基思·霍尔约克Keith J. Holyoak 翻译的中国古诗词
作者: 基思·霍尔约克 / 8516次阅读 时间: 2011年10月01日
来源: Keith J. Holyoak
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网基思·霍尔约克Keith J. Holyoak 翻译的中国古诗词

;V+zL[&I0心理学空间F C`3iJx2`
Going to Visit the Daoist Master on Daitian Mountain But Not Finding Him
*c6w"q p6L*f6vl$J0李白《訪戴天山道士不遇》
3x$Dp[#_0Li Bai (701-762 CE)心理学空间+l!H F-h"D@YT~
心理学空间 d w0@'`sA S
A dog barks心理学空间i*yy1]\%{Bo
amidst the sound of water;心理学空间OszCy"J
peach blossoms心理学空间u$f!h$om-T0zHE
hang heavy with dewdrops.
w5qH0p_0犬吠水聲中, 桃花帶露濃。心理学空间D,\r z:Oh4h
In the deep forest心理学空间:E)WFx9_~Z MkMQ
I glimpse a passing deer;
1P C9qajtD3X0By0the rushing brook
Z/b k(b6E(G#Y k%P0muffles the noonday bells. 心理学空间 t6o#D D TJ%N\9oM vJ
樹深時見鹿, 溪午不聞鐘。
J Wn*Ten0心理学空间 N'H#SF*m LO7^
Wild bamboos
8L sk?_\1H0i"t0u*s0slice through the green mist;
drW9}Us A^0streams in flight
g_I9F N0r~x?6W7Z B0hang between emerald peaks.心理学空间6{ bEEyC+Z
野竹分青靄, 飛泉掛碧峰。
5j'Q{ N"r0心理学空间z @5|#w,q(T)B!il P
Nobody knows
!z&jeU*D2Tl0where the master has gone—心理学空间!EX5l-K.AG!dy
left to wonder,心理学空间U z-at0YxY~
I rest among some pines.心理学空间O"\f a1j4g3d!n&l
無人知所去, 愁倚兩三松。

Q$~ s.J6DBRX U0
心理学空间_ X:h#jH ne4\*W

Farewell at a Jinling Tavern 金陵酒肆留別 心理学空间\u ow` O%Z D'{
Li Bai (701-762 CE)
#Q5Q8Jub.Y DnqCv0The wind blows catkins off the willows;心理学空间4S2W#Z Y'}b7l R2P
their fragrance fills the tavern.
M!Vm7oY0Our hostess brings the guests new wine心理学空间&K^d ]^.mA jY
she urges us to savor.心理学空间 w'zW;PC,IV `+iP
d b!a,c6D Y"HP%p0心理学空间%L#LX6D k
Young friends from Jinling came today心理学空间&I]e7]2dP'U
to drink and see me off.心理学空间qq S4J$yM~ L?,s
I must leave, and they must stay—
0zHYneIl0we let our last cups linger.心理学空间B _ }2n^)i:gCa
"{ OG4rOS3_T0Friends, let’s ask the water flowing心理学空间a a5rh#[
far away to the east:
2A9Uh2Xj B bR[0The river, or sadness of farewell—心理学空间t1Xw$B(N E!p&Pdq
which of the two is longer?

M||uB8c0Overnight in the Pavilion by the River 心理学空间8~#]]dCP#Y|
X\| rp0Du Fu (712-770 CE)
yuTX.}FW*Ip]0As evening approaches心理学空间`~ eOm!l0c j
along the mountain paths心理学空间rctS'i O L;k
I come to my chamber心理学空间1_AY/@aTuy'?
above the Water Gate.心理学空间~2J&g5x-Y.x dk*k

.}Cz&UZ*yza0Wisps of cloud
.P(]&es;P v0rest on the edges of cliffs;
A/hr9x/KX2}0a lonely moon心理学空间'Ru1I~x9A
slowly turns in the waves.心理学空间iT] t9} ? w
A line of cranes
2nX1G:C!r4BK7V0flies past on its silent hunt;
-} u%~C+_ L$q @P0a pack of wolves心理学空间/DB^#iTAnh
howls around its prey.
)s u's%y2?0鸛鶴追飛靜,豺狼得食喧。心理学空间IBKGd/z4Z]Ai
心理学空间'U c_*Y8h:S$eZ
I cannot sleep,
$Ax pwV}D0plagued by thoughts of war,心理学空间A[V&Xh Q3s%U!U
and powerless
4`,wpQe)Y.o_ A0to spare the world its fate.心理学空间Hn*}t r-H7B(C9~

心理学空间 ` g8hga[A^l'x

Missing My Little Son
_N!ZJ_ \(hH&AE4{0(Pony Boy) 心理学空间3C#aWiDKE
Du Fu (712-770 CE)心理学空间&J Z~ N f1D
憶幼子心理学空间k _l9^%IEc7j'Ly0l
&zD/A@/EV G l L9P1q0
&{%s7q1kvNO9t5Z0It’s spring, and still
5k!l2?P0G!bI0you're away, my Pony Boy,
,O[ Z]D{\r0while the days grow warm
+pkWX7v2Qm8G7`0and birdsong swells to crescendo.
心理学空间.V/E q Ff-K
This change of season心理学空间 y q9Ol,SG6gv#yT
cuts like a new farewell—心理学空间6U R[-`l5{a:|@v
now who do I have
m\!K8L_W&p0to share my bits of wisdom?心理学空间*f S#lr+} T

xN0F8Vp0The stream runs free
*g.rR$o QEGF0alongside the empty path,心理学空间f\'\U"So
from village gate 心理学空间"V;u,g1I3D.a$[p
down into distant shadow;心理学空间Tzg$af;a

