作者: BION / 7457次阅读 时间: 2010年3月07日
来源: bps 标签: Bion BION
www.psychspace.com心理学空间网心理学空间![Vj zw6g ^&bCw

,m e"qAJ ?A3q \0Part 1 – List of volumes心理学空间 |5Q!{o5YaP ~
   WRB 1 Experiences in Groups and Other Papers London: Tavistock Publications and New York: Routledge1961
,m-PDmEtDz|0      reprinted Hove: Brunner-Routledge 2001心理学空间$Lp#M Vh&y RZ
   WRB 2 Learning from Experience London: William Heinemann Medical Books 1962
/O\^:_pr0      reprinted in Seven Servants with WRB3, WRB4 & WRB6 New York: Aronson 1977
#Yp+\A[ l0@|K\"l V0      reprinted London: Karnac Books 1984
d4RY1i7q1Ix0   WRB 3 Elements of Psycho-Analysis London: William Heinemann Medical Books 1963心理学空间,H] cE a8P
      reprinted in Seven Servants with WRB2, WRB4 & WRB6 New York: Aronson 1977心理学空间&}Q8e g;RH7Kg
      reprinted London: Karnac Books 1984
@ l5w?+KGQhC0   WRB 4 Transformations London: William Heinemann Medical Books 1965心理学空间 p2\1f;W][Vb*k
      reprinted in Seven Servants with WRB2, WRB3 & WRB6 New York: Aronson 1977
6IBqjJ A-L1I0      reprinted London: Karnac Books 1984心理学空间~yHe\3g$ri
   WRB 5 Second Thoughts: Selected Papers on Psycho-Analysis London: William Heinemann心理学空间zDMg1`@N#@^K
      Medical Books 1967 reprinted London: Karnac Books 1984
+Xx.~2Zig^E0   WRB 6 Attention and Interpretation London: Tavistock Publications 1970心理学空间W8} [k!?/B
      reprinted in Seven Servants with WRB2, WRB3 & WRB4 New York: Aronson 1977
"PBF8wZ b&]{xQ0      reprinted London: Karnac Books1984心理学空间"~W9yg2y-e
   WRB 7 Bion’s Brazilian Lectures 1 – São Paulo Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora 1973
%t;x:zzs5P0      reprinted in Brazilian Lectures (revised & corrected ed.) with WRB 8 in one volume London: Karnac Books 1990
;XWy E6U0   WRB 8 Bion’s Brazilian Lectures 2 – Rio de Janeiro/São Paulo Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora 1974
/LJ1u@jX BA0      reprinted in Brazilian Lectures (revised & corrected ed.) with WRB 7 in one volume London: Karnac Books 1990心理学空间"L:e:d'Y(un-_ O}
   WRB 9 A Memoir of the Future Book 1 – The Dream Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora 1975心理学空间L0y?c/U&N
      reprinted in A Memoir of the Future (revised & corrected edition) with WRB 10,WRB 13 & WRB 15 in one volume London: Karnac Books 1991心理学空间Dcx![It`
   WRB10 A Memoir of the Future Book 2 – The Past Presented Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora 1977心理学空间)T}q]Dzk?@h(\N
      reprinted in A Memoir of the Future (revised & corrected edition) with WRB 9,WRB 13 & WRB 15 in one volume London: Karnac Books 1991
Id(w;W!S-t,i)FM-?n0   WRB11 Two Papers: The Grid and Cæsura Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora 1977心理学空间.f9Dn"o)i}C0B
      reprinted (revised and corrected edition) London: Karnac Books 1989心理学空间1HW7q;OMI
   WRB12 Four Discussions with W.R. Bion Perthshire: Clunie Press 1978心理学空间eKO dt1p;p
      reprinted in Clinical Seminars and other works with WRB 18 in one volume (edited by Francesca Bion) London: Karnac Books 2000
yE ^\RcP[`3C0   WRB13 A Memoir of the Future Book 3 The Dawn of Oblivion Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora 1977
)c/i3Bm'?:]"G8L0      reprinted in A Memoir of the Future (revised & corrected edition) with WRB 9,WRB 10 & WRB 15 in one volume London: Karnac Books 1991心理学空间d;?@1BF|n2N0gI
   WRB14 Bion in New York and São Paulo Perthshire: Clunie Press 1980心理学空间*UKb? e H dQ
   WRB15 A Key to A Memoir of the Future Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora 1977
:xL q3z`$fIQ0      reprinted in A Memoir of the Future (revised & corrected edition) with WRB 9,WRB 10 & WRB 13 in one volume London: Karnac Books 1991
