《依恋》by Susan Goldberg
作者: Susan Goldberg博士 / 32152次阅读 时间: 2011年6月14日
来源: AboutKidsHealth

依恋第三部分:整个生命过程中的依恋心理学空间@'s8L Ao Jc%r#ei
Attachment part three: Attachment across the life span心理学空间s#W)XO7tX+_6SMd
作者:Susan Goldberg 博士
kQ RN3mPf0mints 编译

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  • 早期依恋安全的长期影响是什么?
  • 如果有的话,我们最早的依恋关系能够告诉我们,当我们成为父母的时候,会是什么样子么?
  • 而且,我们与我们的父母的依恋历史会对我们与我们的孩子的安全和幸福产生影响吗?
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有越来越多的证据表明,安全的依恋感受会以深刻和持久的方式影响一个人幸福感的许多方面,而这些结果反过来又可以传递给子孙后代。心理学空间+I? |@MN/j
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1974年,明尼苏达大学儿童发展研究院的研究人员开始了一项跨越30年的纵向研究,这项研究成为了依恋研究的里程碑。267名孕妇的原始样本,得出了大量项研究成果,指出早期关系的至关重要。在当时,这些还只是一些猜测,而现在得到了试验结果的支持。心理学空间 Uv!`c:k.V
有一年,研究人员使用陌生情境范例,对婴儿-照顾者这一整体进行了评估。其中一种儿童在他们4到5岁之间又接受了重新评估。心理学空间m:}2^F;j{J+h q5P

3.2 依恋的新衡量标准
为了评估依恋在时间线上的稳定性,研究人员开发了新的衡量标准,该方法可以用来评估较大的儿童和成人的依恋模式,并对其进行分类:心理学空间8Xn N3K;|_#b)a
  • 7岁以下的儿童通过观察程序进行评估。当儿童与其依恋对象分离后,研究人员观察,并评估婴儿在团聚时的表现——包括,情感表达、会话交流,以及微妙的肢体语言。
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  • 成人依恋访谈(Adult Attachment Interview, AAI)相当于针对成年人和青少年的陌生情境范例。 成人依恋采访最近已做调整,适合年仅7岁的儿童使用。参与者需要回答他们与其依恋对象的早期经验。依恋的安全性反应在受访者在讨论童年依恋经验的连贯程度上。研究人员需要评估这两个问题的答案,以及他们在表达过程中的举止。

R @%Z8`/[fH%T/E0利用AAI和各种观察性的衡量措施,心理学家已经制定了与四种婴儿-照顾者依恋模式相对应的分类方案。
]:L T,`^hFF+Nz._s3v03.3 学龄前和学龄期的依恋 

fd0[Id+k03.3.1 安全型依恋(secure attachment)
明尼苏达州的研究和随后的许多研究表明,对于大多数在婴儿期与其主要照顾者有着安全依恋关系的儿童而言,大多数带来了有希望的成果。在1岁时处于安全的依恋关系的儿童,在学前班里往往受同龄人的欢迎,具有弹性,足智多谋,并且与他人合作。  在6岁时,他们比那些婴儿期有不安全依恋关系的孩子更懂规矩,反应灵敏,易合作,自力更生,更具共情能力。一般来说,安全型依恋似乎是儿童和青少年情绪和行为问题的保护因素。心理学空间 br|'H {(?6B
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3.3.2 回避型依恋(avoidant attachment) 
1岁时在陌生情境范例试验中显示出回避型依恋的婴儿,在学龄前出现防御型或回避型依恋模式的风险更大,特别是有其他危险因素存在的时候。那些在婴儿期有回避型依恋模式的儿童,情感更脆弱,容易变成感情的绝缘体、敌对或反社会,从事例如偷窃,说谎,甚至欺骗的行为。与那些在婴儿期处于安全关系的孩子相比,他们更可能向成人和同龄人挑衅、被他人拒绝、更可能成为受害者。心理学空间!D,F%Q ag0Gx

c+yo%B8MO!\ Cq03.3.3 反抗型依恋(resistant attachment)
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(S|\"qs4qJ03.3.4 紊乱型依恋(disorganized attachment)
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1岁时在陌生情境范例试验中显示出紊乱型依恋的婴儿,在以后的生活中发生攻击性行为,品行障碍,分离性障碍的风险更大。分离性行为(Dissociative behaviours )包括一个人对他或她的周围环境,记忆,身份,或意识的感知崩溃。6岁时,紊乱型依恋已经变得有组织了,但变成了一种由孩子,而不是照顾者对控制负责的模式。这些儿童通过羞辱和拒绝照顾者,或者通过关注和保护来控制、胁迫,或支配他们的照顾者。

