Brain Research:发现时间折扣神经机制新证据
作者: 心理学 / 5416次阅读 时间: 2011年4月04日
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RL?FGS.h0Wxf0上述两个问题都是经济学中时间折扣(time discounting)的典型场景。顾名思义,时间折扣就是指人们会将未来获益或损失的价值打一个折扣,未来的权重低于对目前的权重。人类与动物的一个重要差异是,人类具有对未来进行计划和规划的能力。但在对未来与现在的价值进行权衡时——即跨期选择(intertemporal choice)时,如同故事“朝三暮四”中的猴子一样,人类难以避免地带有来自进化的非理性偏差:偏好即刻的价值胜于未来的更大价值。从动物到人类,从儿童到成人,这一普遍现象已被大量经济学和心理学研究所证实。近两年来,时间折扣又成为神经经济学(Neuroeconomics)领域中的一个热点和重要研究问题。

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行为决策领域的研究已经证明,在面对损失或者获得的跨期选择时,人们对未来获得的时间折扣率大于对损失的折扣率,这被叫做符号效应(sign effect)。基于这一现象,中科院自动化所蒋田仔研究员、徐丽娟、王坤博士与中科院心理所李纾研究员、梁竹苑博士后,合作进行了一项fMRI研究,首次考察并比较了获得与损失领域中时间折扣的神经机制。心理学空间2h6P%b [B



g1sC(}D.IlV|0这项研究由中科院心理研究所社会与经济行为研究中心李纾研究员与中科院自动化所蒋田仔研究员合作完成。为充分发挥双方在行为决策和神经影像领域的优势背景,双方自2006年开始神经经济学领域的合作研究。经过两年的耕耘,合作研究已开始收获喜人果实。根据上述研究结果撰写的研究报告,近期已在线发表在SCI索引期刊Brain Research。后续研究成果正在撰写中。


Z*rvq3f7Td0生物谷推荐原始出处:心理学空间C0vx h h*_E4m5gy

yH/xe+m*}Nm0Brain Research, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 6 January 2009心理学空间q5X"Xvj F r)L

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Neural Mechanism of Intertemporal Choice: From Discounting Future Gains to Future Losses心理学空间Y TT+|N(UW$_

R#A+D-n1T8R0Lijuan Xu, Zhu-Yuan Liang, Kun Wang, Shu Li, Tianzi Jiang

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Intertemporal choice, the tradeoff among outcomes occurring at different points in time, involves not only benefit options but also those associated with cost. Previous neuroimaging studies have primarily focused on discounting future gains; thus the neural mechanism underlying discounting future losses remains unidentified. Using event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging, we comprehensively investigated the neural mechanism of temporal discounting using two decision-making tasks with a symmetric pattern of gains and losses. Our results revealed that the lateral prefrontal and posterior parietal areas were activated in discounting both future gains and future losses, but their activations were stronger when discounting losses. Moreover, we found that the insula, thalamus and dorsal striatum were more activated during intertemporal choices involving losses, suggesting that the enhanced sensitivity to losses may be driven by negative emotions. In addition, whereas the posterior cingulate cortex and medial prefrontal cortex were activated when the choices included immediate options, extra regions including the anterior cingulate cortex, insula and superior frontal gyrus were preferentially activated when the choices involved immediate losses. Taken together, our findings suggest that a fronto-parietal network supports the common discounting process, and more importantly, discounting future losses and gains occurs asymmetrically in the brain. We speculate that this may provide a neural basis for the phenomenon that future losses are discounted less steeply than future gains.

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