作者: 心理学 / 4515次阅读 时间: 2011年5月26日
来源: 转载

英国研究人员利用眼球跟踪技术完成的一项最新研究显示,如果香烟只采取简易包装,即去除烟盒上那些精美的广告和商标,消费者的目光就更容易被烟盒上的警示标志所吸引,由此带来的心理暗示有助控烟。心理学空间.]rYL4cf0i o



6pC o#Tl+qW p0研究人员马库斯穆纳福说,眼球跟踪技术可以直接了解人们目光的移动和注意力变化情况。可以推测,如果消费者更多地注意到烟盒上的警示标志,由此而来的心理暗示可以带来一定的行为变化。从这项研究结果看,这至少可以帮助那些不吸烟者更加远离香烟,或是帮助不经常吸烟的人进一步降低吸烟频率,从而帮助整个社会控烟。心理学空间Lo+` px pf

l;d Dzm}Ju0在英国等许多国家,不允许做香烟广告,因此香烟生产商就想方设法将烟盒设计得精美诱人,以吸引消费者。虽然法律规定,烟盒上还必须印有各种关于吸烟危害的警示标志,但它们时常不敌精美包装的吸引力。因此,英国政府今年3月宣布,将探讨强制香烟只能使用简易包装的可能性,这项研究为此提供了新的支持证据。心理学空间Y8m5To` m`:Mpv_

*[aB@*^!E k0推荐原文原文出处:心理学空间9J0Y!b4u a7L(m6z'](q


Addiction DOI: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2011.03430.x心理学空间D2e fAm [3W^

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Plain packaging increases visual attention to health warnings on cigarette packs in non-smokers and weekly smokers but not daily smokers

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Marcus R. Munafò1,*, Nicole Roberts2, Linda Bauld3, Ute Leonards1Article first published online: 11 APR 2011

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Keywords:Eye tracking;health warnings;plain packaging;tobacco;visual attention心理学空间kYf t(N*k^X?&j

"@ rf@9q TA0ABSTRACT心理学空间Yd"_ rCw.N

F^8cxI4s;gV0Aims To assess the impact of plain packaging on visual attention towards health warning information on cigarette packs.心理学空间 q3u:C4ul'MF:W0v

.i#f*AJ4Hd-}Z$c P4T#m0Design Mixed-model experimental design, comprising smoking status as a between-subjects factor, and package type (branded versus plain) as a within-subjects factor.


Setting University laboratory.心理学空间 NO~r)_8a:a

3VrT/il](f0ay\6hZ0Participants Convenience sample of young adults, comprising non-smokers (n = 15), weekly smokers (n = 14) and daily smokers (n = 14).

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Measurements Number of saccades (eye movements) towards health warnings on cigarette packs, to directly index visual attention.心理学空间{9p8B"bT2Z-A


Findings Analysis of variance indicated more eye movements (i.e. greater visual attention) towards health warnings compared to brand information on plain packs versus branded packs. This effect was observed among non-smokers and weekly smokers, but not daily smokers.心理学空间0];r l S2uX fN#Q Z:H

?zc.q?+U"]0Conclusion Among non-smokers and non-daily cigarette smokers, plain packaging appears to increase visual attention towards health warning information and away from brand information.

«孤独感危害等同于吸烟酗酒 加大罹患心脏病危机 科普新闻