enMMB@/s\m5u0   WRB16 The Long Weekend: 1897-1919 (Part of a Life) (edited by Francesca Bion) Abingdon: Fleetwood Press 1982 Reprinted London: Free Association Books 1986
:_P.W9Yj#t#o;}S0      reprinted London: Karnac Books 1991心理学空间 rU%\8J~r
   WRB17 All My Sins Remembered: Another part of a Life and The Other Side of Genius: Family Letters (edited by Francesca Bion) Abingdon: Fleetwood Press 1985心理学空间qsUza,e!@
      reprinted London: Karnac Books 1991心理学空间b$f5bw?+Xa7_
   WRB18 Clinical Seminars and Four Papers Abingdon: Fleetwood Press 1987心理学空间"j;{7g7JM
      reprinted in Clinical Seminars and other works with WRB 12 in one volume(edited by Francesca Bion) London: Karnac Books 2000心理学空间;dX Q"OQajj
   WRB19 Cogitations (edited by Francesca Bion) London: Karnac Books 1992new extended edition London: Karnac Books 1994
o[.L5p8c"]\pi0   WRB20 Taming Wild Thoughts (edited by Francesca Bion) London: Karnac Books 1997心理学空间aTn6at
   WRB21 War Memoirs 1917-1919 (edited by Francesca Bion) London: Karnac Books 1997
kK\h#G"nd,r0   WRB22 Clinical Seminars and other works (edited by Francesca Bion) London: Karnac Books 2000[single volume edition containing Four Discussions with W.R.Bion (WRB 12) and Clinical Seminars and Four Papers (WRB 18)]
sftg1e+?0   WRB23 The Italian Seminars (edited by Francesca Bion and transl. from the Italian by Philip Slotkin)心理学空间0Z&C"VX d}`
      London: Karnac Books 2005 [earlier edition Seminari Italiani: Testo Completo dei
2P.B)H1FL8h|)U0      Seminari tenuti da W.R.Bion a Roma. Edizioni Borla 1985]心理学空间M7L\ @Af a n6Mi
   WRB24 The Tavistock Seminars (edited by Francesca Bion) London: Karnac Books 2005心理学空间,{1F k1b5\4J*l8Ne
心理学空间s h:d(`a+S u
Part 2 - Chronological
R9I]anUMf3W)z01940 War of Nerves, The in The Neuroses in War ed. Miller & Crichton-Miller (pp 180-200)
h~I-RZ s4_C0    London, Macmillan 1940
'P-HIze%@01943 Intra-group tensions in therapy (with Rickman, J.)心理学空间{t!H2BC {4?&C,W
   Lancet 2: 678/781 – Nov.27 ’43 WRB 1 pp 11-26心理学空间EUgu-hsZ4s&QCP#}$N
1946 Northfield Experiment [The] (with Bridger, H. and Main, T.)心理学空间$O'y5zn1^ Q/_0j[#Ey1s
   Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 10: 71-76心理学空间 PR+? H3`g~
1946b Leaderless Group Project心理学空间Pa^RQS5k7wn6M R v"r
   Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 10: 77-81
'nO:VQ8OL'wJL2n[!?01948a Psychiatry in a time of crisis
HE.{"[ ^nK0   Br.Jnl. Med.Psy. XXI: 81-89
W(Uu._4lmi(|01948b Experiences in Groups I
LfNPh0   Human Relations I: 314-320 WRB 1 pp 29-40
/[ |4p%^^jSE01948c Experiences in Groups II心理学空间4j7VN%GwR9U`G!p#]
   Human Relations I: 487-496 WRB 1 pp-41-58心理学空间_i;h flZ
1948d Untitled paper read at the Int. Cong. on Mental Health London 1948. pubd. in
.C"wP2A{`Hz0   Vol.III Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical心理学空间l%b1o2m2a#v;W:a$d
   Psychotherapy 106-109 London, H.K.Lewis & N.Y., Columbia U.P. 1948
o C;P;PWG"mh01949a Experiences in Groups III
2a*LOp6~0   Human Relations 2: 13-22 WRB 1 pp 59-75
n4xCI5p/Eu)Uy01949b Experiences in Groups IV心理学空间X*P"TOc]7hz}.t
   Human Relations 2: 295-303 WRB 1 pp 77-91
*?([Bp&~01950a Experiences in Groups V
)O!AhNo!_%tF t0   Human Relations 3: 3-14 WRB 1 pp 93-114
%r;jQR8a*q$f'S01950b Experiences in Groups VI心理学空间(toY/mJ7Z
   Human Relations 3: 395-402 WRB 1 pp 115-126
}?1ia k2w R5M01950c Imaginary Twin, The心理学空间 ^cf {q
   read to Br.PsA Soc Nov 1 ’50 . WRB 5 pp 3-22心理学空间D'e5_)Nra/rR
1951 Experiences in Groups VII
a+w%]K}Lr0   Human Relations 4: 221-227 WRB 1 pp 127-137
D.v v4Wl-d}C/B01952 Group Dynamics: a review.心理学空间%eK I2Zoc-C
   IJP 33: 235-247