  • 控制-照顾型儿童( controlling-caregiving child),他们或是取悦照顾者,或是安慰照顾者,而照顾者通常对孩子经常出现的夸大的积极情绪表现出有限的回应。

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  • 控制-惩罚型儿童(controlling-punitive-child)对满足其要求的照顾者,通常表现出有敌意的行为。
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3.3.5 其他不安全型(insecure-other)
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3.4 青少年和成人依恋 
3.4.1 自主型(Autonomous attachment)
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3.4.2 先占型依恋(preoccupied attachment)
先占型依恋的分类与婴儿期的不安全依恋类型相对应。被归类为先占型依恋的个人,会非常专注地纠结在儿童期的细节之中,但是,他们很难对自己的过去提供一个清晰的概述。 心理学空间s+Qk+A)|B5U

#X'F1r$|:Z+L03.4.3 拒绝型依恋(Dismissing patterns of attachment)
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!`,F,fl$D&?03.4.4 未解决型依恋(Unresolved attachment)
未解决型依恋与婴儿期的紊乱型依恋最相近,其特点是对过去的重大丧失或创伤缺乏决心。被划分为未解决型依恋的人们,可能会对死亡或创伤感到困惑,对死亡的永久性感到困惑,或对死去的人或施虐者有一种着魔感。心理学空间!b"[ YcTI
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3.5 依恋模式的的稳定性与改变 
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RK3ynK a0家庭生活方式项目(The Family Lifestyles Project )是一项基于加州大学展开的持续的纵向研究。该研究从婴儿期到19岁期间进行跟踪调查。研究发现,婴儿期的依恋是预测青春期依恋安全性的重要因素。心理学空间 ~X;_0M/U)[
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z&t H `5MSX03.6 亲密关系 

~B sG2d|L0我们已经看到了依恋安全如何持续的影响着一个人成年期的生活和核心方面,这些影响又如何影响了人们生活中重要关系的质量。虽然没有多少纵向研究把婴儿-照顾者依恋与成人的亲密关系联系起来,有一些证据表明,婚姻的满意度可能与AAI的依恋分类有关。与夫妻双方都是自主型依恋的的夫妇相比,有一个不安全型依恋伴侣的婚姻会出现较多的冲突。夫妻双方都属于不安全型依恋,其结果是导致更大的冲突。在已经订婚和结婚的夫妇中,与自主性依恋女性相比,不安全型女性更多的报告了来自伴侣的言语和身体的攻击,以及遗弃威胁。
3.7 传递给孩子们的依恋模式
4@T1RYP.J ?0因此,有自主型依恋的成年人往往会以一贯的的安慰方式对他们婴儿的痛苦做出反应。和父母之间存在拒绝型和先占型依恋关系的成年人,作为照顾者时,更有可能与其被照顾对象分别产生拒绝型或不连贯型的依恋关系,因此,更有可能与他们的婴儿有不安全的依恋关系。
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儿童医院的Diane Benoit和金士顿总医院的Kevin Parker 对依恋分类跨代之间的遗传程度感兴趣。他们发现,在怀孕期间收集的母亲的依恋分类中,有82%的病例能够使成功地预测她们的婴儿在12月时的依恋分类。三代跨代研究显示,65%的外祖母-母亲-婴儿三代之间有互相响应的依恋分类。这一发现扩展了早期依恋安全中业已深远的影响。
;p.q ~/})cE|0对依恋模式的于稳定性和改变的持续性的研究,将为人类的这一关键领域提供更多的信息。心理学空间6mRi0TDY6T-d

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Diane Benoit, MD, FRCPC
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Sheri Madigan, PhD, C.Psych (监督实践)
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1X g.v:}{b0Benoit D, Parker KCH. Stability and transmission of attachment across three generations. Child Development. 1994;65:1444-1456.心理学空间4I~"t(R9f
Waters E, Hamilton CE,Weinfield NS. The stability of attachment security from infancy to adolescence and early adulthood: General introduction. Child Development. 2000;71(3),678-683.心理学空间jY1\f;B R


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For Bowlby, the founder of attachment theory, attachment involved much more than an infant’s response to separation. Infant separation and reunion behaviours were just a preview of things to come; one indication of an underlying pattern of expectations about the self, others and the world which would continue to evolve and persist throughout adulthood. 心理学空间&] U_8b%sj e6V~4e

RL w P q Zb0Bowlby’s ideas were revolutionary and controversial, generating a flurry of questions; what were the long-term implications of early attachment security? What, if anything, do our earliest attachment relationships tell us about the kind of parents we will become? And can our attachment history with our parents affect the security and well-being of our own children?


/uC DE2CSD QM0Continuing attachment research is providing answers to these fundamental questions. There is mounting evidence that security of attachment can affect many aspects of a person’s well-being in profound and enduring ways, and that these outcomes can in turn be conveyed to future generations.

