

题号 咨询师版 题号 咨客版
1 I respect them as a person.


1 They respect me as a person.


2 I want to understand how they see things.


2 They want to understand how I see things.


3 My interest in them depends on what they say or do.


3 Their interest in me depends on what I say or do.


4 I am comfortable and at ease in our relationship.


4 They are comfortable and at ease in our relationship.


5 I understand their words but I do not understand the way they feel.


5 They understand my words but do not understand the way I feel.


6 Whether they feel happy or unhappy with themselves makes no real difference to the way I feel about them.


6 Whether I am feeling happy or unhappy with myself makes no real difference to the way they feel about me.


7 I feel that I put on a role or a front with them.


7 I feel that they put on a role or a front with me.


8 I am impatient with them.


8 They are impatient with me.


9 I feel appreciation toward them.


9 They feel appreciation toward me.


10 I usually sense or realise what they are feeling.


10 They usually sense or realise what I am feeling.


11 I want them to be a particular kind of person.


11 They want me to be a particular kind of person.


12 I nearly always feel that what I say expresses exactly what I am feeling and thinking as I say it.


12 I nearly always feel that what they say expresses exactly what they are feeling and thinking as they say it.


13 I find them rather dull and uninteresting.


13 They find me rather dull and uninteresting.


14 My own attitudes towards some of the things they do or say prevents me from understanding them.


14 Their own attitude towards some of the things I do or say prevents them from understanding me.


15 They can (or could) be openly critical or appreciative of me without really making me feel any differently about them.


15 I can (or could) be openly critical or appreciative of them without really making them feel any differently about me.


16 I want them to think that I like them or understand them more than I really do.


16 They want me to think that they like me or understand me more than they really do.


17 I just tolerate them.


17 They just tolerate me.


18 I usually understand the whole of what they mean.


18 They usually understand the whole of what I mean.


19 If they show that they are angry with me, I become angry with them, too.


19 If I show that I am angry with them they become angry with me, too.


20 I express my true impressions and feelings with them.


20 They express their true impressions and feelings with me.


21 I am friendly and warm with them.


21 They are friendly and warm with me.


22 I just take no notice of some things that they think or feel.


22 They just take no notice of some things that I think or feel.


23 How much I like or dislike them is not altered by anything that they tell me about their self.


23 How much they like or dislike me is not altered by anything that I tell them about myself.


24 At times they sense that I am not aware of what I am really feeling with them.


24 At times I sense that they are not aware of what they are really feeling with me.


25 I am openly myself in our relationship.


25 They are openly their self in our relationship.


26 They seem to irritate and bother me.


26 I seem to irritate and bother them.


27 I do not realise how sensitive they are about some of the things we discuss.


27 They do not realise how sensitive I am about some of the things we discuss.


28 Whether the ideas and feelings they express are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ seems to make no difference to my feeling toward them.


28 Whether the ideas and feelings I express are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ seems to make no difference to their feeling toward me.


29 I understand them.


29 They understand me.


30 Sometimes they are more worthwhile in my eyes than they are at other times.


30 Sometimes I am more worthwhile in their eyes than I am at other times.


31 I am truly interested in them.


31 They are truly interested in me.


32 What I say to them often gives a wrong impression of my whole thought or feeling at the time.


32 What they say to me often gives a wrong impression of their whole thought or feeling at the time.


标签: 共情 

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