潜意识中的诱导行为 (非裔美国人在刻板印象威胁和智力测试中的表现)
作者: Malcolm Gladwell / 10747次阅读 时间: 2012年11月02日
来源: 《眨眼之间》 标签: 刻板印象 心理学家
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网潜意识中的诱导行为心理学空间S(b@ }4t8v [GR

心理学家克劳德·斯蒂尔(Claude Steele)和乔舒亚·阿伦森(Joshua Aronson)开发了一个比以上实验更加极端的版本。他们选取的实验对象是数名黑人大学生,道具则是从美国研究生入学考试(GRE)中抽取的20道题。按照要求,学生们在试前问卷上填写了所属人种,这一简单的动作就足以诱导他们联想到所有与美国黑人有关的消极形象,而他们的成绩以及答对题目的数量都削减了一半。心理学空间4a*VR*ab5Hq:X+L-}d

M+i.}r SY*y0在当今社会,我们认为考试是考生能力和知识的可靠指标,因此将寄予考试以重托。但事实果真如此吗?如果在学术能力评估测试(SAT)中,一位出身名牌私立高中的白人学生的分数高于一位来自公立学校的黑人学生,那么这到底是因为白人学生着实更加优秀呢,还是因为身为白人又出身名校的学生时常头顶着“天资聪颖”的光环呢?






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#pl5T!Q0hb F0不难看出,这些实验的结果很值得我们警醒:我们一直看成自由意志的东西,在很大程度上只是个幻象。我们往往一直处在“自动驾驶”的心理状态中,我们的思考和行为方式,以及在紧急关头思考与行动的能力,比我们想象的要更易受到外部环境的影响。但与此同时我也认为,潜意识悄无声息的运作方式有其不容忽略的优势。在做上文中那个穿插着有关衰老字眼的乱句重组测试时,你在每个句子上各用了多长时间呢?依我看,每个句子的用时不会多过几秒钟吧。这速度已经挺快了,而你之所以能迅速完成测试,原因就在于你能够排除干扰,做到心无旁骛。如果你一直把心思花在单词列表中可能存在的规律上,那么,想要这么迅速地完成任务就试比登天了,因为你的思想没有集中。诚然,测试中涉及衰老的信息改变了你走出房间的速度,但这是件坏事吗?你的潜意识只是在通知身体:我察觉到了一些线索,我们正处于一个与衰老有所关联的环境中,让我们“随遇而安”,按环境需要而行动吧。如此说来,你的潜意识就像一个心理世界的仆从,精心照料着你思维生活中微妙的细枝末节,密切关注着你周围发生的一切,竭力确保你能够随机应变,同时给予你足够的自由空间,以便将注意力集中于亟待处理的事宜。 心理学空间-\Yldz1iG-q



Steele, C.M., & Aronson, J. (1995). Stereotype Threat and the intellectual test-performance of African-Americans. 


:x\pc&cE]#olW0Journal of personality and Social Psychology, 69 (5): 797-811.心理学空间pR6|8UMghm$G

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 Although the processes of stereotype activation and resulting patterns of prejudice had been heavily researched by the 1990’s, scientific explanation for the real differences in performance between racial and gender groups was lacking. Thus, the tradition of blaming group disparities on inherent differences between blacks and whites or men and women was still being echoed late into the twentieth century. Steele & Aronson’s (1995) research on Stereotype Threat was a sharp departure from this tradition. In what became a landmark study, black and white participants took a scholatic aptitude test, which was framed as either diagnostic of intellectual ability or as non-indicative of ability. Scores for participants in the ability condition reflected typical black/white disparities, but critically, scores from the non-ability condition did not: blacks performed just as well as whites. Additional manipulations in the study found that racial disparities in performance resulted from participants’ fears that they may confirm negative stereotypes about their group, and that this threat led to a decrease in performance. As such, even the mere salience of a stereotype could negatively impact performance when the related task could confirm or disconfirm the stereotype.


f5r)U#Nroi0This is a classic article in social psychology as it was the first scientific research to show that differences in racial group performance are at least partially the result of social influence. The theory of Stereotype Threat has been repeatedly validated and replicated with many other social groups which are negatively stereotyped in specific domains (including women’s performance in math and white men’s athletic performance).www.psychspace.com心理学空间网
TAG: 刻板印象 心理学家
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