作者: Tomasz Witkowski / 5181次阅读 时间: 2017年5月02日
来源: 陈明 译
New meta-analysis undermines the myth that negative emotions can cause cancer

Tomasz Witkowski


Q2xD(UIjUjt,I v0At least one in four readers of this post will die of cancer. This is a simple statistic that leads rationally thinking people to treat the possibility as very likely. And this is what many do: they try to adopt a lifestyle that minimises the risk to some degree. But how do we know what minimises and what increases this risk? Of course, by listening to experts, the best of whom are scientists who research these things. However, whenever there is disquiet brought about by uncertainty, self-titled experts come out of the woodwork. Discussion of factors increasing the risk of cancer is today not only the domain of medical doctors and psycho-oncologists, but is also engaged in by some alternative medicine proponents, pseudopsychologists, and fringe psychotherapists, whose opinions are disseminated by journalists, some more thorough than others (see myth #26 in 50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology for more background).

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Among these opinions is the common claim that negative thinking, pessimism, and stress create the conditions for the cells in our body to run amok, and for cancer to develop. Similar declarations accompany therapeutic propositions for changing our way of thinking into a more positive one that will protect us from cancer, or even cure us of the disease. Should you, therefore, begin to fear the possibility of cancer if you are not prone to optimism, or – even worse – have bouts of depression?

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In a paper published recently in Psycho-Oncology, four Korean scholars have attempted to provide answers to this question by way of meta-analysis. The first difficulty they encountered was the heterogeneity of the assessment of depression in the published literature. To clarify the mixed findings, they limited data to articles that used a reliable method of defining depression based on criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and/or the International Classification of Disease (ICD). Only nine studies fulfilled their criteria.心理学空间"ZKOO0T,}

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What are the results? Although some low-quality studies found that patients with depressive disorder were at increased risk for cancer, overall the meta-analysis did not demonstrate that patients with clinically diagnosed depressive disorder had an increased risk of developing cancer relative to the general population.心理学空间 \5]O gYdIk? C4@




So should readers with depressive tendencies breathe a sigh of relief? In the researchers’ cautious opinion, it is possible that some epidemiological biases affecting the diagnosis of depressive disorder or cancer could have affected their findings, thus concealing a depression-cancer link. Another limitation of their study was the narrow research database: most existing findings were obtained from Western societies and cannot be generalized to other cultures. Additionally, cancer detection depends on screening programmes and the application of new technologies, which vary across countries. Antidepressant medication is also a potential confounder for the relationship between depression and cancer. Furthermore, in the researchers’ opinion too much difference between studies causes a potential problem when interpreting the combined results. Finally, they think that possible publication bias may have affected their review, with negative results (a lack of an association between depression and cancer) less likely to see the light of day.

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/?1I[4Q p&aj-[0Scientists write articles which are most often read by other scientists. The careful wording of conclusions is, in this context, essential. However, when cautious words of authors aware of the limitations facing their work are confronted with the arrogant declarations of healers and falsehoods spread via the Internet and other media, there is reason to fear that the former will be drowned out. The meta-analysis of the Korean scholars delivers data that are in agreement with a robust body of research. Many studies have shown that such factors as positive vs. negative attitudes, mood, emotions and stress have nothing to do with cancer (for example, see here and here and here). Moreover, some of these studies demonstrated that the relationship could even be the reverse of what is expected: depressed people and those who experienced more stress were less likely to get cancer than those who were positive and did not suffer from stress.心理学空间"StL$u-j4K-kA t\


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The conviction that positive thinking and emotions prevent the development of cancer, or can even cure it, is consistent with our need for control. We prefer to live with the conviction that we have control over something rather than it being out of our hands. Unfortunately, as a matter of fact, we are powerless to influence the overwhelming majority of cancer-inducing factors, and there are still others which simply remain unknown.

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g Y4gZv_(P0确信积极的思考和情绪阻止癌症的发展,甚至可以治愈癌症,与我们对控制的需要是一致的。我们宁愿生活在这样一种信念中,那就是我们能够控制某件事,而不是失去控制。不幸的是,事实上,我们无力影响绝大多数的癌症诱发因素,而且,还有一些诱发因素仍然是未知的。




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