-u9Q_9Z;`6hd0   also in New Directions in Psychoanalysis ed. Klein, M. et al心理学空间c X4Ln*GZk#pz
   pp. 440-477 Tavistock Publ. London 1955 WRB 1 pp 141-191心理学空间M }Y%h-tb r&W
1954 Notes on the Theory of Schizophrenia心理学空间;i3h1a WR.eoF
   IJP 35: 113-118 WRB 5 pp 23-35
b.N)_0T1B01955 Language and the Schizophrenic心理学空间3o#uWm*O)}T9VR
   in New Directions in Psychoanalysis ed. Klein, M. et al心理学空间1g,G*kUT0a G2m3z |
   pp. 200-239 Tavistock Publ. London 1955
|]'} };[2EMWB{01956 Development of Schizophrenic Thought, The心理学空间n#?fI7k{a];R
   IJP 37: 344-346 WRB 5 pp 36-42
)gCZI0R!_01957a Differentiation of the Psychotic from the non-Psychotic personalities, the心理学空间w}#Nx t Pk]3N
   IJP 38: 266-275 WRB 5 pp 43-64心理学空间0\*G,W,b DNk
1957b On Arrogance
y)FF1u:xVy6}x5J0   IJP 39: 144-146 WRB 5 pp 86-92心理学空间7N4q3vX A0O5{i7J.^w
1958 On Hallucination心理学空间SJ9s9s7el s"H
   IJP 39: 341-349 WRB 5 pp 65-85心理学空间df+T*j'C&HU
1959 Attacks on Linking
1bf^JY L'qL0   IJP 40: 308-315 WRB 5 pp 93-109
0c0pUo)h2A*E01961 Melanie Klein – Obituary (with Herbert Rosenfeld and Hanna Segal)心理学空间BXd L)?D e{
   IJP 42: 4-8
aA0d0K'J ]^\01962 Psychoanalytic Study of Thinking, the
m v.sY4c7j0   IJP 43: 306-310 (pub’d as A Theory of Thinking) WRB 5 pp 110-119心理学空间OXy+g:e&tB
1963 The Grid WRB 20 pp. 6-21心理学空间D juO D_+v-g
1966(a) Catastrophic Change心理学空间7\YhyEu9f Bi
   Bulletin of the Br. PsA Soc #5心理学空间|I9?+aq_G0U
1966(b) Medical Orthodoxy and the Future of Psycho-analysis K.Eissler. New York, I.U.P. 1965 (review)
6Xw+NI ]Gk0   IJP 47: 575-579
7x0@,Z0Z\s01966(c) Sexual Behavior and the Law ed. R.Slovenko. Springfield, Thomas 1964 (review)心理学空间7z;ui-v&pQ"yDo } R9g
   IJP 47: 579-581
EzN(vjby)|01967 Notes on Memory and Desire心理学空间x"zUb:p0}`
   Psychoanalytic Forum 11/3: 271-280. Reprinted in Melanie Klein Today Vol.2 –心理学空间0[P8~8Szp
   Mainly Practice: 17-21 ed. E.Bott Spillius London Routledge 1988
\6p\t}G:w'm+h01976a Evidence心理学空间$_,m+La5o@{"_ S
   Bulletin of the Br.PsA Soc 1976 WRB 18 pp 313-320
csqIp/b5oU01976b Interview with A.G.Banet Jr. Los Angeles, 1976心理学空间`ko.B G
   Group and Organisation Studies vol.1 No.3: 268-285 WRB24 pp 97-114心理学空间iH-^G`GtG k
1977a Quotation from Freud (on a)
t1\C4|{&l0   in Borderline Personality Disorders ed. P.Hartocollis. New York I.U.P. 1977 WRB 18 pp 306-311
1Lrg7`)Qd[6c01977b Emotional Turbulence
R]Q;f;x0   in Borderline Personality Disorders ed. P.Hartocollis. New York I.U.P. 1977 WRB 18 pp 295-305心理学空间D[!E S$N+W\ Gk~
1977c Seven Servants (with an introduction by W.R. Bion) containing Elements of Psycho-Analysis,心理学空间s1?c"E2r
   Learning from Experience, Transformations, Attention and Interpretation心理学空间x:N'@\!f5V;Gp
   New York: Aronson
}q2p4jF0JL'}01978 Seminar held in Paris, July 10th 1978 (unpublished in English) published in French
_gM{NM0   Revue Psychotherapie Psychanalytique de Groupe 1986
B&a!zp V)b9Y(L*w [J01979 Making the best of a Bad Job
,`*h\ o(hiQ~0   Bulletin of the Br.PsA Soc 1979 WRB 18 pp 321-331
LF Au'I9\F8mj1~0心理学空间 ~6vz;o-_V
Part 3 - Alphabetical
xVoU8F!i/s01959 Attacks on Linking
A-Jgl)S'Y1q0   IJP 40: 308-315 WRB 5 pp 93-109心理学空间.fB,~Td0\@
1966 Catastrophic Change心理学空间 @ S&m-SK7LtN7u
   Bulletin of the Br. PsA Soc #5心理学空间rz:V7hw4V
1956 Development of Schizophrenic Thought, The
r2Y1k"j ~ D0   IJP 37: 344-346 WRB 5 pp 36-42
6fUF-X9I.d"q AU01957a Differentiation of the Psychotic from the non-Psychotic personalities, the
0j'q%^H1f L-S7CN t0   IJP 38: 266-275 WRB 5 pp 43-64
!fp[/g"Ylz01977b Emotional Turbulence
v?!|)E\:vyu-f0   in Borderline Personality Disorders ed. P.Hartocollis. New York I.U.P. 1977 WRB 18 pp 295-305心理学空间N kX-cr7iQ