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Beyond infancy

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In 1974, researchers at the Institute of Child Development at the University of Minnesota began a longitudinal study that would span three decades and prove to be a landmark in attachment research. From an original sample of 267 expectant mothers came a multitude of findings pointing to the critical importance of early relationships. What was once speculation now had empirical support. 心理学空间 dOevG,@-x%e;W"s`

TS'G+Tw+C*U.@ G6j0Infant-caregiver pairs were assessed at one year using the Strange Situation Paradigm. A group of children were re-assessed between the ages of four and five. Months of intensive observation revealed that the majority of children classified as secure at one year of age scored higher on measures of self-esteem, responded more positively to other children and had better social skills than children in insecure attachment relationships.


New measures of attachment

$I1pn5~_f2t0In order to assess the stability of attachment over time, researchers developed new measures that could evaluate and classify attachment patterns in older children and adults: 心理学空间W2h'lKLQ

  • Children up to seven years of age are assessed using observational procedures. Following separations between children and attachment figures, affective expressions, conversational exchanges and subtle body language are observed and evaluated during reunions.
  • The Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) is the adult and adolescent equivalent of the Strange Situation Paradigm. The AAI has recently been adapted for use with children as young as seven years old. Participants are asked about early experiences with attachment figures. Attachment security is reflected by the degree to which respondents coherently discuss childhood attachment experiences. Both the answers and the manner in which they are expressed are evaluated.

With the AAI and various observational measures, classifications schemes that correspond to the four infant-caregiver attachment patterns have been developed. 心理学空间+UoY2cYQ

Preschool and school aged attachment

3oD(^0Siq0The Minnesota studies and many that followed showed promising outcomes for most children who were in secure attachment relationships with their primary caregiver during infancy. Children who were in secure attachment relationships at one year of age tend to be popular with peers, resilient, resourceful and cooperative in preschool. By age six, they are more compliant, responsive, cooperative, self-reliant and empathic than those who were in insecure attachment relationships in infancy. In general, secure attachment appears to act as a protective factor against emotional and behavioural problems in childhood and adolescence. 心理学空间B!r2rS qO"M

"_9^W?P%v;C!p)q0Infants who display avoidant attachment in the Strange Situation Paradigm at one year are at greater risk for a defended or avoidant attachment patterns during preschool; especially in the presence of other risk factors. Children who were in avoidant attachment relationships during infancy are vulnerable to becoming emotionally insulated, hostile or anti-social; engaging in activities such as stealing, lying or cheating. They are more likely to provoke adults and peers into rejecting them and are more likely to victimize others than those who were in secure relationships during infancy.


$o~?K&a@0Children who display resistant attachment at one year of age tend to be dependent during the preschool years. Dependent children spend a disproportionate amount of time seeking attention from adults. They may be easily frustrated or passive and helpless. Like infants in resistant attachment relationships, dependent children are preoccupied with the caregiver at the expense of other activities.心理学空间-d m S"Hu0O

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Children who show disorganized patterns of attachment in the Strange Situation Paradigm at one year of age have the greatest risk of aggressive behaviour, conduct disorder and dissociative behaviours later in life. Dissociative behaviours involve a breakdown in a person’s perception of their surroundings, memory, identity or consciousness.

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By age six, disorganized attachment has become organized but into a pattern where the child, rather than the caregiver takes responsibility for control. These children control, coerce or dominate their caregiver either by humiliating and rejecting them or by being attentive and protective. The controlling-caregiving child entertains or comforts the caregiver who usually shows limited emotion in response to the child’s often exaggerated positive emotions. The controlling-punitive-child behaves in a hostile manner toward the caregiver who usually complies with the child’s requests. 心理学空间s$|(n-})zK


A final childhood attachment classification, insecure-other, includes children who show insecurity but do not fit into the other categories. These children tend to show a mixture of avoidant and dependent strategies. 心理学空间8P9X9{#_6[q(v)P,EB

Adolescent and adult attachment

d&B oZff9wF0Autonomous attachment in adolescence and adulthood corresponds to the infant-caregiver secure attachment pattern in infancy. These individuals can recognize both the limitations and positive qualities of childhood attachment figures. Individuals classified as autonomous value relationships, are often forgiving of less than optimal caregiving, are at peace with imperfections in themselves and others and are coherent and objective in describing their childhood experiences. 心理学空间 cK;o+bQz#yj!O"g

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The classification of preoccupied attachment corresponds to insecure resistant attachment in infancy. Individuals classified as preoccupied get very entangled in the details of childhood but find it difficult to provide a clear overview of their past. They tend to be preoccupied with early experiences, often appearing overly concerned with trying to please their parents. Adults and adolescents classified as preoccupied are not at peace with imperfections in themselves or others. 心理学空间c2T4U|&q(Xe

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Dismissing patterns of attachment corresponds most closely with insecure-avoidant attachment in infancy. In responding to the AAI, these individuals tend to say little about childhood attachment experiences often providing only short, minimally informative answers and insisting upon an inability to recall while often presenting an overly positive account of early childhood experiences. They also minimize the impact of key relationships from their past.

