作者: 维基百科 / 8105次阅读 时间: 2014年2月05日
标签: psyche
〈賽姬頌〉("Ode to Psyche")是英國浪漫時期詩人濟慈(John Keats, 1795-1821)於1819年完成一系列頌歌之中的第二個作品,前有一首尚未覺醒的〈懶散之歌〉("Ode on Indolence"),後續則描繪了靈魂開竅後所洞悉的內外在視野,包括〈夜鶯頌〉("Ode to a Nightingale")、〈希臘古甕之歌〉("Ode on a Grecian Urn")、〈憂鬱之歌〉("Ode on Melancholy")以及〈秋日頌〉("To Autumn"),都是濟_b7O對於自然、藝術與形塑人類感知之間複雜關係的深刻體認。在〈賽姬頌〉一詩中,詩人藉由援引希臘神話中賽姬(Psyche),也就是靈魂女神,為愛受苦的遭遇,來喚醒自己「懶散」未經琢磨的靈魂。濟慈在創作當時的書信中,特別提到之所以選擇賽姬作為自己靈感的神祇,是因為相對於希羅神話的古老眾神,賽姬是一個比較接近自己年代的圖像,而她也的確從未被認真看待膜拜過,所以他無法坐視賽姬的故事不理(letter, April 30, 1819)。此外,賽姬背後所代表的精神,和他致力追求靈魂個體試煉發展的理念不謀而合,濟慈相信靈魂這個正面的存在,必須透過靈肉上負面的折磨和苦難,才終能成為一個獨立的個體。因此在〈賽姬頌〉中,除了一般頌詩(ode)對於崇高對象傳奇的謳歌和源自古希臘田園傳統(pastoral)的描繪之外,更隱含濟慈終其一生試圖理解的生命矛盾以及嘗試調和的正反元素。
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6JK+F_]!e@4`?K,Z0賽姬這個化身在詩中象徵著靈魂、心靈以及一種思想、心智的歷程,她歷經磨難最後得以和愛神邱比特(Cupid)結合的神話,也可視為濟慈詩學視野裡一種人類自我提升的最高境界:當想像力充滿心靈,人類便可跨越界線鴻溝,與萬事萬物達到一種相通共融的愛。然而濟慈詩中呈現的世界!,卻也是一種極度個人內化的嚮往,他對賽姬的信奉敬仰只屬於他一個人,並不為俗世所認同分享,這也和浪漫時期崇尚個人主義以及「孤獨英雄」(solitary hero)的形象相呼應。身為一個在世並不受到推崇歡迎甚至英年早逝的詩人,濟慈和他的詩歌往往掙扎於腐化麻木的現實世界和「杳無人!跡的」有待開發的心靈視野之間,充滿懸而未決,自相矛盾的疑問和焦慮。所以儘管〈賽姬頌〉詩末呈現看似光明開放,期待與愛結合的靈魂,卻難掩整首詩封閉自成一格的夢遊基調,與當時逐漸失去愛也失去信仰的現實世界形成明顯的對比。心理学空间V!Y(P(o;KV

Ode To A Nightingale 夜鶯頌心理学空间'k+G(N,GT ^Z
John Keats 濟慈
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K'Gt A$s:k Z0My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains 我的心痛,困頓和麻木心理学空间!`p {-} NEh-u
My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk, 毒害了感官,猶如飲過毒鴆,
7I T'O7{3nt%H e0Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains 又似剛把鴉片吞服,
6FKUC k0One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk 一分鐘的時間,字句在忘川中沉沒心理学空间%BU:k7IH)Ua"~
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'Tis not through envy of thy happy lot, 並不是在嫉妒你的幸運,
T?%@}L.ON0But being too happy in thine happiness,-- 是為著你的幸運而大感快樂,心理学空间8?XA\I"TX8Ea.b[ae
That thou, light-winged Dryad of the trees 你,林間輕翅的精靈,
+VX e#\GdP8oB0In some melodious plot 在山毛櫸綠影下的情結中,
#k[*b{]0Of beechen green, and shadows numberless,心理学空间#`7L aA4t/[ H&A'w
Singest of summer in full-throated ease. 放開了歌喉,歌唱夏季。心理学空间h(d)J!~\"q Th
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O, for a draught of vintage! that hath been 哎,一口酒!那冷藏
4m L,_FuZ Y0Cool'd a long age in the deep-delved earth, 在地下多年的甘醇,
.gDF/A a&g uY_/K0Tasting of Flora and the country green, 味如花神、綠土、
M4c$~,w8WQD~0Dance, and Provencal song, and sunburnt mirth! 舞蹈、戀歌和灼熱的歡樂!