1976a Evidence心理学空间jy5\]p;F!w1f
   Bulletin of the Br.PsA Soc 1976 WRB 18 pp 313-320
U"R8M7`(p f'II01948b Experiences in Groups I心理学空间S2{Wh\{
   Human Relations I: 314-320 WRB 1 pp 29-40
*J7KH-U#A BA"lr01948c Experiences in Groups II
n`W3K-y,o'] L5r0   Human Relations I: 487-496 WRB 1 pp-41-58
Dpn9JEg"Ch*hX01949a Experiences in Groups III
i3C8{?s7ec6A0   Human Relations 2: 13-22 WRB 1 pp 59-75
b Hn4|4O*K:i_01949b Experiences in Groups IV
!p Z|Y7h)E?7E0   Human Relations 2: 295-303 WRB 1 pp 77-91心理学空间H\}a,I/snQ
1950a Experiences in Groups V心理学空间1Z$DLN0E P1C ?bB
   Human Relations 3: 3-14 WRB 1 pp 93-114心理学空间L;l J;AUi9A
1950b Experiences in Groups VI
4|&nQ6RdI7T1A#Hr0   Human Relations 3: 395-402 WRB 1 pp 115-126心理学空间J)z6ryD |
1951 Experiences in Groups VII
.wnW\ }j\ih0   Human Relations 4: 221-227 WRB 1 pp 127-137心理学空间5_vM"~t5L4~$UW
1963 Grid, The WRB 20 pp. 6-21心理学空间g+XNT1H'c ~
1952 Group Dynamics: a review.
;H4O%J%NTWk-\:E s0   IJP 33: 235-247心理学空间t(G{#D ~L8i(H-{O
   also in New Directions in Psychoanalysis ed. Klein, M. et al心理学空间/At4? G([},vd;e
   pp. 440-477 Tavistock Publ. London 1955 WRB 1 pp 141-191心理学空间7m*zV+i%L8Q!__
1950c Imaginary Twin, The
JA be0H(`gJ{0   read to Br.PsA Soc Nov 1 ’50 . WRB 5 pp 3-22
{S1d dI\A4r h(S01976b Interview with A.G.Banet Jr. Los Angeles, April 1976心理学空间/Z2?Pn:c^o_7^W
   Group and Organisation Studies vol.1 No.3: 268-285 WRB24 pp 97-114
V+doy:t*G{01943 Intra-group tensions in therapy (with Rickman, J.)心理学空间%{_ gE(oR
   Lancet 2: 678/781 – Nov.27 ’43 WRB 1 pp 11-26心理学空间)M(nBsJ-]Le
1955 Language and the Schizophrenic心理学空间ql wm O8S y
   in New Directions in Psychoanalysis ed. Klein, M. et al
IG}0N.[/{0   pp. 200-239 Tavistock Publ. London 1955
S(^l*gN,L01946b Leaderless Group Project心理学空间E o8RZNR(T
   Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 10: 77-81
Qh;xM;b?(J'yu ]01979 Making the best of a Bad Job
'a3?fe B`0   Bulletin of the Br.PsA Soc 1979 WRB 18 pp 321-331
}`|J KM01966(b) Medical Orthodoxy and the Future of Psycho-analysis K.Eissler. New York, I.U.P. 1965 (review)心理学空间 e;x8s _,{ Jf m
I  JP 47: 575-579心理学空间4Kz1df!I'?3X O:C%K
1961 Melanie Klein – Obituary (with Herbert Rosenfeld and Hanna Segal