^;y%u!KZT xt0My torrent of sadness
6WD,F.p3V0p0will drain away in my dreams心理学空间)V0o9yV+]x|5{&q
while my back is warmed心理学空间D"|!w8jv7NM
by spring sun through my window.心理学空间5q%@3xx'w C
憶渠愁只睡,炙背俯晴軒。心理学空间^0x(peX G#v+J


Moonlit Night
AZx!cTcf0Du Fu (712-770 CE)
Z7],LE VK0月夜心理学空间6l0H*p\up!Dq5{
Tonight the moon
_vQ {H0is also full in Fuzhou,心理学空间7E8H.t+m7?"X{W^a
where my wife can only心理学空间 |-EM9g6G"B}
wait and watch alone.心理学空间6k9hZgK"w-GB1Kb)B
今夜鄜(fū)州月, 閨中只獨看。
"DSA)p0yn;s:r A0
"b*RI,A2i%V-WT&A0I’m sad to think心理学空间[ J1^d4]Ee]e-b
of my little sons and daughters,心理学空间%a'a e/D8G6i
too young to know
"xQf,U-LX"[-J0why I’m far away in Changan.心理学空间8I+t8p#j^9[
  遙憐小兒女, 未解憶長安。
Her cloud of hair
Xv a3Z:x3c"mJ/}U:Au0must be damp from the scented mist,
^$Y5O,F^3Uedv+a0her jade-white arms心理学空间4RyvZ} o yb(y
chilled as the light pours down.
TQO:s'W0  香霧雲鬟濕, 清輝玉臂寒。
SR @ |#]Q0
Vi)jNIm6c.t0When will we both心理学空间Z4Dx`I4YT
lean at the open window,
U8R6dB f-J)oS'O0drying our tears心理学空间Q#Oy W!cM\[$?
in the glow of an autumn moon?心理学空间"a;gEDxcpu*G
  何時倚虛幌(huǎng), 雙照淚痕幹。心理学空间C*H m2E?'o


mY\(B!K:IZ0On the Heights
%m.j8d;L2K0Du Fu (712-770 CE)心理学空间yGL Tqmr jUn
*e RfQ,F0心理学空间&`6]b J&U(]3hL y1| _
The wind is keen and the sky wide,心理学空间 zx,u3~` L+K
apes howl mournfully;
i+P(Z dF7P*e0the islet is clear and its sand white,心理学空间G2I(m5x1d*g_5C
birds wheel round and round.
3Uo2hD\7L-Q*Y3o F+a0風急天高猿嘯哀,渚清沙白鳥飛回。心理学空间 ~Y5b7xa$J u
心理学空间 W9bV^0O
In the boundless forest swirling leaves
_;ZSnt0p,Ws:j.\&a7}0go rustling, rustling by;心理学空间/W f Z(vk9I1N
down the endless river surging waves心理学空间:EK [!K+M ]"Z
come rolling, rolling, on.
bw ]~&aq+RO'a&O8q0  無邊落木蕭蕭下,不盡長江滾滾來。
7n#g0n?c;ii0I am a constant traveler
_2f$My!MQ2jP%_0this melancholy autumn—心理学空间3xPS'NS&H-u#[_ |
an old man now, racked by sickness,心理学空间`R/q!C#ZI1AR
I scale these heights alone.
A Pd"M H6H L u P0  萬里悲秋常作客,百年多病獨登臺。心理学空间v j;wLx.E&jFZ'a)p
This life, so hard, full of bitter pain,心理学空间/B cU$z1L
has turned my hair to frost,心理学空间x+n4I4a*z@:{
left me so poor that my last cup心理学空间 MbV*w/p@BH
of cloudy wine is gone.心理学空间l'_]0T+y'}a2EP}

TEBO xh0
心理学空间a]L7@I U[1w

Thoughts Written While Traveling By Night 心理学空间bmcI-C6_
Du Fu (712-770 CE)
^{0h#u&{Y0旅夜書懷  杜甫心理学空间Z-U4^/wV.}m/pRmk

T6g@7jVP/}0The fine grass
WH;jE T0N0by the riverbank stirs in the breeze;心理学空间/N{9XR0__9L
the tall mast
;k,z+P0vI'rE.h0in the night is a lonely sliver.心理学空间+Xr N1PMWd"Fq"`
Stars hang
G;i,]g+lT:}0all across the vast plain;心理学空间wxF}+G
the moon bobs
2s mt7F~{8e3H S0in the flow of the great river.
&bRZ2hpR1I0  星垂平野闊,月湧大江流。心理学空间p#V@yk@E
My poetry
3Yd!P su-s~)x0has not made a name for me;心理学空间(I^4zJY.r0p+u
now age and sickness心理学空间\s8P-`lU+?ZPd
have cost me the post I was given.心理学空间7K:D$s"u4I$`z
4d[ev q H$L0Drifting, drifting,心理学空间3f n*\(N'IF
what do I resemble?心理学空间l/d8wJ&sI;X
A lone gull心理学空间qz3TX\j4sU0R
lost between earth and heaven.
,`!s HHkQX Y0  飄飄何所似?天地一沙鷗。心理学空间w o4S N%Es

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