9]jpz-p,` c)R0O for a beaker full of the warm South, 哎,滿滿一杯南方的溫暖,心理学空间OhF[D(K-p,V
Full of the true, the blushful Hippocrene, 充滿了鮮紅的靈感之泉,
ZO-b.a3u&a0With beaded bubbles winking at the brim, 杯沿閃動著珍珠的泡沫,心理学空间c|R]*_K?4G7w'c
And purple-stained mouth 和唇邊退去的紫色;心理学空间R*`,[;WF4tM a
That I might drink, and leave the world unseen, 我要一飲以不見塵世,心理学空间"F e!Am Baf
And with thee fade away into the forest dim 與你循入森林幽暗的深處心理学空间`8Zfo@?!Ek2U
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Fade far away, dissolve, and quite forget 遠遠的離開,消失,徹底忘記
F]a9k,xV%wR0What thou among the leaves hast never known, 林中的你從不知道的,心理学空间U ?p7y!z
The weariness, the fever, and the fret 疲憊、熱病和急躁
9h ~_G J+p)~q0Here, where men sit and hear each other groan; 這裡,人們坐下並聽著彼此的呻吟;心理学空间1N V.j&T+O ?
Where palsy shakes a few, sad, last gray hairs, 癱瘓搖動了一會兒,悲傷了,最後的幾絲白髮,
j5s ~5U {h^4f0Where youth grows pale, and spectre-thin, and dies; 青春蒼白,古怪的消瘦下去,後來死亡;
g5rn/f#Qzy&Bg#J0Where but to think is to be full of sorrow
p2J3_{MiTv0And leaden-eyed despairs, 鉛色的眼睛絕望著;心理学空间2];[o6a`(BK~
Where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes, 美人守不住明眸,心理学空间S3c6J2_H(g/uU
Or new Love pine at them beyond to-morrow. 新的戀情過不完明天。心理学空间Tqc!L,K
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Away! away! for I will fly to thee, 去吧!去吧!我要飛向你,心理学空间3q/f4J sQ
Not charioted by Bacchus and his pards, 不用酒神的車輾和他的隨從,心理学空间]O7bV4vE
But on the viewless wings of Poesy, 乘著詩歌無形的翅膀,心理学空间t.xiI&^ B o
Though the dull brain perplexes and retards 儘管這混沌的頭腦早已跟隨你,
-j_F8Q%Z6v0Already with thee! tender is the night, 夜色溫柔,而月後心理学空间w*Rcbm,D\R3Q
And haply the Queen-Moon is on her throne, 正登上她的寶座,心理学空间9Z"r!sI*B WYx
Cluster'd around by all her starry Fays; 周圍是她所有的星星仙子,心理学空间:D'E@Zf;r IB[*V;G*d
But here there is no light, 但這處那處都沒有光,
/ik%vM7I0Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown 一些天光被微風吹入幽綠,
T@E7f:rU|xe0Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways. 和青苔的曲徑。心理学空间;Y)l&[;U&u2Y0G

p,@+RQ"c!?@0I cannot see what flowers are at my feet, 我不能看清是哪些花在我的腳旁,
H/yDji0Nor what soft incense hangs upon the boughs, 何種軟香懸于高枝,心理学空间E,n'? fzAB(a-D.Z)O,^6O
But, in embalmed darkness, guess each sweet 但在溫馨的暗處,猜測每一種甜蜜
:p"Ncr-V[N9T0Wherewith the seasonable month endows 以其時令的贈與心理学空间,z;o3rEYFqh^
The grass, the thicket, and the fruit-tree wild; 青草地、灌木叢、野果樹
9p(L k5@J[&|8k3p q0White hawthorn, and the pastoral eglantine; 白山楂和田園玫瑰;