%IMmHY:?n(Iu0   IJPsA 42: 4-8
es#o Jl ptO01967 Notes on Memory and Desire
,U'f5\h$P*]7CFDJ e0   Psychoanalytic Forum 11/3: 271-280. Reprinted in Melanie Klein Today Vol.2 –心理学空间 NKu.}2q:k
   Mainly Practice: 17-21 ed. E.Bott Spillius London Routledge 1988心理学空间 n{/J|4|-i
1954 Notes on the Theory of Schizophrenia
NX?v7Q0   IJP 35: 113-118 WRB 5 pp 23-35心理学空间&{'K[ }FHW8v
1946a Northfield Experiment [The] (with Bridger, H. and Main, T.)心理学空间1Abz[3C0xm
   Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 10: 71-76
?;IXA2q |01957b On Arrogance
llk_G!m{oT0   IJP 39: 144-146 WRB 5 pp 86-92心理学空间^[mM u6E
1958 On Hallucination心理学空间2V5`h3aU$A)t&n,F
   IJP 39: 341-349 WRB 5 pp 65-85
1p]2N P0r:L"R2M01948a Psychiatry in a time of crisis
s3t1wK_Q&S d0   Br.Jnl. Med.Psy. XXI: 81-89心理学空间i O:M$g8L/h:l@\,TW;|
1962 Psychoanalytic Study of Thinking, the
"n Z5[%`+J6THb"v0   IJP 43: 306-310
:c RYQaK%`0   (pub’d as A Theory of Thinking) WRB 5 pp 110-119
$Tcbv+e C01977a Quotation from Freud (on a)
-G%?;rq*q0   in Borderline Personality Disorders ed. P.Hartocollis. New York I.U.P. 1977 WRB 18 pp 306-311
6C)X.w h9d$nWa01978 Seminar held in Paris, July 10th 1978 (unpublished in English) published in French心理学空间vo*L Vq7_{T-L E
   Revue Psychotherapie Psychanalytique de Groupe 1986
/vh*Fe%|!mjOxB_!iJ01977c Seven Servants (with an introduction by W.R. Bion) containing Elements of Psycho-Analysis,
6^oy{w0   Learning from Experience, Transformations, Attention and Interpretation心理学空间1T%k,@*{6y~ghV"@x
   New York: Aronson
@?Rf$CJ!kY|N3N01966(c) Sexual Behavior and the Law ed. R.Slovenko. Springfield, Thomas 1964 (review)心理学空间;^j)lQ(HWxU
   IJP 47: 579-581
q!W;x8C UyP/X|9V$e01948d Untitled paper read at the Int. Cong. on Mental Health London 1948. pubd. in
@@`1Tvz"}0   Vol.III Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical心理学空间h;FT&q s`x
   Psychotherapy 106-109 London, H.K.Lewis & N.Y., Columbia U.P. 1948心理学空间k1Ib K+@OVvk
1940 War of Nerves, The in The Neuroses in War ed. Miller & Crichton-Miller (pp 180-200)
&j3r"Oa\r0   London, Macmillan 1940

«Bion:他的性格----节选自《比昂的临床思想》 比昂/拜昂 Wilfred Bion
《比昂/拜昂 Wilfred Bion》