M. et al
8M+r(X#Lz1w.\9i0   pp. 440-477 Tavistock Publ. London 1955 WRB 1 pp 141-191
Y/}5R"v*p!w.kMK(U01950c Imaginary Twin, The心理学空间Of&PGRKMh
   read to Br.PsA Soc Nov 1 ’50 . WRB 5 pp 3-22
^V? M'i01976b Interview with A.G.Banet Jr. Los Angeles, April 1976
ydL#}"|b0   Group and Organisation Studies vol.1 No.3: 268-285 WRB24 pp 97-114
yJ*yAW m-q(`01943 Intra-group tensions in therapy (with Rickman, J.)
*|fIibkk2`0   Lancet 2: 678/781 – Nov.27 ’43 WRB 1 pp 11-26
fG-r U?9|;dj"B0P01955 Language and the Schizophrenic心理学空间bu(ta7As
   in New Directions in Psychoanalysis ed. Klein, M. et al心理学空间{f9}JLk9l
   pp. 200-239 Tavistock Publ. London 1955
,aCsF!| T01946b Leaderless Group Project
d7Fh$jv5EFn3l'q C0   Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 10: 77-81
aV,g:QZ1c)_01979 Making the best of a Bad Job
1yBIW? BD C_$G0   Bulletin of the Br.PsA Soc 1979 WRB 18 pp 321-331
@!Jp:w!me$m-p,Y01966(b) Medical Orthodoxy and the Future of Psycho-analysis K.Eissler. New York, I.U.P. 1965 (review)心理学空间7e"eD:k @q9p3]
I  JP 47: 575-579
{O6f MJ#C01961 Melanie Klein – Obituary (with Herbert Rosenfeld and Hanna Segal
V{V7`Sx5}y0   IJPsA 42: 4-8
1X.l(x p:m7vH(Z/B01967 Notes on Memory and Desire心理学空间d L2Wa.E e2x
   Psychoanalytic Forum 11/3: 271-280. Reprinted in Melanie Klein Today Vol.2 –
)E9U aZg.mG0   Mainly Practice: 17-21 ed. E.Bott Spillius London Routledge 1988心理学空间 `9R,N0`.kib
1954 Notes on the Theory of Schizophrenia
{@:j6~4?%VF+n.N#N0   IJP 35: 113-118 WRB 5 pp 23-35心理学空间g:CKxLd
1946a Northfield Experiment [The] (with Bridger, H. and Main, T.)心理学空间DGc)i T ob5x
   Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 10: 71-76
*|y8o+s*G01957b On Arrogance心理学空间I:rdVI
   IJP 39: 144-146 WRB 5 pp 86-92心理学空间,x(C^d\:H_)k
1958 On Hallucination心理学空间X'I L%X&ul ^)RC
   IJP 39: 341-349 WRB 5 pp 65-85心理学空间x$]O!A4h.@2UX
1948a Psychiatry in a time of crisis
qT'SR)Y Rt5w0   Br.Jnl. Med.Psy. XXI: 81-89
q5bX{(?5dc,j\01962 Psychoanalytic Study of Thinking, the
"Nr8c[$x y"V:`3CM^0   IJP 43: 306-310
!ihh3i b2J+Y(?0   (pub’d as A Theory of Thinking) WRB 5 pp 110-119心理学空间&@.W&i)kds9F,k;S7G6l
1977a Quotation from Freud (on a)心理学空间Q LP\ x
   in Borderline Personality Disorders ed. P.Hartocollis. New York I.U.P. 1977 WRB 18 pp 306-311心理学空间J^9|o!e8_;V `R
1978 Seminar held in Paris, July 10th 1978 (unpublished in English) published in French心理学空间m%L,X7G"Vb*odja
   Revue Psychotherapie Psychanalytique de Groupe 1986
#o|CgR4y+E3C~01977c Seven Servants (with an introduction by W.R. Bion) containing Elements of Psycho-Analysis,
w"YZ*~(H0   Learning from Experience, Transformations, Attention and Interpretation
C s eTM4nai2e#C0   New York: Aronson心理学空间6u/a)y tNHSh
1966(c) Sexual Behavior and the Law ed. R.Slovenko. Springfield, Thomas 1964 (review)心理学空间9~/l5x8Kxx6g(Q
   IJP 47: 579-581
kp1YiY qi01948d Untitled paper read at the Int. Cong. on Mental Health London 1948. pubd. in心理学空间$DJkv#WNkT'OS
   Vol.III Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical心理学空间t,]s4ts
   Psychotherapy 106-109 London, H.K.Lewis & N.Y., Columbia U.P. 1948
Y@;Q#nt(CkoH)b01940 War of Nerves, The in The Neuroses in War ed. Miller & Crichton-Miller (pp 180-200)
.c F e4t6_SD(?%G0   London, Macmillan 1940心理学空间k(k})V+dxI^]V

«Bion:他的性格----节选自《比昂的临床思想》 比昂/拜昂 Wilfred Bion
《比昂/拜昂 Wilfred Bion》