自体心理学 只言片语

 Psychoanalysis is hysterical; it cannot see its own blindness.

Jeffrey Rubin



 For someone whose mind and body have been stolen, the only thing that exists is unreality and the only thing that is real does not exist.

Dorthy Levinson and George Atwood



 In the use of the concept of projective identification, the clinician does to the patient precisely what this concept tells us that the patient is doing to the clinician.

George Atwood, Robert Stolorow, and Donna Orange.


 Those who create 'systems' in psychoanalysis, their most ardent followers, and those who revel in presenting, discussing, and being discussed at psychoanalytic conferences appear, almost without exception, to be in headlong flight from profound childhood depression.

David Klugman and George Atwood


 The quintessential irony of the analytic relationship resides in the analyst who insists that the patient have a right to his or her own life, a right to develop a personal sense of freedom and agency.

William Coburn


 haiku -
Purified affects
Make the truth unspeakable:
"Please don't be angry."

Constance Brunig




 Analytic therapy eventually collapses into an arrogance-bound (and unfortunately stable) binary orbit, with the analyst's position of superior objectivity revolving around the patient's position that his or her problem is special, unique, and deserving of such attention, thereby replicating scenarios of early life (and analytic training) in which the analyst paid for parental approval and attention by a surrender of the mind.

Craig Smart and George Atwood


分析的理论最终瓦解成自大的边界(很不幸,非常牢固)形成二元的轨道,,分析师客观地处于高处 ,围着来访者转,他的问题是特殊的,唯一的,值得受到这样的关注,分析师的理智投降,付出父母般的关注和认可,从而,来访者早年生活脚本在咨询室重现。


 What we remain most unconscious of is not something that lives buried deep inside, but quite simply, the World.

Barry Magid


 Reality is so continuous and pervasive, so solid, impenetrable, inscrutable, so real, that it is virtually impossible for the mind to grasp the simple fact that what we call REALITY is an illusion, a construct, a schema devised by the mind to explain the phenomenon and mystery of life.

Floyd Arnold


 One result of psychoanalysis is that problems do not disappear from, but rather into our lives.

Barry Magid


 From having little to having nothing takes one's life away.

Ramon Riera


 If your parent ORDERS you to be independent, you should respond by saying: "If a Greek man comes up to you and says, 'all Greeks are liars, do you believe him?'"

Christopher Atwood (age 11)


 Kleinian greeting: "You feel fine,

      how am I?"

Robert Stolorow



 Solipsism is a fantasy of the traumatized.

David Klugman


本人心理学初学者,对心理学充满了学习的欲望,闲暇翻译几句国外网站上的self phychology deep thoughts,欢迎大家指正,呵呵~

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