萊斯利‧瑞斯克拉 Leslie Rescorla
萊斯利‧瑞斯克拉 Leslie Rescorla

賓夕法尼亞州布林莫爾學院(college Bryn Mawr)的心理學教授萊斯利‧瑞斯克拉(Leslie Rescorla)儿童心理学 (語言發展調查)LDS

64 罗特 | Julian B. Rotter
64 罗特 | Julian B. Rotter

Rotter locus of control scale
Leading personality theorist, received his PhD from Indiana University in 1941, first psychologist to use the term “social learning theory,” stated that our subjective expectations and values, which are internal cognitive states, determine the effects that different external experiences will have on us, devoted substantial research on our beliefs about the source of our reinforcers (internal vs. external locus of control), suggested that outcome expectancy and reinforcement value, behavior potential yield a psychological situation

68 路特 | Michael Rutter
68 路特 | Michael Rutter




84 罗森塔尔 | Robert Rosenthal
84 罗森塔尔 | Robert Rosenthal

Rosenthal effect
  Robert Rosenthal received both his B.A. and Ph.D. degree in psychology from UCLA, and taught at Harvard University for 37 years--first as a lecturer, later as chair of the Department of Psychology and Edgar Pierce Professor of Psychology. He has been a Distinguished Professor at UC Riverside since 1999. Dr. Rosenthal has lectured widely in the United States and around the world, and has received numerous awards and honors for his teaching and research. He was a Senior Fulbright scholar in 1972 and a Guggenheim fellow in 1973-74. In 1998 he was awarded several distinguished lectureships at the University of New Hampshire, at Dartmouth College, and at Yale University School of Medicine.
Dr. Rosenthal's research focuses on the role of the self-fulfilling prophecy in laboratory situations and in everyday life.
Robert Rosenthal's Experimenter Effects in Behavioral Research was published. By 1979, this book had been cited in over 740 other works and was featured as a "citation classic" in the journal Current Contents. Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson's book Pygmalion in the Classroom was published. The book reported the effects of teacher expectancies on teacher and student behavior. By 1980, this book had been cited in over 700 other publications and was chosen as a "citation classic" by the journal Current Contents

85 洛奇赤 | Milton Rokeach
85 洛奇赤 | Milton Rokeach

洛奇赤(Dec--27, 1918 —— Oct-25, 1988),
Rokeach’s studies in social psychology concentrated on the relationship between the rigid dogmatic personality style and attitudes, social ideology, prejudice, and problem solving. His findings resulted in his books The Open and Closed Mind (1960) and The Nature of Human Values (1973). He received the Lewin Award in 1984.

88 鲁姆哈特 | David Rumelhart
88 鲁姆哈特 | David Rumelhart

鲁姆哈特(June 12, 1942 – March 13, 2011) ,

Rumelhart–Lindsay–Norman process model
Received his PhD in mathematical psychology from Stanford University in 1967, contributions to the formal analysis of human cognition, frameworks of mathematical psychology, parallel distributed processing, and symbolic artificial intelligence, research in characterizing long term memory in terms of semantic networks, work in the development of neurally inspired computational architectures, work contributed to the emergence of cognitive science in the 1970’s, recently diagnosed with Pick’s disease, a progressive neurodegenerative illness.
Eponym: Rumelhart-Lindsay-Norman process model

赖希 Reich
赖希 Reich

威廉・赖希 [Wilhelm Reich 1897.03.24-1957.11.03],奥地利出生的美国心理学家,心理分析家。他出生于奥地利加里西亚(Galicia),因心脏病逝于美国宾夕法尼亚州刘易斯堡(Lewisburg)的监狱中。

霍华德·拉克林 Howard Rachlin
霍华德·拉克林 Howard Rachlin

Howard Rachlin 纽约州立大学石溪分校的心理学家,他最初的工作是鸽子的操作行为的定量分析,后来成为行为经济学的创始人之一。他目前的研究主要集中在时间推移的选择模式,以及这些模式如何影响自我控制(他曾与George Ainslie等合作)。他在行为经济学的兴趣包括:决策,囚徒困境,成瘾和赌博。他是行为定量分析学会最初的董事局成员之一。

兰斯·里普斯 Lance Rips
兰斯·里普斯 Lance Rips

Lance Rips 西北大学认知心理学家,研究领域:推理、概念(尤其是个别对象与事件在时间上变化时的概念)、记忆和数学(特别是新的数学系统的推理)以及自传记忆。

马克·罗森茨魏希 Mark Rosenzweig
马克·罗森茨魏希 Mark Rosenzweig

马克·罗森茨魏希 Mark R. Rosenzweig (1912.12.12~ 2009.07.20)

贾科莫·里佐拉蒂 Giacomo Rizzolatti
贾科莫·里佐拉蒂 Giacomo Rizzolatti


Karen D. Rudolph 卡伦·D·鲁道夫
Karen D. Rudolph 卡伦·D·鲁道夫

伊利諾大學心理學副教授Karen D. Rudolph http://www.psychology.illinois.edu/people/krudolph


维兰努亚·拉玛钱德朗(Vilayanur Ramachandran)V.S. RAMACHANDRAN, M.D., PH.D.,is Director of the Center for Brain and Cognition and professor with the Psychology Department and the Neurosciences Program at the University of California, San Diego, and Adjunct Professor of Biology at the Salk Institute. Ramachandran trained as a Physician and obtained an MD from Stanley Medical College and subsequently a PhD from Trinity College at the University of Cambridge, where he was elected a senior Rouse Ball Scholar. Ramachandran's early research was on visual perception but he is best known for his work in Neurology.

Richard M. Ryan瑞安
Richard M. Ryan瑞安


罗森汉恩 Rosenhan
罗森汉恩 Rosenhan

罗森汉恩(David Rosenhan)的假病人实验。

罗伯特·雷斯科拉 Robert Rescorla
罗伯特·雷斯科拉 Robert Rescorla

罗伯特·雷斯科拉 Robert Rescorla(1940.05.09 ~ 2020.05.24)

亨利·勒迪格 Henry Roediger
亨利·勒迪格 Henry Roediger

亨利·勒迪格三世(Henry L. Roediger III)

保罗·罗津  | Paul Rozin
保罗·罗津 | Paul Rozin

宾夕法尼亚的大学教授。研究兴趣: 心理病理学和心理治疗、 发展心理学、 进化心理学、 个体差异和行为遗传学、 积极心理学、 社会和文化心理学。 具体研究领域: 文化心理学,重点是理解食物在人类生活中的作用,积极心理学,“自然”的含义以及积极和消极记忆。

Julian Rappaport 莱帕波特
Julian Rappaport 莱帕波特

Julian Rappaport 莱帕波特,伊利诺斯心理学系,将赋权概念引入社会工作和社区精神病学领域。研究领域:社区心理学、社会政策、少年司法、学校咨询、少数民族儿童教育、社会变革背景下的个人身份认同、叙事理论、赋权理论、增权理论等。
他的名言是: Having rights but no resources and no services available is a cruel joke!有权利,但没有可用的资源和服务是一个残酷的玩笑。

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