V H,v DU7soi0Fast fading violets cover'd up in leaves; 葉堆中易謝的紫羅蘭;
XT2Dv}-y0And mid-May's eldest child, 還有五與中旬的首出,心理学空间i0i,q5Oz
The coming musk-rose, full of dewy wine, 這啜滿了露酒的麝香薔薇,心理学空间^)i.PNR n$m V
The murmurous haunt of flies on summer eves. 夏夜蠅子嗡嗡的出沒其中。心理学空间] c2@_{ |%I

`J j8igX:j'a,D0Darkling I listen; and, for many a time 我傾聽黑夜,多少次心理学空间?:mXXes0`
I have been half in love with easeful Death, 我幾乎愛上了逸謐的死亡,心理学空间V\h \!r
Call'd him soft names in many a mused rhyme, 在如此多的沉思之韻中呼喚她輕柔的名,
1r |`9^;l.P0To take into the air my quiet breath; 編織成歌,我無聲的呼吸;
+N5Hg JCH9ruR6M0Now more than ever seems it rich to die, 現在她更加華麗的死去,
`*LaauQ0To cease upon the midnight with no pain, 在午夜不帶悲傷的飛升,
9\8C2qV9\%x0While thou art pouring forth thy soul abroad 當你正向外傾瀉靈魂
2m(ij+|\+b| _(i0In such an ecstasy!這般的迷狂!心理学空间zy4p#CIt
Still wouldst thou sing, and I have ears in vain-- 你仍唱著,而我聽不見,
(H8B~(O MfQeQ'z0To thy high requiem become a sod. 你那高昂的安魂曲對著一搓泥土。心理学空间 VF |m%R@2LD;O
Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird! 永生的鳥啊!你不為了死亡出生!
.m%g%\zn/r bc0No hungry generations tread thee down; 飢餓的時代無法把你蹂躪;心理学空间Kgb DD HNo&N
The voice I hear this passing night was heard 這逝去的夜晚里我所聽見的
6P4n,g[,[9p0In ancient days by emperor and clown: 在那遠古的日子也曾為帝王和小丑聽見;心理学空间Q1[1w'g,x4WwP[T
Perhaps the self-same song that found a path 可能相同的歌在露絲那顆憂愁的心中心理学空间YKImV W3[
Through the sad heart of Ruth, when, sick for home, 找到了一條路徑,當她思念故鄉,
$L!}$|&@.{0She stood in tears amid the alien corn; 站在異邦的谷田中落淚;心理学空间G.`"WU1av!r `/G2h
The same that oft-times hath 這聲音常常心理学空间2M!YE1fX+x
Charm'd magic casements, opening on the foam 在遺失的仙城中震動了窗扉
G\,[,FU@[6Z;k0Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn. 望向泡沫浪花心理学空间jo#| z@^Dd
Forlorn! the very word is like a bell 遺失!這個字如同一聲鐘響心理学空间Up;X3M$b%G
To toll me back from thee to my sole self! 把我從你處帶會我單獨自我!心理学空间 v(^-D*Cx J
Adieu! the fancy cannot cheat so well 別了!幻想無法繼續欺騙心理学空间Oj h1]MM#YE
As she is fam'd to do, deceiving elf. 當她不再能夠,
3ZxOMKM(hM:s'm0Adieu! adieu! thy plaintive anthem fades別了! 別了!你哀傷的聖歌心理学空间%o!Gc'h [V }
Past the near meadows, over the still stream, 退入了後面的草地,流過溪水,
e8v-d%\$u0Up the hill-side; and now 'tis buried deep 湧上山坡;而此時,它正深深心理学空间a$H_$q{9G
In the next valley-glades: 埋在下一個山谷的陰影中:心理学空间/WN-t5y6Hm
Was it a vision, or a waking dream? 是幻覺,還是夢寐?
6d?3o4wzq8l8Jn0Fled is that music:--Do I wake or sleep? 那歌聲去了:我醒了?我睡著?
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