
FREUD 著 mints译

Equally self-revealing is the following, which Rank (1913) describes as a ‘witty slip of the tongue’.

A married woman, who enjoyed hearing anecdotes and who was said not to be altogether averse to extra-marital affairs if they were reinforced by adequate gifts, was told the following time-honoured story, not without design on his part, by a young man who was eager to obtain her favours.

One of two business friends was trying to obtain the favours of his partner’s somewhat prudish wife. In the end she consented to grant them to him in exchange for a present of a thousand gulden.

When, therefore, her husband was about to start on a journey, his partner borrowed a thousand gulden from him and promised to pay them back next day to his wife. He then, of course, paid the sum to the wife, implying that it was the reward for her favours; and she supposed she had been caught at last when her husband on his return asked for the thousand gulden and thus found insult added to injury.

When the young man reached the point in his story at which the seducer says: "I’II repay the money to your wife tomorrow", his listener interrupted with the highly revealing words: "Let me see, haven’t you repaid me that - I’m sorry - I mean told me that already?" ’

She could hardly have given a clearer indication, without actually putting it into words,of her willingness to offer herself on the same terms.

标签: 口误 

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  • 关令尹 2018-05-06 10:18
    另,有一处打字错误:I’II repay the money to your wife tomorrow.
  • 陈明 2018-05-06 21:51
    关令尹: repay和tell看上去毫无相似点。猜想repay很可能并不是tell的语误,它最初代换的对象应该是“reply”(“答应”他的要求,来上一发)。但弗氏原著用的是德文,我