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Unresolved attachment, which corresponds most closely to disorganized attachment in infancy, is characterized by a lack of resolution of mourning of a significant loss or trauma. Individuals who are classified as unresolved in their attachment style may show confusion surrounding a death or trauma, confusion about the permanency of a death, or a sense of being possessed by the deceased person or abuser.


Stability and change in attachment patterns

C | F~$?(z8`0Attachment theory assumes that attachment patterns can endure across the lifespan. The adoption of a particular attachment strategy in infancy generally predicts a specific developmental trajectory that carries on throughout a person’s life. Definitive evidence confirming the stability of attachment would require intensive life-time follow-up procedures. At present, there are less comprehensive, often mixed, but nevertheless valuable findings.


"S2^$ke:xNk0The Family Lifestyles Project is an ongoing longitudinal study based at the University of California. Following children from infancy to 19 years of age, attachment during infancy was found to be a significant predictor of attachment security during adolescence. 心理学空间h\Xk']/a a'S

?%U3h.|N%n"u3r0In contrast to these findings, a sample of 57 high risk young adults showed no significant continuity of attachment style between infancy and adulthood. The sample consisted of a subset of participants from the Minnesota Mother-Child Project, an ongoing longitudinal study of children at risk for poor developmental outcomes. Continuity of attachment depended on specific conditions of adversity. Infants who suffered from maltreatment and had insecure attachment relationships with their primary caregiver were more likely to remain insecure. Infants in insecure attachment relationships who became secure as young adults, known as earned secure, were more likely to have better family functioning at age 13. And finally, infants who received secure attachment classifications in the Strange Situation Paradime and received insecure classifications in later years, were more likely to have depressed mothers.

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Another 20-year longitudinal study, based in Minneapolis, looked specifically at the impact of negative life events on the stability of attachment. Of the participants who had experienced significant loss or stress, 44% changed attachment classifications from infancy to early adulthood, in contrast to the only 22% of individuals who did not experience negative life events. 心理学空间#g${bp|svk

Intimate relationships

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We have seen how attachment security can continue to influence core aspects of a person’s life well into adulthood. How do these effects in turn affect the quality of significant relationships in people’s lives? Although there is little longitudinal research linking infant-caregiver attachment and adult intimate relationships, there is some evidence to suggest that marital satisfaction can be related to a person’s attachment classification on the AAI. Couples with one insecure partner experience more conflict than couples with both autonomous partners; two insecure partners result in the greatest degree of conflict. Among engaged and married couples, insecure women report more verbal and physical aggression and threats of abandonment from partners compared to couples in which the women are autonomous.


The transmission of attachment to our children


The quality of our intimate relationships can play a role in our ability to be effective parents for our children. As well, there is evidence to suggest that a person’s parenting style can mimic the style to which they were exposed as infants. Thus, adults with autonomous attachment tend to consistently respond in comforting ways to their infants’ distress. Adults who had dismissing and preoccupied attachment relationships with their parents are more likely to be rejecting or inconsistent respectively as caregivers, thus perpetuating the likelihood of insecure attachment in their infants.

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Diane Benoit from the Hospital for Sick Children and Kevin Parker from Kingston General Hospital were interested in the degree to which attachment classification extended across generations. They found that mothers’ attachment classifications, collected during pregnancy successfully predicted their infants’ classification at twelve months in 82% of cases. Looking across three generations, 65% of the grandmother-mother-infant triads had corresponding attachment classifications in all three generations. This finding extends the already far-reaching implications of early attachment security. 心理学空间w2NEQ{|

(rFI&G!}'[9F p0In line with Bowlby’s vision of attachment as a lifespan construct, there is mounting evidence that the long-term effects of early attachment relationships can be far-reaching. Our attachment history can affect our emotional well-being which in turn can influence our friendships, our choice of significant others and the quality of our romantic relationships. The strength of core relationships affects the kind of caregivers we become and ultimately our own children’s sense of security and emotional well-being.

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Continuing research on stability and change in attachment patterns will shed more light on this critical area of human development.

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In Attachment part four: Caregiver and child influences on attachment we will explore the particular child and caregiver characteristics that contribute to attachment security during development.心理学空间,e2TA nxC+c7f&a@jlU

«依恋模式的代际传递性 依恋理论与心智化